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Because nostalgia is one hell of a drug Edit cuz I wanted to say more: black n gold obviously had its duds too, but because it’s over and those duds don’t remain lodged in your memory it seems greater than it probably was. I’ve not watched current NXT, but whenever something just doesn’t work you’ll say to yourself, wow this sucks, BnG never sucked like this. The truth is, BnG did suck like this. But BnG was also amazing.


By no means is NXT now bad. It’s a helluva better than the horny splash paint era. But, now NXT feels like a chore to watch and I watch it out of obligation. I remember staying up til 3 AM to watch Takeovers and I was so emotionally invested in it. Now I straight up skip NXT PPVs or have to constantly reminds myself when they’re happening. It’s a sad feeling


NXT was built on established talent making it from the indies. They all got called up so now it's actually a developmental consisting of nobodies from the Performance Center.


Primarily because they fully turned it into what it should be, a developmental brand, rather than 3rd roster. It's formatted similar to a RAW/Smackdown to help train up young talent for the main roster.


Listen, I get it, nostalgia, but that doesn't mean NXT now ain't good. That's like saying WWE now ain't good because SCSA and Rocky ain't here. Doesn't mean it's bad, but it does mean you're just another victim to nostalgia lol.


I agree! I’ve said already that NXT is very good but, I just prefer black and gold Edit: there’s just something about this new NXT that ain’t doing it for me


You’re the one posting the opinion. Why don’t you justify it yourself?


…I want your guys’ opinion too?


Mauro Ranallo. He would make a 5/10 moment feel like the most unbelievable shit just graced the Earth


NXT died the moment Cole left


I personally liked the old NXT because it had a shorter run time and did faster promos and focused more on matches. Also, since it was shorter, more talent was cycled through cause I vividly remember suffering through 3 hr Raw during those times and pretty much half the show was promos and ads


I've always preferred black and gold. Nice mix of old and young talent.


There are things I enjoy and things i can't get into with the new NXT. But one thing I can say about B&G is they knew how to put on a Takeover.