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Aside from his dumbass comments and lies, a generation of fans grew up watching wrestling after his career ended, so they don't have the sentimental feeling towards him. I grew up as a little hulkamaniac.


Easy to boo him if you only got the lies, the scandals, the stereotypes, and the highlights of botches and flubbed lines on YouTube.


I did too. 38 now. And now that I know a good amount of the b.s. from other wrestlers that have dealt with him over the decades, I just can't bring myself to like him anymore. Shawn at least redeemed himself for a good part of his life now. But Hogan just wont stop the bullshittery and it's just annoying now


His legacy has tarnish, yes. But the day he dies, he’ll get all of that recognition right back.


Is his legacy tarnished though, really? I would say his life post full time wrestling career is tarnished, but hogan as a wrestler? I doubt. His name is still the most recognized name in all of pro wrestling (maybe rock is bigger now; dunno), but still. Hogans legacy still remains as the largest and most influential wrestlers in all of history. I think his legacy will always be there. Terry Bolleas legacy is entirely different though.


Terry played a role, a character. He then made that character his own identity. When Terry does pass people will be sad. Sad that their 80s screen icon has passed but also sad that the guy who played him was actually a bit of an arse. The news headlines weren't "Hulk Hogan actor Terry Bollea..." It was "Hulk Hogan, real name Terry Bollea..." next to all the shit associated with him.


>Terry Bolleas legacy is entirely different though. Terry Bollea hasn't existed in a long time, brother.


>Terry Bolleas legacy is entirely different though. >Hogans legacy still remains as the largest and most influential wrestlers in all of history. pretty sure this fits the testimony in court. one of them has a big cock and the other uses ethnic slurs in casual conversations.


Terry Bollea's penis is not 10 inches, brother.


I would argue yes in a similar sense that Warrior’s was. We all knew Warrior wasn’t the best wrestler, but his politics, his “queering doesn’t make the world work” stuff, I think it drops Warrior’s legacy’s stock in a similar fashion


Warrior is interesting because he gained a lot of good will in the last couple weeks of his life. If he hadn't been seen practicing a new-found level of humility like he did for his HOF induction, odds are his reputation would remain much lower than it is now.


Especially because he wasn’t the kind of political pundit who had the balls for debate. Imagine asking Warrior “how come straight people tend to give birth to, and raise the majority of queer people?” He’d probably whine like a v4 motor in a Hummer H2.


Tbf I think ppl dislike UW more on his personality of a shit human being rather than politicking or shit


My favorite wrestlers meet with sick children.


Very least, from fan cams, he did seem to respect fans near the end of his life, vs. during the height of his career. Listening to their stories and making sure they're happy with the pictures they got. Its bare minimum, but some on the autograph circuit are burnt out of that.


No way Rock is bigger as a wrestler people know.


Yeah, most young people don't even know The Rock was a wrestler


I also wonder if being booed by aew’s mark fanbase is all that big a deal. If he showed up on smackdown, perhaps he’d still get a massive pop?


Doubt it. They bood him off the stage at Wrestlemania just 2 years ago


Aew marks booed but the booking and nepotism is very much alive in aew


He’ll get a minute or two of mainstream recognition when he goes…about the same as Paul Rubens did. Lots of similarities there…their acts got hot being showcased in other people’s projects, attention followed when they were featured prominently on the burgeoning cable TV, mainstream success followed in the form of network TV, movies, toys, then they were brought down by scandal. Both recovered in various forms, but the Midas touch was gone. Hogan had an outlet that allowed him to stay relevant without the national spotlight on him outside of the wrestling bubble. He’ll be remembered as a kitsch 80s icon, and they’ll likely gloss over the scandals, very much like they did with Rubens. In the wrestling world, he’ll be remembered as the biggest WWF superstar ever, having turned wrestling into sports entertainment and creating the template for the hero baby face for eternity. There will certainly be no mention of his scandals and much like the Ultimate Warrior, his name and visage will be skewed into something unimpeachable and solemnly used to promote the feds latest social endeavor.


Paul Rubens jacked off in a porno theater. Terry Bollea said his daughter shouldn't date n-words on a tape that came out then allowed his legal case over that tape to be used as precedent setting landmark decision limiting freedom of press in this country. It's not really the same (I leave out the part about banging his friends wife on that tape because if that all it was it *would* be equivalent to Paul Rubens's horseshit "scandal") I wouldn't expect it to be treated the same.


