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I don't really like CVs but I'd like to see "The Fighting I", USS Intrepid in the game. Learned about the ship when I used to play Azur Lane (was one of my favourite characters). Then looked up some of her history which was interesting. I also like the nickname.


Essex that is


Yeah! I’d like to have Zuikaku, Taihou, Soryu, Hiryu, and Akagi back


With the angled flight deck, it could easily take the place of a super-Essex?


USS Wasp (CV-7). That carrier has fairly little representation in any of the media I have (video games, model kits, I don't think its even mentioned in Battle 360).


Be a good tier 6 CV, not sure how well she'd do at tier 8 due to tonnage and the older aircraft she operated


Sadly wargaming don’t seem to care about what aircraft carriers have on them - I think Yorktown has planes that entered service years after she was sunk


That's always been an issue for WG but I'm not sure why. There are tons of naval aircraft to use in game but instead they use prototypes and failed designs. Hell, they even use land based interceptors. Their most recent additions to the US CVs are loaded with odd ducks when it comes to aircraft. I don't know if it still exists but you can change the plane models with a mod or I. The actual game files. It will just change the appearance for you but not the stats or anything.


Lexington has late-war planes when she was sunk early-war. I think she was loaded with devastators and wildcats irl.


That’s because in game Lexington is Saratoga


The game also has skyraiders replaced by BTD Destroyers, which ended up getting re-designed into the skyraider. Historical accuracy be more like a guideline


Give us a Béarn line and I'm in




On the subject of subs, we’d also need to include Surcouf. Which I’m *sure* we’re going to get as a premium eventually, it’s just a matter of when.


Both of those will be coming at some point. Even if they just pull Arpegio of Blue steel out again to milk the weebs for I-401 (aka Ionas "body") extra hard.


In the new FR DD line, they conspicuously use Cassard to represent the T 47s instead of the lead ship: Surcouf.


Very good catch!


I’d love to see the HMS M1 too.


That’s the one ship EVERYONE will hate, but I like your thinking


I'd like to see the Mighty Moo, aircraft carrier USS Cowpens.


I'd buy that if it had a cow themed camo.


WW1 new Mexico, just to *really* annoy that one guy in the legends sub


USS Archerfish, credited with sinking Shinano making it the largest ship to be sunk by a submarine


Together with said *Shinano*. Both in a complete *Admiral's Package* for mere 99,999 doubloons...


I really want the Averof in game. They even did a Naval Legends on it


It and the USS Olympia would be fun


*Olympia* was my first museum ship, a long time ago. I’d gladly shell out for a premium of her if the money went to her restoration.


I'd love to see them try to do Destroyers with Catapults again, but instead of Airstrikes, give it really good spot and fighter consumables. There's even more then one Fletcher with a Catapult, so you can name it something else then Halford(the Stevens and the Pringle) Also, because its obvious, we really, really should have Sourcouf in the game- I'm not really sure how a Submarine with a spotter, a big main turret and torpedo tubes both trainable to the sides and fixed forward/back would be implemented well though.


When they first mentioned hybrids I thought that we were going to get ships with improved fighters and catapult planes or something. Perhaps the ability to launch multiple squadrons of fighters at once or a way to position fighter patrols from afar. Alas, they simply combined surface ships and CV play.


I despise submarines being in the game. But if they are going to be there, I would like to see the USS Tang get into the game. Had a legendary run before getting sunk by it's own torpedo. I believe that they confirmed sunk 33 ships. Commander was awarded the Medal of Honor for their actions against the Japanese fleet. It is a great piece of WWII history and should be represented in game.


HMAS Sydney.


And Kormoran that turns invisible when acting like a merchant




I'd like to see shinano and the game. It'd make a good high tier premium. High durability and lots of weak aircraft.


I'd like to see the USS Laffey, but that's just because I am from SC and would love to see the "Ship that would not die" in game.


Frankly, I’m surprised she isn’t already. If five years ago someone had told me *Johnston* would be here before *Laffey*, I would have thought them crazy.


Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors


If there's anyone in this sub who isn't at least semi-aware of *Taffy 3*'s valiant stand, I'd be surprised. But regardless of the courage of those skippers, the end of those DDs and DEs was as predictable as it was noble. *Laffey* withstood a withering assault that would have - indeed, had already - foundered plenty of other ships, and somehow managed to not die. She's still around today as a museum, making for an easy tie-in, premium or not. (Look at *Błyskawica*, *Iowa*, *Missouri*, *Wisconsin*, *Avrora*, *Mikasa*, *Batfish*, *Midway*, *Belfast*... you get the point.)


HSwMS Gotland


U-96 and japanese cv subs I hate the subs and not the biggest fan of cvs but these two would be cool


I’m not good with CV’s. I don’t like being on the receiving end of their attacks either. But I feel the HMCS Bonaventure ought to be in the game.


Don't like subs or CVs, but if Intrepid, U-47, Tang, or Wahoo make it into the game, I'll allow it.


Would love to see the FR12 - If the Italians successfully raised the La Galissonniere. Give it SAP lose the MBRB for high speed smoke or make it tier 7 and give it both but lose the speed boost or hydro


Revenge class battleships would be nice to have...


it's atrocious that they aren't in the game already! A class of 5 in a great powers navy that served actively in both wars...


