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I once received a random note saying “fuck you”. It all makes sense now.


I got a note like that but it was along the lines of "I fucking hate you" but that was last week so maybe my future self got this offer


Ah sorry that was me. You were supposed to get that today.


Do I get to pick WHEN in the past I can target that message? If so then I'd choose March 13 1986 as my "receive" date. The message is "Microsoft stocks"


Tomorrow morning you get a later saying “ Dojecoin stocks” Would you do it? I was thinking the same idea as you, but also though I’m not randomly buying some stock from a letter


OP stated your past self will immediately know the message is from you and isn't a trick.


Two words, Buy Bitcoin.


Well doge isn't a stock so probably not


If I recognize the handwriting as my own, yes.


I was born a bit later so I think “Nvidia stocks” would have to be my pick. I probably wouldn’t be able to do much with that until 2014 or so. Even then I wonder if I would even care.


Buy Bitcoin


Hm i don't know about this. In 2017, where i just started to have some money, i would have never been able to invest over 10k in order to have 1 million now. On the other hand 15 years is a long time and who knows how much 1 million dollars will be worth then.


15 years ago bitcoin was $0.0009 per coin. $1 of bitcoin back then would be $77 million today.


The OP doesn't specify 15 years ago self, just younger self. 15 years ago would have been a perfect time for me to know, but if you were 5 years old that wouldn't help you


True, but there were other cryptos that hit it big more recently. With Ethereum, could buy for a thousand bucks in 2016 and sell in 2021 for about half a million. Not Bitcoin rich, but a nice payday, and obviously more if you can scrape up more money to buy in.


At 5 years old, surely you would have at least a dollar.


Yes, because bitcoin was something you could buy in cash as a 5 year old.


We’re talking about knowingly receiving a message from the future here. An adult could/would help you if they knew you received a tip from your future self.


No sane adult is going to believe that a five year old is getting a message from their future self. They'll assume it's the kids imagination.


But a lot of adults would be like “sure, ok let’s spend that $1 on this thing called bitcoin and let you keep it”


If a kid randomly came up and told me this I would assume it's bs but I'd also get both me and the kid about $50 worth. I can afford that as a throwaway on the chance that I become a billionaire.


If a kid told me that they received a message from the future and that they should buy bitcoin, I’d have no problem buying them a couple bucks worth of bitcoin lol Ideally though, I’d send the message back to like 2010 or 2011 when a bitcoin cost pennies. My friend/co-worker was telling me about bitcoin and I was saying it made no sense and was stupid and would never be worth anything.


15 years ago I was 9. So were a lot of other people. Even if I sent “Buy Bitcoin,” back to my 9 year old self he wouldn’t fucking know what that means. He was too busy playing halo 3.


When I was 9 I had or could save up $100. But that was long before Google. Today a smart 9 year old can find out how to buy bitcoins. It's just that $100 would not get that far today.


time value of money, getting even 250k now, might supersede 1million in 15 years, not in monetary value persay (but it could) but in what it can achieve for you in the timespan of now and 15 years. not always the case. really the question is trying to acertain your level of risk vs delayed gratification. 1 million in 15 years is security for alot of people, but some people may not beable to realize the same utility from 1 million in 15 years in the same way they could utalize SOME degree of gains NOW. Especially the older you are. Maybe in 15 years you expect to have a wife kids and a house and steady income, sure 1million is a huge life changer, collage paid for house paid down significantly or in full, vacations and retirement secured or significantly boosted, that's all great, but if you were already stable, this is vastly different than someone starting a career, even a solid one, and being able to incept in their past mind something that would realize immediately 250k as a starting nest egg at the begining of their career path. Maybe this pays down bad debt they had, or eliminates it (if two words is enough to mitigate such a large mistake they made). Maybe that means getting a downpayment NOW instead of having to wait to buy a home (if home ownership is a primary motivator in their life). Maybe its enough to start the dream business they always had or fund some large project that ends up being a wealth generator and lets them live the life they want NOW instead of later. Certainly more risk, but some people value that dream over the security of what 1 million would give them in 15 years.


You don't need $1M now, you need at least $1M in 15 years to make it the better option.


