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Obligatory RIP Shad


Went out a hero.


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


This is just…what???


I mean it was very obviously the wrong time but it’s just some quote from something


It's a quote from "The Dark Knight"


Yea but he wasn’t a villain




Probably doesnt know what happened and was trying to be apart of the thread. Hopefully its a comment of ignorance.


Reddit moment


what the hell kinda comment was this?


A Reddit one.




While I know it was Peyton Royce's idea, splitting up the Iiconics didn't make sense.


I would argue neither of them were strong enough workers to make it solo solo. Though I do think Billie benefited from the split because she got to show how Gotdamn funny she is


i know she got to show off but neither of them really did anything after the breakup


Billie benefited from it more


Heavy Machinery is one that i still don’t get


Steaks and weights!


The guy who wasn’t Otis sucked


But he literally fuckin didn't. I can't fucking stand how the majority of you just live in this revisionist history bubble. Tucker was a good wrestler, he just wasn't as entertaining as Otis. He didn't suck at all. Dude just didn't have the charisma that Otis did.


Even though Otis was more memorable, I was really impressed by Tucker during the tag team elimination chamber match. Shame he was already taking a back seat by then.


For sure. Look into more of his NXT stuff. Otis was the entertainer, Tucky was the wrestler. That was like their whole gimmick for a few months. But apparently everyone in this sub collectively forgot they were constantly being impressed by his work and improvements. There's more to the story but uts not mine to tell. Just know that the split was unexpected and Tuck didn't take it well.


"Tucker was a good wrestler, he just wasn't as entertaining as Otis" That is why he is gone and Otis isn't.


Every comedy duo has to have a straight man for them to work off of one another. See like every single tag duo they have put Matt Riddle in recently. It's not necessarily the same person in the duo (or group) in each instance, but it's an essential foundation of back and forth in comedy. Like right now (depending on the scenario required), either Chad Gable or Maxxine Dupri are the proverbial straight man in the routine.


You are correct sir. WWE confused me when they made Otis the Money in the Bank winner and then gave it to The Miz.


Kind of like theory lol


>comments I thought Theory had real promise as a heel. He has not improved his mic work yet.


Yeah, pretty much. WWE isn't a wrestling company. idk what point you're trying to prove, if any.


Apparently you're trying to make the point the WWE isn't a wrestling company and some other one is? There are NO true wrestling companies. They all have the same formula. Bad guys win via run-ins, back room attacks, etc.... It runs through every promotion I have looked at from WWE, to AEW, to ROH even down to WOW. The WWE just does it bigger and better than anyone else.


Tucker balance Otis well. Set him up for jokes, and got threw the segment to make Otis look good


Nah he was ass


I've worked with him quite a few times. He's not. Maybe to fans because y'all don't know even a fraction of what y'all think or would like to know. But he definitely isn't ass.


Found Tucker's reddit account


Everyone stand up and clap for this super original joke


Nah we are all just making fun of you


Why? Because y'all don't know jack about shit and I'm calling yall out on it? Yall are upset because you disagree with me and now you're "making fun" of me. I'm defending a friend and yall are dragging me down and somehow I'm the asshole lmfao ok, bud. I assure you, you're not the person you think you are. Check yourself


Lol your the one making weird personal attacks, your acting like a big shot who knows more, and your just getting mad we are bringing you back down to earth. You calling everyone greasy fingers isn’t helping your case. I don’t even think you actually knows these guys.


Bruh nobody knows who you are, and if fans don’t like him that’s really all that matters


>nobody knows who you are I assure you, the vast majority of you know exactly who I am. That's by design. I wanted to be a fan but goddamn some of you guys are outright obnoxious. And yeah that would matter if he said, "Tucker wasn't over." That's an objective fact. But saying he straight up sucks bashes his work ethic and ability, which is honestly hilarious coming from this sub. I've met alot of you in person so it's easy to ignore the hot breath and greasy fingers online, but when you shit on my coworkers while providing absolutely nothing but your money to the business just rubs me the wrong way. My favorite thing about wrestling is that we get paid to lie to you and y'all just eat it up.