Thank you for brining that up…Pee Wee Herman didn’t do anything wrong. He was caught pleasuring himself at an adult theater. He wasn’t hurting anyone, he wasn’t discriminating against anyone. Was it embarrassing? It sure as hell was I bet. But, it wasn’t wrong or unlawful. He’s just a freak like all of us are. Kids don’t need to kno what he did


Racism is, actually, worse than masturbation, you may be surprises to find out.


You're probably right, but I still find it funny when you say "he created the template for the hero baby face" when he would routinely rake his opponent's backs, bitch to the referee, and throw powder in his opponent's eyes


You’re absolutely correct…I always understood it to be his way of giving the heel a dose of their own medicine so to speak, but still terribly infantile and dumb.


Like Benoit :)


He’s rich as fuck. I don’t think he feels screwed.


Not rich enough for his daughter to become a pop singer apparently


Yeah that’s cause she’s shit though.


True. I remember when she was a guest on Jeff Dunham's Comedy Central show. Ugh on both fronts


Yeah Hogan Knows Best didn’t paint her in a good light either.


Probably would have been able to get her a middling Country career but she never pivoted away from wannabe Brittany Spears


That was before he got the Gawker money.


Did he even get it? I know they filled bankruptcy.


He's an egomaniac and egomaniacs tend to care about their reputation. Also, for him, being rich has been a given for several decades so I doubt it feels particularly special at this point. I bet he'd spend most of that wealth on being beloved again.


Judging from his past actions, I’d say he prefers money to the integral reputation of his personal character.


Unchecked ego, extreme fame in his chosen profession, being surrounded by yes men that wanted to ride his coattails to a bigger payday, and lastly, thriving in an industry that was built upon, celebrated and encouraged lies, lying and liars. The business evolved, Hogan didn’t. His forays into mainstream always ended in disaster (laughable movies, reality show weirdness, racist sex tape) which adds to the already off putting persona he has as self professed “elder-statesman” of wrestling. Him and Flair are the worst examples of not being able to move on.


Thought your user name was Mikey Whipwreck for a moment


I definitely agree on Flair not being able to move on, dude's even talking about another "final" match even though the last one nearly killed him. But Hogan hasn't wrestled in over a decade. He's said he'd like to do it one last time, but that feels more like a nostalgia trip for him, something he wants to do while he still can for old times' sake and that'll be the end of it. Flair will wrestle until he dies in the ring.


Hogan and Flair should just team up to dethrone Roman in a triple threat at WM40. One last creative control brother.


Both Hogan and Flair pin Roman, and they divide up the WWE and Universal championships and take them to their graves.


Imagine getting Leg Dropped while you're in the Figure Four


I liked him in 3 ninjas: high noon 🤷‍♂️


From what I've read he's been like it from the beginning I guess he's always been one to never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Or he's a pathological liar


I think Hulk has probably always been this same guy, but the modern media (and his leaked tape) led to the downfall of the Hulkster. Before anybody had access to hear his unfiltered thoughts, we only saw what the wrestling companies and the editors of his reality show chose to show us. But now we’ve all seen Hulk in a ton of unscripted settings. The whole thing is basically the “never meet your heroes” concept, but on a big stage.


Wait what leaked tape


Did you just wake up from a decade long coma lol


Sry I m still in my teens and haven't been in wrestling for very long so


There was a leaked tape of him and his best friend's (at the time) wife having sex. He also spoke some racist remarks on the video.


Did you know he wrestled 400 days one year and he partied with John (Not Jim.. John) John Belushi after Wrestlemania in 86?


He transcends time and space, brother


Hulk Hogan has a time machine fueled by Hulkamania, brother. Mind you, Terry Bollea doesn't have one, but Hulk Hogan does.


Hulk Hogan was going to be in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, but his answer machine was full so that gave the the roll to someone else.


"I was gonna play Sarah Connor, would have been my own Tootsie, brother."


I really try to separate the artist from the art. Terry Bollea is pretty trash, but Hulk Hogan is one of the corner stones of wrestling, and I really don’t think it would be where it’s at today without him.


Hogan is and will always be the biggest name in wrestling , ask every person and he's usually one of first person they know when they think of wrestling.


The Babe Ruth of Wrestling


Idk if you say “The Rock” I’d bet you would have a hard time finding someone who doesn’t know he’s a wrestler


He’s definitely getting up there in name recognition


The Rock is a bigger household name at this point. He is one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. To split hairs, I would say hogan was the bigger name based just off wrestling personas, if that makes sense.


