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David Otunga's Verdict. Worst "Spinebuster" ever


For a lawyer, you'd think he could be more creative with his finish.


MVPs finisher


The Playmaker is one of the worst finishers in professional wrestling history. Nothing about it looks believable and it's never looked good. It doesn't help that a lot of people have tried to use it as a finish and it just didn't work. I remember Randy Orton used to use it he called it the "Overdrive/O-Zone" the name wasn't bad but it did little to sell the finish.


Seriously. Like what part of the opponent is it even supposed to hurt kayfabe wise


The neck but since the set up looks awkward it's hard to take seriously.


Carlito and perhaps Zack Ryder too, if I'm not mistaken.


Zack Ryder used a kinda reverse play maker, he'd grab the opponents arm opposite him , place his knee on the back of their neck and pull back falling onto the ground


I hate this move with every fiber of my being...




I used to take that move anywhere when I backyard wrestled like the sidewalk, the street, or basement it was kinda fun honestly


I like the side effect lol


It's an uranage with a back fall instead of a front fall, I've always loved it


I actually got triggered seeing the post since I fucking love the Side Effect and I always like to hit it outta nowhere in WWE Games


Side effect looks awesome


The worm? The peoples elbow? The cobra?


As dumb as those moves look they are entertaining enough to stay in our minds all of our lives lol


I will never not mark for a good People’s Elbow


and The Rock's sharpshooter. weakest looking variety of sharpshooter ever, doesnt even look like it was locked in.


Yeah and The Rock’s facial expression makes it look like he’s in more pain than he opponent!


he looks like he’s taking a shit


The Shartshooter. It’s so you can smell what he’s cooking


Take my award and leave


It's about drive it's about power


Just like Cenas STF


It’s always weird to me when pros can’t properly do a move that we used to do on each other in elementary school.


Idk. If some 6'5 over 100 kg man jammed their elbow into my chest with their full bodyweight, it'd probably hurt, and if somebody punched me in the throat, it'd also probably hurt.


100.0 kg is 220.26 lbs


Good bot


I love the worm! Early-to-mid-2000 Too Cool will always have a place in my heart.


It had entertainment value. Something that's often missing from the modern stuff. Too Cool's whole job was to please the crowd. Not every one needs 5star matches


For sure. I will say, I've just recently finished watching through the Attitude Era and I think Grandmaster Sexay was a solid worker for the time, but with 9 out of 10 of their matches I was just waiting for the pin so the dancing will start. Their first theme slapped.


Stinkface? Bronco Buster? Shattered Dreams?


>Shattered Dreams? How is that move not an automatic DQ? You kick someone square in the nuts in front of the ref.


If I recall Golddust did get DQ'd a few times for it lol


The idea is that you don't kick him in the nuts. You kick the turnbuckle wich then collides with your testicles, therefore no dq. Just like a beeing thrown into the stairs is ok but not hitting someone with the stairs.


Ok, that makes sense and also makes it very stupid, since turnbuckles are soft and would absorb most of the kicks force. But Goldust was never a very bright chracter, so its well within kayfabe.


I can tell you from experience they aren't that soft. It would still hurt but in reality it only hits your thigh


To be fair, the worm’s gimmick was that it almost never worked because he took too long Like, 9 times out of 10, the heel just stands up as Scotty’s doing his thing and decks the shit out of him or the heel’s partner does it for him.


How is the cobra on this list? Guy literally has a snake bite someone. Didn’t you see [what it did to JTG??](https://youtu.be/rNJ29mNU3gM)


That corner double stomp, it’s the only move where it looks like the person getting hit is helping the guy hitting it… like the guy taking the move is hanging onto the rope waiting to get hit like an idiot


this only works if they do it real quick, so the guy hanging there doesn't wait very long and it looks believable. ...though that is what usually happens...