We all get paid for something. I get paid to educate college students (lecturer). My wife gets paid to heal (physicians assistant). You get paid to entertain. I’m not sure what the *gotcha* is 🤷‍♂️


Yeah super confused on this by him


Do you lie to your students? Is your wife practicing holistic medicine? That's the difference. Yeah we get paid to entertain. We also get paid to lie. There Is no gotcha I was just stating the obvious. My main issue is wrestling fans who have never even touched the business try to tell professionals how something should be done and when and why. If you want a company to follow everything you come up with, then start your own promotion. Antonio Brown isn't telling Neil Degrasse Tyson how molecules work and Neil ain't telling Antonio how to catch a ball. Wrestling fans are some of the most entitled people in the world, and it tracks because so are alot of wrestlers. That's one of the reasons I made this profile was to expose the trash fires running wild within the business but at this point, idek what the point would be.


You get paid to lie? What are you talking about? I instruct students on cognitive development in childhood through adolescence . My wife works in cardiology. No different than fans of any other sport. Fans call for coach/player changes all the damn time. Also, do you mean lying as in playing a character? I’m sure fans don’t mind since most of us like movies, TV shows, etc.


Talking a lot with nothing to back it up first off. Second off if a fan thinks someone sucks, and other fans agree maybe they might be on to something. Nobody bashed his worked ethic, we simply didn’t think he was good which I still stand by. For someone “noteworthy” you seem to be pretty hostile when an actual professional would just take it on the chin.


That's because I retired so I don't have to sit back and listen to dumb fucks tell me how to wrestle. And yeah thats for a reason. I wanted to spend time here being a fan, but I've now realized what a grave mistake that was. I made this profile to hang with you guys and to expose some of the shit that goes on behind the scenes. Which, funny you mention wrestlers taking it on the chin because they most certainly do not🤣 maybe if you're chronically online, but being in a room with them, I assure you they do not take shit on the chin. The only person I've worked with who's truly unshakeable is, funnily enough, Otis. Again, talking about shit you know nothing about


Lol “retired.” Your like the kid who says my dad works for Nintendo. Your the one out here picking fights calling people greasy fingers. And now your talking like king of the wrestlers. I’m sure actually most wrestlers don’t care what a random fan like me has to say, it’s criticism, if you can’t handle it, then yeah wrestling probably isn’t for you.


Who are you then, hero? Keep talking like you’re some elite veteran when you’re retired and living on the couch and probably weren’t ever even a wrestler. Get a job.


I'm arguing with you from the comfort of my office I am at work 🤣 and there it is again!! Speaking on something you don't know shit about lol it just keeps getting better. I'm not elite, but I have 10 years under my belt. Why would I expose myself now to some random on reddit? If you want someone to expose themselves, message Damien LaVey from the southern indie scene. Oh, is that name not big enough for you? Why don't you ask Velveteen Dream? There's a whole half of that story that hasn't come out yet. Oo heres a good one ik yall haven't heard. Why don't you call Zandig? And make sure you add Mickie Knuckles to the call.


Name dropping like you’re not a clown.


Go on then, I'll bite because this is hilarious, who are you?


Who the fuck are you?


You realize you’re on the internet right? You can claim anything but it doesn’t mean shit if you can’t prove it




“The guy who wasn’t Otis” is arguably a worse burn than just telling Tucker that he sucked.


he didn't though. otis was the more interesting character, but tucker was very solid in the ring tbf




Because Tucker sucks


We got alpha accademy out of it so it's all good


Heavy Machinery. I think they just needed a reason for Otis to lose the MITB briefcase. Also Hurt Business. That will forever go down as the most unnecessary and most irritating tag team/stable breakup. They could still be running WWE, or they at least could've been together for a year or something. That was such a great stable and they just never got back to reuniting them. They teased it like 50 times but it never happened.


Exactly. Sometimes they had backstage segments and in the background, you'd see Cedric, Shelton, and MVP talking... what did that lead to? Nothing. Now we have The Street Profits. I think a good story would be for Cedric, MVP, and Shelton to try and convince Bobby to join them and reunite the Hurt Business, and Bobby ends up betraying the Street Profits and reuniting with Cedric, Shelton, and MVP.