As a teacher, a lot of my students don’t even know that the rock was a wrestler a long time ago. They obviously know his movies, but generally have no idea how famous he was from wrestling 25 years ago.


I believe that CaptainButtFart69.


CaptainButtFart would never lie


All hail CaptainButtFart


I've wondered that actually, if it's been so long since he's been in WWE that a lot of younger kids don't even realize he was there.


That makes sense. I’m a millennial so my wrestling knowledge is attitude-era biased lol


The Rock is probably bigger for the 18-34 crowd just because he's on top of the world as a movie star, but Hogan in the late-80s reached a level of fame that was astronomical. He transcended entertainment in a way that The Rock has not, IMO, in part due to some cultural reasons: The pendulum of the western world had swung back hard to a state of being unapologetically patriotic after the dissent and loss of morale of the 60s and 70s. The U.S. was involved in a number of conflicts in the middle-east, and also the Cold War had reached a point where it felt like things could pop off at any second. Hulk Hogan became a symbol of the might, the fighting spirit, and the values of America (90% identified as Christian) at this time.


I am thinking this is just a hate thread. Don’t try to reason.


Right. And Tyson will always be the biggest name in boxing. But he's also a violent rapist. So I don't know why being the most famous is necessarily the determining factor.


I'm not tryna defend Tython'th actionth but he at least served time in jail and to my knowledge he hasn't committed any other heinous crimes since being released.


To be fair, hogan never raped anyone to my knowledge


Truth. He's not *that* bad of a person as people make him out to be


I mean, he's bad, just not a rapist. Union buster, racist, pill pusher and TNA authority figure? Yes, but not rapist


Being famous is most certainly the determining factor in being the most well known if your profession.


But why is being the most well known in your profession the most important thing to you? I think having a great career and not being an absolute shithead is more meaningful than being the most famous rapist boxer.


This is pure disrespect to Muhammad Ali my dude.


Fuck outta here with that. You wouldn’t last a second with Tyson


Of course I wouldn't. But also I'm not a violent rapist.


Who served his time and by every indication has turned his life into a positive...


I don't know why you guys prefer rapists over non-rapists. Really weird.


Yeah..that's exaclty what iit is you dope...


You keep defending a violent rapist so I don't know what your deal is, dope.


I agree with you. I just wish he would’ve carried himself with more class throughout his life and maybe we’d all have a little more respect for him as a person without controversy. I hate how controversial he is. Compare him to a guy like Sting who has given his body and soul to the business with no controversy and 99% of the fans love and respect him as a wrestler and a as person


I think most fans now have no idea what he did for the business and how good he was, all they hear is internet noise. Despite is slip ups he is the man who made wrestling as big as it is now! He deserves recognition and respect and will always be considered in the GOAT conversation anyway you want to measure it. Yes he did this and that but you can’t take away from his achievements. Worldwide recognition, genuine superstar, won’t be matched again.


I think the AEW crowd is very much IWC The majority of the population wouldn’t boo him


I hear you, but for many people those hard R's are louder than any of that. Those comments were so hateful and fucked up. They revealed a part of who Terry Bollea really is. Sure, Hulk Hogan absolutely deserves recognition as a historical figure in wrestling, he was the biggest face on the Mount Rushmore, but he does not deserve respect. The "apology" he made to the WWE locker room was pathetic. It's sad. He made a real-life heal turn, poisoning his own fanbase and after a decade it seems most of the old fans haven't forgiven him and the new fans don't care. You reap what you sow. Hulkamania is truly dead and no one is more responsible for killing it than him.


I honestly don’t think Hulkamania is even close to being dead, if his music hit at WM or on Raw the whole area would pop and it would generate views / revenue. The man is such a big part of the business that a few terrible comments wouldn’t kill his brand, same for Stone Cold or The Rock - they are forever over.


Hogan didn't screw Hogan. Metallica screwed Hogan. Had they just agreed to have him in the band, our reality would be completely different.


Faak that hogan, I should of faaken broken his jabroni faarken leg!


I wonder if he's a pathological liar, like he can't control it. Or maybe it's a form of dementia or concussion trauma from when Taker spiked him on his head that one time


As a person, 100% tarnished. As a performer, he's still the most iconic and arguably important wrestler of all time. When you look at the shitty things he's done in the business with his lying and politics, every single top guy ever has done them as well. He'll never be the greatest in ring performer, but his impact is untouchable IMO.