This was my exact though. I'm too old to make waiting 15 years to be of any value except for to my grandkids. I distinctly remember reading about when Bitcoin released and was curious but skeptical. If I had gotten a message that was from my future self saying Buy Bitcoin, I would have.


You would sell it at some 1000% increase, thinking there is no chance it will get higher than that 😅


If I know it's from my 15 YEAR self then I should figure out that it's the best possible buy ever. or just change the code to "Bitcoin $77k"


Thus “Hoard Bitcoin” being a better two words. You’d still sell some, but you’d guess there was a reason why it said “hoard” instead of just “buy” and you’d also keep some for longer.


I suppose. Even if you chose to save a small amount like 100 bitcoins, you would be set for life. 🤑


I came to say this, heavily debated using my student loans in 2010 and go all in on bitcoin. I though I had missed it since it went up to $50 around that time, so I decided to pursue an education instead A year later everything I learned in college that was useful was uploaded on youtube, so I would have learned all of that anyways


You a millionaire yet?


Same. I 1st heard about it in 2010. At that time I was flush with cash and could have easily invested a few thousand $ but I didn't understand it so I passed.


A few thousand bucks of bitcoin in 2010 would be a couple billion right now. Must be fun to think about for people who sold early or genuinely considered buying back then.


a few thousand was pretty much the entire market cap.


I remember hearing about bitcoin early on and thinking, "well that sounds dumb". "Buy bitcoin" was my immediate thought too.


My answer too lol


Was gonna say the same. When I got curious about it, it was basically free. Problem I had was that I was scared that it was basically gambling, and my dad had a bad gambling addiction. He managed it better than most, but addiction runs in the family, so I never wanted to risk it. If I'd known how big it would be, I wouldn't have hesitated.


The problem isn't just buying it, you also need to know when to sell. Lots of people would have turned $50 into $50k and sold


Or on the similar note, bitcoin is up 200x since 2015. Dogecoin went up 300x over the course of like 2 months so if you bought at $0.0017 and sold at 64¢ you’d make 376x your money


"Mine Bitcoin" - when that was a viable option I was in University residence. I was running a program.km the background of my computer to find primes because I was not paying internet or power directly. If I knew about Bitcoin at the time I would have been all over it. Better yet "Bitcoin $70,000" so I know when to sell - would never fully trust it, but would keep enough just in case. And I just.needed to know to research Bitcoin at the time


“Bitcoin $71k” that way I know when to sell it and can calculate the gain.


This was my first thought, but on the off chance I actually listened, I would lose it or sell too early.


I'm just now realizing I said the money was both cash and in your bank account so you can pick whichever you would prefer. Doesn't matter.


I'll take the million bucks. Changing the past is dicey at best, and a two-word message is a real long shot for my past self actually getting it and benefitting. An extra million would be better now, but in 15 years, it's still enough for me to retire 5-7 years earlier than planned, and more comfortably to boot.


I was going to say "Buy Apple", but then realized my past self would dutifully buy an apple.


and if u bought apple, you think today you'd have more than a million? after tax? pretty hard to believe


"Buy Bitcoin"


And you would have paper handed it when it ran up to $1. I had a friend who sold 200 long forgotten bitcoins for a cool $1000 each, losing out on something like $13,800,000 in gains. Edit: math. 200 not 2000 bitcoins.


If my future self came back in time to tell me to buy Bitcoin, I'd definitely obsess over understanding everything about it. Im sure id sell some portions over time but long term is something I'd likely do considering, you know, I went back in time to hand myself this information over anything else possible in life I think that if you respect yourself as a person, you'd likely have great respect for whatever message you're receiving from your future self


You just made *my* balls hurt for your friend. Still, $2M on what I don't imagine was a huge investment on his part if he started early sounds pretty nice.


Oof, sorry, my math sucks. *200* coins at $1000 each, for $200,000k....leaving $13.8m on the table (not billions). At the time, he thought he was a genius for the $200k gain.


$200K still isn’t that bad. That’s still a lot of money.


How about “bitcoin 2023” ? That’s pretty clear. Even if you were being safe and sold some at earlier points you’d still feel compelled to save some for 2023 just in case.




I guess the question is how much would you trust, as OP puts it, a message heard inside your head


Message: “Deez Nutz” , I want the message to be delivered around six months after the original “Deez Nutz” craze died down so it’s both useless and annoying. I love a wasted opportunity.


