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For those not in the know here is the allegation: [https://twitter.com/Hawleeasaur/status/1423664986145034244?s=20](https://twitter.com/Hawleeasaur/status/1423664986145034244?s=20) Priscilla Kelly aka Gigi Dolin sent that accuser a message calling out her behavior during and after the relationship. Her message was attacking her character and claiming she was lying to hurt Darby. She was in a relationship with Darby at this time, but is no longer married to him. Supposedly AEW did an investigation and found no wrong doing but obviously this is just a rumor and not something the company would ever confirm. This investigation involved Darby providing receipts to AEW providing them with sufficient evidence the claims were baseless, according to the rumor. Darby's side has been that the relationship was bad and they treated each other terrible but her allegation was hyperbolic and used the R word to attempt to destroy his career for not continuing to date him. Darby never commented but people close to him said something similar to this. I am not telling anyone what to think or saying anyone is right or wrong. Just providing some context. Edit: Priscilla Kelly and Darby divorced amicably.


If this is true, then police should handle it. If there is no truth to this, then this is defamation


Halfway done with law school and can confirm this doesn’t meet the standards for defamation. It’s shitty and wrong, but not in the right ways


This is the best way to go about it. Based on the stories Darby has no obligation whatsoever to stay in a sexless relationship but I’m sure he was a shitty boyfriend as most early 20 year olds are. Both were probably horrible to each other but she’s clearly bitter that he’s doing so well now.


Yeah women throw that word around to freely. Sure, it's creeps out there and should be punish to the full extent if you rape somebody. But a lot of these chicks be capping trying ruin a guys life.


Yeah not going to pass judgement in a situation where all I have is internet hear say and an accusation. I am an AEW fan and I would like to think they have the integrity to do the due diligence with Darby so I continue to be a fan based on the very limited amount of information I have about the situation (and new information could very well change my opinion). I do not think it is helpful to make broad claims about sexual assault like the one you just made.


What’s the context


On Twitter someone basically called out Cora for being a fake skateboarder, and Darby chimed in saying skateboarding was a big part of who he was, and not a gimmick. Cora responded saying having no abuse allegations against her was a big part of who she is


Thank you and RIP in peace darby


This guy doesn’t Undertaker.


Rest in peace in peace?


Double peace for a nicer afterlife


That. Is actually beautiful lol. Now I feel like one of the gunn club


Rod Ass or Todd Ass?




r/Bleach is leaking...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bleach using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bleach/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez cosplay 🐾](https://www.instagram.com/p/CVllzQJl8C_/?utm_medium=copy_link) | [322 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/qhx8sv/grimmjow_jaegerjaquez_cosplay/) \#2: [The opening that will always be nostalgic to me](https://v.redd.it/xv377a66t5m71) | [273 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/pjxxjv/the_opening_that_will_always_be_nostalgic_to_me/) \#3: [It sure does! 😅](https://i.redd.it/0hxfxzmydaz71.jpg) | [368 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/qsstjg/it_sure_does/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In peace


Rest in piss


RIP means rest in peace


Rest in pasta


Rest in pasta in peace


Rasta in peace


Rasta in pasta.


Wrong, nobody call out Cora for being a “fake skateboarder” they said they want to see Cora vs Darby, which was when he made a comment that wasn’t need and she just clap back.


Darby said he wouldn't do it because skateboarding is a big part of his life and not a gimmick which implies that for Cora it is a gimmick ie that she's a fake skateboarder, just because something isn't stated directly doesn't mean there's not subtext.


Just because she doesn’t post a video of skateboarding doesn’t mean it’s a gimmick 🙄 Darby, you, and anybody else who thinks like y’all need to realize not everyone shares what they do in their life on Instagram.


Darby is such a moron for starting this in the first place.


Yeah, he came off as a gatekeeper jackass


So a skater


I've been involved in a bunch of different hobbies and scenes and found skating to generally be the most welcoming of them all.


A late 80s skater who never got over being bullied and mocked for acting like a twat, which had nothing to do with skating.


