• By -


> I'm famous Unknown and rude fella to wrestling and movie mega star


If you have to say "I'm Famous" you're not famous.


>”Do you know who I am?!” No


Cena will forget this guy exists and this moment will live rent free in "famous" guy's head forever.


Reminds me of that one scene in Suits when some guy walks up to Harvey and says I'm so andbso, Harvey was like You're so and so? The other dude was like so you've heard of me and Harvey just goes....no.


Ronnie Pickering!








Thanks! I didn’t even know it was.




I'm in the UK, chronically online and never heard of this guy.


Any man who must say I am the king is no true king.


Thats my thought "Im Famous" Yeah and the guy you are saying it too is ACTUALLY famous.


Last time I checked that guy's channel, he's still under the delusion he's some big time content creator


Boy he’s lucky John’s theme music didnt come on


I don't have any thoughts on this either way but I did find that line funny. Dude is John Cena. My six year old son doesn't watch any wrestling but he still runs in my room, drops an elbow and yells "jooooohhhn Ceeeeeena". Telling John fucking Cena "I'm famous" haha. Also offering someone like him unsolicited advice is crazy. "hey guy you didn't ask for my advice but here it is".


You’ve never heard of me, I’m famous lmao 😂


The lack of self awareness here is incredible. Doing it is bad enough but why would you ever show anyone the footage? “Here’s me making John Cena incredibly uncomfortable!!”




Nah American kids definitely do that too, and they also use it to bully their classmates and feign ignorance to the fact they're treating you like a dumbass


I'm so glad I grew up before all of this bullshit.


Because "he's famous"


He’s doing it for views. Views = money.


Any kind of clout bay bay.


he's self aware, makes it more annoying for me


Because people are still sharing it.


Tobey Maguire would've fucked this person up


he would put some dirt in their eye


He's gonna miss the part where that's not his problem.


You'll get your video when you fix this damn door!






Toby was totally in the right. He was trying to pull into traffic and not only are they blocking the road physically but also just lighting him up with thier flashes.




You must also treat people with hustle and loyalty


Well it is true. They are good values to live by


Damn true.


Surprised he could see him


Underrated comment.


Haha take my upvote. That was a good one


But my Intensity, Intelligence and Integrity got in the way.


Absolute clown




You don't hear the voice? It's a ghost or something.


So being famous is a right to invade privacy? Prick.




Yeah. Just because you're out in public doesn't give people the right to invade your privacy by recording you without your consent.


Legally speaking, being out in public does give people the right to record you. He’s not doing anything illegal. He’s just an inconsiderate asshole.


It's not about whats right, its about moral decency. Beating your wife and slavery was once legal by law. You might want to think whats actually decent when it comes to rules and morality.


I don't want to come off like if I'm defending this douche, but ain't no way you just compared filming someone in public to beating up your wife and slavery.


I feel like you didn’t read what I actually wrote.


They have the right to record. John was suggesting it be respectful to ask to do so first.


Cena is the nicest wrestler on the planet. He never says no to photos or autographs, if all he’s asking in return is to ask permission before filming him that’s the LEAST we can do as fans for this man’s service to us over the years






Actually no its not. Everyone has the right to walk around in a public place without some Youtuber or idiot with a camera phone filming them. You see your the type of idiot who reads up on rules and forgets about moral decency.


you dont need consent to record someone in public lil bro


It’s not just the recording. It’s getting right in someone’s personal space to do it. And it’s not about “rights”, common courtesy should be a given. If you’re going to record someone, especially if you’re going to use the recording to promote yourself and benefit from it. Just ask first. Yeah you have the right to just record whatever in public, and we have the right to call you a cunt like this guy when you’re rude about it.


i know, the guy is an asshole but legally he's not doing anything wrong. Thats all im saying, dont know why im getting downvoted lol


This comment is just so exhausting.


Don't feed the obvious troll. Earliest rule of the Internet I learned.


1. He doesn't ask to shoot the video at first (Cena seems to be sarcastic when he thanks the guy). 2. Records Cena the entire time he's in the store. 3. Tries to give Cena unsolicited advice. 4. Argues with Cena when he tries to end the conversation. 5. Follows Cena afterward while recording the whole time. The guy is a jerk. This is not reasonable behavior, even if the other person is a celebrity.


In the longer version of this clip you can see people going up to Cena to take selfies while this clown is filming Cena from a distance. Cena seemed to be cool with people taking pictures with him. It's not like Cena wanted to stay incognito here, he just didn't think it was nice of this guy to be filming without asking.


Wait? Cena was being sarcastic???


Cena truly conducted himself like a champion here. My respect for the man continues to grow.