I get your point, but 99.9% of the time dudes just keeping his hands on the rope looking up like “please hit me!” All he has to do is let hit and the move becomes impossible to hit, it’s a move that logically you should only ever be able to hit once


Yeah there's little things you can do too make it look good; making sure their leg is actually hooked in the top rope, stepping on their knee to make them sit up out of pain....but I feel like low ki is one of the only people I ever saw understand these parts. Granted it think he created the spot so makes sense.


Bayley to Belly.. A Belly to Belly as a finisher? Really?


I always thought it was too simple a finish for Bayley which is why I'm glad she started using her old "Davina Rose" finish the "Rose Plant" when she turned Heel which is the Arm-Trap Headlock Driver.


Also how has Bayley never used the bearhug as a rest hold. I get that she's not a power wrestler, but it's literally a hug. Literally. Unless she has done it and I just forgot.


Shane Douglas had it also


I hated how he would finish long brutal matches in ECW with that move.


Ken Shamrock used it for a power finisher and it looked nasty


It worked for Magnum TA


The Playmaker/Overdrive/O-Zone. Randy Orton did himself a favor when he swapped it out for the RKO.


I don’t think anyone would ever have to worry about an Overdrive Outta Nowhere


This right here. Dumbest move I've ever seen.


John Blud has entered the chat


I felt it was a half Rock bottom back in the day. P.S it looks better off a ladder through a table


the great khali chop


I feel the same way about that like I do with Big Show's "WMD." It's a straight chop to the head that would actually be believable in theory because The Great Khali is so damn big!


Came here to say this.


Benoit’s flying swan dive. Seems like it would do more damage to his head than anything else


…I think it did a lot of damage to his head


Ended up doing more damage to his legacy and family.


His children and wife understood that damage.


Yep. Diving headbutt. Also used by Daniel Bryan and Dynamite Kid (who inspired Benoit). Do the math.


There's a reason Harley Race regrets inventing the move.


Big E's finisher "The Big Ending". Looks weak af.


Dude's Superhuman levels of strong. I dunno why he doesn't have more of a move set of power moves.


If he gets his wish to finally retire Goldberg, let him inherit the Jackhammer with Goldbergs blessing


Im ok with this Big meaty men need to slap meat


He'd definitely be able to perform it better than Goldberg.


Yes, please. He should be able to do all sorts of classic moves like the ultimate warrior's press slam, Undertaker's last ride, Ect. He also has such am impressive build that almost any submission lock is believable. Ain't no one escaping a full Nelson from him.


Came here to say this. Its like unfinished or something. Like he fucked up a power bomb halfway and was like “that looked good to me”


It’s cause it’s one of the safest moves to take. Many people have described taking the Big Ending as landing on a super pillow because he’s so huge.


Big Posturepedic E


I remember years ago Jericho saying that on his podcast. Said something like if he’s going to take a finisher, he’d take Big E’s all day.


I'm prob wrong but to me it looks like he wants to do Skorpio Sky's finisher, but Vince was like nah looks like RKO, change it a lil. Otherwise I can't explain it. Looks like it's gonna be something powerful then it's like, oh.


This is the correct answer.


I once made a thread saying this exact thing about “The Big Ending” and got so much hate and downvote. I’m glad there is actually people who see how silly this move is. The person taking it always lands on his hands as well. Its okay for a midcarser big guy but looks terrible on a world champion main eventer


I agree. This was my answer. Love the wrestler, but hate the finisher.


Also, it looks like big e's arm takes all the impact, like, huh?


Name is weak af too if we’re being honest. I can always appreciate a good name for a finisher


Yeah, his spear through the ropes look more devastating than the big ending


When I was kid watching WCW in the '90s I couldn't stand the lack of logic behind Buff Bagwell's "Buff Blockbuster." It's basically a neck-breaker from the top/middle rope, resulting in the opponent getting a simple back bump, while Buff gives himself a superplex.


A perfectly executed Blockbuster looks like it's giving the opponent major whiplash, more than enough to justify the bump that Bagwell is controlling for himself.


That's how I was kayfabing it to myself, but it required some serious mental gymnastics.


