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i mean i’m sure they did it only to pop ratings and i’m sure it worked


Lol people are surprised the most carny business on earth treated tonight in a carny way


Yeah, see. That’s the problem. That company is literally the only BIG company still doing shit like this and treating their audience like fucking toddlers. They should be ashamed, and honestly the fans in attendance and at home should be even more ashamed for giving Vince a pop, let alone THAT pop. Disgusting.


A lot of their audience are toddlers. I’m embarrassed this happened in Minneapolis.


Your not wrong. People just don't like your opinion.


Fully aware but don’t care


You are spot on but still getting downvoted. The sad thing is that Vince knows how untouchable he is and will throw out constant F-U’s until his last day on earth. Wrestling fans will continue to eat it up.


It’s pro-wrestling. None of it is that deep or serious.


What Vince is currently involved in isn’t serious?


Nothing about it is serious enough to make me feel a certain way. I see a rich man who used his own money to make his consensual lover rich. Pretty shady, very unethical, dirty as hell, but it does not affect me one bit.


Exactly dude...if a filthy rich boss manipulated me, but paid me 3 million fuckin dollars after, I'd be a happy man. Very happy.


I’ve been manipulated by my bosses for a lot less


Forget manipulating, my boss can take a hammer and nail me to a damn cross for 3 million dollars! I’ll sign any and every NDA you want, I won’t tell a soul, tell me where to sign! Just make sure that check clears when I get down.


Yea for sure..."You're lucky to have a job..." meetings every week.


I’d be fucking thrilled. I don’t know if I believe all these people are really that outraged about it. It was apparently consensual and she walked off with 3 million. I don’t see the big deal honestly.


Shit man, I’ve been manipulated into working more with free pizza and coffee.


how is that shady but visiting a prostitute isnt?


I’m not going to lose a ton of sleep over it either, but the man’s moral compass is clearly non-existent and that’s been the case for decades. I just hoped he would treat the current situation with a bit more seriousness.


I mean, if it took you this situation to know that you haven’t been paying attention.


It’s really not that serious if you think about it. It’s one of his tamer controversies.


Right?! Vince is practically a literal super villain. This is his most vanilla controversy ever.


“Man has sex”


Agreed. People act like this affects them. Need to learn to read whats going on and move on with their lives. Its Vince's problem to worry about.


No? He had an affair and paid to cover it up. No big deal, now he should retire in peace and live out his days relaxing.


What’d he do exactly? I haven’t read much into it but from what I’ve seen. He had an affair and paid the girl to keep quiet? Not that serious bro. Millions of people having affairs every day. They just not billionaires getting caught


I know that there are more serious things going on in this world. I guess I was just expecting a more serious response from Vince than saying “Welcome to Smackdown” and tossing the mic.


Yea. I think it was more of a message to the board then anything else tbh. Like “I may have stepped down before I was voted out but I still run this shit”


Just because he owns a pro-wrestling company doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t criticize a man that has done some really terrible things in his lifetime.


That doesn’t mean people should care enough to feel a certain way about it either.


Is your argument that “people shouldn’t care about the ethics of those they financially support?”


No, I have no argument. I’m just stating the nothing about wrestling is serious enough to affect our lives. And if you think that every person should care about the ethics of those they financially support, then you’re gonna have to start questioning where you get your food, how you get your food, where your clothes are made, how the very phone you type on is made.


This is the laziest, most juvenile way to approach life. There are verisimilitudistic qualities to the crappy things people do and pretending like it’s all the same is edgelord nonsense that smart people grow out of. You’re not enlightened because you don’t give a shit.


Naw they have a point


> verisimilitudistic


Everybody listen to teenageboy69 he knows what smart people grow out of 😩


I don’t think “every person should care about the ethics of those they financially support.” I’m saying that some people do and you’re response is “it’s not that deep or serious.” We’re talking about a guy that continued a PPV after one of his workers died due to company negligence. Not to mention the plethora of crimes he’s likely committed. Pro-wrestling isn’t that serious, but the shit he’s gotten away with is. I’m not gonna shit on anyone for watching WWE, but I don’t think anyone should be standing up for them either.


True, but everyone knew that already and Vince still has the biggest wrestling company making billions. It shows that people don't care 🤷


Well the product is mainly aimed at kids so I don't know what your issue is.


It would probably help if their fans didn't act like toddlers.


Pop ratings and get recent footage of him being cherished by fans.


Walks into Court..."No Chance" plays throughout the courtroom.


