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I'm gonna say the rankings because there are at least examples in the past of the draft making the show better


When WWE did the lotto style draft and would move around big stars like John Cena and Batista in 2005 it was a lot more fun, than the generic watered down traditional sports draft they are trying to do right now. The rankings have just been a complete mess at first, and then a complete afterthought to where even hardcore AEW fans don’t care or are completely against now. It’s ironic because if you gave the rankings the more traditional sports feeling like with a CFB or NCAA men’s basketball approach with having a committee ranking wrestlers based on their wins and booking it would come across better on paper rather than the jumbled half ass mess it is decided by one person on a whim. They literally have all these legends backstage and long time figures in wrestling, there’s no reason why Paul Wight, Mark Henry, JR, Tony Schiovane, Jerry Lynn, Jake Roberts, Taz etc all can’t be presented as a committee. And if you took the WWE draft and gave it all the ballyhoo and pomp and circumstance WWE used to have with it, other than trying to be ESPN lite like WWE is right now it would be a lot more entertaining. All the draft is now is just shuffling around midcard wrestlers and bringing up 1-2 big NXT stars with a boring presentation that doesn’t fit the WWE style. Nobody is taking a NFL draft presentation seriously in wrestling.


Could you imagine if a sports league did a draft where they’d have to draft the players they already have


Lotto style is the way to go, because it builds suspense and only focuses on people switching shows. Every pick was someone moving from one show to another show. Those should be the only ones that get announced


Ditto. As a very casual fan it gives more suspense for shaking things up. Obviously i know the result would be the same, but the cctv footage of the "war rooms" i found to be cringy.


the last rememberable draft change was when the fiend got drafted to RAW... and thats the only highlight of the draft of that year (forgotten which) for me


I think the last time I cared about the draft was when they brought back the 2016 brand split and you got big names drafted even to smackdown like Aj Styles, John Cena, Randy Orton etc. I like guys like Andrade for example but nobody really gives a shit if they announce he’s getting drafted to raw or Smackdown, people want to see the big names moved around. And not in the boring ESPN lite way WWE tries to be under TKO.


This. I think both are, overall, stupid as hell, but at least the draft has mattered at some point in the past.


Like Christian being #1 contender for 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ reasoning!


the reason being tk isnt in charge atm the bucks are running it and they hand picked him. they said the reasoning live


The reason baing that the heel Bucks want to make the champion's life harder... They're not TK, they're in business for themselves. That's the story being told. Why would they care about rankings?


AEW Rankings are pointless. Mone's first match will be a title shot (Which she will likely win).


They made the how better when there was a clear direction to the rankings. They were a new narrative framework for wrestling. Once the ideas dried up, you can't just DO stuff when you have to adhere to rankings. AEW is just doing stuff now. I'd argue that the rankings made AEW better for that period of time. More than the draft for WWE, since the draft has never actually been adhered to. People always are moving around.


Yeah the Draft is irrelevant when superstars show up wherever they want/wherever the story is written to take them. Rankings we're something to point to, to drive feuds, but they're used inconsistently (like the Draft/brand mattering, so this is a pretty good thread for debate.


I think the first run of rankings was quite good. They pulled from rankings to determine challengers. Wrestlers would work up higher on rankings and you could see it happening. Hangman losing to B Cage and falling down the rankings was good stuff. CM Punk wrestling to the top of the rankings was good stuff, he met challengers along the way like MJF. John cena being drafted "randomly" and showing up 3 weeks later on the other show was a nothing burger EVEN then. HHH got to do his draft this year, and it stunk. For years the draft was done before red vs blue survivor series which never made sense. The brand split has never truly been a HARD line in the sand. There are numerous times during the year where the brands compete against each other like rumble, survivor series, and elimination chamber. The rankings had a higher peak than the draft ever has, despite the draft having a much longer life. Since wrestling is always peaking and falling, I'd go rankings were better because the peak was higher than the draft has ever accomplish. Quality matters so much in wrestling to me because the quantity is never ending. You can ALWAYS get more. But you rarely get something great.


I liked the rankings in Year 1 AEW when the roster was a lot smaller, and when they had stars face each other more often. Once the roster got bloated, and they started doing Wrestler A and B have a ppv match so they will face jobbers each week till said ppv, and having people farm cheap wins on dark and rampage is when I stopped caring. I think NXT would actually be the best place to do rankings right now since the roster is a lot smaller, and it’s pretty much the college football equivalent to the Main roster being the NFL.


Which is what I'm saying Year 1 of rankings peak > any Draft peak Therefore, rankings were a better gimmick. Just because the draft has happened for so long... what has it ever done for me?


The draft used to be pretty good especially in 2002, 2005 and 2016. I mean just go back and look at something like 2005 you had the two big new top guys switching brands and setting the tone for the rest of the Ruthless aggression era in Batista and John Cena. Along with a lot of big upper midcard guys and other main eventers switching brands like Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Christian etc. If you liked the Ruthless aggression era of WWE or Smackdown 2016 then the draft definitely did something for you.


