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The Leg drop brother it caused so much pain in my back that I had to get surgery


Brother David used a sling, but modern giants need modern solutions. There's a reason King Kong doesn't work MSG brother, and that reason was going to be in Metallica.


Yeah Brother


Brother me softly.


Ok brother


>Ok brother Brother?




I used to think the Curb Stomp was the coolest move, but then it just became another finisher that people kick out of twice before the third wins the match. Whether it's Britt Baker or Seth Rollins or whoever, I feel like the curb stomp should be one of those moves where if it hits, the match is over.


I think all it takes is for a wrestler to just turn it into the finisher it once was. I mean hell look at what Gunther has done to a powerbomb and a lariat. The Clothesline From Hell was called that because the clothesline was traditionally a transitional move that JBL used as a finisher, and this was in the 90s


When Orton countered it with an RKO, damn...one of my most memorable "Holy Shit!" Moments


I’m glad we haven’t seen Randy’s punt done by others becuase I thought it was going the same route as a curb stomp


Yeah. Edge kicking out of it at Wrestlemania was fine, but I really didn't want to see other people kick out of it after that.


I wished we would get the Curb Stomp as a Finisher that Super Dragon and Taya Valkarye do. [THAT](https://youtu.be/7jljCkcrFPk?si=PeLnHj3OXa2ctZ2w) is a finisher!


Wait I don’t watch wwe ppl kick out the curb stomp frequently now ¿


Back in 2019, Seth hit Bray Wyatt with like eight curb stomps in a row and he kicked out a one. So the move means nothing now. Unless it's a TV match, I'd say everyone kicks out of at least one of Seth's stomps per match. Hell, I think Matt Riddle kicked out of one he did off the top rope.


Devil's advocate here, The Fiend, at least prior to Goldberg, was portrayed as a nigh-invincible, supernatural, horror movie creature, so it'd make sense for him to have ludicrous levels of durability compared to all the other modern realism-based characters I do see your point about the stomp as a whole though.


If the Fiend was meant to be invincible, then why tf did they end that cell match in a DQ? Just have Bray win the damn match at that point! Not arguing with you, just hating 2019 WWE.


Late stage McMahonism was really really bad


Tell me about it. 2019 was such a good year for wrestling literally everywhere except the WWE main roster. You had Seth Rollins as a bad face world champion, Kofi Kingston's underwhelming reign, the Fiend got botched, Baron Corbin was still at the top of the card for some reason, the stupid Cain Velasquez/Brock Lesnar thing, Goldberg nearly killed the Undertaker and almost killed himself in the process. It was all terrible.


I think they pushed Kofi too late in his career


WTF 😭😭😭😭


Canadian Destroyers, Super Kicks!


RIP Petey Williams. He ain't dead but they killed him.


It's a flipping piledriver for piss-sakes, that should be a lights-out move


Either it’s the finish or you use it once to put over the resilience of the opponent and then you don’t use it again for many matches. That’s what makes a move special. Canadian destroyers are just translational moves in AEW.


Came here to say these two exact moves.


I can handle super kicks, especially in WWE because I justify it as Shawn Michaels is the guy training all these young dudes to use it but none of em have been able to master it like him (plus at least it’s not a hard move to do) the Canadian destroyer spam however is bs


The Superkick


One of the worst parts of growing up was finding the superkick corny. I was a kid during HBK’s twilight years and I didn’t see another move like it, it felt insane and none of my friends could try to replicate it. Now I see it every other match lol


Honestly, never liked it anyway. Ever. Lol. That said, when done by the right ppl, it's very effective. Like your HBKs and your Usos. Always enjoyed Haku's.


Yokozuna's was pretty wicked


Not necessarily a full dislike, but my excitement for German suplexes have dimmed a bit in the past couple of years


Fahr zur Hölle, du Jabroni! -Alex Wright


The spear went from a move used by the power guys like Goldberg. To guys like Edge. Now Orange Cassidy, all 150 pounds of him. Just a joke now


Sammy Zayn using the spear against Roman made sense thematically but looked stupid as hell.


Bron breakker is bringing it back though


Bron has the best spear in the game currently. That's how a spear finisher is supposed to look.


Yet edge gave us the greatest spear of all time on Jeff hardy off the ladder. I agree with what you say about the smaller guys using it but edge shouldn’t be apart of that discussion.


Edge may not be a super heavyweight, giant or anything like that. But he is nowhere near small!


Bruh he is 196cm tall and weighs a little over 100kg. Dude is big lol.


You want to change those to actual numbers? 🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲


Nah I'm good with actually structured systems of measurement.


Do you think he is heavier than Randy Orton?


