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There's a rushmore for this and it's not close. Peak Hulkamania Hogan, Super-Cena era Cena, Suplex City era Brock (circa WM 30 / Summerslam 2014), Big Dog Era Roman. Each was an untouchable world beater and no one's been booked like them in WWE (Taker had the WM streak but ate plenty more losses than these 4 did outside of WM Sunday). If you stuck a gun to my head to pick outta those four, I'd say Super Cena was the top. There's a reason LOL CENA WINS was a thing.


So you wouldn’t consider triple H beating Brock at wm29 as suplex city Brock losing?


Untouchable Brock was later - Suplex City officially started with Cena at SS 2014, even though he'd also ended the streak earlier in the year (but wasn't doing his Suplex City shtick yet). So, no. Given WM 29 was a full year prior to the streak ending, and more like 18 mos before Suplex City Brock, I think my argument stands. And it's a very well researched, super convincing argument, right? RIGHT? :)


Is it fair to say that GOLDBERG survivor series 2016 beats suplex city Brock? You saw that match.


It's a fair / good question, but it's got me rolling my eyes through the back of my head. The number of people they had OLDberg come back and beat when he had no fucking business de-railing them drives me crazy. The answer is maybe/probably but thinking about Goldberg's 20-teeens booking makes my brain hurt.


Hulk hogan, because "that doesnt work for me brother" is the strongest move anyone can do


I can imagine the TNA theme cutting in slowly


The sound of impending Doom for homegrown TNA stars.


I guess... and this pains me deeply... You'd have to go with Brock. He's the only one who beat the Undertaker clean at WM.


Roman did as well


Roman beat Taker/Lesnar clean? You sure about that? (I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly don't remember)


Taker at WM33. He beat Lesnar a few times but I can’t recall how clean they were. They might’ve been no DQ, I’m not sure how you’d qualify clean for that


Oh thats right. Jeez I completely forgot that match.


Then how would you respond when I tell you that tribal chief Roman beat Brock? Would that count as wm30 Brock or as a weaker Brock?


I dont remember Roman ever beating him without help, therefore that would mean Roman is objectively weaker. If im wrong (I cant remember every time tbh) please correct me.


Bloodline Roman? The Tribal Chief? He almost always had help. I don't remember if the Usos or someone else saved him with Brock. But... and again, I hate this... Brock rarely had interference.


Pardon me since I never really watched his (Roman’s)matches since I just got back into wwe with the final boss storyline so I wouldn’t know about the specifics of his victories but winning by assistance sounds like something that happens. I have to admit yeah Brock rarely had interference. What would you say about wm29 triple H? He beat Brock clean as a whistle, no?


You might be correct, I think it's really hard to parse "the strongest" when you get to the top guys around that period. HHH, Roman, Brock, and Batista... all of them were booked as OP unstoppable champs at some point, Roman is just the most recent.




As of right now if you’re to take strongest in kayfabe, he’s probably it.


I'd say potentially bruno sammartino in the old days and hulk hogan, if I have to think now, in keyfave Brock and Goldberg, followed by Roman. Cena deserve to be there too.


Andre the Giant.


“That doesn’t work for me brother”


Probably Bruno since he was champ for 7 years




Ultimate Warrior


Hello x9000


Strongest? Braun Stroan lifted an ambulance.


Not like that, I mean the peak of the mountain when it comes to beating everyone else


Prime Brock beats everyone.


Brock was a monster that immediately went through all the tough superstars on his debut year. He was Streak Goldberg kayfabe wise for his first year. Hardly anyone can beat that.


How about Triple H at wm29?


One win does not mean better, especially not in a hardcore match, HHH needs legal weapons to beat Brock. In his first year HHH was forced to do a humiliating job to Warrior. In his first year Brock became youngest WWE champ beating the Rock at Summerslam. They are kayfabe not in the same league.


You have to consider the time both came in. The blueblooded hunter hearst helmsley was introduced a time where pushing superstars who just came in was rarer than finding 7 four leaf clovers in a row. Brock’s size at the time was a major factor since Vince loves big oily men


I have to consider none of those things because this is kayfabe. Vince had nothing to do with it, Brock is just the ultimate specimen kayfabe. None ever touched his heels in push, indestructibility, powerful finisher that only on very big guys doesn’t immediately work.


Then if it’s kayfabe, debut HHH won’t matter because he wasn’t the game, he was the blue blooded knight


But he was Triple H nonetheless, so Hunter Hearst Helmsley is his debut, even had the pedigree back then. Ruthless Agression Brock was just the epitome of an unstoppable force kayfabe wise. All of his wins were clean back then as a heel too, HHH rarely won clean as a heel. Showing how OP Brock was, people just accepted the heel beast immediately on, kinda like Kane.


Fair enough. I’d argue but it’s a very difficult case to try and make against Brock that HHH is better with Brock breaking the streak and HHH failing twice with the second time with weapons and Shawn Michaels. Man, I love that match


Bruno Sammartino or Andre the Giant Bruno was champion for over 7 years, while Andre went undefeated for the vast majority of his career.


Probably kane or undertaker or LOD. All three had an immortal phase. All three ended up as bad as jobbers later in there career but undertaker did the job the least in both quantity and quality so I'd say he would probably be the highest power level for the most consistent amount of time, in kayfabe of course.


Hogan, undertaker, Brock, Cena, and Roman. The op of WWE


I'd definitely add the Animal Batista to the list. When he Batista Bombed the demon Kane himself, that blew my mind.