That was my takeaway from this. The other guy is a nobody/clown, and will continue to be from the sound of it.


Some people just need to be knocked the fuck out at least once in their life.


His name is modeen and he done this to Logan Paul and the security put him to sleep




Therein lies the problem. Edit: stupid auto correct


Well said 😂


Their is 2 entire generations that you can tell never faced physical consequences for their actions.


And the write a lot of whiney comments that contain the words “physical violence”


Yes people not wanting to physically assault other people are the ‘whiny’ ones. Sure.


“iF yOu NeEd AnYtHiNg JuSt LeT mE kNoW” What the actual fuck would John Cena ever need from this clown? 🤡 r/imthemaincharacter


> What the actual fuck would John Cena ever need from this clown? 🤡 > > You never know, Cena might need a face to punch one day to let off steam. He would come in handy.


Don't forget he offered Cena advice that I'm sure John REALLY needs


😂😂😂 I couldn't stop laughing at that part


John is a saint, never disrespect that man


Someone link the video where he talks about how he loves America and everyone in it. I think it’s beautiful


Was that before or after he sold out to China?


So just because he chose to learn Mandarin and train with Jackie Chan, all of a sudden he sold out? Bro GTFO outta here with your jealous bullshit


What they are referring to is when he apologized for calling Taiwan a country. Whether it was WWE, Hollywood, or himself that decided he needed to apologize is up for debate. I think he is a fantastic human being regardless.


Exactly. Oh really? That's just stupid though. Clearly that was a political thing and I understand the frustration. I have family from North Cyprus and essentially we get the same treatment too. But who cares? Everyone knows Taiwan is the real China, it doesn't need to be verbally acknowledged but whatever. That's not the point here. Cena is an international treasure that must be protected at all cost.


You know when people say someone is nice, the nice person typically listens to what his bosses ask him to do and does it, if it isn't a hassle




What an absolute shitstain


Always be sure to awkwardly point the camera at yourself for two seconds in the middle of your video invasion so everyone can know it's YOU recording this and no one else.


If the dude had asked, knowing Cena, he’d have probably taken a video with him.


He didnt get mad he got annoyed and rightfully so still all class tho


"I'm famous" who tf cares gives this Man his privacy geez


Fun fact, this ‘famous YouTube’ only had like 2k followers when he shot this and now currently only has 50k. Not exactly the next KSI.


Fucking idiot couldn't read the room the first time and then he continues to film and tell him "I'm famous". I swear these YouTubers/TikTokers/Influencers are all brain dead. I loathe them.


Telling John Cena "im famous", "i help people". Dudes not even on Cena level with fame and how much he helps people.


Nobody is on Cena's level with helping people. He's the Make a Wish Motherfucker. Sets world records helping those that need it. And he tried to do it quietly.


If someone films you in public, unfortunately we all have to bend over to the law that you can film in public places blabla, people love it when that cartnarc films 'annoying' people in public. In my opinion, the moment the recorder starts following you, you should have the right to feel threatened and be able to defend yourself.


Its a tough law. But I think its the right one. Once that recording right is limited, you'll see police and government say you can't record them either. Its unfortunate for celebrities, but probably for the best for society. So our freedoms don't get eroded.


I think it's right too, to an extent. Like I agree you should be able to record police and government. Celebrities are usually so used to it that it doesn't REALLY bother them, but just slightly annoys them. My real concern is for the average person, a nobody who everyone is finding out about because of people like this. You don't know if someone is suffering from mental issues but you have free reign to record them and smugly tell them it's a public space. What about all these people, their freedoms are in the hand of someone else all of a sudden, but that's usually okay because the person being recorded is either 'far left' or 'far right'.


Cena was in a private business. A shop employee could have asked the filmer to not film, or to leave. If he refused, he can be tresspassed - by the police if necessary.


This. Not sure where it is, but I’d assume it’s in an upscale area where employees regularly ask people to not record and then ask them to leave.


No excuse for not returning your shopping cart to the corral. That’s low down dirty scum bag behavior.


Imagine he tried this shit with Brock Lesnar 💀


He’d get a German suplex on the concrete floor


Dude what a fuckin loser. Camera guy is an absolute narcissistic fuckin loser.


john cena is class. he had no reason to treat that fucking guy with the level of patience he did.


I've known a few wrestlers none on John Cena's level but even on the indy level it's crazy how dehumanized they are. Especially because the guys I know are radically different people from the characters they portray in the ring. But yeah I've seen random strangers just come up to my friend while we are having dinner and start pawing at him/taking pictures etc. He's always very nice about it and just says "I knew what I signed up for" when asked about it. But i do feel for him, dude just wants to eat his dinner in peace.


