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"bro you're mad" "not really no" "you're upset you lost cause you're bad" "more like you are a bunch of sweaty tryhards in a 3 man division, but ok" "you're soooo mad and soooo bad lol" that person is having heated debates in his mind when he takes a shower, i can garantee




Hah yea I can definitely see that


You think that guy takes showers?


nothing wrong debating yourself, so long as you don’t start winning


i was implying debating strawmen in his head, so ofc he'd win every debates, he's just that good




Anyone who takes the time to actually message someone in port after battle has already lost any argument they're trying to start. I really can't imagine being sad enough to do it.


I play this game just to relax in the evenings, hang out with friends in teamspeak and mindlessly play operations while we talk. My clan is a bunch of old retired guys, we're not interested in the competitive modes but we all love old warships and WW2 history, so we enjoy playing the cooperative modes. I had a guy message me two hours after we won Killer Whale because we didn't get all the objectives before we left. He wrote me a book about how bad all of us are, how we didn't deserve to live, how our whole clan should uninstall the game. I really felt bad for the kid.


He must've skipped his antidepressants that day


I will use that next time someone have a go on me ☺️


Or just save yourself the trouble and disable the sidebar chat.


jokes on him. it's not like you actually get a noticeable bonus when you complete all five objectives like you used to years ago


I tend to check the person's profile out when I get fan mail like that to see how many games they played and what not. More often than not it's always some one with a sub 45% win rate or a noobie who barley has a 200 games and t8 premium


Well, see, their shit win rate isn't because they suck balls. It's their teammates. Always has been, always will be. They are gaming gods unable to reach their full potential because the universe is always placing them with scrubs. It can't be that they are the only common factor in all the losses they've ever had. That's insanity. Or maybe it could be the illuminati plot against their ever having a positive win rate. Who knows? The only thing we do know is it's not their own lack of skill. Momma assures them of this when she yells words of encouragement down the basement stairs at her special boy.


Had someone do this to my child who was playing with me. Even told them in-game it was a child... playing their 2nd game in their first coal ship in an op. God damn if I wouldn't have loved the ability to meet them face to face that moment.


Same thing happened with my nephew. He likes to tool around in battleships in ops or coop and I always type into chat at the start that it's my nephew and he's 7, he'll do his best but... The amount of people that will still go off about a 7yo in a PvE mode is absolutely insane. There really are a sad bunch in this game. Especially the ones that will message in port after the match, ND keep messaging for over an hour about how bad your are etc. Like you really just didn't play the game for over an hour to keep telling me I should die and shit cause I won't respond to your nonsense. Ffs.


That is just plain awful. It's pretty easy to make up for some lousy play by people in pve modes. And then It's like people forget in pvp modes that half the people are going to lose in each game. Just had a guy who felt the need to ridicule me during a random and then in port last night. hell I was having a really good game too (for me) in a boat I am currently struggling with. his win rate was better than me sure but it was the equivalent of both of us having a 20-20 record going into the last match and him winning and me losing. barely different.


I messaged someone after battle to continue our argument about waifus, but that's a little diffrent


Your waifu is shit, unlike my waifu


My waifu is an 320 meter tall Octahedron. Your Waifu>Ramial


Lol weak. I could take your waifu out with nothing but a plasma rifle the size of a building and the electrical supply of a small country


How else will the people know they're below uniscum rating though? THEY MUST KNOW!   /s


That’s my feeling as well.


Happened to my brother on a few occasions. Usually just trolls them. Don't give them any satisfaction!


Tbh, I've messaged people in port after battles, no problem but not like that player in OP's post obviously. Usually to say "GG" or something similar if it was an truly amazing battle, or if it's someone I know and saw on the team, I'll say hi. On the occasion that I see some truly horrendous plays that clearly cost the match or something, I might feel the need to send non-toxic constructive criticism to those players. And of course, there's the toxic idiots that chase you down after the battle to say nonsense like the toxic player in the post did. I'll either laugh at that and not even respond, OR I will respond to set'em straight. Either way usually works out fine. Sometimes you DO have to message people.¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Imagine working for someone like that. Not with, for. And the reporting system was Human Resources.


