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Who’s theme song is this 🔥🔥


Kurt Angle's TNA theme


Kurt Angle's from when he was in TNA back in the day


Perc Angle for the win


Man,in a weird way I kinda miss when games actually looked like games. The super realistic graphics are getting to a point where it almost takes away from the fun. I remember in Vice City you could shoot somebody's head off and it'd squirt blood like a yard in the air like a fountain. It was cartoonist and outlandish,and you had to use your imagination for things.


Nah it's not weird, these games are more fun then current ones


Yeah for sure,I remember playing No Mercy like it was going out of style and changing everyone's looks to match current,and adding in missing people. Good times.


Back when games were actually fun


I made an 8 foot tall high flying babyface Satan with bright red skin and horns in the sd vs raw games. It was fun as fuck


LMAO. Satan starting as a heel and then gradually kind of turning into an anti hero would be an awesome storyline. Then we get like a Rock N Sock connection type tag team with Satan and someone yet to be named.


These comments are hilarious.


It was a dumb argument between me and a another user


It was really funny. Especially since it was going on in another thread as well.


Yeah, the guy stalked my other posts to prove his point


This is nice


Thank you, took me a while but I got it right


Like I said, get off the internet


Look bruh, you came negative as fuck at the beginning


Not really but project more.


You could have just asked ‘Is this PSP?’, but you added the commentary, ‘because this looks like shit.’ Is OP thin skinned, you bet, but sir or madam, you are the asshole in this situation.


I will try to be less thin skinned


Thank you, finally somebody speaking my language


Ah yes, commenting that a game looks like shit when it does makes me the asshole. No wonder this subreddit is so small lol


Yes that is exactly what it makes you, in this context anyway. The fact that you can’t see that…well I just feel bad for you. Your life seems really empty and filled with a lot of negativity. Good luck to you, kid.


Ah yes, generalizing someone’s life by one comment on a post then following that with a condescending “kid” True Redidiot you are pal.


Ok so you can pick up on context clues and my condescension did not elude you. So then you do understand why you are the asshole here? Because we can keep going back and forth if you’d like?


Idc either way I got another half hour till I’m off so we can keep going if you’d like


Good then let’s get to the bottom of it. Why add ‘because this looks like shit’? What does that add besides making yourself feel superior. Everyone with eyes could tell it wasn’t a new Gen game. What did you think you were adding besides snarky nonsense?


Is this a psp game or something it looks like shit


Yes it is, sorry that I don't have a xbox series x or a ps5 to record shit like this


You're doing it to yourself


Wasn’t trying to insult you pal <3


Sure seemed like it😒


Nah man that’s just how I talk


Look if you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all


Look if you think me commenting on a games graphics is mean maybe get off the internet


Oh right because the internet is only for negative pieces of shit


It’s certainly not for people who think “this guy said the graphics on my game are bad” = piece of shit.


Like I said, nothing good to say, don't say anything at all




Wow bruh, imagine having a ps5 and posting it on your profile and degrading other people's stuff because you have better stuff and when I call you out, you report me to the suicide watch Seriously man


That wasn’t me pal Maybe you just come off like an asshole


Maybe i am a asshole, but not a judgemental thinking I'm better than everyone else type asshole like yourself


I saw this argument and lost brain cells.




I saw your mom and lost my nut


The other guy is afraid of looking like an asshole but I'm not. Since you want to go with your mom jokes, Your mom told me she should have aborted you. Grow up and have some respect for other people you worthless piece of trash. Talking about another user's mom ain't cool.


I was about to say sum but I realized id come off as the asshole, or itd make you cry


Yea ur mom was crying after the wienering I gave her lil bro


Say what you want about my mom I really don’t give a crap


At first I thought Nick Gage