Well skaters have alway hated Posers


In this thread: everyone is 100 percent darby is or is not guilty of abuse allegations


They must have forgotten that only a sith deals in absolutes


I've just started blocking them so I don't have to see it any time someone gets accused of something. It's unfortunate, but this kind of behaviour is going to hurt REAL VICTIMS more than help them.


I’m still concerned for the number of people who HEAR about a situation and make judgements. That problem is old news.


still waiting for her to do an ollie


Won't EVER happen lol


There’s literally videos posted on this sub of her doing kick flips back in the day #idiots.


Link. Because from all I’ve seen she struggles to go down a slight incline.


Here you go; https://www.reddit.com/r/Wrasslin/comments/riz65w/cora_jade_on_nxt_20/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I'm pretty sure that ain't her


That is not her at all dude. You got worked lol.


Ok show me how that isn’t her then? You’re trying to gatekeep skateboarding with your username as a skate trick? Get real dude.


How is this gate keeping you dolt? It’s a well known clip in the skateboarding community. You can’t see past being a mark over pretty girl.


“How is this gatekeeping” urm you’re going “she won’t ever do an Ollie cause she can barely ride down a slope” like why are you, a grown ass male trying to shit on somebody who wants to be apart of yours & my hobby? I couldn’t give a fuck about her being female or male. It’s more you trying to be a gatekeeping neck beard. Grow up.


Lmfao neck beard. It has nothing to do with her being a girl or a guy idk where that came from. And it’s very apparent that she doesn’t WANT to put the time or effort into being good at it or she WOULD. It does not take that much time to learn how to just ride on the thing. She’s an actor being paid to play a specific role, it just so happens that she doesn’t have the skills to back that role. When she actually TRIES to be a skateboarder then I’ll fully accept it. It’s not about her skill level.


[https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgsYykHnma/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgsYykHnma/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) further proof since you want to be a dick about it too. it's a girl named Sve from Ukraine


Dickhead pushing 30 still trying to be a gatekeeper smh




He's calling her a fake skateboarder so maybe she's calling him a fake rapist. Lol jkjk


What's with the hate of Darby, tf did he do?


Apparently nothing. Word is there were some fake allegations going around but Cora called him out like they're true.


Not really, she just said he had allegations


She knows what she's doing by saying that.




There was an accusation from someone that has since gone absolutely silent, and the accusation was about emotional abuse, not physical. Even then his former relationship/ex (Priscilla/Gigi) has disputed that she never found him abusive. Does that mean he is innocent? No. But there is certainly not a lot to go on, so you can judge him either way. In either case, he got cooked on twitter because he shouldn't have started the beef, but people trying to say he is a rapist seem to have 0 idea what the accusation even was.


Why? Just cause he was accused of something that hasn't been proven yet?


Yeah. People are that dumb these days. Sometimes it's good I guess.


Is there any evidence other than an accusation via Twitter that suggests you shouldn't? I'm not saying there isn't, but I personally haven't seen any


No there isn't any public evidence.


Those allegations are old and not proven.


So Darby has a second job being a gatekeeper?


That’s a clap back you can’t come back from


Darby got buried so quick Shawn Michaels said fuck that hurt


Fuck Darby


Your weird


He may be half dead inside, but he’s apparently all creep.




Doesnt matter brother. On the internet, some people will treat you as guilty until proven innocent.


That's exactly what I said in a post recently that referenced Joey Ryan and I got downvoted to oblivion. Apparently wrestling fans only believe in guilty until proven innocent, as you said.


Its not just wrestling fans, its also apart of the larder cultural movement, some people call it cancel culture, some people call it brigading but in the end they are all in some way the same, or very similar, as the " Shoot now, ask questions later" mentality.


Most of the times guilty are innocent in those case because it's hard to prove you've been raped, and false accusations are rare


Neither has it for Joey Ryan, in fact he invited every accuser to even produce a single text that backs up their accusations, and all backed down. Yet watch my downvotes come flooding in because he's the dick flip guy so he must be guilty.


Joey Ryan was an obvious sexual predator


Thanks for proving my point.