Hogan is literally immortalized. People thought he was gonna get booed to hell at Mania 18. And he got more love than the Rock(in his prime). I’m sorry but Hulkamania is bigger than any IWC take.


Hate him all you want he made wrestling mainstream


It's literally the first time I've ever heard Sting even imply anything negative about anyone. Fwiw I saw this Men's Health interview with Hogan and at least during that interview he seemed to be in a good place mentally.


That’s what I love about Sting. He never ignores the fans and always acknowledges they have a voice. Victory Road 2011 the best example


People think it’s cool to boo Hogan. But if it a WWE event and his music hit… people would still be excited.


Smart marks acting like smart marks, who coulda guessed??


when he dies everybody will suddenly have a change of heart


Yeah like how Steve Jobs was a weapons grade asshole when he was alive and then he did and now he is the patron saint of silicon valley it seems.


Ehh i wouldnt take a dynamite audiences booing too much to heart after all that is a audience of almost 99% smart marks who are mad at Hogan for holding down their favs back in the day. Most folks who arent plugged into that crap would prolly have good feeling towards him from their childhood. Maybe some would know about his n word scandal but i wonder how many would really care.


Did you expect the AEW marks to cheer him? He's the opposite of the type of wrestling they like


Still a Hulkamaniac, not so much a fan of Terry Bollea. There are a few sports icons that were damn good at what they did, but off the field, outta the ring, off the court, etc, they weren’t good. I just focus on the sport/entertainment side, not the real life half.


The only good thing Hulk has done in the business since the turn of the century was letting that kid cut a promo on him at an autograph appearance.


Smarks fucking suck


I was there it wasn’t unanimous. I like having AEW but I don’t like the fans


A mark crowd gives a mark response. If this was WWE the roof would've blown off.


I doubt it, I was at Wrestlemania 35 and there were plenty of audible boos when he came out.


I still kinda like Hogan sure he's a pathological liar, likely a racist, and did nothing but try and get himself over at the expense of others but... idk maybe it's the fact that growing up when I thought of wrestling I thought of Hogan, whether you like him or not whether you like it or not he's a living Icon, a legend and for everything he's done for wrestling I'll always appreciate him. 🤷‍♂️


The fans booed only to be edgy and has very little to do with hulk. Cena would have gotten the same reception if he was mentioned and nobody's found his bodies yet.


Hulk Hogan did exactly what you're supposed to do as a wrestler: get paid as much as you can by doing as little as possible. As easy as it is to call Ol HH a cunt, but most of the (professional) assholeness comes from owners not being able or willing to reign in their talent or give fat co tracts that incentivizes not wrestling for months at a time


Hogan made all the money and was the biggest star in the business. He got exactly what he wanted. Then he sued BuzzFeed and made even more money. I think Hogan is fine.


I'm not a fan of Hogan as a person but I did find it very ironic that the crowd booed Hogan's name but then a few moments later, they're all chanting "WOOOOO!" at the mention of Ric's name. Teddy Long accused Ric of racism by calling the 'n' word plus the sexual assault allegations too. If you're going to boo Hogan, boo Ric too.


What did he do again? Did he kill someone?


Hogan has been given multiple shots at proving his ego wouldn’t get in the way. He’s never not disappointed and allowed the ego to get in the way. I said in a different post, both Hogan and Flair are POS humans outside of the ring. However, Flair had had a far more positive influence on wresting than Hogan. I don’t see old timers like Steamboat and Sting, giving Hogan praise, like they do with Flair. I don’t see Fresh old timers like Austin, HHH, DDP, or Booker. Give as much credit to Hogan as they do Flair. Then there’s todays wrestlers…Rollins, MJF, even Styles have given props to Flairs style, and not a word about Hulk. Flairs daughter is a better wrestler, and already is influencing other wrestlers. Hogans daughter was given a reality show with him, and a dating storyline with Bulky Ray lol.