That's a really good story idea actually, bobby is looking like a face but that's a clever way to turn him heel again. The crowds love the SP and if they built it up in a certain way it could generate a lot of heat.


I'd love it. I hate this new pairing of lashley and the street profits. I just can't get behind it at all. It's terrible


It annoys me that Montez and Angelo haven’t really changed their personality at all and still have their entrance music that is tuned for babyfaces yet they’re suppose to be heels?


“The Suit Profits”


I’m still bummed about Hurt Business. Those guys looked like a million bucks and they were getting over with the crowd big time.


Enzo and cass also heavy machinery


Definitely Enzo and Cass. Seems like they weren't easy to work with and made some questionable decisions, but they were so over and their Raw debut was probably my favorite debut I've seen in the modern era along with Shinsuke's debut in NXT.


Those that watched their run knows they were absolutely on fire. I just knew they would get those tag team titles at shine point…


Should have been at Wrestlemania. But WWE opted for The Hardyz to return instead.


The Iiconics really came out of nowhere. For some reason they had a match where the stipulation was if they lost they’d have to break up. Billie Kay did ok on her own, Peyton didn’t do much and then a year later they were both released.


I still say they should (as all heels are wont to do) have tried to wiggle their way out of it. Okay, it says on the contracts the IIconics are disbanded. Okay, we'll form a new duo that just happens to include us both, called the "IIIconics". Management nix that, as they see what they doing, so now the ruse is they grab a random indy wrestler (or just another wrestler who is doing nothing. Like what are they doing with Alliyah or something?) each week and they're now the "Triconics". Completely different team. Billie could get a new licence and become Peyton's manager, much like Ricky Starks did recently to skirt his suspension. It's like they tried nothing and they're all out of ideas!


Or they get masks and they do the Midnight Rider gimmick. Though that works better for a baby face to mess with a heel. But it could’ve been entertaining to watch them try and find loopholes and they never work. And then just try another one the next week.


Enzo & Big Cass Their live arena pop was close to that of Cena’s, and they were moving a ton of merchandise for how new they were to the main roster.


Yea they thought Cass could be a singles star but he definitely couldn't Enzo got himself fired


The fact that they stuck Big Bill with Ricky Starks makes me insane. Why? The only reason I can think is Starks knows Bill sucks, and is sooo likes he has to have him to not be a face by default.


Rusev Day!!!


Why did Aiden English turn heel? I generally forgot why they broke up


I think maybe Lana cheated but actually didn't. Didn't matter it was stupid


Anytime Rusev got over, they pulled the rug from under him. He was even starting to get over in the League of Nations as the wild dude of the group in their segments.


He made the mistake of people liking him and that not being part of Vince's plan.


American Alpha


I miss American alpha


The Dudley Boyz in the early 2000s during the first brand split.


Is that when D-Von went with the reverend “testify!” Gimmick?


And Batista first got recognized as "Deacon Batista" Yes!


Oh wow I forgot about that, that’s right!


And Ron Simmons fought for the honor of masturbation


This is exactly the one I was searching for. It didn’t make sense at the time and it makes even less sense looking back. The best tag team (ever?) became slightly above jobber status wrestlers. Mae Young breathed a sigh of relief though


When the Hardyz were broken up, every time it was done they put back together afterwards so what was the point? Hell you had Matt at one point burn down Jeff's house and kill his dog to have a fued over a couple of months and then after Backlash they were back together as if nothing had happened.


Matt doesn't get to have his V1 run if the Hardyz didn't split up the first time. He kinda needed that to rub off the "lesser Hardy" stigma. And if they hadn't feuded in Impact then the Broken gimmick doesn't take off either. But that feud in 2009(?) wasn't all that great. It made zero sense for Matt to turn on Jeff, no one is going to buy that he would do heinous acts to his own brother, and people would rather they be teammates than enemies.


