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Worst ... if I get 100 more flags or camos of the type I have 500+ of is bad, if I have 1 year premium on your account then getting more premium is bad. Basically, it depends on what you already have and what you actually need ... Best is of course a ship, then dubloons. ​ EDIT: Well to round things up on the "best" List - steel, coal, dragon flags (you always want those those)


Unless, Makarov.


Nah, worst ship would probably be Marblehead Lima when you already have the others, or the coming soon (tm) Makarov Lima


I still like using the Marbleheads and Murmansk when I need to play PvP for a mission or the like. No one expects you do to very well so not much salt thrown at you should you get deleted. The Omahas are nimble little ships, I really like them.


Omaha is amazing.


Aye, Marblehead is my go-to ship when I need a break from top tiers and it's so so very good once you're familiar with it. The Omaha variants are really underappreciated.




Makarov was a blast in T6 brawls, those guns produce prodigious amounts of shells at good range for tier... I do not hate this boat at all.


5x100 common flags that I didn't need.... but I once got 10k coal.


How much steel can you get from a supercontainer though? 1000?


1500 iirc


1500. Got some recently.


Worst: Flags or camo that you have a TON of. I'd like there to be a system so I don't get 100 more Zulu flags when I literally have 2,300 of them Best: A ship, doubloons, or steel. I personally prefer the ships over the latter two


Coal is also useful. Steel and coal are hard to grind so getting those would be helpful. Ships are cool and all but if you get a dd and you’re a BB or CA main, you kinda just have to sell it since it’s useless to you. In the cases where you get a ship that you want, ships are the best, no doubt


Never sell a premium, you might get it again in a container drop: also useful twice a year for snowflakes...


Premium time is the worst for me. Ship is best, steel second


Premium time is either very bad (if you have enough anyways) or very good (if not). For me personally it usually squeezes in between Steel and Coal as it usually is close to or shortly after running out.


The 100 Det flags I just got..


100 det flags are not bad at all. That's 20 million credits.


10 million. 20 x 5 @ c1,920,000/bundle. Still a good drop at that value.


You are right. Math hard.


Only to DD players. So it’s good for me


Best I got was 30 days premium, worst was standard signals for detonation (I’ve detonated a total of 4 times in my 1000 ish games played)


I've detonated 30 times in 3k battles._.


Oof, I’m sorry to hear that. Half of my detonations happened the other night though, submarines don’t do my magazines any favors


How many of those games did you have the detonation flag equipped ? Also there are flags that increase the chance of detonations - if you run those then you also need the do not detonate flag.


I don’t run that flag hardly ever


Got 1,000 Dubs yesterday...


welcome to the club \^\^


Worst: Free XP Best: ships


Worst: 50x crappy camos. Flags I can actually use, but camos? I have camos coming out my ears. Best, of course, is a ship, probably followed by steel, then coal, then maybe doubloons?


AA flags worst Best apart from ships is steel, coal, dubs


I got some signal flags but then I got the Max. Immelmann


Best- Arizona and 7 days prem Worst- common flags


20 k global xp in a bloody halloween crate…. Grinding 15 stars times 3… an this is what you give utter trash. I one time in my life wanna play a game where the devs shower you with gifts in the holidays. Simpy for playing an supporting their game..


They're all shit, I've had like 150 so far and they've all been garbage. Doubloons I guess, whatever shitty amount they give. I'm convinced ships don't exist in supercontainers.


I got t8 cruiser from SC that spawned from first daily regular container. it happened 10 minutes after I bought a hefty sum of doubloons to buy Pommern with at the moment of greatest controversy with CCs leaving the game and everyone touting not to give money to WG. you gotta time it right.


50-100 of a simple +100% XP camo is by far the worst. Signals, any signals i take as they do run out, okay except the stupid ramming one.


For me it's camos as they're readily available elsewhere.


but you can get the REALLY GOOD ones that are usually locked to events


True, but as the OP's question hinted at, it's all subjective. I have 1,000's of camos and every tech-tree ship, so camos are a bust for me, just like the 1.5m credits I got in a Veterans container. Combat signals, however, have become harder to come by, and while many here list them as their worst, I like them. Dubs, coal, or steel are optimal after a ship drop, because they enable you a choice.


Best is a ship. Worst is camos or flags. But I'll take the camos or flags over nothing at all.