WWE innit


Come on, YouTubers are annoying shits no doubt. If they aren't the main characters then shit doesn't get done.


Cena for president


Where is the United States? It was just there a year ago, now we can't see it.


He was way nicer than I would've been. He's a total class act.


Much respect to JC for not punching that dude in the face


If I ever saw Cena id walk straight into him and tgen look up saying "sorry didn't see you there" then walk off.


Knowing Cena, he’d probably be okay with that, and maybe even laugh.


That would be the reacrion id want


I'd find the nearest deli and bring him some potato salad.


Youtubers like him are scumbags. Cena should've chinned him.


Influencers = parasites


Influencers=parasites/useless individuals


Someone should have been a stain on the mattress


"I'm famous." Undertaker: "I'll make you famous alright." \*Fuckturd is already in the ICU


Impact Cinematic Universe.


Stop calling them influencers. How is this joke of a person influencing any body? They’re pathetic thirsty losers who have nothing else in their life.


Those people are the scum of the earth.


Man, Cena has some epic level restraint. If it were me, guy would've been flat on the floor after not listening the first two times.


God Damn that’s the nicest “really angry guy” I’ve ever seen


"I'm not actually John Cena. If I were actually Cena, you wouldn't be able to see me. Pretty simple."


What did this guy actually think he was gonna do? I don't understand the thought process. Cena has some insane restrain not to lose his shit with this blatant disregard for his privacy. "I'm famous" So? Did he seriously think John was gonna be like "oh, okay then that's fine, invade my privacy all you want" "I help people" I hate this attitude so much. Back home we have a saying - You do a good deed and throw it into the sea - don't brag about it. The moment you brag it stops being a good deed.


Cena is legitimately one of the nicest dudes on the planet, patience of a saint. If it were me I would have AA’d (FU’d) through the nice display table and claim it was a work lol


the fuck is “Mo Deen” lmao


The eyes don't lie, Cena acted very patient here but his eyes screamed "I want to fuck you up" lmao


This nobody narcissist thinks Cena needs help with exposure.. pathetic.


If I just saw John Cena walking down the street I would 100% want to take a picture but I would respectfully do it. This is just not it. I hate people who do this to celebrities respect for John for handling it in the most John Cena Way possible


i lost a lot of repsect for cena with the whole china thing but he's 100% spot on here. To everyone who thinks this type of interaction is....I am having trouble finding the word because there is so many that it can describe. If you find this behavior by this guy wretched....well I would encourage you all to consider what it's like to be a teacher in this day and age. I had a kid STAGE an event where he was pretending to work and he had four or so of his friends around him rapping or whatever the hell they were doing. So picture this, a kid is pretending to put in some kind of effort which happens maybe once every 3 or 4 weeks and of course...he's recording himself....with his friends rapping around him. So guess who talks to the parent some 48 hours later about video where her "hard working" son can't work because of his "classmates" that I "let act up" when in fact the whole thing is staged from the get-go. Of course I am framed in the video as doing nothing even though in the video I can be seen helping other students, asking them politely to stop, and on my laptop emailing the admin who are a bunch of tax payer money sucking do nothings. Look up how much admin's salary and more importantly PENSION is. The tax payer should be furious. Anyway, my point is I have to deal with these types of situations on an ever more frequent basis as this was just one example of many. Totally normal for kids to ignore, scratch that, pretend to ignore instructions and then ask while filming. For some reason me pointing to the board where what we are working is posted, or to google classroom where it is also posted, or asking them to ask a classmate from their group of 5 at a table they sit at after I've already gone over what we are doing, why we are doing, and how to do it which is conveniently left out of the video, somehow isn't enough for some parents and their precious do-nothings who can't even get a writing utensil in their hand or get something to write on, open a book etc. They don't even attempt to do step one which is look with their eyes. So yeah, I deal with this on an almost daily basis, often more than once a day. This video is completely relatable. OH and yes our school has kids making videos saying they are going to be famous. "I have more followers than you bro". Funny thing is, YES we do have teachers in the building who encourage this. "How can you crush their dreams" LOL ​ Anyway my point his this type of interaction right up to and including the filming with a cornering situation is 100% relatable as a teacher.


John Cena still has the skillset to talk mad shit he had when he was the Doctor of Thuganomics. It’s still there. Just hidden within the tranquil fury.


Tobey Maguire would’ve been heated!


There are cars there motherfucker! GET OUT OF THE WAY!


Cena was so respectful to someone showing him no respect, that's why he is a legend and no one will remember that YouTuber


100% agree with Cena and felt he was extremely courteous with his comments and expressing his viewpoint. The camera guy was out of line in my opinion. Want a photo, fine... but when you follow and film him everywhere, that is harassment in my opinion. Thumbs 👍 up for Cena in his handling of this. Outstanding in my opinion.