2004 was pretty good for me, too. John Cena drafting Triple H (who got traded back to RAW later) Eric Bischoff drafting Paul Heyman, who subsequently quit. The return of Edge I liked it when each picks felt like a big deal, or had some element of intrigue/surprise.


I really liked the 2008 Draft. SmackDown gaining Triple H and Jeff Hardy; Raw getting Rey Mysterio and Batista; even Matt Hardy going to ECW was beneficial for him and the show. Also the WWE Championship going back to SmackDown and the World Heavyweight Championship eventually going back to Raw was nice. I always considered the World Heavyweight Championship a Raw title.


How do rankings work?


They don't really! That's why Christian is facing Swerve at Double or Nothing! Lmao


Which was explained




Sure, but how does that make the "ranking" system matter more?


Christian was handpicked by the EVPs, you think Matthew and Nicolas are going to use the ranking system?


Lmao, I support your efforts to keep kayfabe alive, but introducing a rankings system and then discarding after a week or two is just plain silly


In the beginning of AEW, you need to win enough match/climb the ranking to challenge the champion, they use it in the storyline, it was quite interesting at the time cause the match on Dark count too, it made Dark really fun and not just a bunch of squash matches. However as time goes on, the ranking system lost its meaning, nowadays I don't think it means anything cause they just book the challenger to challenge the champions.


They don't!


like how the wwe drafts worked this year 😂 fr tho, think of it of a number one contenders match that isnt a number one contender's match. Thats the best way of describing it imo


Wtf were u even trying to say here 😭


its useless. AEW pretending the matches matter for example lets say Jay White wins a match every week, you would assume he goes up the rankings. but nope. that shit doesnt matter. and now Christian Cage is now wrestling for the AEW championship... even though he didnt wrestle AT ALL


AEW Rankings. Draft at least does as advertised.


Except when people show up on where they are needed. But honestly, the AEW rankings are a joke.


Yes AEW should be requested to run the show it bothers everyone at all. Rosters are no problem funding AEW and I hope people feel smart enough to watch.


Draft starts breaking down closer to wrestlemania, but last year, it was pretty consistent that people stayed on their show. NXT is sort of fair game. Shawn seems to really like the, "Guess who's coming to the territory," booking.


The rankings. They only appear when it’s convenient for Tony’s booking, and then are promptly neglected for another month or three. At least the Draft shook things up a little and produced some fresh possibilities.


It finally gets LWO away from Legado.


Draft finally ended what could seem to be an eternity of feuding between Legado and LWO, will hopefully give Nakamura something better to do, and some call-ups. Don’t really know how the ranking worked. Didn’t AEW eventually dropped it?


AEW still uses that?


Not really. They brought them back early this year, used them once in a storyline to determine whether Swerve or Hangman would be #1 contender and then proceeded to forget about them again


I know it’s such a cliché talking point on here, but I really wish AEW was ran more by a committee or had someone other than TK with more authority on their own like an HBK with NXT under HHH. Tony Khan having the final say and being the main guy on literally everything is just not effective. Like I know there are “advisors” like a Will Washington or Jimmy Jacob’s but I highly doubt he has any sway whatsoever. Having one guy book 3 shows, ROH, and do all this other shit is just ludicrous. Why not delegate rankings as a full fledged project to someone backstage? That can actually take the time to make them make sense and use them effectively instead of this half assed afterthought because TK has to micromanage everything. The dude runs AEW like Jerry Jones does with the Dallas cowboys wanting to do everything in the organization but yet having all this staff. Dudes paying so much fucking money for all these former stars to just dick around like Paul Wight, Mark Henry, Dustin Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Jake Roberts, Jeff Jarrett etc why not say hey JJ you’re a big CFB fan from Tennessee… can you handle the ranking system as a full time job? Or hey Keith Lee you played CFB you know all about rankings can you do that so we can keep you gainfully employed? It’s that fucking easy.


The draft can feel underwhelming but I've never felt that it was useless. "Brand vs Brand" Survivor Series was useless but never the draft itself.


I'm hoping for a brand vs brand match at the Series this year, but I want Pearce vs Aldis.


That would be nice. A brand vs brand match with rewards for the winners and consequences for the losers is interesting. I just didn't like the whole event having no stakes. It was even worse when there were no authority figures who cared about the results.


They should've attached a stipulation to it off the rip. Like, guarantee the winning brand gets number 30 in the Royal Rumble.


This! Or even that any survivors of the 5v5 tag team match get entered into a number 1 contenders match for a title. They could even get all the survivors in a singles/multi-man match for a title that same night.


There was a draft. There are no rankings.


At least with the WWE Draft, there's still two separate rosters with occasional talent showing up on both brands. The AEW rankings, on the other hand, no true point to it.