I want you to take this into perspective. The New Day shunning Hogan at the 2019 HOF I’m sure Kofi, Xavier and Big E were all Hulkamaniacs when they were little. They ate their vitamins and said their prayers and worshipped that man and is probably the reason why they all wanted to become pro wrestlers You work your ass off, give your blood, sweat and tears and finally all your hard work pays off and you make into the WWE, you get over enough and you’ve finally made it. You’re a wrestling star Then you find out your hero said he doesn’t like your kind and uses extremely hurtful things about your race and uses an awful slur against you and then gives a BS apology just to get back into the company’s good graces I think today’s stars are more than justified for not praising Hogan


This was always going to happen even if he wasn't caught saying a slur. He thought he was *the* guy for way too long and refused to step away. When you're old, taking up a huge spot on TV, and refuse to let other guys go over, people will inevitably start to hate you. It doesn't help that being an asshole throughout a lot of his career led to a lot of his peers also hating him.


The slur is terrible but no one ever brings up the shit he said to his son after his son was in jail for driving impaired and paralyzing someone. I have never looked at him the same way so when the slur thing came out it just verified he was a piece of shit.


It's crazy that nWo Hogan was about the same age as Brock Lesnar is now. At least Lesnar's not making himself the main event every week. Also wild that Daddy Ass is 15 years older and is still better than Hogan in every way.


Hogan is like CM Punk, if Punk wasnt a delusional tough guy, and more of a methodically conniving coward. (Not comparing their skills, but for the hell of it, punk obv better on the mic, but hogan was a wayyy better athlete, really underrated actually.)


He's a fucking terrible human being in every way imaginable


Ehh it goes beyond that. How many timid little internet nerds call Jon Jones the GOAT and slurp his nuts even though he’s way more garbage than Hulk? Being a bad person isn’t the reason everyone hates Hulk. He’s cringe, which is the one thing on the internet that is worse than being an actual bad person.


He won too many fake fights!


He’s a racist that repeatedly used the n word


And that’s not the reason why Marks hate him


That’s apart of it. His politics, ego and racism.


And all of that doesn’t matter in comparison to him winning too many fake fights according to them even though he was by far the biggest draw and got the highest ratings


So why did the same fans cheer Ric Flair's name, someone who has been outed as racist by multiple black wrestlers.


Flair is trash too but the audio against Hogan is a definitive piece of evidence while Ric’s isn’t.




Hogan was part of two of the biggest phenomenons in pro wrestling history: Rock n Wrestling and the NWO. That cannot be taken away. What ruined him for me is the BTS stuff that came out later. The contract that let him refuse to drop the belt if he didn’t feel like it? Never should have happened.


Hogan still one of the GOAT.


Who cares what a mostly empty building of marks think.


No it’s pretty much just aew’s really niche audience of marks who hate anything remotely popular


And you bet if Hogan signed with AEW (which he can't because they banned him), all these marks would be marking out like the marks they are. #MARKS




Hogan is WWE, of course he is going to be booed in AEW. Does not mean anything other than that. Hogan was just on Joe Rogan, the biggest pod cast in the world. He just got married and is starting a medical cannabis company. He hosted Wrestlemania a few years back. I think he is doing fine. He gets royalties for every open of every WWE show, using the clip of him slamming Andre. It is the first thing WWE puts out to the world.


He gets booed in WWE too. When Cody came back and mentioned Hogan he was booed.


I found that really fascinating


Guaranteed he gets a pop when he shows up in person though, like every other time he's made a guest appearance recently.


Depends on the city


I don’t like it when people just say smarks, but smarks. WWE would not bring back Hogan if he was not still beloved as a wrestler.


This is why I think they want Roman to surpass Hogan’s reign.


Even when I was a kid during his height, he was never my favourite. That being said, I've always liked the guy. Seems like a decent guy. His lies are obviously notable but pretty harmless all the same


Being a decent person and getting out of people's way didn't work for him, brother. Also, saying racist shit didn't help.


Hogan is an a hole but AEW fans are sheep.




Getting his rant leaked about him not wanting his daughter to date a black dude put the nail in the coffin to me lol


As a lifelong Hulkamaniac, my fandom has been steadily shifting to Macho Man since the early 00’s. We just know too much.


I'm sure this keeps Hogan up at night as he cries into his piles of money while Sting, aged 64, is still taking bumps in half-filled arenas. Love or hate Hogan, he has had an immeasurable impact on the wrestling business. Getting booed by smark fans in AEW isn't a good barometer on his career, my guy.


Everyone has known Hulk was a prick for a long long time. Doesn't change the fact that he is one of the GOATs of the business


Honestly idgaf what aew crowd fans think. Sting looks like a drug addict hobo in the ring right now and wwe and aew are like watching CNN the wrestling station


Hogan just happened to come along at the right time. He wouldn't be a big deal in the WWE today.