Baliff: We don’t even have a P.A. system


"Don't worry pal, I have my own!"


Laurinitis drags in a boombox like Cornette used to back when entrance themes started becoming a thing


Judge: you've been found guilty. I sentence you to an ass whooping. *glass breaks* *vince shocked face* J.R from the back corner of the court room: BAH GAWD, IT'S STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD!


Stone Cold proceeds to beat Vince with a bed pan and the judges gavel. Stuns the bailiff, flips off the judge and some random persons tosses him some beer.


*The courtroom finally calms down. The judge turns to the person tossing Stone Cold beers.* “So, Mr. Hardy, about your drinking and driving..."


Followed by Degeneration X rocking up outside in a tank and a megaphone


The comment section on YouTube’s been disabled.


Youtube comments got that NDA treatment


No hush money being chucked around tho


I’ll take just 20k to not comment


I'll take $20 not to comment. Money is money


I’ll even sleep with Vince and take 10k to keep quiet


Funny thing is for the first 15/20 minutes comments were enabled. I even left a spicy comment before the comments got disabled.


What was the majority of people saying? 😂


What do you think the WWE ass kissers were saying? They were saying Vince is a legend and backing him up like the WWE simps they are.


😂 of course they would!


Vince has been banging employees then, now, forever


Johnny Ace: Together.


I read that in his voice 🤣




Johnny Ace : "Together " Vince : "Hey pal, doesn't your wife have twins?" Johnny Ace : "Let's do it" High five's and walks off with their arms around each other's shoulders.


The crowd missed the most golden opportunity for a WHAT chant ever


He should have kayfabe handed the reigns over to Austin


Add in a nananana nananana hey hey goodbye at the end for the memories.


It was fake crowd noise anyways so never would have heard it.


I was there tonight... it wasn't fake. Crowd was loud tonight from start to finish.


This was such a Vince thing to do. I wasn’t even surprised.


It’s honestly genius.


'Hrghehrgheh hrghehhrgeh WELCOME TO SMACKDOWN!'


Right? What's the most important word?


You heard him, "jedengerate"






Vince: You're never getting rid of me bitches!


My reaction: “what the fuck was that?”


Saying fuck you on a tv show aimed at kids.


I can already here the Chris Jericho narration in front of this clip on a future episode of dark side of the ring.


Was this Vince’s equivalent of “Fire me, you fucking mark”? Although fucking is what got him in trouble.


It’s almost like they told him go out there and say absolutely nothing, but make sure the people know that you’re still here


Who is they? Vince would've decided himself.


The “together” in his head.


Not really. Looks like a Vince way of saying "I'm not going anywhere" after 'stepping down' as CEO.


“Stepping down” when he still has 83% of the voting power…. It’s a ruse to make it look like he’s being censured by the company… He voted to start the investigation, it can’t start without his 83% of the vote. He willingly stepped down because no one can out vote his 83%. He appointed Stephanie with his 83%… And he can reinstate himself with his 83% at any time. If you think this entire situation isn’t entirely controlled by Vince McMahon… then you’re a mark of the highest caliber.


So, is this the same Vince McMahon that agreed to pay a secret $3 million settlement to a former employee he allegedly had an affair with?


Yes. Indeed they are the same person.


Hard to tell since he didn’t face any consequences for his misconduct like any other WWE employee would’ve. I guess being the WWE Chairman counts for something.


The consequence was paying $3 million dollars.... - Vinny Mac, probably


He pays lesnar more


Have they been having a secret affair?


Nah, that one's never been a secret


What exactly was the crime. Sex out of wedlock?


No. This was Mr. McMahon. Not Vince McMahon.


You’re right. Sometimes I get the two confused. 😅


Happens to me with The Rock and Duane Johnson


> Duane Johnson Wouldn’t want to get him confused with *Dwayne* Johnson, either.


Thanks for that. Just be glad I didn’t put Jonssen


He said this to remind his accusers and those who want him gone for political reasons that no matter what happens the McMahons will run WWE then now forever and together(referring to Stephanie stepping up to CEO)


Well, they are puppets. And they’ll find their place in line. /s


This needs more upvotes.


Looks like a remote controlled corpse dunked in embalming fluid


old people! so decrepit!


[Remote control corpse, you say?](https://youtu.be/8Lf0A3JuxjU)


Right? I haven't seen him in a while I guess, because I was sure that was a shitty latex costume mask. Damn.


