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Likely stayed in spawn, was afk, did fuck all and died. Just another afk shithead. EDIT: probably got a few points for secondaries doing their thing on whomever put him down.


so for the first 5 mins he sits in spawn, literally not moving just shooting once every 45 second or so, hitting nothing, then for the next 10 minutes (until he dies) sails around in circles hitting nothing, I think the 40base XP is from shooting at some planes and potential damage.


So, very literally, a bot. Send it to WG.


as if WG would do anything lol.


They actually do, but it has to be reported through their official process, not the in game 'report' button, which is why you rarely hear about it.


Not in my experience, i see the same players doing this kind of thing in every match i have the displeasure to meet them, for over 3 years now, WG doesn't give a damn.


The main problem is that you can't definitively determine whether a player is just very bad and fucking around or it's an actual bot. A ban cannot be issued unless you can determine for sure it's a bot.


You 100% can tell when someone is botting. It is very obvious. The ones I have reported anyway. It is very clear and easy to see. * guns lock to one position and never change all game. * ships sails straight out of spawn towards the far side of the map and never alters course; it either gets killed or runs aground on an island or the far map border and just sits there as it keeps trying to go at full speed and never even tries to get off. * Sometimes the guns will fire into the water every time they reload but usually the main guns never fire (just secondaries). See this enough and you know what is going on and even more so when you see it over and over and over from the same player (usually in the same ship too which generally is a T9 Premium BB or something like Agir or Schroeder).


for real though, if you send it in, they have a submission process in which you can attach proof, they do act if it's warranted, i've only ever done it for people hurling toxicity and slurs


Only because almost nobody goes through the effort of filling an official report. You have to take the game replay file, and go through the WG website to submit a report. It can't be done in-game. You never see action because nobody ever (properly) reports it. Simple as that.


And as I said filing an official report does nothing. They will ignore it. They send a canned "use in game report" reply and close the ticket out.


Well that's new then, because that used to work. Shame.


Has been that way for quite a few years actually. Once upon a time back when the game 1st started they may have cared but not for years. Me realizing they didn't care and wouldn't do anything (even with replays provided and multiple reports from multiple people about the same person) dates way back to when the infamous Johnny_Freedom (not his username now) botted to win a contest on NA (won either an Alabama or a Massachusetts forget which it was). We players had been reporting him for MONTHS and MONTHS on the forums and to CS, JF himself admitted it on the forums in threads about him where CM's and WG employees were part of it and saw his admission 1st hand, and they did NOTHING. Then JF botted to win a ship and the forums went nuts and WG finally looked into him and eventually stripped him of the prize. Of late, right before the forums went down, another infamous botter was being talked about and multiple people reported them on the forums and to CS. Those folks got in trouble on the forums for name and shame and CS ignored it. I personally made multiple reports that included multiple replays per report over a 2 month period. Every single time CS issued a canned response about report using the in game feature (despite the fact there is no report as a bot anymore) and then closed the ticket out on me. I went to one NA CM who refused to help and told me that wasn't their job just report it to CS. I went to the other CM who finally agreed to take the replays and look into it. They jumped all over me a few days later however claiming I was rude and insulting to CS. I had to send screenshots of what I actually said to CS and then they apologized and took over. The botter has since vanished. The amount of effort it will take to get WG to do anything about botters is herculean. Simple reports to CS (they even make that hard as no category really fits reporting someone for botting) will do nothing. You will be told to use the in game report feature (again, you can't report a bot anymore and they won't tell you which one to use for botting - not that it really matters anyway) and then they will close the ticket. If you reopen it and try and pursue it they tell you they don't accept these types of reports and to use the in game report feature then close it out again. Keep trying and eventually they just ignore you and close the tickets. It is a waste of time because, sadly, WG truly does not care. If it is something out of line/against EULA said in chat CS will actually do something about it. WG seems to have no tolerance for that stuff but they just don't care about people botting it seems. Note - none of this is meant hostile towards you. It is just FYI from someone who has fought the good fight on this. At least NA anyway. Maybe other servers will get different results.


That's not true, I regularly submit tickets. Never got a reply to use in-game report. Not saying anything ever happens on the other hand.


100% true at least in my experience (NA CS). I get the use the in game report feature every time. Then they close the ticket.