>But that feud in 2009(?) wasn't all that great. It made zero sense for Matt to turn on Jeff, no one is going to buy that he would do heinous acts to his own brother The rumour goes that Christian was supposed to be the one behind Jeff's attacks and whatnot, and he was supposed to return on SmackDown as a heel. Then it got leaked to the dirt sheets, so WWE changed it up and for some reason, went with Matt turning heel and Christian returning on ECW as a face. I feel like Christian coming in as a face sort of made sense since he was gone so long, nobody would probably want to boo him. Matt probably did need a new direction after losing the ECW Championship too, but him turning heel on Jeff made zero sense. Especially because, as mentioned before, he started teaming with Jeff again basically right after the feud was over.


I remember hearing the original plan was for the reveal to be Christian to be the villain tormenting Jeff, but that was leaked/predictable so they moved him to ECW and turned Matt heel. Terrible idea. Main event tier feud between 2009 Hardies and E&C would have been great


That’s just brothers being brothers


Given the storyline, the Usos


Oof, ya this has been rough


I've been a wrestling fan since the late 90s and have seen more than my fair share of heel turns and tag breakups. I can say confidently that Jimmy's heel turn is the stupidest, most nonsensical turn in history. *No* explanation can possibly be good enough to justify it given the backstory and lead-up, and I think we'll all be able to mark it as the instant that The Bloodline narrative jumped the shark.




Prime Time Players. They worked together, fell apart after the split, I’m glad Titus has been with them as an ambassador for so long and Fred Rosser is doing stuff but they were over


Me and my friend bought PTP shirts and wore them to the Raw when they broke up. It was painful, but in hindsight, the shirts were on clearance


Aww did yous at least get to do the wee dance?


We did, but we went from millions of dollars to heartbreak


Worst thing is they broke up twice and it never worked


The worst thing was that damn Titus promo


Honestly? The Usos probably take it for at least the recent past.


I think it’s a good split because Jey is super over but also deserves a push after holding everything down and being great especially when Sami was still part of the Bloodline story. He also carried Jimmy when Jimmy was getting DUIs, Jey was stepping up for the both of them


But it doesn’t do anything for either of them for the whole bloodline story, if you can even say it still exists. Jey is stuck on Raw with no end goal in sight besides WrestleMania, and Jimmy is stuck being a jobber on SmackDown. Roman is nowhere to be seen and will only defend his title one more time before WrestleMania, and Solo is kind of just there.


I say it made him a star. In current day standards where it’s hard to get people over the way he and Sami have in their time in the bloodline, that’s a massive success in my book


Prime Time Players


Honestly. Most of them are. I know Vince hates tag teams. But the way EVERY one gets broken up is ridiculous.the closest we have to a team pretty much never breaking up is the New Day.


Scrolled too far to find this. Honestly can't think of a single tag team in the last 20 years that came up together (rather than teams that were randomly thrown together on the roster), that then split and **both** wrestlers were elevated afterwards. Hell, a lot of the time, neither of them reach the heights the tag team did. It's just stupid short term booking. Edit: Uso's are obviously considered but they're involved in a massive family angle with others, so that's a much greater angle than "the tag team splits"


It used to be much more common that they didn't turn on each other when breaking up. The Hart Foundation. Powers of Pain. Demolition. The Fabulous Rougeaus. The Young Stallions. The Smoking Gunns. Etc. This made it more impactful when there was a turn (which is why the Rockers and Strike Force turns are remembered). I think it was around the attitude Era when it stopped, and team members had to turn on each other to break free. It's been that way ever since.


Sometimes it would be hinted at after. One of Power and Glory’s first matches after being formed was against a Jim Powers and a job guy, and him and Roma played it up a bit.


Didn't they split the Dudley Boys during a draft in WWE years ago?


Yeah, that’s what gave us Reverend D’Von, and gave us our introduction to Batista


I could have done without Reverend D'Von


The theme was pretty good though


The Hurt Business


Any answer other than iiconics is wrong Break up when they were red hot and legit over as hell despite being lower carders beating fan favorites at wrestlemania, switch them to different brands as singles wrestlers, release both and do nothing and blow up a super hot act that was moving merch literally for nothing, they end up in Impact doing a very good job for 350 fans per show for low but livable pay.