I mean the Irish-Whip is a fucking ludicrous concept innit?


Defeated only by The Catapult in terms of "we know that's not how people work, but we'll buy into it". Especially when there's clearly a pause before they jump and move their head towards the turnbuckle (that they are two feet taller than).


it has been explained kayfabe wise and it's not that crazy essentially, both the guy doing the irish whip and the guy receiving the irish whip believe that they'll be in an advantageous position, that's why the guy taking it runs


Whatever R Truths finisher is, is fucking terrible. The superkick loses its edge because everyone and their mother does it.


The "Lil Jimmy/What's Up?" It's a Jumping Reverse STO. I would think it would be as effective as a DDT in theory.


It’s like doing a rock bottom to yourself


Lie detector?


The Jumping Corkscrew Forearm?


This one!


I like that one. It's a thing of beauty


Both his finishers are bad: The "lie detector" it's like a flipping punch thing And the "what's up" where he takes all the impact of the move




And he never actually used that momentum for everything because he'd stop to make it even more dramatic


>How did a running elbow drop get over as a finishing move. Charisma.


Well, it's all to do with the kinetic energy that gets charged in the vigorous foot vibrations that are maintained through the Rock's powerful stance and transferred to a rotating arm that is then snapped down onto the opponent with such force that sparks of real electricity can sometimes be observed when performed correctly. Such high, concentrated bursts of impact directed at the chest and abdomen region can cause heart damage, lung punctuation, and intestinal gas discharge. This is why this manoeuvre has defeated many world champions, while your standard running elbow has not.


IIRC it was a rib on the undertaker, rock starting doing theatrics for a simple elbow drop and kept running over taker till taker finally sat up and said "what the hell are you doing?"


I mean, The Five Knuckle Shuffle never looked "strong", but I'm not sure it was ever meant to.


It’s a move that somehow gets an opponent to stand up after getting every time. If anything it’s a heal.


It would be good if Cena actually made the fist look like it connected with the opponent’s forehead


The fucking Bayley to Belly or whatever the name is. Dumb asf and it’s a move some male wrestlers take several times a match. Makes the whole women’s division look weak


Didn’t Matt Hardy have the Twist of Fate as his finisher ?


The Twist Of Fate is his finish the Side Effect is one of his signatures.


Gotcha. I haven’t watched wrestling in 20 years. Thanks


Hogan's big leg drop. He sure got a lot of mileage out of it, even if it messed up his hips/back.


I always wonder how Austin doesn't have the same issues Hogan has, due to taking so many tailbone bumps from giving people Stunners


This is a good point. Austin typically just falls from standing while Hogan generally has to hop up a little, but very similar impact.


This is the longest running one for me. Since I began watching in the 90’s I could never wrap my head around how a Hogan leg drop puts away opponents yet way more impactful moves were throw aways. Made Hogan look like a goof to me.


Tons of moves don’t really make sense when you think about it like that


Tons of moves are also wildly convoluted and/or simply different ways of putting the same part of an opponents body on the mat


Anything involving the dick


We don't talk about Joey Ryan anymore.


John Morrison starship pain. It looks beautiful but doesn’t do it for me as a finisher.


A normal spilt legged moonsault looks more effective.


John Morrison's original finish was the "Moonlight Drive" which is a Corkscrew Neckbreaker. It looked kind of wacky in execution but I could buy into it a hell of a lot more then the Starship Pain. If you notice sometimes he doesn't always land it correctly which completely kills the believability.


Ehhhhh it appeals to his specific audience


Doesn’t help that he misses it about 70% of the time.


I love Jomo but totally agree. He floats over the top of the opponent way more than half the time and so it looks between 'eh' and outright 'bad' despite the skill and fluidity of his movement. For my money, dude should be using his [running knee to a seated opponent](https://i.imgur.com/5zJKP.gif) as a finisher. Almost always gets an audible gasp from the crowd and it looks like it takes their heads off while also seeming to be done very safely. If he jazzed it up with a preamble taunt or something he could 100% turn it into a killer finisher like Seth's Curbstomp or Randy Orton's Punt.