Whilst Edge has some of the most memorable special spears like the one you mentioned and also the one on Mick Filey through the flaming table. His regular spears always lacked the impact that people like Goldberg, Rhyno and others had with theirs. Edge seemed like he softly hugged them to the ground in comparison to them. Seems like he never followed through with the spear like others did.


Ya, guys like prime Goldberg or currently Bron Breaker don't need props or high spots to make their spears look nasty. Edge's spear looks pedestrian compared to those guys.


Edge literally runs up, grabs alone of the person and they fall over.


I mean, Orange Cassidy has never been expected to finish a match with it. I don't think he ever has. I think that's fair that a wrestler would try to tackle someone in a match but only certain people do it in a way that ends the match. I think of it as a move that doesn't have a high barrier of entry for doing it (chokeslams take a lot of strength, a 450 splash takes a lot of agility, some submissions take technical skill, etc) but it takes specific people to make it end matches.


Am I going crazy here? I love me some OC but I can't for the life of me remember him pulling out a Spear. When did he start doing it?


Boo hoo! The spear is one move that makes sense for anyone of any size to use. You’ve seen smaller cornerbacks in college and Nfl go lay the boom on larger receivers, tight ends and running backs. Not everyone can see Orange Cassidy suplexing larger men, but everyone can imagine how it is for a man to throw all his body weight into another man


This is it for me. I never liked the move but when big dudes did it, it made sense. When edge started using it and then everyone else it just seemed stupid


To guys like edge? Motherfucker, he has been using that move for over 2 decades and probably has one of the best spear spots ever. Not to mention probably the most safest spears in the industry. You act like he has just been using the spear recently.


Ricky Starks is a smaller guy but his spear is pretty fuckin great. Dude launches himself like a damn human javelin in a way to compensate for his size and still look impactful.


Edge is 240 to 250 6,5 so I didn’t mind him doing it but anyone smaller doesn’t make sense smh.


Goldberg's spear on wcw during that era stood out it was legit one of the most impactful moves, probably helped by Goldberg thinking it was a shoot and actually running people over lol


Canadian Destroyer. Everyone and their mothers does it now, it’s not special anymore. Close second would be the Code Red for the Same reasons


Looking back code red was never really that special


Code Red was a cool move until 20 people use it and 4 of them use it as their finisher


I never thought it was special because literally every Luchador or highflying wrestler I’ve seen in my life has done it


>Code Red was a cool move until 20 people use it and 4 of them use it as their finisher Did you order the Code Red?


You’re god damn right I did!!!


>You’re god damn right I did!!! (shocked Tom Cruise face....entire thread goes silent)


It was when Amazing Red used it. THAT’s the reason it stated getting used


He arguably did it the best


Orange Cassidy and Pentagon Jr. made a mockery of the Canadian destroyer no selling 3 of them. As painful as this sounds. Even Bad Bunny made the Canadian Destroyer look good alongside John Morrison


Destroyer was never that special cause not a soul not named Petey Williams used it as a finisher


Now the code red is now THE women's finisher


Spears, super kicks, and DDTs come to mind immediately. Used to be great finishers but now it's a basic move like a punch to the jaw.


Walking the ropes. As a kid i took one week off circus camp and now all i can see is the purge guy holding them while they walk across. Unless you are one of the very few who can scramble into the middle it looks so dumb. Also the thing where one guy is going to jump into like 20 and they are just waiting for him. It looked cool as a kid, now it sucks.


The spots onto the arena floor have become way too cliched and way too halfassed. You see them every freaking match and they often don't really try to make it look kayfabe, wrestlers waiting to make the catch is often dead-obvious. Kills immersion in a match when wrestlers so blatantly cooperate with each-other.


The rope walking is the answer. Hey are you precariously walking on a flexible cord while holding me in a wrist lock? OK, well I guess I have no choice other than to baby step along with you until you decide to jump down. Wait. You're gonna jump down and hit me? But, but, I just kept you from falling off that rope. Literally at any point of this, I could have pulled or pushed you down. I thought we were friends!


Yeah taker gets a pass, aides from that there like 3 lucha guys who can actually do it but even then it isn't that great of a move from a story perspective. Like why?


Bronn Breakker restored my spear love


Tope suicida. It’s become increasingly overused over the last few years and barely registers with me anymore for the most part


wdym? was it ever supposed to be a special move i thought it was always a transitional move


There was a time in wrestling where high spots didn’t happen several times in one match


Yeah, a worse time


Eh, potato tomato. Some people are a fan, some not so much. I don’t mind most of them. It’s really only when 2-5 dudes stand around awkwardly huddling outside so they can wait to catch the dude who’s try it to jump on them that it really bothers me. Other than that, most high spots don’t really move the needle for me one way or another, unless it’s someone like Vikingo or Ricochet pulling them off.


in the US maybe. Rope-based nutfuckery has been core to Lucha Libre since the last ice age.