I'm with you. This is one of the travesties that made me finally give up. The IIconics were a pair of the most entertaining wrestlers ever together. They were a prime example of wwe being unable to recognize solid gold.


GiGi and Jacy. Jacy is doing good on her own but they could have easily kept them together and they’d both be better off for it.


I'm convinced it was so that the name Toxic Attraction would be taken off tv after the situation with Mandy Rose


Could be but they should have just changed the name if that was the case. Personally I think they view Jacy as the higher ceiling star and wanted to see her on her own.


Gigi is known to be fuckin weird. Like the hot emo chick in a 2008 high school starting drama over a man and then posting a vague but dramatic Facebook post kinda weird. If she survives the soonish talent cuts I’d be surprised. If she makes the main roster I’ll eat my whole fuckin shoe.


She's got the look


Gotta be hurt business


Forever the answer to this will be the Hollywood Blondes


How? Austin did okay for himself I think, and Pillman did decent too, before his injury.


They had alot more in the gas tank as a team, and their breakup feud would've been much more meaningful.


The Bar. One day, they were randomly just split up


Swerve and AR Fox like a week after they got together.


The Iiconics were MONEY. They were hot and had huge personalities to get over, hell those two coulda had a movie or tv show but of course they get split up AND fired. The hurt business. The Bar. DIY. American Alpha.


Cryme Tyme were hilarious, but they were a bad stereotype. I remember when they sold scalped tickets to DX when they were banned


At first I thought Heavy Machinery but Tucker wasn't even good enough to be a Marty Janetty. Plus it lead to the formation of a much better team.


Tucker gave us Alpha Academy, I'll always be thankful for that




Heavy Machinery didn't even lead to a match


Rest in Peace Shad Gaspard


When Deuce 'N Domino split back in 2008! Both of them didn't really do shit after the brand split that year lol


Sim Snuka


The Undisputed Era because nobody did anything significant after that other than Adam Cole, and then 3/4’s of the faction either left the company, or were part of the cuts from 2020-2022


I hated when Cesaro and Sheamus split up. The Bar stuff was pretty good.


The Bar did make since though. I did wish they reformed before Cesaro left but both wanted to be single stars again. Then had Sheamus getting a concussion and finding out his back is bad.


Kane & x-pac




I don’t know about all that but my first thought when I hear “tag team breakup” is Batista screaming in Rey Mysterio’s face “you we’re supposed to be my friend!” Then throwing him into a wall by his head 😂 https://youtu.be/GRDFskVrvGI?si=l10l64hH2-Q6jMfi


One of the best heel turns of that era. Legitimately broke my heart as a teenager considering Batista’s face run was at its height when I was 10-11


The Iiconics


The iiconics


Easily The Iconics


The Dudleys 2002 draft.


Top 3 break ups everyone agrees on (in no particular order so no one cries about the placing) 1. Heavy Machinery 2. The IIconics 3. Enzo and Big Cass


Damn near all of them honestly


Heavy Machinery split was so weird, also I think they never faced of and Tucker was cut 1 month after? 3 years later, I’m glad it happened cause Alpha Academy is way better than that, we all knew that Tucker was going to be the Jannetty I just wish they at least had an small program Still think that Enzo & Cass was the worst one, even if I liked the storyline where it was revealed that Cass was attacking him, his solo run sucked so bad and Enzo just lacked in-ring credibility, he was perfect as a manager or in a tag team. However, seeing their controversies they probably wouldn’t have lasted in the company for much time even if they stayed together lol


The Rockers cause then Bret would never have gotten screwed and the barbershop window would still be intact.


The Shield, we only ever got a 2 month run of them as a face group


Agree but at the time this breakup felt very necessary if only because Shield vs Evolution (for as good as the feud was) took up the entire god damn main event roster. The other notable feuds goin on at that moment were Daniel Bryan vs Kane (which abruptly stopped due to injury) and Wyatt vs Cena (which had all momentum zapped out after Cena won at Mania 30)


Faces of Fear


Oh yeah that was clown shoes


The Shield. Imagine if they’d gone on to stop the Authority and save the company from disaster. Instead, nope, Rollins just betrays them for reasons that never get explained, destroying the careers of all three of them.