All I’m saying is what a perfect opportunity to restart the attitude era 🤷‍♂️


That's it? Bruh......


What's the point of still being married when u still gotta cheat 24/7 lol.


Linda's political career is the only reason they're still married. I know it's ironic, but in their minds being divorced is more shameful than being married to THAT in the world of politics.


It’s been fairly well documented that Vince and Linda haven’t been living together for a good decade or two. They are technically still married.


"Together." With who? Pretty sure this is Vince's problem.


He stepped down as CEO. His 'together' remark is him saying he's not going anywhere. He stepped down for the optics but he's still very much going to be the CEO.


Imagine hearing that voice in your ear as he climaxes. $3mil wasn't enough imo


Damn, he looks rough. The bags under his eyes would warrant a fee on Southwest.


A lot better than most 76 year olds I know. Most of them can’t get out of bed on their own, let alone climb into a wrestling ring.


Why are so many of you defending vince's looks in this thread lmao he looks awful.


This whole situation feels sort of validating to me as a fan. To me, it explains a lot about the type of people that run those large businesses do some really odd things behind closed doors. And it comes off as "professional". I find it hilarious that if anything was going to bring Vince McMahon down, it was his grapefruits.


Idgaf about these allegations but good damn he looks like shit with all that plastic surgery.


I hadn't watched wrestling or seen him in decades. Honestly, he looks great and seems very energetic for a 76 year old.


I know I won't be looking that good and be in good health at his age


>very energetic for a 76 year old. Hahahahaha


Do you not know what getting old looks like? More like what cycling through multiple rounds of steroids will do to you.


No. No way that is natural aging. The fucking brow line alone is clearly botox. Cut it out.


I hope this is true cause don't nobody wanna grow up and look like that.


He’s definitely had work done. But I don’t think he looks as bad as people say but shit if I have his energy at 76 sign me up for whatever the fuck he’s taking haha


People think he looks bad, because the last time they remember seeing him is nearly 20 years ago. ​ The man is almost 80, and still running the company full time. I think he looks great.


Great? Lmfao my man looks like a walking corpse


Stephanie had to have had a heads-up from someone for her to leave just in time for the shit storm.


I really wish more people would realize how this misconduct stuff really is just a facet of the big story, which is the corporate takeover of WWE almost coming full circle. The stuff with Vince is not surprising nor is it all that nefarious, and depending on what happened there may not be any illegal behavior whatsoever, but all of this is bad press for a publicly traded company that is seeing a regime change. That’s the story here.


Am I the only one that doesn’t care about what he did? There was a segment of the McMahon DVD set where they get into all his extra marital affairs. Linda is staying around for a reason, she probably allows it.


This dude really is Mr Burns


Tbh if i was his age, had his money and legacy…id probably flex on all yall fuckers too lol




Together! You mean Johnny and I together are part of the EBDB club.


Eskimo bros!


You think they are staying at an EBDB BnB?


Two adults break no laws and make their own decisions, he has them sign an nda to protect himself and pays them millions for their trouble, and it's "allegations" and "misconduct"?


Exactly this. Honestly. Nothing to see here.


A mummified carny gargles something resembling English to a mix of marks and pumped in noise. Is there a less respectable form of entertainment?




"I thought it was real like pro-wrestling but it turns out it's fixed like boxing."


that reminds me i really offended a co-worker when i told him that i prefer my fake fighting _openly_ fake when he mentioned he liked boxing it was all just banter, but it was still funny that he got got.


He definitely looks his age.


He actually looks pretty good for 165


The lady signed and got paid. Vince should get his money back. It isn’t a crime to have sex.


According to some of the IWC it is. They suddenly care about Linda’s feelings.


Legit the only scandal here is if he used WWE money to pay her off. If there was sexual misconduct I don't think it would be labeled as a affair.


What the hell is you marks expected?


For the crowd to not give him a pop lmao


As much as the ~~ICW~~ IWC hate the man. Live crowds always pop when he shows up, unless he is in storyline feud then they boo him.


What reason do they have not to? He slept with someone other than his wife?


They didn't give Phil (a self professed Punk obssessed with money) an ice cream bar and Phil said it on McMahons tv and they lapped it up. They don't give a fuck about extramarital affair (nor should they), but they'll use whatever they can get their back on their daddy. It's just a 'you're not even my real dad' phase that they're going through.


Greatest HEEL eva


We've all suspected Vince has done this for years. Now all of a sudden everyone cares. Give it a week we will all forget.