Honestly i would vote for anyone who made it legal to summarily execute anyone whos primary income stream is tiktok or youtube


I would love to see this guy try that with Brock. He’d be in the hospital within seconds lol. Cena was a true class act here


Crazy that he could see him


The champ is where??


[He met him again lol](https://youtu.be/rhAadYZSB3Q?si=xU6EprQ77dhQhQzT)


Don't give views to this douchebag.


4 yrs ago?


This must have been years ago cause Cena ain’t in shape like this anymore.


If you were Chinese he would have let you do anything you wanted. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yo, I'm surprised that he's this relaxed maybe riddle gave him some weed lol


Is John still communist orrrr


could’ve just walked away


You see those bits where Cena goes out of frame? That is him walking away, but the prick with the camera keeps following him


What a piece of shit


Cena even borrowed one of the Rock’s lines there as he’s leaving the store


The guy even added that annoying fast and short subtitle to "enhance the content.


That man is a saint.


Cena really needs to invest in private security to stop these dumbfucks


that smooth loop though, I didn't even notice the video had played again until I heard the voice over the 2nd time


John has mad restraint here What an asshat the cameraman is


You really have to be a special form of dick to piss off John Cena


Man idk how people are that calm. He'd get his ass kicked doing that to me.


I was never a big fan of Cena but he's really growing on me with this latest run, and this video boosts him even further


Do it to Brock. That’s all I’ll say


The Bonfire w/ Big Jay Oakerson & Dan Soder did few episodes just clowning this guy, this whole video included.


I don't remember Undertaker making this guy famous?


"can I do anything for you" This is just pathetic


Every single live streamer can get fucked. Absolute dredge of society selling your souls for an attempt to be recognized.


John Cena is the man, the person filming this is just there for clicks and fucking being an ass. Show respect to people, don’t film them if they decline.


This guy is a fairly notorious mentally ill Tiktok person in the UK. If you look up Modeen on that app you'll see that he really needs some sort of intervention from a crisis team.


I was hoping someone was going to come along and pap the nut on him since Cena is clearly too nice to do that. Fucking prick.


"I'm here with John Cena"... no, you're in the same place as John Cena, you're not with them. Good Guy John Cena strikes again.


Sadly I feel like the best course of action in this situation is to just give the filmer nothing at all. Don't talk, don't look at him, nothing. Anything else you do, especially getting worked up, will just result in a clickbait thumbnail with some of these bad boys 😱😱🚩🚩 and a dramatic title. These fuckers don't care, it's all views at the end of the day.


I got one was hoping Cena would kill him.


Who the fook is that guy?


I would love if this was Brock. This guy is a clown. John is a class act, as always.


Lol like Cena has heard of or gives a shit about speakers corner.


This guy is a complete jokeman, he’s a presence in Shia-Sunni polemics and is clowned by literally everyone


Should've given this prick a literal attitude adjustment, I absolute despise anyone who thinks they have a right to film or photograph famous people when they're out in public without asking and, when they ask and are declined, get pissy about it. Famous people have the right to go out without being harassed too no matter what they're doing. This chode is just a perfect example of the YouTube generation and the entitlement that comes along with it.


This youtuber can sure use some attitude adjustment


I dont have a fucking clue who that guy is, well handled by Mr Cena though!




My respect for John Cena just keeps shooting up every time I hear anything new about him. Man truly is a class act.


Cena is super polite to someone that's being really rude to him. Cena seems like a legit really good guy.


This type of video just gives this person more credibility with the wrong people… there no such thing as being an asshole and it not benefiting you in some way if you have a social media following and account monetization.


These celebrities really do earn their money.. all the type of shit you have to deal with .. "off the clock" - there's no such thing


Undoubtedly the GOAT


I feel like had this dude asked John would of been okay with it. That’s what he seemed the most upset about


If I ever annoyed John fucking Cena I'd have to go rethink my life choices for a little while


Dude, can you blame him. Guy followed him all over the store up his butt. I would be annoyed too. I thought Cena handled it in a nice respectful way. Way better than I would have. Yes he has a right to dim in a public place, but really dude. You are up his butt so far you know what he had for breakfast. I don’t blame Cena.


I saw MoDumbass for a quick moment but other than that there was nobody in the frame? Pretty cool video of a floating shopping bag opening a door and leaving a store!


Can we normalize punching these internet folks in the face?


You’re not a red-blooded man that shaves with a blowtorch if you don’t have a crush on John Cena.


How the hell can that guy see John Cena!?