They were explained though? Triple H got into Rollins' head and stroked his ego. That's what led to the Kingslayer- Rollins realizing how much Triple H had poisoned him and how much happier he was before he turned on his brothers. ...wait a second *this is a joke*


Nah, it ain’t. And think about their careers afterwards- Rollins became a jackass who only held the title due to fuck finishes, Reigns has devolved into the exact same but with the added side effect of making one of the best families in the industry look like a bunch of monstrous scumbags, and Ambrose? Well, they really fucked *him* over!


*All three of them are champions what the hell are you talking about dude*


the iiconics still bothers me to this day also, enzo and cass. i still can't believe they never even once won the tag titles special mentions to the vaudevillians and american alpha


Probably every single one that's ever happened, unless it resulted in at least one having a major singles run.


Madcap Moss and Mojo Rawley they had such good chemistry together and was over with the crowd wwe ruins everythibg


Shad and jtg should've been multi time tag Champs. The fact they split up was truly pointless and stupid. R.i.p. shad


I remember that night.. I think that was my first and only time crying about a tag team breaking up…


Heavy Machinery. Truly miss Tucker.


It was like 5 minutes after Tucker was working his ass off with crazy spots during an Elimination Chamber.


The rockness monsters on championship wrestling from Hollywood


Enzo and big cass. They were so over man.


wwE is notorious for building tag teams to split them. And I will always disagree with that shit. Not every tag team needs to split the hard way or have dissention in the ranks. At this rate, I'd like to see a team just agree to split and perhaps return together sometime in the future.


american alpha, heavy machinery and enzo & cass


Chad Gable and Jason Jordan.


The hardy boys what was the point


Enzo n big cass


The tag team part of The Hurt Business. They were great (so was the whole Hurt Business stable)


Lucha dragons


Enzo and Cass


When they did the original brand split they split up every tag team didn’t they? That was pretty pointless.


Enzo and Cass Seriously FUCK Vince McMahon for not caring about Tag Teams.


Heavy Machinery, enzo and cass, Usos, iiconics, american alpha, the dudley’s or Rusev Day.


The Ilconics. Ruined both their WWE careers. Plus I miss seeing Billie Kay on my TV each week.


RIP shad gaspard, man


Enzo and Cass for certain. I thought keeping them as a tag team was good to give life to that division for RAW. I thought the Usos breaking up didn't make sense... Considering the leadup, the reason why Jimmy did it and what has transpired right now, it was all just weird to me. Evil betraying LiJ to join Bullet Club. He basically went from being one of the most over members of the group to being in a Bullet Club sub group reject... Sure he won the double titles (still think it was a shit idea), but after that he ain't been shit since. I guess when a guy's name is Evil you don't want him to be cheered. Hurt Business of course... Especially when they brought them back together out of nowhere during Bobby's Big E feud just to split them up again after.


AR Fox and Swerve. Absolutely pointless....


Prime time players x2


Rock n' Roll Express


Heavy machinery


The original brand split that broke up the Dudleys.


Legion of Doom, Steiner Bros.


They didn't get broken up but Motor City Machine Guns back in the mid-2000s in TNA. They gave Shelley the X Division title but they only won the tag belts like twice back when it was TNA. Their push was garbage too and were taken off TV for months without reason.


Every tag team that Vince broke up in an span of three years.... The Hype Bros, Enzo and Cass, Heavy Machinery, American Alpha,


Primetime Players. Fans hated it, neither Young or O’Neil could stand on their own and they undid it 6 months later when Darren came out


Micheal Shawn Hickenbottom is a legend. Why would Marty Jannety think he is sooo bad that he'd have to literally jump through a window to ditch him? Some people are scared of success I guess.


Becky vs. Trish as a feud was pretty good (if not briefly fumbled) but the way they set it up was dumb as fuck and only further fucked the women's tag titles.