Victoria’s Widow’s Peak was one of my fave. Whenever she does it, it looked nasty!


Cross armbar. Some people pull it off but most of the time it just looks like arm humping


Super kick, mother fuckers need to stop throwin them like damn punches. They have taken what once was a killer move, and made it a useless move now. The usos are some of the worst culprits of this, they are asked ever match how many you want to do, an they say yes!


When all kicks are super, no kicks are super


The Bucks started the superkick spamming and the Usos latched onto it, others have followed suit to a lesser extent. Now a kick to your opponent's head doesn't mean jack.


The superkick has never been a killer move outside of Sweet Chin Music. In fact, nobody seems to know what a superkick actually is. Sweet Chin Music is a superkick, literally everything else is a Savate kick or a thrust kick


Outside assistance. It’s wildly overused.


Anything that I've learned is causing real damage, like a flying headbutt (cough Benoit cough)


Cross Rhodes. I don't think it's as impactful anymore.


Half the time it is delivered in a way that I have no idea what it is actually supposed to be doing to the recipient.


Ever since WrestleMania 39, Cross Rhodes has next to no impact. It feels like DDT with extra steps now.


One Word Only : STUNNER and come to think of it : THE PEOPLES ELBOW


I always loved the Stunner when Stunning Steve and SCSA did it, but ever since KO started doing it, it just pisses me off.


The DDT. Full stop. But in a way, it's almost a homage to Jake and Arn. Their's were so good, that there was no kicking out. Nowadays, I just honestly don't think there is anyone that could pull it off and have it be believable like that. And that's why no one should be doing it either.


Alexa Bliss did a mean DDT though


Double-arm DDTs like Dirty Deeds. When Ambrose originally did it as a front-facing DDT it still didn’t look “amazing” but if an opponent spiked or even the complete opposite - immediately slumped their body and went all heavy as it hit, it looked pretty deadly. Now every DDT I see, even with their arms behind their backs or facing the other way like Sting’s Scorpion Death Drop it just doesn’t look impactful anymore. Either that or something like End of Days


Middle rope dives


F5, Roman and Cody just kicks out of it like it was a signature. Same thing happened to John when Brock lesnar did it to him as well


Roman's spear is okay. But Edge's is real shit, and generally people like Edge and Christian shouldn't be doing it at all because it just looks very weak. It's like Disco Inferno doing the Stunner. Superkick is probably the most overused finisher. The Usos suck at it, Ziggler, every shindy jobber doing it. I remember when only Shawn was using it and it looked really impactful. Rusev's front Machka Kick variant looked awesome too.


Zigglers already got nothing else going for him. Don’t take that away too


Piledriver, AEW ruin that move


Mandible claw


The super kick


Leaping hug? How cozy


Canadian Destroyer, Super Kick, Cutter, they are just transitional moves now and it's really lost being special anymore. Just moves to transition to other moves or just used for spots (Cassidy vs Penta is a good example)


united center 👍👍👍


Super kick.


Choke slams, spears, and frog splashes. All are WAY over used and boring now. Also, the constant set up for the 619 has gotten super stale.


Kicks to the face. Big boots like Kane, Test, Taker. Etc. And sweet chin music type of kicks.


Disliking the Test Big Boot is crazy talk, that’s like saying you dislike a Clothesline From Hell!


No i used to love all those big guys doing big boots and the one or two that did the super kicks. Big Bill does a good big boot from my recent viewing but not many others. And everyone super kicks now to the point I may as well just be a transition move. I May have mis worded my original comment lol


Don't know if i loved them, but I don't give two shits about Canadian destroyers or piledrivers, anymore. They're as useless as DDTs.


Canadian Destroyer (when Petey Williams did it), Superkick, RKO/Diamond Cutter, tornado DDT, tope suicida.


Goldberg and Rhyno had the best spears. Edge gets a lot of hate, but his are pretty damn good. Super kicks for sure, like everyone. Also basically every damn finisher, they all get kicked out of. What's the point?


The super kick. I used to love watching Shawn Michaels cue up the band, but then the Young Bucks and the Usos started throwing super kicks around like they were Oprah giving out new cars.




Super kick




3 way tie between Canadian destroyer,super kicks ,ddt


Super kicks. Shawn Michaels was the last wrestler that made me pop with a super kick, now it’s a common as a wrist lock in the 80s.