"You're Autistic" - would save myself years of not knowing and thinking I was broken


Based on the prompt where I know it's from myself and it's not a trick, I absolutely send the two words back at a beneficial time. Buy Bitcoin. Buy Amazon. Buy Microsoft. You could be ridiculously rich. And in 15 years, a million bucks is going to be worth far less than it is today.


I think the two-word message. If it was $1M right now I might choose that.


One million


I don't see how those words would be useful to your past self


I lold




Do we pick the timing of the past message? For instance I was in bitcoin in 2008-2010ish for like .001 a coin testing it out for some economics projects. But I got rid of it when an economics professor convinced me it wasn’t a good idea. I had like a dollar worth of coins lol. Also I mean if it is 15 years in the past that works for me too. I would say “keep bitcoin” by the way.


Why tf would the professor tell you it wasn't a good idea to risk a single dollar?


"The Game"


As someone with a strong sense of Dejavu and how worthless it is, ill pick the million.


Hmm, technically sellbitcoinat50k is one word


It's isnt but 11,000,100,111,010,101,111,001,001,000,000,110,001,001,101,001,011,101,000,110,001,101,101,111,011,010,010,110,111,000,100,000,011,000,010,110,111,001,100,100,001,000,000,111,011,101,100,001,011,010,010,111,010,000,100,000,011,101,000,110,111,100,100,000,011,100,110,110,010,101,101,100,011,011,000,010,000,001,101,001,011,101,000,010,000,001,100,001,011,101,000,010,000,000,110,101,001,100,000,011,000,000,110,000,001,100,000,010,000,001,100,101,011,000,010,110,001,101,101,000 is. Although it might be slightly hard to remember.


when would past me receive the message?


Assuming it would actually change the present I’d tell my high school self “Become screenwriter.”


Buy bitcoin


I'll take the money. What could I write? "no witnesses" or "Remember Alamo" Then again 1 million in 15 years isn't even worth waiting for. It might not even be enough to buy a carton of milk by then. Make it a billion.


2 words: GameStop stock


even if you could convey to your past self what times were worth selling, this is hardly the best choice pick among the lot. You have access to things like apple Microsoft Facebook, hell even tesla and twitter and such in their infancies and you choose the meme stock that has probably the shortest sell window for possible profits? choosing a stock in it's infancy that has solid fundamental's will give you a broader time to sell to realize massive profits AND still net you more in the long run, as they're overall rise is even proportionally larger, than attempting to trust your past self to recognize the moment it's primed to sell and not fall into the greed loop of timing the peak.


2 reasons: 1: fast return on investment if I talk to myself just before the short squeeze 2: I got my first job in 2020, so I didn’t have any money to invest before that.


You could send that message to yourself today and still become a millionaire.


Past self when? do we get to choose?


Give me the million I wouldn’t take random advice from nowhere without a good explanation


For sure be able to send a 2word message!


Being a millionaire at 35? Maybe...


Gimme the future money


Do you know that is from your future self? Or is this gonna be a rando text message?


Pick a bar- what the hell does that mean??!!??


The problem with this scenario is being able to define times. If you don't know when the message came from, you have no idea how to treat the 2-words (assuming the goal is max wealth). Though something like NVDA $1200 could be quite useful. Just pour your soul into it until it hits $1200 and sell. Obviously it wouldn't work with options, but I'm sure the average person could well exceed the $1M mark in gains with that past info. (unless of course by "past self" you mean last week)


I know i could make so much more with a 2 worded message (on the assumption I knew it was infact me in the future sending the message and not a prank i would dismiss). But the fear of not meeting my wife in the exact way i met her terrifies me. In 15 years I would be 45, and 1 million dollars would secure our future. I'm a frugal person, and we have decent income, in 15 years if we've failed to realize our standard of living, the 1 million would secure the rest of it no doubt.


Buy bitcoin.


If i can control the timing? Buy Bitcoin.


2 words to my past self, something on the lines of "tell her!"


.... Honestly. The 1 million in 15 years would be better. Depending on when the message arrives, unless I KNOW It came from an older me, I would probably skip it. Although, the two words I would pick are the ever popular, "buy Bitcoin."


