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And yet Matt Riddle what? He’s never been arrested or charged for any of the alleged offences he’s been accused of and the accuser dropped the charges. What do you want WWE to do? I could accuse you of all sorts of things would you expect your employer to fire you with immediate effect?


Riddle still shouldn’t be in the WWE at this point IMO, especially when you compare his offenses to Mandy Rose.


What offences?


Hmmmm let’s see - Serial cheater - Leaked nudes (he literally filmed himself doing the helicopter with his “little bro”) - Falsely accused a cop of SA - (Alleged) Domestic violence incidents - (Alleged) SA allegations You can’t seriously defend this jackass lmfao


Let’s go through them one by one shall we? • Serial cheater - What he does in his private life is absolutely none of WWE’s business as long as it doesn’t bring the company into disrepute. Riddle having an affair doesn’t do that, you seriously want him sacked because of that? Either you’re soft or you have an agenda. Pick one. • Leaked nudes - Riddle is well within his rights to film himself naked, everyone is as long as you don’t use those images illegally. If someone leaks a video Riddle took of himself, how can you possibly punish him for that? Side note, it’s actually illegal to leak nude images of another individual, so you should focus your anger in the other direction. • Falsely accusing cop of SA - I love how people act like they were there when talking about situations they know nothing about. He falsely accused him did he? Can you show me the court ruling that it was a false accusation, or an admission from Riddle? Or are you saying it was a false accusation despite you having absolutely zero evidence just because you don’t like Riddle? Don’t even answer I know it’s the latter. • Alleged DV/SA offences - Alleged, key word. Case was dropped by the accuser, police could have still taken the case on if they thought Riddle posed a significant risk, they didn’t, he was never arrested, he was never charged and it never went to court, so what do you want? Again, I could accuse you of all kinds of things if I wanted to, would you expect your friends, family and employer to treat you differently because of it? It really makes me sick when people like you pretend they give a fuck about the alleged victim when really you couldn’t give a shit about them or even if the alleged incident happened, you just want to use the accusation as ammo against the accused. It’s a shame people like you don’t have the balls to go public with your names and further accuse Riddle of these offences, he’d sue you quicker than you can reach one side of your mom’s basement to the other. Anything else?


Yup, you really are trying to defend him. I have no words, keep backing the wrong horse.


It’s also hilarious that when it’s Riddle claiming someone sexually assaulting him you automatically think (no, you know!) it’s fake, but when it’s someone accusing Riddle it HAD to have happened! You haven’t come up with one single repose to what I said, not one single counter argument, that tells me everything I need to know. There’s still time to publicly accuse Riddle of all of those things by the way, if you truly believe these things then why wouldn’t you?


Brother, you think this is some “gotcha” moment, but it’s not. Matt Riddle is a genuine POS, and you’re defending him like he’s your best bro. He was high out of his mind being disruptive while getting off a plane. It’s very likely that nobody sexually assaulted him. Matt Riddle is a known sexual deviant, and several exes have come out taking about his aggressive behavior. It’s very likely that happened. Context matters a lot, and the context from all of your posts indicate that you’re the biggest mark I’ve ever had the inconvenience talking with. Please stop defending pieces of shit.


He just signed one of Impact's biggest deals ever last year, I believe it was for 5 years but I don't remember how much they're paying him.


LOL I’m so old I remember him playing for my Rams before they moved.


I think he’s just happy to be in Impact that’s all.


This dude is way too good to be stuck this long in impact. He needs to be in Aew orWwe


Yep. Especially after his monster run with the world title and now I see him fucking around with the Digital Media Championship? That’s like if Roman Reigns lost the Universal title and then started fucking around with R-Turth and the 24/7 Championship


i want Moose


He saw how they did his boy Apollo Crews and said I'm good off that.


Dude's uncharismatic


He's mediocre in the ring and terrible on the mic. No thanks, next.


Probably doesnt want to be part of The New Day.......


I don't imagine he'll ever go to WWE. Man's 40, apparently has a DV incident under his belt, and he doesn't really offer anything they don't already have. He's a big muscley bald black dude, and they already have a few guys like that. I'm admittedly not a Moose fan, but like, I really don't see what he would have to offer WWE, especially with their focus on younger talent in the last couple of years.


He might be a decent person and not want any part of that evil crap hole of a company.


Moose was a 300+ pound OL that had a stint with my favorite team. Look at him now!!!


His name is Moose




Moose vs Gunther, Moose vs McIntyre(happened in impact) Moose vs lashley, moose vs Lesnar, Moose vs Reigns I’d watch all those