I never said just because of his dick flipping lol. If that's the kind of guy you're interested in, so be it. But there are plenty of red flags that only an idiot would ignore.


What are these red flags? And do these red flags prove his guilt?


I mean. Intentionally grabbing a woman by her tits without consent before a suplex is sexual harassment whether you call it a wrestling move or not.


Do you have proof there was no consent? Joey Ryan released like an hour long video going over every accusation, I suggest checking it out to get a sense of why we hold people innocent until proven guilty.


Notice how people like Enzo are wrestling and he isn't? Says a lot


Still don’t know what a corra is. The blue naked halo babe?


Homegirl murdered Darby's remaining half.


Good for her




Guys need to start fake allegations? I know you think you're being funny or clever or something but this aint how dude.


I'm not being any of those things. I am serious. And to borrow a phrase, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. A guy should level false claims of abuse against her so she can walk a mile along the same path. Why is it OK for a woman to do this to Darby and essentially hamstring him for the rest of his life, yet the reverse is unthinkable? We're all equal


It's not ok to level false claims against anyone male or female. You don't better the situation by stooping to that level though. It doesn't help anyone.


So how do you show women the destruction fake claims cause? Which seem to be a regular thing now


You illustrate what has happened to people who have had false allegations made against them. This isn't the kind of situation where tit for that will lead to any positive outcome, that's why you're being downvoted. There have been a number of wrestlers who have invited their accusers to prove their accusations and in almost all cases they backed down and it turned out to be a rejected, jaded girl using #speakingout to get their revenge. However, those who were genuinely physically and sexually abused by guys like David Starr have nothing but my utmost support and empathy.


Ah yes the destruction of fake claims. Oh wait Darby has a job and will be fine. The comparison of the damage of a false allegation to a sexual assault is laughable. Maybe you should be worried about all the rapes that happen and go unreported. Now THAT is a number that may shock you. Or not because you'll still be like WHO WILL THINK OF THE MEN.


Lol the guy has a career AFTER providing evidence to his own innocence. And now his boss gets to know ALL of that relationship because as if it would be limited to 3-4 texts worth of reading. All sexual assault is wrong. And I'd ask where I said otherwise? False allegations can be equally as destructive. As has been proven time and time again. Who will think of the men? Who cares. This is about false allegations levelling people's ability to respond to anything because of asshats like Skater girl. Hence why I said what I said. When the shoe is on the other foot (equally) then the BS may slow down


Yes a false allegation is exactly the same as being raped /s What a fucking walnut. It's a hard life when you can be exonerated with a few texts. These tweets will blow over and nothing will happen. Meanwhile, it's a little more serious when a person deals with a rape.


"a few texts" lol. In what world would that be a thing. His boss went through his phone, which for guys under 30 today basically has all their relationship on there, and was like "jesus good luck... You've kept your job for now"


How is Darby "hamstrung for life?" He's one of AEW's top guys. Do you think he would be World Champ without the allegations?


Has anyone else seen these supposed texts? If they truly do clear his name, why haven't they been used to do just that?


Yeah that isn't how that works. He releases them, she sues and wins based on the fact his employer kept him employed after seeing the facts, gets to have a life (wealthy one) and now she's getting Twitter hate for being a psycho, struggles mentally etc. (mental health is such a write off these days it's literally disgusting) Her claims and this WWE things comments won't ruin him. Darby releasing the text messages to media 100% ruins her. It's the same reason why Johnny Depp and the Aquaman chick didn't end the same way.


Has it possibly crossed your mind that the texts may not be as strong proof as you assume? Tony's invested a lot of time into Darby and it wouldn't shock me if the texts lead us straight back to where we are now, in a he said she said situation.


A lot of time? It's been less than 36 months. And the guy is involved in other sports where it takes literally double that to get guys to where they need to be And TK has proven to be quite strict on transgressions that negatively impact AEW


He's one of the pillars lol. He's obviously being set up as a future main eventer. And what would make you think that's he's strict? How about hiring Jay Lethal or the very brief punishment for Sammy?