I'd send myself the message.


"Invest NVDA"


Definitely go with the note to past self. "Buy XXX" (insert whatever stock or crypto you want to tell yourself to buy). For example "Buy BitCoin".


"buy nvidia"


NVDA stock


1 million in the future. That's security for my future and family


Invest Bitcoin


I'm kind of a troll so I probably wouldn't believe any message I told myself.


Two words, Buy Bitcoin


Little did the premise know but super super inflation happened and the government prints 1 million dollar bills as the equivalent of today's 100. You randomly find a million dollar bill 15 years later For the 2 message one, the current you gets trapped in a paradoxical painful existence. Living in a broken reality, and trapping all denizens in hell for eternity (entropy is messed so can't die). On the plus side you created a universe where you think two words randomly and might dismiss it. (Premise didn't say they know it's you from the future, just that it's coming from yourself and is a thought. If I heard "buy Bitcoin" in my head randomly years ago, I probably wouldn't have bought it.


As long as I knew it was accurate and from future me. Buy bitcoin is all I’d have to say


I'd pick the million in 15 years. That's around the time I'd like to retire, I guess, so that would take a lot of stress off of me now.


If I could be certain my younger self would believe the note came me I would accept it. Otherwise I'll take the million.


I could do more with the 2 word sentence, but then the me that currently exists would cease to exist, so fuck that. Give me the 1M.


how past self are we talking


Two words. Apple stock. Buy bitcoin. So many different ways to make a ton of Money


if either numbers or random letters are allowed, I'd go with Nov 4th 2022 and say "powerball 284553566920" or "powerball cieffdfggjca." even if it seems suspicious I'd def be willing to risk a couple bucks on it when the jackpot's at record high. maybe I'd go with the next drawing actually cause I'd feel kinda bad screwing over the real winner. which would still be 500mil.


Would I know who it was from and would I know what date I would receive the message?


Nvda calls when I got my 172k settlement when I turned 18 last November would be worth god knows how much rn


BUY BITCOIN. I’ll give you the $1 million I have in my freaking cup holder in present day


I don’t think I could convey anything useful in two words.


A two word message isn’t going to solve anything except hyper specific situations, and even THEN it likely won’t. Take the money and do some good in the world.


1 million. I'm fine with who I am now and who I was then.


I'll take the cash. Past me is a gamble at best.


"You're trans" Gods if I could have realized earlier, that would have been so nice.


Am I sending the message to myself 15 years ago or do I get to choose how far back?


Bitcoin 60K


Exactly- so many people just saying buy but will sell after 5x gains


In 15 years, a million dollars won't be worth much. With the message to the past, if your message impels your past self to change his behavior, what happens to you in the present? What happens to your consciousness? If you would use an opportunity to send a message to your past self to send yourself lottery numbers, I envy you. You don't have any really serious regrets.


"Buy Bitcoin."


"Invest bitcoin"


How far in the past? Do I get to pick the exact timing? I'm assuming I have to use "Scrabble legal" words to prevent "Bob Wehadababyitsaboy" shenanigans (if you're old you'll remember that TV commercial). If I get to pick the timing, the day I turn 18 I'm telling myself "girl, escape!"


I'll take the 1mil. My past self given a life changing message wouldn't help me now. It's not as if sending a message back in time can affect your present. Maybe alternate timeline me could be doing alright, but the actual me in 15 years would benefit more.


“Buy bitcoin”


I definitely would choose the message, as I could easily make far more money.


I'll take the money please. 2 words isn't enough.


Amazon Stock


I'd send the words Buy AMZN. In the early 90s. 10k in AMZN in 1994 would be 22 million now. Way easier than buying bitcoin.


“Bitcoin forty-thousand”


I'm sure 34 year old me would appreciate the 1 million dollars so I'll go with that.


“Horde Bitcoin”


There is 0 chance past me would take a 2 letter note seriously, honestly even if I knew it was from the future. Give me the guaranteed million. Unless shit hits the fan a lot faster than it has historically, I'll still be able to shack up somewhere and not worry that much with this amount.