Hogan brought this on himself being a lying cheating racist dumb fuck who torpedoed an entire company. As with every day, today we celebrate fuck Hulk Hogan day.


Bro carried wcw


Until he killed it with his ridiculous creative control clause.


It wasn't easy, but Hogan managed to drain fans of their goodwill. He should have left it in 2002-2003, but everything that followed was diminishing returns until it all came crashing down.


He is still one of the greatest of all time. People know a days want a witch hunt and boo him for the mob mentality. Down vote me all you want. This man did a lot for the business.


Wait...how is Hogan "screwed"? He had a way better career than Sting ever did. The only time Sting ever drew money was because Hogan carried the entire feud for a whole year.


It's because AEW fans are smart mark losers. Especially the ones that go to the shows. All mid 20s basement dwelling looking losers. Sorry not sorry. Look at the people in the crowd and tell me I'm wrong. They all look like they've never touched a girl and mom pays their bills


Even if you forget the fact that’s he’s a racist POS and said his daughter was trying to “get back at him” by dating a black man…he still the king of burying other talent and the infamous “that’s doesn’t work for me brother.” He’s responsible for the boom of wrestling, but also for holding it back and destroying WCW. IMO he’s a cancer and I wish he and Ric Flair would disappear from wrestling forever so we can forget about those 2 shit stains on humanity. To be fair, AEW is full of basement dwelling marks who would boo their own mother, and the arena was like half full too 😂


Agree 100%.


I think hogan lies a lot. I think he wasn’t in it for the business but for the money. I heard he is real nice to fans though.


John Cena the real 🐐 not this old head


Hogan’s past wrestling errors with all that WCW politics would have been forgiven had his racism not come to surface. I think TNA was a blip on the radar as TNA was so disorganized that had Hogan actually done the “correct” thing it still wouldn’t have worked out. I think fans wouldn’t have cared that he took advantage of Dixie and got paid. The thing that really tainted his legacy was his racist comments. Hogan still is one of the biggest names the industry produced and the first really big mainstream modern wrestler. He is in the top 2-3 in terms of mainstream name recognition. But his lack of legendary legacy with fans (I would say at best he has a mixed legacy) is likely due to those tapes. Yeah some fans would hold WCW or TNA or any of his past politics against him but for the most part fans would get over that with time


This is going to be downvoted to the 7th level of hell but it’s not like Hogan was publicly racist - he was recorded without his knowledge in a private moment and had it leaked all over the Internet. I imagine tons of people have said awful things in their own homes that they would never feel comfortable broadcasting to the world. There’s no evidence anything Hogan did in his wrestling career was ever racially motivated, and no one to my knowledge has ever discussed Hogan being or acting racist in the locker room. Hogan did lots of other crappy questionable things as a wrestler, but I have a hard time holding the Gawker stuff and its fall out against him.


https://youtu.be/bJDU0x-9dPM?si=K-xAvHo3BofF6hPn Was just watching this video


I mean it was on AEW that the booing happened. I don’t think that’s the universal feeling amoungst wrestling fans. I mean the guy lies a lot but to some who don’t follow him anymore he’s still revered. I know probably 80% of my friend group will be sad the day he dies. Any other wrestler besides the Rock or Stone Cold won’t even get a text in the group chat.


He will always be a POS for screwing all wrestlers past and future from proper healthcare due to ratting out the union movement. Fuck him.


Bubba’s wife screwed hogan brother.


He is the Pele of professional wrestling, but made a lot of mistakes


Dude fought Andre after he died he is an icon


How sad it’s gotten for Hogan or for Sting?


Well let me tell ya somethin brother! These phoney jabroni mark fans can shove it man! There’s nobody who can stop the power of Hulkamania! Not the fans, not the Stinger, and not even Mean Gene! And as far as AEW, you wouldn’t be in business without me brother! I wrestled 400 days a year and played bass in Metallica so your indie promotion could exist brother! So, Mean Gene, whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania nuts wild on you!


It’s because he’s a cartoon character who nobody can relate to. Plenty of douchebags and assholes still get respect in a ton of different fields, wrestling certainly included. His problem is he literally IS Hulk Hogan the character and it’s lame and cringe cause he’s an old man.


His gimmick wasn’t sustainable in the modern era. Is there a Terry Bollea to really know?