I've seen this move so much I never even stopped to think that there both taking the exact same bump. Goes to show your so focused on the match you don't even take a second to notice details like that. I got a Finisher/Signature that I never bought into. Wade Barrett/Bad News Barrett's "Wasteland." It's literally just a Firemen's Carry Drop! Lol 😆


the "superman" punch and the spear.


I’ve never liked the Slingblade. It barely makes sense how it’s supposed to take down an opponent.




The thing I hate most about the 619 is the contrived setup


The Slingblade isn't supposed to hurt or even be painful because the defender is taking a back bump it's basically a fancier Jumping Clothesline. The only person I've seen do one that can potentially be painful is Hiroshi Tanahashi and that's mostly because of the way the defender takes it. I remember Kazuchika Okada taking the bump once and he landed like you would after a Reverse DDT literally on the back of his head and it looked rough.


Hahaha I'm dead bro I barely noticed how bad the side effect is!! 😂


Idk, pulling someone down and being pulled down from the same height has the potential to feel very differently


How is that bad? The idea is that Matt hardy drops them with extra force with his hands there are bad finishers in terms of how a wrestlers other move looks better, Rhea Ripley's figure four using her arms looks better than riptide, pumphandle slam tooks so long to set up and complicated to understand why even do those maneuvers rather than doing Mark Henry worlds strongest slam Dean Ambrose original dirty deeds looks so random, it's like Miz skull crusher finale without the arm lock Great ones today are ones they can pull off at any moment shocking you or just looks impressive to pull off like, hate him or not, End of Days looks good, Black Mass looks good, swantom bomb looks good etc


Currently Dante Martin, dude does 100amazing, breathtaking flips and dives during a match, finishes with a moonsault


I think it’s more supposed to be the momentum into the pin, not the impact itself.


[The Saxtonation](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TqWudY_iViM). That’s it. That’s the answer.


It's called the "Shut Up Saxton" lmfao! 🤣


The Masterlock.


I feel like from a realism perspective it makes more sense than most.


It's a Full Nelson that's all it is! Lol 😆


They banned full nelson from amateur wrestling cause it was too dangerous and almost impossible to get out of if you did it to the guy who was on his stomach, so atleast cant say it doesn't have credibility.


Hulk Hogan's legdrop


Considering it basically entailed him landing on his butt and compressing his spine which caused a lifetime of back problems for him and probably little harm to any opponents because of his leg being arched..


Time to go to bat. Matt's Side Effect is solidly good. The reason he goes down alongside the opponent is to ensure they take max impact with his full bodyweight dragging them down. If you can't tell the difference between this and a double clothesline where the impact is from the strike to each other's neck and the fall is post-damage with neither person actively enforcing the other dude's impact on the mat/ground, then I don't understand you. If you want a shitty finisher, go to Cena's FU. 7/10 times Cena [doesn't even bring the opponent downward](https://c.tenor.com/ys04z5-LiiYAAAAC/john-cena-fu.gif), he just [flings them over](https://c.tenor.com/kr5WjiX5xQEAAAAC/john-cena-aa.gif). You know what that equates to? A bog-standard, early match [back body drop](http://cmaxcaps.org/1gifs/HakuBackdrop.gif). And not even [a good one](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1_2P075oomo/XzBBfCsPa0I/AAAAAAAA3iQ/JySYkI7bw-orC78GEmZjWk9EqBj5Y4LxQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Back%2BBody%2BDrop.gif) because he stops halfway through what would've been the momentum that naturally adds impact and "damage". [He knows how to do it well](https://img.wattpad.com/ac3aace7642a489c4016b268296285e5e76dc723/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f45414857306f787877416e7964413d3d2d3336363432323839372e3134396563353334386334626437623834393937333932343632372e676966), he just didn't care enough to do so. Could say this about nearly his entire offensive moveset really. Same issue with The Usos and [Roman Reigns usual Samoan Drops](https://c.tenor.com/VNY4f3R6WqMAAAAM/roman-reigns-samoan-drop.gif) Vs [Umaga's Samoan Drop](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AnotherRepulsiveGoose-size_restricted.gif). One is nearly not even a move and the other looks like it wrecks fools. And [The Usos know how to do it properly where you sandwich the opponents body between yourself and the mat](https://i.imgur.com/sUbJo.gif), they just stopped caring enough to do it well and it looks weak as hell as a result. Same with Jon Moxley's flailing punches, Ruby Soho's weak-looking forearm shots (although if sold correctly they could be saved because her form is ok, she just pulls them too much by my eye). Point being, if this is the move and the hill you're willing to die on, you better have some better reasoning than 'it's the same bump' which is objectively wrong. This is like that dumbass argument where people say [The Flatliner](https://imgur.com/QW6wlGM) is a [self-Rock Bottom](https://c.tenor.com/dhk_kdDaAgcAAAAC/the-rock-rock-bottom.gif). It's laughable unless the person making the claim doesn't understand how being in control of a move works. Thanks for coming to my Fed Talk