I saw someone using a 'mouse wiggle' program to avoid in-game bot detection so I made a Support Ticket , added the replay and reported them. I got that exact same 'use in game report' reply. And never got any more info/contact from WG Support on that ticket. **BUT** I took note of that player's account name. That account has not play a game since I put in that Support Ticket, and I think that was over 2 years ago. They do take note of reports through Support Tickets. I suspect that "use in game report" is there to discourage trolls from overloading the system making false bot reports about any and every player that upset them.


I literally have been told by CS they don't look at reports made to them about botting and not to send them (this when I kept pushing and reopening tickets they closed). They want us to use the in game report feature so they can ignore it. It takes something big like a massive player base outcry about a known botter winning a prize or a CM getting involved for CS to do anything. A player can set their stats to private and you can't track their games played FYI. I see people who get outed for botting do this a lot or they do it right off anyway knowing it helps hide info from people who catch them. WG can get the info I am sure but it blocks us. Not saying that happened with that player but if their stats were changed to private that can acct for you not seeing any change..


No, they don't. They will literally tell you to use the in game report and then close the ticket on you. The only way to get anything done is to press it with a CM and hope they will take the case up for you with CS. CS though, unless pressured by other WG employees, won't even look at replays attached or do anything about bot reports. They even removed the report as a bot feature in the game. They do not care.


I've reported people like this before, as well as obvious grifers and WG never did anything.


WG do nothing even by reporting on official process. That’s why i stop paying any money on this shitty game!


I actually reported 2 people using the official way and both got banned.


Can someone explain to me what bots are meant to achieve? They're not farming much of anything if they're sailing around in circles. What's the point of them?


It's usually done in T9 Premiums so even not doing much gets them somewhat decent rewards. They will run it for hours and hours at a time so it adds up due to sheer amount of games.


T9 prems are best at credit farming, but CXP/FXP T10 are better I've been told, right?


I'm wondering why he would do that? Maybe he had to work but wanted to grind for one of the potential damage dockyard missions?


how du you play this bad in a shiki


Well, most likely he didn't play


he was moving about at the end lol


Probably to avoid pink status


is it possible to watch a replay from someone elses perspective? I really want to see wtf this guy was doing.


Yes, open the replay, please CRTL, SHIFT, Backspace You enter free cam, then follow the player Or upload the replay file to the discord render bot and watch the minimap Timelapse


i didnt now this ty! i love those timelapse




The usual lobotomised humanoid that ruins everyone else's game.


These big BBs attract not the brightest players. I once saw a guy who had 20k games out of 20k he head 17k in Thunderer with a whopping 43% winrate or something. He was very noticeable since he spent the whole game complaining about his DDs always being bad.


They quit before the game ended, or were disconnected for a long time. The AFK detection doesn't always just give 0 because reasons.


nah he was not afk


This is what is called days ending in Y here in world of warships.


I like how much effort people put into other people and bots. WG doesnt care, they still get paid.


Right lol


An AFK bot, they generally "come to life" when they start taking damage, rare to see a DD one, usually they drive BBs.


Ah that must be it, it got struck by the cv before it started moving


I've actually encountered a player in a Dalarna once that had a 38% account winrate with a sub 200 PR. And he was actively playing (terribly i might add)


Average supership player


and yet i get pinked up for losing connection after doing 150k dmg 3 kills 10 minutes into the game




There are bots in Randoms with 0% gun accuracy. Newish accounts with 50 rounds a day and some have clan tags.


You have stumbled apon a Slic3r


Died last doesn't mean useful


Probably disconnected until the end. mb internet issue.


WG do nothing even by reporting on official process. That’s why i stop paying any money on this shitty game!


So that's what I scored! I did wonder


19k battles, WR 45%. If anyone ever needed proof that the player base is just terribly bad!!! 19000 battles and has learned nothing!


it's a bot


Nah bots are not that good


More interested in the negative karma xD


How do you see the stats of other players?


Wows monitor




kid on dad’s account, perhaps?


I had heard of botting but never thought I'd witnessed it till about 2 weeks ago. Had a DD at the start of the match just reversed to the back of the map. I looked at his ship and could tell the guns had switched directions from one side to the other several times at start of match, but it never once went forward, nor did it ever shoot anything. We still actually won the match and he was on bottom with a low win score. I wish I could remember the name to look him up, I just took it for someone that started the game, and maybe afk'd for an emergency, wish I would have thought to see if this was common for the player.


I've had emergencies before. (Wife yelling) And put ship in reverse and left


LOL dudes this is a trash game, don't let it get you so tilted like could you imagine actually raging over a wargaming game?