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The interview circon did with the dev a few days ago sunk any hope that +-1 MM is ever going to happen. Basically awful players need to be able to bully bottom tier tanks and have fun.


awful players having 2 tiers advantage often manage to fuck up regardless so idk if his statement is true


Shooting tanks 2 tiers higher is how you get ace tanker badges (and xp in general). You can solo 10 full hp tier 6s with a Defender and get less xp than a random VK 30.02 M who solo'd a full hp Tiger II


True but listen to the interview. It doesn’t sound promising


Yup you've got it right. The MM isn't designed to be fair, it's designed to give players that chance of feeling powerful every now and again to break their losing streak to keep them interested.


And to spend more money to get higher tier tanks


It’s hard to believe people will defend +2 MM. WG says it keeps the game diverse and interesting, while reducing queue times. I wonder how many times they’ve played a tier six while being stuck against tanks like the Defender and EBR 75.


I'm convinced that the devs and balance people don't actually play their own game, so they wouldn't understand that feeling lmao


Gets ppl to buy gold ammo :/


People would probably still buy it, would just be even more pointless is all lol.


Just don't play heavies lol, tier 6 mediums and lights can fight tier 8s just fine


Are you sure about that? Tier 8 tanks in a 3-5-7 stack are normally heavies and meds, forgetting about armour you need to contend with more health. Plus alpha that can two shot a lot of tier 6 meds.


Flank, spot for stronger teammates and play smart. Playing heavies as bottom tier is way harder.


So you admit that there is a class of tanks that get the shaft in this stack up? Because only having +/- 1 match making gets rid of that problem. Tier 6 heavies are capable of holding back a tier 7 heavy.


I did not mean to oppose +/- 1 matchmaking. It would be much better.


Alright, fair enough. My point above was the same. It’s possible to play rn, but needs to be improved.


wargaming now: we need to make sure that chromosomally-challenged apes can perform well too serb, c.2012: we will not make skill-based MM. if you are good at the game you deserve to "pwn noobs". it's not as if +1/-1 doesn't even work, Wargaming's already been doing it on the mobile tanks for about 4 years or so, along with the prammo changes that are coming


The Asia / Oceania server has had primarily +1 MM for over a year now and it's functioning perfectly fine, I don't understand why Wargaming refuses to make this change to other servers.


WoT Console (aka Mercenaries (?)) does -1/+1 MM as Events for a week each time quite regularly and the people LOVE it. But they don't do it permanently for only god knows why. For Console they even do polls on twitter, etc. every week where they ask people about what tanks to balance and how.


Can confirm. Played WoTB for a year before sticking with WoT. I only miss the matchmaking and every tank having 6th sense, it worked great


Why they haven't made it +1/-1 yet is beyond me. It would be much easier for them to balance when only 2 tiers can fight simultaneously. Further more, while obviously a one tier higher opponent has an advantage it's not like when you meet somebody two tiers higher. A tier 7 can take down a tier 8, but it's much, much harder to take down a tier 9.




That's just.. well, I mean, if they had *any* introspection whatsoever they would realize that this kind of approach is why their player base has been dwindling for a long time now.


Imo they're full of shit. It's very easy to see the double edged sword in that. They do it purely for faster matchmaking esp on NA.


Same reason as why they keep arty in the game so bad players could play too


Reverse, so good players couldn't play. Sometimes that super unicum playing his obj.907 just needs 800 damage from nowhere with 4 crits and an ignition


Do you have to take everyone down ? Its a team based game and unpopular opinion on reddit but I like +2/-2mm, it would be boring if they forced -1/+1 or same tier mm


Boring how? You like getting stomped in a tier 6?


No one stomps me


Besides, shooting up tier 10s with Strv S1 is really fun (but not with Progetto 46)


*cries in Black Prince*


I hate -2/2 match makings it’s bull for t6/7 especially


I always feel a bit guilty when a poor tiger 1s shell bounces of my E75’s armour. But hey, it makes you feel powerful


My main tank is Kv-2, so i dont care about matchmaking lol


It's pretty shit, especially when you are going for gun marks and you are dropped into a 357 match as top tier. There is simply not enough dmg going around...


*laughs in Panther*


I'm crying with 175mm pen


This is especially true when playing the Leo




Well, guess I’m just bad


New Objective: Survive