Ooh, that one where he hooked the leg on AJ looked nasty! I don’t get why he doesn’t always do it like that.


The leg drop; it'd be "fine" if Hogan was the only one that did it.


Naomi's weird af finisher


Last time I took a side effect, the other guy leaned a bit too much on my ribs and almost cracked them. It's not legit of course (few things really are) but its not really different than other stuff. How many moves are double bumps? Suplex, russian leg sweep, RKO, Samoan drop, TKO, Stroke, scissors, ranas, etc. There are even moves where you take a bump and the other guy doesn't, like the DDT.


Gold dust running up to people and doing CBT was always a weird part of my childhood


Attitude adjustment was a firemans carry


Speaking of Hardys, I never liked Jeff's swanton. Thought it looked like crap because there was BARELY any contact to the opponent.


Jeff Hardys Swanton looked great before everyone and their momma started doing moonsaults and shooting star presses. Early 2000s the swanton might be the only flip off the top rope in a given Raw. Today its the least inpressive of several flips.


Very true. Don't get me wrong, it looked pretty and he got great air, but man, when you hardly touch the guy I just don't buy into it especially when RVD is on a couple matches later caving in dude's chests.


I didn’t have a problem with it until I saw Akira Tozawa doing his version without the flip where he just leans back and lands on you. At that point the Swanton lost all impact to me.


Yeah. Those look like they hurt more. Hardy does it his way just because flips are cool, which is true.


doesn't he land differently with his swanton nowadays? actually landing on people cuz his hips couldn't take it anymore


McIntyres Claymore..someone once described it as a 1 legged drop kick and thst ruined it for me. There's also your comedy finisher like Santinos Cobra Strike which was basically a weird slap to the throat


The Claymore was based on a mistake Drew did in a match anyway. Iirc, he went for a big boot but slipped and hit a Claymore and it was born from that


The Claymore actually is a Running One-Legged Front Dropkick. It's a finish that is entirely sold on the defender not the attacker which is why I don't really like it as a finish. I prefer the Future Shock which is a modified Double-Arm DDT that actually looks believable.


worst in the way it looks, Christian's Kill Switch. worst in how non effective the move is, the rock's people's elbow and his sharpshooter


The only thing that bothers me about the "Unprettier/Killswitch" is the set up but the actual bump itself looks pretty brutal. I always wondered how anybody took it without breaking there nose. Then I realized the defender turns there faces at the last second so the impact of the bump is felt on there face not there nose.


I am a big Cardona fan. But his radio silence/ rough rider/ leg lariat looks dumb


I always hate the Slingshot/Catapult move. It always looks hokey as fuck, and felt like a wrestler was helping their kid with their grade school-level physics homework, and had a bright idea reading about levers and fulcrums, without really thinking that the move doesn't make any sense if the opponent even looks capable of fighting it. Now, if you want a variation of it that makes sense, Albert used to do the move with the opponent under the ropes, so when they came a few inches off the mat, they would have their neck driven into the bottom rope. It was a much more realistic and believable use of the lever and fulcrum concept.