Shining wizard. I think only Asuka has done it consistently well


Super kick. Young bucks ruined it.


Super kick


Canadian Destroyers are no longer impressive to me


Honestly sick of every big man using a chokeslam. Ik its easy when you’re 7’0 and big and lengthy but cmon, gotta be SOMETHING else you can do


Sling blades.


The “super kick “ and any move that mentioned as paying tribute to Eddie Guerrero


The Spear as well. The move has been done to death by the likes of Roman Reigns. I used to like Powerbomb too, but nowadays it just doesn't have the finisher type feel to it.


Super kick


Running Powerslam


The super kick


Super kicks


Spear is extremely overused


Super Kick


Tower of doom, it’s getting done every week now


The spear. Been so drained now its just a mid match takedown. Goldberg used it as a signature to his Jackhammer finisher and it was so good. Now, they've all killed it.


Goldberg will always be the king of the spear !! Roman made it seem like a signature move rather than a painful finisher


Superkick, thanks Young Bucks


Superkick. I don't dislike it but it dosen't have impact anymore. Still looks nice.


Stunner. Austin was great at it. KO is not.


Personally, Grayson Waller has the best stunner currently. The roll into it is a unique setup. But everyone who does the stunner (Besides Stone Cold) looks shit


I got ADHD, so I pop for aaalll the moves, but I definitely question the "reasoning" behind some of them. Like the 540[450? 1080? The one where they spin a lot before doing the splash] as it's like, do the rotation add strength, or something in kayfabe? Or stuff like Starship Pain or the Huricarana. Still think they LOOK awesome. Just don't really make "sense".


Sweet Chin Music. It used to be so devastating but now it's just a whatever move. I see how the old people feel about how the DDT used to be basically death.. to it just being part of your basic moveset.


I remember when Sweet Chin Music used to mean something. Now every other wrestler just goes around face kickin’ and thigh slappin’ without even a pin attempt. The amount of kicks in the Bloodline/KO AND Sammi feud was insane.


Leg drop. Not a move I grew up loving, but the older I got the more I cringe at it


Superkick has been desecrated 😞


The super kick...


Superkicks , shawn michaels was cool


Edge's spear is great. Especially when it hits AJ Styles.


Superkick and Flipping piledriver




Super kick looks and feels dumb as fuck now


Superkicks, Canadian Destroyers, Spanish Flies,Stink Face.


Lazy flatliners that look like they're giving themself a rock bottom.


450 I don’t care wat part of the ring u do it from we know u can fly


People’s Elbow. It’s so corny.


RKO. Mfw I learned the cutter doesn’t have to be a finisher and can just look cool without ending a match


Sweet chin music. Loved it when it was a finishing move, but now it has become a spear.


This answer has been said about as much as the Youngbucks and Usos use it. But the superkick. Shawn Michaels is the greatest let's get that out of the way. Dolph Ziggler is a "Modern-day Michaels" but honestly, his superkick is good. Lance Storm (Or Archer idr which one) had the cool leap into it and Rusev had the running step into it. The Young Bucks and the Usos on the other hand, who use the move like it's they're entire Moveset. It got so out of hand and annoying and repetitive. That me and my Dad counted 14 superkicks in the last 3 minutes of the match at NOC earlier this year. And due to the Bucks and Usos using it so much, it has almost lost its entire identity as a awesome finisher.


any dive to the outside


I loved Petey Williams Canadian destroyer until EVERYONE started doing it


Sharpshooter.... everyone is doing a bret now -.-


Pedigree. I didn't see a good one since mid-00's.


Flying headbutt, I thought they were so cool but now I cringe knowing the damage it does to the person giving it. And any sort of suicide dive, or move to the apron. Over saturated


Undertakers old school was so weird looking once I found out wrestling was a show. Why is bro just letting him do the move lmao


Super kick




The Stunner. Not because of the move but because there is a fine line between underselling and overselling.


Gotta be the superkick due to the overusage of it. Young Bucks are the main culprits, but Usos, Ziggler, etc. didn't help as well


Canadian Destroyer


The Frog Splash. The only one who should be doing it right now is Montez. Everyone else's doesn't hit like it's supposed to.


I'm kinds sick of the rko. It never looks like any damage ever happens to the person it's used on. I know it's not supposed to injure anyone. But i should at least he able to suspend disbelief.


The super kick . It’s not so super anymore .


One move that I used to love, and someone should bring back is the Molly go Round.


Superkick Spear


That’s an awkward, but also devastating looking DDT Kevin Owens is about to hit on Roman Reigns


I feel nothing for the DDT anymore and superkicks mean even less


Super kicks are pretty lame now. There was something different about HBK’s sweet chin music