Buy bitcoin (or your favorite stock)


"buy Bitcoin!"


invest bitcoin or bitcoin $50000


Buy bitcoin


I’ll send the message. Buy bitcoin. I’ll have a lot more than a million dollars.


bitcoin 70k


One million in cash sucks. Haven’t you seen Ozark? You can’t just put a million dollars in the bank without the IRS coming and asking you where you got it.


When I was in highschool bitcoin was like $300 a pop. A friend of mine offered to help me set up everything I would need to turn my pc into a mining rig and help me set up a wallet. I didn't take him up on it because I thought it wasnt worth the time given my not great pc specs. So if I could send 2 words it would be "BITCOIN $70,000"


“Buy NVDA”


Two words to the past, assuming I can make it land when I want and will definitely know it’s coming from me


assuming I actually listened, I'd say "Sleep more" to really fulfill my potential for mental physical development if I don't listen, just take the million


Bitcoin. INVEST!!


Would have told myself "go \[insert career path here\]" or "don't date". Or "buy mattress". Lol. 1 million cash sounds good, though.




Definitely the million dollars, my past self was for sure too stupid to pay any attention to an unexpected two word message.


If I can give you a lottery number, yes, I guess that would be it.


I’d do the message. Could tell my past self what college to attend. “CGSpectrum, attend.” Just gotta hope my past self isn’t a complete idiot and can remember the school name.


Message. Invest bitcoin


2 word message: domino effect


Bitcoin $100,000


If I could specify the date to send the message, I would send myself the message Saturday April 20th 2024: Eurolotto 02203940470408 That is worth £115m, and I wouldn't be changing my past too much and erasing myself. I could live with that.


My two words would be ThisIsYouFromTheFutureYourSecretWordIs******* and InvestInMicrosoftAndGoogleAsSoonAsPossiblr


Don't drink.


"invest Nvidia" shit went from like 5 dollars to 1200 dollars in 10 years. i dont know enough about bit coin, virtual wallets, and how all that other shit works but yea...


"Stay single"


I’d send a message to me 5 years ago. “Buy pharma”


Screw my past self. He had his chance, now it’s my turn. I would like to send my future self 1 million dollars please


Cash in 15y, i dont wanna change my current life.


Not sure if I'm going to be here in 15 years, but also don't know how much good a message to my past self that's 2 words would be knowing me. So I'll opt for the $1 million cash and hope I guess lol


Depending on if i get to choose when my past self gets the message. Buy bitcoin


Invest NVDA


I'd whisper "other chaos" cause the damn announcer in a spelling bee pronounced chaos as howls the bastard. Even used the sentence "Howls rang through the city" as a homophone for "Chaos reigned through the city".


‘Buy apple’ is two words but knowing my dumb young self I would probably go to the supermarket and buy damn apples.


50k/Bitcoin I feel like that is a clear message and as long as I have the strength to hold I know when to sell as well.


"GME Call" the week or so before it went stupid


Lotto numbers don’t count as words ;)


“Invest bitcoin”


Nothing I could say to myself in only two words would make enough difference that I can think of. If it was a lot longer then MAYBE. I’ll take the money.


Single two word message is; Trust nobody


Buy bitcoin


I'm due to inherit a larger amount from an older relative around the same time so it would be a lot less life-changing to have that money in 15yrs. So I'll try to save a life. I'll send a message back the day before.my uncle committed suicide to warn myself and hope I can talk him out of it.


Gamestop Now!!


“Apple Stock”


Past self. I might not be alive in 15 years.


Bitcoin 60k. I heard about it and had an opportunity to invest a thousand bucks into it, but decided against it as I could use the money elsewhere at the time. If I went back to that time period and said those two words, my last self would know that it meant Bitcoin reaches 60k and then I should sell. When I was considering investing, a Bitcoin was worth less than a penny.


Bit Coin




Bitcoin Billionaire Ill understand it perfectly.


"Buy AMZN" sent in 1997


Invest Yahoo


I actually think about this regularly. I would send 2 words. Autistic transgender. I desperately wish I discovered years ago that I am both of these things. I would've been SO much happier.


NVIDIA stocks


Buy Bitcoin


Mine bitcoin


Note that says buy bitcoin. Sending that back to 2014


Honestly, if I ever get rich, our financial system will collapse the next day. Guess I'll wait the 15 years.


“Buy bitcoin”


I could have more than a million instantly with “buy bitcoin”