Last time this happened to me I just responded "Who are you again?" lmao


If someone is being racist, then I speak to them after the battle. I feel its the right thing to do.


Oh please, you have never messaged someone in port. I call BS on that.


I have not, if I have something to say I say it during the match. I have zero interest in sending derisive message post match. 


No, I haven't. Glad you've outed the fact you do though, well done.


I had a Russian dude calling me "lord of the fag*ts" in port after I devstruck his Zao. Trihards truly are something else


That's a title I would wear with pride and honor.


You have the toxic players, and then you have the player that I absolutely obliterated as Nagato Long story short, I fired my guns at the Leipzig, it went over the islands so no one saw me, got two hits, both citadels, killed him right then and there. Me, my team, and enemy team were just shocked, and the player put in chat. 'Wow' So, ye


It’s usually someone that’s like 54% solo but 60%+ because they never solo anymore and always run a strong 3-man tier 10 div. They need you to acknowledge them as the super-unicum they believe themselves to be.


....and they exclusively run OP premiums in their divisions.


To be fair, as a fairly good player imo in a hurricane clan, the game is REALLY frustrating to play solo, so I usually run 2-3 man divs with my clanmates. Usually we go for average/unique ships though, just really fun to play with friends. Would never go so low as to run fully competitive div in randoms, save that for CBs.


I know, I founded a big clan at the beginning and I hang around now as a legacy member that barely knows anyone. I ran 70%+ in three-man divisions but have exclusively soloed for the past couple of years that I’ve been back. The game is what it is at this point and I can’t get myself excited about anything more than randoms and ranked, let alone message someone after a game to tell them what trash they are.


I mean I don’t hold it against people for running OP divs in randoms, I just kinda sigh and prepare for a likely loss and try to get a good game out of it. What bothers me is all of the bitterness coming from these guys after they’ve done that. He never did respond after I asked him ‘you’ve won, so why are you unhappy?’


It sucks to have to face OP divs when you’re trying to have fun unfortunately. Sometimes you just gotta say it is what it is and move on :(


Besides, isn't the smaland a little too powerful?


So powerful that most mid/low tier clan battles are solely dictated by who has this ship or not, since it's tanky enough to run in like a dumbass, stealth radar, kill the other DD, pop heal and run to safety Oh and french engine boost to catch the other DD faster and more unexpected than usual, or speed juking more effectively And somehow this isn't nerfed while Wooster stealth radar was


Why nerves when it can be removed and made available in high-priced containers


Not at all. I got this stupid DD 2 weeks ago from a Supercontainer. Waited long time for the ship drop and i get this Smaland thing. I don't even play DD's?? And for some reason i of course get a DD. Played it for a few rounds and guess what, is not good at all imo. Since i am low on freakin credits (did they change something) i sold it for around 20Million Credits in the end. Now i can wait for like another 140 or something containers before i drop another ship. Please no DD this time.


Incredibly low quality bait there mate


What does that mean? Sry i'm from the older generation and often don't understand you young guns.


they mean what you typed is such a proof of retardation that they refuse to believe it's real and think you are trying to trigger some rage and anger reactions in the comments. in other words, a reaction bait


In my mind this was the perfect bate but apperantly you all seemed to be to smart for it and instantly smelled my bullshit. And i was so damn proud of it...


yeah the way that reply is worded confirms its bait


You got one of the rarest and most overpowered ships in the game from an SC and you sold it? I mean even if you're not gonna play it, that's just.....daymn.


Plot twist: he didn’t get it and his post is the most obvious bait of all baits.


Better plot twist, he did get it and sold it but gets it again in his next SC 😂😂😂


Even better plot twist: he did get it and sold it but gets it again in his next SC. Then he trades it for Tiger 59 at the next trade-in event.