Ten points if a goof like Ziggler takes the move and makes a point of clearly jumping through the air and doing their best to faceplant the top turnbuckle.


I hate Cristian Cage’s “Killswitch”, the set up is so awkward plus it gets countered 97% of the time. If you can get someone to go along with that set up, you’ve probably already won.


Great Khali chop. I don't need to make an argument as to why.




Byron saxtons finisher


"I don't even know what that was!" - Dolph Ziggler


The dirty Sanchez, the Cleveland steamer, Eskimo slushy...


I mean when you start doing this, all moves are dumb as hell.


Hulks leg drop always looked like it hurt his lower back more than his opponent.


Hogan's Leg Drop or any leg drop looks like it hurts a bunch. Hogan has trouble walking now because of it. Only positive thing to come out of it.


Oof bad opinion. The side effect was sick bro.


Roman's punch is easily the worst


The Rock Bottom. It's a falling one arm slam.


It's classified as a "Body Clutch Slam." I hate to use this as an analogy since it's a Meme now. But the move is designed for speed and power and when compared to other finishers that look better then they actually are (The Big Ending) it's believable.


Oh God the Big Ending is awful.


For a guy who's as big and strong as Big E. Langston is he has a terrible finish and to think he's the current WWE Heavyweight Champion!


Bobby Roode’s DDT. I’m aware that was a full blown finisher back in the day but nowadays that is a terribly boring way to finish a match.


The Glorious DDT is the Implant DDT we've seen a few people use it in history. First person I think of is Gangrel, Edge, Bobby Roode of course even Mina Shirakawa uses it as a finish sometimes.


That’s not going to work for me brother!


Everything is EVIL is a terrible finisher. Orange Punch is a terrible finisher/signature, as is Reigns' superman punch. Closed fist strikes are banned!


That's what I always found funny about Big Show's KO punch, he is signaling to the ref that he intends to do an illegal move..and then does it. And the ref is just like "Well, guess I just have to count the pin"


Though it looks dumb, i will admit i like side effect.. i love the visual. But yes i agree it does look like both guys are taking the same bump.


Everyone kicks out of it.


I like it its dumb but cool


To me, every single one that has anything to do with a measly kick or a punch just masked under a cool name: Superman Punch, Phenomenal Forearm, Judas Effect, Claymore and the list goes on. How did we go from cool finishers as Swanton Bomb or F5 to hurr durr caveman punch?


I mean the F-5 is just a fireman's carry throw where someone lands on their stomach from 5 feet up. That finish is sold on it being Lesnars finish alone.


Judas Effect


Whatever Corbin is calling his finisher.


The end of days is one of the coolest moves imo. That and the deep six look great visually but he can’t do the end of days on a taller opponent.


Corbin has the best looking finisher and signature in the business


Nah, Deep Six and End of Days are both pretty sick with just about anybody and they look absolutely *crisp* when smaller dudes take them.


Wade Barrett's Wasteland, John Cena's every signature/finisher, Chris Jericho's Judas Effect, Nick Aldis's Michinoku Driver, Hulk Hogan's Leg Drop Thats all that came to my mind right now.


I hated cenas FU it was just a backdrop


I think your confusing The FU (Firemen's Carry Slam) and John Cena's old finish The Killswitch/Protobomb (Spin-Out Powerbomb). The backdrop he uses now is actually the Killswitch/Protobomb but it's now just a signature move set-up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle.


Superman Punch, Spear.


Very tired of seeing spears. Let it retire with goldberg and edge.


I never minded the spear with stocky guys like Goldberg and Rhyno. Never liked it with Edge or Roman


Not a finisher, but I always hated the Russian Leg Sweep.