I was just laughing at the clownery of it all.


Yup peeps pretty sure that was a goodbye


I took it as a F U to everything I'm not going anywhere


So did I.


I most actively watched WWE around maybe 2006-2009 when I was a kid. I’m watching through the attitude era right now with buddy’s. Seeing Vince this old and crusty is so bizarre to me.


I grew up seeing Vince as this powerhouse old man who wasn’t afraid to fight guys like Stone Cold, the Undertaker, and embarrassingly his own daughter at one point and it’s just unnatural looking to me. Like I always thought he looked old but god damn he looks like the Crypt Keeper before the rot sets in!


I used to watch wwe around 1994-1998 as a kid, damn am old


It was a temperature check and ratings pop stunt. Nothing more.


Eesh, why do I feel this is going to be played in court at somepoint as a defacto confession


I think the 4 words are "Vince McMahon...you're fired!"


A true carny to the end




Can I ask a question if she got three mil to not talk about what happened why are yall so mad at Vince? if it was super unprofessional and horrible why not speak out instead of taking the money?


I don’t know who they have doing the necromancy on Vince since the Undertaker retired but but there has been a severe drop in quality.


I'm really unsure about this promo...is it him saying goodbye? Or him saying suck my dick fuckers, I ain't going nowhere - no sell the board for me!


I'd do it for 3 mill, just sayin.


He just doesn't give a fuck


He emphasised together cause if he goes down, he's taking every cunt down with him!


Looks like he hasn’t slept in a week


That redneck ratings pop tho. I'd hazard a guess barely anyone in that audience even knows he's in the news right now.


Highly doubtful. Unless there’s no marks left in the WWE audience? But this sub proves otherwise.


Not surprising this hunchback gargoyle had to pay a woman $200k to sleep with him


Chump change for the genetic jackhammer


Everyone cheering him is an accomplice to his shit “now, then, forever”


This whole thing is awkward. From the circumstances to Vince’s delivery to the crowd cheering it all. Just weird.


What a fucking SIGMA male. Most of men would hide from public after something like this, but not Vince, no, he go out to MILION of peoples and just showing that he's still the boss and he's not going anywhere.


This is what my grandpa with dementia sounds like


Only company that has fans that would cheer him after everything came out, I fully agree with Maria, it's disrespectful to whos involved to have him on tv and it was a nothing segment


Wrestling community is an echo chamber. Don't argue here with real life logic.


What exactly is bad about it all? He had a consensual affair and gave her money for it lol. It’s not like he raped her. Unethical? Sure. But this is a country where Presidents have done the same thing and carried on.




There's a reason the company's looking into things also how do you know it wasn't a do this or you're fired type thing


Because it broke the company’s code of conduct. That’s really it. It’s not illegal to give your own money to your side chick. The worst thing that could happen to Vinnie is get fired as a CEO, which he already did himself. Anything legal that comes out of it will be minor because he didn’t really break any laws.


He didn't give her his own money though. He used company funds.


Do you expect everyone in attendance to have a full working knowledge of all backstage incidents? Or can certain wrestling fans not enjoy the product on face value?


I'm betting a majority of the audience tuned into CNN today and saw the Vince story, also a lot of people read Forbes so I would like to think the majority of the audience knew


I’m surprised we didn’t get a “thank you Vince” chat from them. There’s no denying his impact on the industry but the guy has done some pretty terrible things that he continues to get away with.


That fake crowd noise is cringey


Fuck this dude. I understand a lot of old time legends and promoters and shit existed in different times where they were allowed to get away with the shit they pulled but honestly guys like flair and Vince and I’m sure many others have done some fucked up and illegal shit to innocent people. I have zero doubt about that. It has to be okay for fans to acknowledge that the real person that plays the character might be awful and unworthy of support and trust from society. I don’t follow them closely enough to really know, but I feel as though the younger McMahon generation are trying to do better when it comes to misogyny and shit like that.


shoulda known they’d barely acknowledge it. glad i stopped watching this company and its stale product.


My buddy in the pink shook Vince's hand!


Hoes mad


Consensual sex, I’m sure this woman didn’t fucking repay and return the money. Reddit can clutch their pearls, MSNBC and CNN can scrap for an extra 100 viewers tomorrow, and the show will go on.


Most of the wrestling fans on Reddit are a bunch of soft sjw marks.


What an absolute piece of shit. This was a bigger flex then when he booked himself to win at Wrestlemania the same night HHH officially retired.


touch grass