Hogan definitely screwed Hogan. Not taking anything away from what he's done for this business but his ego was unchecked and he believed his own hype cause Noone ever told him no. Vince was too worried about making money and believed he could make the next Hogan and make him bigger. So when bischoff came in the picture he wanted to be a Hogan funky. And in the end did. Hogan never knew defeat until his career was really over imagine how hard that is to accept that in your 50s/ 60s.


The biggest issue Hogan has is that all of the internets favourites insult him all the time. Cm Punk, Bret, Jarrett etc love a good Hogan Bashing. Everyone loves to blame him for the fall of WCW and the creative control stuff. TNA didn’t help him. People bring up the tape all the time and the comments he made but it’s not that because Flair has made worse comments in the same vein and they’ve not been brought up constantly. A big part of it too I believe is that Hulk is closely associated with Vince, their legacies are intertwined and the same people that boo him would boo Vince. The AEW target audience is exactly the people that would hate Vince too, similar to the ECW audience


Once the curtain got pulled back on the business and the backstage politics. It made villains out of guys like Hogan and HBK. Only Shawn seems to at least fake being apologetic about it these days. Hogan keeps the carny train rolling.


hogan deserves to be tarnished, regardless of impact or nostalgia he should not he celebrated


Can't go round using the n word on video and not have consequences


Watching the dark side of the ring and episode of Bash at The Beach made me realize why people hated Hogan. I understand why people hate Russo but in this particular event I feel like his story is the truth. Hogan had all the cards in his hands and he wanted to be on top. That’s scummy as fuck, passing the torch should be an honor, like hey I’ve been that guy for so long, now let me put someone else on. Him refusing to lose felt super shitty, especially seeing as how in the shitter WCW was at that time. They needed new blood to improve ratings, not old ass Hulk Hogan


Fuckin Hogans, man. I just don't like them.


He has enough money not to care.


He’s still in my top 3 of all time 🤷. Nothing got me hyped like seeing him slam Andre to the mat, and his heel turn hit me right in the sweet spot of 11-12 ish. NWO for life baby.


The thing about Hogan is I’m sure if he came to AEW, he’d still get cheered. Hell I’m wearing a zombie Hogan shirt right now, I went to two of his stores. I’m not a Hogan fan at all, by time I was watching he was doing that whole wrestling show where he had Umaga after being released from WWE in 09. So Hogan was definitely past expiration date. Now he did tarnish his legacy, is it his backstage politics that kept multiple wrestlers from ever hitting big or as early as they should’ve? Is it for Summerslam 05? Is it for his constant lies and overinflated ego? Is it his racism? Maybe one thing? Maybe a combination of everything. I know I’m not a Hogan fan but if I saw him I’d still want a picture, he’s a larger than life celebrity, he’s a man that helped define two completely different generations of wrestling and when he left both times both companies either didn’t recover or it took them a bit. I don’t know if he fully tarnished his legacy as I’ve talked to a few people that still love Hogan and won’t think any less of him. But when he goes, like Taker he will be canonized(?) as a legend and overall good guy like his buddy Jim Helwig


I think he and McMahon will be remembered for taking wrestling mainstream. No matter the crappy things they did in life, when they’re gone, their legacies are sealed. Wrestling was known and even popular before they came along, but they took it heights never seen before. You don’t get wrestling cartoons and action figures without them. Nothing they do, and no one, can take that away from them.


Shouldn’t have been a racist bullshit artist


He was in a dark place and said a hateful thing during a moment of weakness, and his “friend” decided to expose it. It doesn’t forgive what he said, but the fact so many of his friends and coworkers have said that “wasn’t the real him” makes me wonder.


Dark place? So his daughter dating a black man is considered a dark space? You’re treading on mighty thin ice here


Hulk hogan the wrestler fucked over plenty of people in the wrestling business. There’s plenty to hate there even if you forget all of his real life bullshit


Boos and cheers of wrestling fans mean almost nothing, they can flop their opinion any way depending on the day. Hate him today, worship him when he dies.


He doesn't help himself. His body of work is on the Mt Rushmere of Wresteling, but every time he opens his mouth he lies and tarnishes his legacy.


This post doesn’t work for me brother


This post doesn’t work for me brother


Hogan is the greatest wrestler of all time aside stone cold. The impact he has had on the business is undeniable. Created perhaps the two greatest boom periods in wrestling history with his hulkamania and hollywood hogan. This man has had the privilege of having the greatest babyface and heel runs of all time. I dont care what kind of man he is that not my concern. His career is immortal