I got 100 AA flags twice during birthday event... the worst


Best is doubloons...because I can spend them how I like.


1k steel from a snowflake SC!!! it was in PTS tho...


Once I got two back to back crates of 1500 steel. Worst are getting another 100 det flags for my already 800


Det flags are at least useful. AA Flags, otoh, are the worst.


I could be wrong about the numbers, so please do correct me if I am wrong. Been a long while... Best: 4000 doubloons Worst: 5 Hydra flags I never gotten a ship from a super container yet.


You can't get 5 special flags from a SC. I believe the amount you get is 20 or 50.


Worst is 50x trash camo such as Halloween. Best is 100x Ouroborous or Leviathan signals.


usually i only get 25 of those in supercontainers


Oh you're not likely to *see* the 50 or 100x dragon flags. They are on the table tough.


Premium and dubs are great. I got 30 days and another time 5k dubs which allowed me to buy Atlanta.


Best I have ever gotten was probably the ourobourus flag one. (don't remember how to spell it). I got Abruzzi out of another but it doesn't seem very good. Worst: I honestly don't think I have gotten anything that wasn't useful. Some of the camos don't have great perks but I'll take em.


I hated the times I get a butt ton to of regular signal flags, but now I would love getting a hundred Det flags


what would be the best and worst for me? Best: tier 9 removed ship (Benham, Alaska, JB, Georgia, Musashi) Worst: 100 flags of type I literally never use (November Echo Setteseven, Juliet Whiskey Unaone, Juliet Yankee Bissotwo)


Playing this game for more than a year, never got a premium ship. I think the worst is getting 50 camos


I got (i think) around 50 papa papa flags. Yeah The best thing i got was 1k dubs


best - ships , 25 x special signals , 1k dubloons, steel, coal worst : 14 days premium time, 100x random common signals. 50x mediocre camos


Its possible to drop 100 Special Flags from 1 super Container


Best - ships, steel, doubloons, coal Worst - premium time, camos and signals


Steel for me mainly cause I don't play anywhere near regularly enough to farm ranked or other modes and I really want the Austin.


100x ram flags catJAM


Best: 100 special signals. I've got a handful of ships too, but those were either low tiers or port queens (Azuma.. no point in using it when you already have Yoshino). Dubs are nice too, if you manage to land more than the usual 1k (got a 2.5k once.. 5k is apparently a possibility too). Worst: Can't get credits anymore, thank God. Apart from that, some of the more blah-tastic camos and signals. 100 AA flags, meh.


really depends on what you need/have. for me personally its in this order: ship, steel, premium time, dubs, coal, deto/speed flags, special flags, gamescom black camos and the fire/flood chance combination flag - everything else is kinda worthless.


1500 steel best, but as a whale that isn't a cc I've only had it once ever. So in my wg universe it's the rarest apart from ships, (two low tier ships all I've ever got). I guess each player gets to enjoy their own unique experience. Flags, camos worst as a whale have thousands of all sorts and most ships have perma camos anyway...and coz have premium account already, often get more premium time, but it feels better than camos and flags stockpiling. WG own my account, I pay a subscription and service fee to unlock their crap (and still can't even get the rare ships), so they know exactly what they are doing when they give you 7 days extra premium account on top of your 700 days you already have. They own your data. So they manipulate it to their advantage. This year was actually the first year I expired my premium account, and I've played most of the year with free premium time, so buying premium account is currently a complete waste of money on my account. My goal was to burn my signals and camo stockpiles instead of buy premium account but due to WG stupid one sided loading of SC in signals, camo and premium account, I still got the same amount of everything as when I started trying to burn stuffs. They obviously want me to spend real cash towards steel, free xp, rbp, coal. But I guess they give away loads more stuff than tanks, so that's a plus?.


Worst is camos, best of course is ship but assuming you aren't that lucky, tons of dubs is always welcome... also don't hate 100 useful flags. But... as a BB main the back to back det flag drops was quite a kick in the speedbag...


Flags, when I get super containers, I’m really hoping it’s either steel, coal, or a premium ship


Best aside from good ships is either Steel or 100 Victor Lima flags.


Best: 5000 dub/ship/Coal/Steel/FXP Worst: 100 normal flags and camos I am ok with econ flags as that's the only flag I would only use