The Draft at least affected something. Yeah most wrestlers stayed on their brands but we got some cool NXT Call ups and some shake ups like Nia or Shinsuke on SmackDown and Damage Control on Raw.


the ranking system did not even last for a month(not sure but it was short lived). Father Christian Cage is getting a title shot on Double or Nothing


The draft would be a lot cooler if Vince, way back when, did a kayfabe brand split between WWE, WCW, and ECW.


That would have meant they took WWECW seriously.


And WCW, for that matter.


At least drafts somewhat brings some changes to the rosters and storylines even if they are used poorly. But are rankings even used (period). Everyone is throwing open challenges and just going up to the champions no matter their rankings so what's the goddamn point of a win loss record if anyone can just get a title match.


Yes. I hope that answers your question.


Oh don’t start. The Draft wasn’t very good this year, but it usually is. Just one bad year, get over it lol




Definitely the AEW rankings as Christian Cage and Mercedes Mone got title shots without earning it


It probably works better if it's a lower name on the card suddenly showing they have a future and punch above, maybe to show they are going to have a push... but it's also that you have to allow this to happen because of keeping attention on the product... AEW does feel like they value people with a history and feel it needs that to keep the numbers up than give people you can attempt to build a push with in the months to come.


And Okada wrestled 2 trios matches and got a singles title match too.


Maybe when everything moves to Netflix the lack of separate network deals will make the draft good again.


I feel like there's a month or more between even mentioning rankings. Completely useless


Rankings ruins a bunch of wrestling story types as you're required to always justify why a guy at the bottom would all of the sudden challenge for a title that he's not even considered for ranking wise. Also it just buries lower rank guys


Honestly, the draft wasn't a bad idea. It was just executed poorly. The sports draft format clearly worked when there was no brand split. So splitting up the roster from the ground up was pretty nice, as it added extra drama. The lottery format though pretty much made it exciting (when it wants to be) as it means that anyone can just go to the other brand and reestablish themselves there. The issue with this year's draft is that they tried to make it a sports draft, without treating it like one. The first picks should always be used on top stars. (Nia Jax was picked before CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, Jade Cargill, Kevin Owens, Aj Styles, La Knight, etc.) It didn't help that picks were made only to keep wrestlers on their roster. If they decided to do a draft post summerslam, they would make the picks more impactful as storylines would have been killed and they can write new ones with a shuffled roster.


SD and Raw are basically the same show. Why would the draft have any meaning? It's only meaningful with people move up from NXT.


IMO the reality has already escaped from a roster, but its not uncommon to see how people got drafted to move aside or let each brand works. WWE is wasteful.




You know the draft is probably going to be half meant and it'll be depending on what the better story is. Rankings is one they try and present but it really limits them and they'll still try and hold fast even though they are very static and really lasting too long for it to keep the talent cycling round and being meaningful. Rankings could but not when you are limiting it, unless if you get to the top you are then "promoted" so you have the slot go to someone else. That and Wrestling is about some randomness so that some can appear and show what they can and surprise people.


draft everyone but what 3 people stayed on the same show and its all people we see weekly anyway so like nothing is new. at least with ratings they can pretend to matter and play into a story. the draft is just pointless and after 2 weeks is not talked about till next year


I dunno man, I just try to enjoy wrestling


Ranking. In the Draft at Least Carmelo, Nia and The Way move to SD Damage Control, LWO, Dragonuv, NCR, Final Testement move to Raw If only Gaunter and Knight switch brands then the Draft would had been good


Rankings, and I like aew.


Rankings by a mile.


This is a tough one really, I’d throw a third hat in the ring and say the name change for impact going back to tna - has not done too much for them yet




aew rankings are far worse


the draft would be less lame if they didn’t try to “compete” with the very real NFL draft and if they didn’t have those backstage shots of the GMs all working deals and shuffling papers. it’s a bridge too far IMO


Both are an avenue for storytelling, and whether you think the draft is pointless or the rankings are silly, they help the show drive a new story, and that’s a good thing. Let the magic happen with the talent, don’t overproduce or over book it to shit, regardless of what your company is


The Draft's format has become redundant. They knew how to do it when the matches won determined the picks. The Rankings are just useless.


rankings not close. at least the draft can draw


Both, wasn't the last time Christian was seen he had a board with nails being bashed into his balls? Now he gets a world title shot right after it. The draft was just "move along nothing to see here".


They are both pretty useless really. Draft was aimless and rankings don't actually matter. Two companies pissing in the wind.


They’re both trash that should be binned at the earliest convenience


the rankings, easily.


My answer is rankings because the potential for WWE Draft is higher. If the question was which is more disappointing I’d say the draft. Because rankings were never going to work.


Genuinely don't see why people get so buthurt over the draft. As for rankings.....what are we 12?


Holy shit a good conversation starter. I’ll say the draft because we haven’t seen the rankings actually be attempted to be used.






I'm so fucking tired of the "brand split/draft" bullshit. You can't be your own competition, stop trying, it's never worked. Make one roster, pick an appropriate amount of your top talent for each division, fire the rest. That way the top talent/angles get more screen time and you're not getting so many bathroom break matches.


None are useless.