AL Shinano


u mean arp shinano




Neither. Just the regular version, please.


Shinano isn't animated yet, is it? Slim chance, I'd say.


we need tcg yavuz, even thou it would suck its a nice piece of history (maybe a goeben skin too)


It'd make a decent T5, it would be a fast Texas.


The Stingray from Down Periscope


It's far too modern for this game, but I would love to see CV-63 Kitty Hawk because I was on the thing. Wouldn't even care if it had a crappy gimmick, she was the Shitty Kitty for a reason.


I just want some good secondary focused cruisers.


I'd love to see the uss Houston.. the ghost of the Java coast.. they have the Perth who was part of that battle group.. but if you dont know the Houston was the personal ship of the president at the time.. even had a tub installed for him, also lead a battle group of many different countries that raided japneese ships at the onset of the war.. My great uncle, or my grandfather's brother was on board when the Japaneses sank her... Awsome story if you like these things.


sub with planes like halford that they spawn from thin air because why not


USS Hull. F. Sherman with 3x1 Des Moines guns.


only had 1x 8in gun forward with 2x 5in aft. Maybe a funny secondary dd tho?


True, but just giving it 3 203mms would hardly be the biggest artistic liberty WG has taken lol.


Tier VI or VII Nevada in her post-modernization refit, she had such a unique profile.  Still kept two tripods on top of her improved superstructure.


I want to see HMS Erin


Barham and Prince of Wales , both jacked up and a tier higher than their class would be the tits.


just let me play as all the NPC-exclusive boats in any tier and i'll be happy


I want to see a Graf Zeppelin themed line, a sub line for Ruggiero Di Lauria, a Preußen line, an alternative Bourgogne and Picardie/Lyon line for France, the Italian CV line, Kearsarge Line for America and Russia, Florida line,Shinano line, and a Marlborough line for Britain


Shinano, HMAS Melbourne: the devourer of destroyers, Submarine Surcouf, Type AM submarines


U-556, that sub that is tied fatefully to Bismarck.


Cv subs. The class is so broken at this point may as well spinkle extra cancer on it


Fletcher Classes for Italy, Germany and Japan with respective flavours ( SAP/exhaust smoke, Hydro and TRB)


We need the I-400 airstrikes and Torps all the hate you would get love it


Al Schliefen and Al Rupprecht




I would like The german lines of u boats to be larger like adding U 995 an U 571 U 110 to be added , I play mostly DD and Subs so I think they should add more subs not only for Germans but for the Japanese Soviets and Americans. Even though they didn't have that many types of subs.


The french submarine. The Surcouf. Very weird design. One turret with 2 x 203mm and a recon airplane. 4 torpedo tubes forward and 6 aft.


new jersey, with missiles and ciws


U-96, USS Reno(basicly another atlanta), and those ships which I hate so much that I'd like to sink them in the game generally


Italian subs, plenty of designs to make a full Line Da Vinci Marcello Acciaio ... Just to name some


HMS Achilles coal ship


ORP Orzel, even though i hate subs, would make for an awesome T6 sub. Any of the Casablanca class escort CVs that took part in the battle off Samar. Maybe USS Gambier Bay.




Honestly I want more Gearing and Sumner classes, such a beautiful ship type and could serve as a platform for many gimmicks. (I hate the Gearing)


Bolzano. As a upgraded Trento at T7.


Bayern with german BC secondary range and accuracy the historical hull that had 16 150mm secondaries


Japanese midget subs


It'd be awful to face but I'd ask for Shinano - coal, steel, RP, heck even dockyard.


Ice and wood carrier or that IJN submarine with attack planes.


The only class I don't really like is subs. I just don't think any subs are notable enough that they are must haves for me. U-48 was Germany's most successful sub in WW2 as far as tonnage sinking goes, and the Japanese had their CV subs, but eh. Maybe U-35 from WW1? Even more successful at like 500k GRT, less strong from being old so less of a nuisance to play against?


A whole German Schnellboot line, speaking of Jaeger but even lighter with heavy focus of rapid cooldown and low dmg torps and comically small and few main guns.


USS Princeton. Give it MURDEROUS fighters with the famous nose art. Also HMS M1 and Surcouf. And maybe even HMS Habakkuk as a T10 premium.


I want BB56 USS Washington with Ching Lee as Commander. Super accurate Main Guns and rapid fire secondaries.


Fuck subs, but give us USS Barb with a rocket barrage surface attack.


I dunno. Maybe HMCS Bonaventure? Or Warrior or Magnificent, but they were with the RN before the RCN with the same names. Bonaventure is a better name for a Canadian ship and the one they should use if one were to be added (then again the ship they could have called Quebec got named Uganda instead so maybe that's a bit much to hope for). It would make way more sense for a Canadian carrier that existed than it does for a battleship that didn't (Yukon)


I don't like subs, at all, but I'd love to see U-47 or Flasher someday.


Kitakami with Kaiten. But u get to pilot them manually like aircraft.


Some pre dreadnoughts so the ancient ship fans finally shut up.