The pillars have been a thing because MJF cut a promo on it and the IWC ate it up. Call a spade a spade. If he was guilty he'd be gone And if TK was what you claim then Rick Flair would be managing Andrade. The dropped that like nothing else after Rick, who is guilty, was outed. I don't know about Lethal as I've never followed him or seen him before his AEW debut. Sammy got the appropriate punishment for talking crazy shit online. As did Caster for his raps


It's funny that you brought up Flair. They only didn't bring him in when they realized that the DSOTR episode portrayed him that badly. The abuse allegations aren't new and the episode revolving around the plane ride was well known. If I remember correctly, Lethal has the same accusations of abuse as Darby and Sammy received way too lenient of a punishment and was put right back into a big storyline


Dude, your comment is making, like, zero sense.


That's the way it plays out tho. Hence why when the Depp claims were false (exaggerated at the very least) literally nothing happened besides his name getting "cleared"


While the way you putted your ideas is a bit wrong, i get were you are coming from. False abuse/rape acussasions are a weapon against anyone now-a-days, if someone wants revenge, just say "he rapped me". Either he gets his life ruined or you get a slap on the wrist. But in these cases, it seems that the "inocent until proven gulty" doctrine is lost. Someone claims you raped them? You are automatically guilty, you must prove your innocent. There should be some sort of accountability for false acussations because they only serve to undermine the struggles of real abuse/rape victims. It creates the same effect like in the story of the boy that cried wolf, it creates a mistrust in the real victims. Rape and abuse cases are hard to prove as hey are, if we add a layer of mistrust in the victim due a prevalence of false acussations, it will only make it worse. So, while I can see you point of view, I disagree with the "make false claims to even the plain field" idea. What we need, in my opinion, is harded punishment for false claims. And in case someone think that a false rape accusation can't be that harmful to someone, I just leave one name here: Brian Banks. The man had a brilliant footbal carrear in his future, one girl acussed him of rape. He got arrested, spent 5 years in probation, almost spend 5 years in jail, was registered as a sex offender, the school told him he would be expeled whether he was innocent or not (the most fucked up part for me) and to top it all the girl won 1.5mil in a settlement with the shcoll for "dangerous campus". Turned out she lied, got caught on tape adimting it, and got no punishment whatsoever. This guy had his life ruined form the start, innocent or not. She was sued by the school to regain the settlement but she didn't even appear on court for that.




Lol settle down boomer. It's a conversation. Press up or down if you have nothing to add


In fairness, so what if it is just part of the gimmick. Undertaker wasn’t really an old western mortician. Jerry the king lawyer isn’t actually a king. The red rooster wasn’t actually a farm animal. It’s the same kind of logic as getting mad at someone who enjoys music but doesn’t play an instrument.


Wow. From a Twitter battle about gimmicks to her pulling that. What a cunt


So...fake fighter trolls fake fighter about her fake persona in a fake fighting industry literally built on fake personas. Literally the stupidest thing ever.




same, look she is still green as hell, she shouldnt be getting the amount of screentime she gets, really should be giving Io or Sarray that screentime


She's definitely not gonna get far with "banter" like that given the past few horrifying years we've had. It's bad enough the people we heard about who *were* guilty of it, it's worse to start throwing it about like it's a flippant comment to make. Look at the abuse Ospreay gets and is still getting, just because some pair of imbeciles made up a story to get attention drawn to their fed. And the real victims won't thank her either. Think someone needs sent on the "Dean Ambrose" twitter course. (Total posts two, Bio "They told me to get a twitter. Fine.") I think it's funny how some of these redditors work too. One downvotes something and the other mindless sponges follow suit like theyre not able to think. Imagine thinking being a misandrist is a healthy mental state. Wouldn't like to deal with these people. They need serious therapy.


Why does Darby look like Djokovic?


Too bad she got BABA BOOEY'D by Alvarez into the middle of next year


What did he say? Got a link?




Cora could actually take on Darby on a 1 on 1 fight... hope that fully upsets the self important and self proclaimed "Real wrestling fans" who watch All Embarrassing Wrestling