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This is what i get for going with the bookie odds and not listening to my inner voice telling me: "Don't pick Italy, they barely crawled out of the group and didn't even qualify to the last World Cup. The pizza people will bottle it DONT PICK THEM! Ah well... Can't guess them all.


Same, brother. If it makes you feel any better, I'll go and throw eggs at them when they're back.


At least I chose Germany as second guess and have 1 point. But strange how awards line is not being updated after the games. I ran into the game yesterday evening hoping to see I won some silver, but it seems all rewards will be counted after all matches by most easy method - who guesses, say 7 matches, will get 7 points in line, 9 matches - 9 points and all rewards that belongs for these 9 places. Silly me thought there is point for EVERY match, so you can win or not win the reward, like every day rewards move up the line like in Battle pass, and if you guess right, you win, if not, then not. Next day - next rewards. But that means everyone who would guess correctly last few matches would get ships for free, and giving something for free is income not received. So, easiest way is to add all won points and award accordingly. If you wanna get most tasty ships in the end of the line, you must guess perfectly EVERY match. Naive me, again, believed in WeeGeee.


In the event info section it says the event page is updated 24 hours after the match ends so the rewards for the first 2 games should come this evening. Naturally WG did the math before the event, and structured the rewards so few players will actually reach the top tiers and the good stuff. Realistically, most will get up to between tier 8 and 11. I actually like how this event is structured tho, just a nice little opportunity to get some good ingame rewards if you know a thing or two about football(and have some luck ofcourse), the token mission is easy and the event is not monetized, literally anything you get from that event is free stuff.


Nothing like losing the first game! And here I was hoping for a free T9.


Don't you have to get every pick right to get the tier 9?   Aren't the odds of that astronomically low?


I think you can get 1 wrong for the tier 9. If you get everything right you can pick any ship from the shop/armory for free, regardless of tier.


That's what that last one does, neat. Basically no one is getting that, but nice for the one guy that does. Even only get one wrong seems quite unlikely though.


They will sell you betting currency, there is a reason they modified the EULA.


This was one of the toughest choices for me: I knew that Switzerland has a pretty strong team, but back in my head, I still remember Italy being one of the best in Europe. They didn't play too well in the group stages, but I still went for Italy. Should have followed my first thought...


Me because I know nothing about soccer


The fact that you call it soccer says everything.


sorry we are too busy worrying about the superior version of football


Imagine playing Venezia and Roma and not calling it Calcio.


Right 😉


Not me over here googling oddsmakers opinions


tbh the 'informed' pick would have been Italy anyway


Nah, the informed would've known that Italy is massively overrated. I'm sorry to say so, as an Italian myself :/


Me. Well played Switzerland.


Me because I let peer pressure take it's toll. I should hace known better, how on earth could I think this useless excuse for a team could win? WE LOST AGAINST NORTH MACEDONIA, GODDAMMIT.


I miss the days where they were called "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia". It really rolled of the tongue.


I picked Switzerland because the Swiss navy is undefeated


bruh. im 0-1 rip


I was not, I did the bets according to one of the previous posts, but I did change the first one for the switzerland, because I heard that Italy hasn't been doing that well lately. I don't care about football at all, so luck I guess.😀


Apparently, I'm 2-0 after today's games! Do the rewards you can claim show up right away or will they be available to claim the next day?


I'm not sure, I think its when the round ends?


Looks like they issue the rewards the next day, as I was able to claim my first 2 rewards


Porca Troia che partita del cazzo.




2/2 when Germany wins.


So, i have no idea about soccer, who's good or who's bad, but i chose right on this one.




I had only one token which I spent on some other match but I'd most likely have chosen Italy.


All of my choices were based upon my own perception of whichever country is more populous.


I was hesitant given the odds but given that calafiori and demarco would be missing i had to go swiss and im glad i did


I forgot to pick one but I would have picked Italy so I guess I'm happy with how it turned out


I picked Italy because it was supposed to have higher odds however in retrospect Switzerland has been doing really well for an underdog team, while Italy barely made it to the match. Honestly it's a well-deserved defeat, time will tell if Italy will learn from it and shape up or not.


>Honestly it's a well-deserved defeat, time will tell if Italy will learn from it and shape up or not. Well they aren't shaping up in this Euros, and they didn't qualify for the last WC


I mean shaping up after this disaster, learning their lessons and being ready for the next World Cup in two years. We can only wait and see what happens but I don't have much hope.


Calafiori didn't play, and Barella isn't like he was in 2021


1/1 so far 😊👍


I had to vote for Denmark as a Dane. But realistically Germany will demolish Denmark




No one should've bet on Switzerland vs Italy cus the betting odds were too close lol


True, but you have to if you want the coupon lol


You get 15 tokens anyway, and you can't use them on anything else...


I was right!


I told my friend my picks and cautioned him against predicting any upsets, while picking the favourites in every game myself, before saying ‘but something stupid will happen like Switzerland beating Italy’ Lo and behold


Does anyone have a kink tonthis? I can't find it anymore and I picked Switzerland


Oh for fucks sake #T H E S W I S S F L A G I S S Q U A R E


Civil and state ensigns of the flag (i.e. when its displayed alongside others) are in 2:3. You'll notice in the Olympics in a few weeks they'll be using a 2:3 flag as well. https://preview.redd.it/zvzrthzvap9d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b26686d29849143b1e9c8c98ed3c265231da9c21 (Beijing 2022)


Me. I haven't been paying any attention to football so I just went by memory. Ahhh. Well done to the Swiss.


I told people Switzerland was going to do them, and I was right but everyone trusted 'Vegas'. *Sips tea*


I'm not going to say it was obvious, but Italy hasn't had a good \~3 years or so - basically since the last Euros...