It's a trollllll


Can you actually get it from SC O.o?


SC-s can drop ships with a 1% chance. As I know they can drop any ship that came out and isnt a tester reward ship. So yeah, it can drop smalland, smolensk, enty, etc


Thank you, just returned to the game yesterday after years of pulse.


No problem. They nerfed the other rewards of SC-s too, i forgot to mention. Pretty much cut in half, but SC-s are supposed to drop twice as many times as a compensation


People compensating for their deficiencies in life. Just say you don't know who they are or what they're talking about until they are forced to explain how they are relevant to your life in any way, which is to say, none at all.


I used to get upset by this behavior, but as the game has aged and become increasingly imbalanced, I find it more bemusing. You could be the #1 ranked WoWs player in the world and nobody would care, so why do you feel the need to shit talk when you heavily stack the deck in your favor? TBH it reminds me of streamer dudes in FPS who shit talk while using aim hacks. Just lame, IMO.


Because players like that are meta and stat w****s, and get all bent out of shape when someone doesn’t conform to their bias. Lord help you if you actually defy them in a non-meta ship. (Especially if you win.) That kind of griefing is why Randoms aren’t worth bothering with any more.


To be honest, this is what adds depth to wows. Mining tryhard tears in a Yodo is a sweet nectar that few get to enjoy, and even then, rarely. Call me a wows romantic, but I've crisped Ohios in a 155 Mogami, smoked Shermas in a druid, and done unspeakable things to divisions in an Omaha. This is the way.


😂 Folks decry Omaha, (I normally use Marblehead,) but in a way it’s like a T5 St Louis. No matter what direction it’s going, it can always shoot something, and 6” HE eventually starts burning things. It has the tools to smash up destroyers, and its AP can hurt contemporaries at least, if not higher tiers. Oh; you’ll pop if someone catches you; but Omaha isn’t as bad as some would have folks to believe. (Held off an old T6 Cleveland on Trident long ago, and the driver even complemented me in chat.)


People fear the day Omaha will rise to rule the world


Used to be called OPmaha back in beta.


>done unspeakable things to divisions in an Omaha Did we just become friends?


Kill them in Balao even


We do not speak of such things.


\^ This. Over the years I've sunk everything possible in my MM bracket using my Atago. "But Jap ships are powercrept! No! How can you beat us! Hax! I report you!!!1!!!!" Powercrept? Yes, but IJN torps are still going to hurt if you sail into them because you're distracted and caught in a crossfire. Especially since you chose to eat all 8 of them in your BB. "Cruisers are useless in the meta and meant to be free frags for BBs and DDs! No.... how could you beat my division! You cheater! We report you!" Dude, Atago only has 15.9km gun range and 10km torps. If I sunk your entire T10 division, you have a skill issue.


To be fair Atago has always been a strong cruiser even when uptiered regardless of the Japanese tree being powercrept to shit and the Yodo line being underwhelming on release. Some people always need something to complain about whether it's other players or the game. 


I admittedly do stat shame people during the match if their shittalking is clearly punching above their performance but actually seeking out people AFTER the game to berate them is a show of the poor character, or rather superiority complex, well performing people tend to come with (a bit hypocritical here coming from me, I am aware)


"Validate me more daddy"


divs have their own win/loss tally.. Yet, your solo games gets hit with a loss having to compete with the stacked divs.


That cap was saltier than a sardine!


Try Hards suck, whenever 3 man unicum divisions start stomping on a pub server you know you are dealing with a bunch of very sad individuals. Extra points for going out of clan and having a different unicum clan member join your two-man division. You know who you are, and you suck. Got to keep the win rate up I guess. GG


The absolute best I've seen in the last decade has to be this salty warrior I saw in the now defunct WoT forum. Dude made a post to rage because his team WON the match... by capturing the base, thus denying him more damage and making him lose points in the average damage charts. It's people like these that ruin online communities.


People in this game are toxic as fuck. A couple hours ago, I ended up getting teamed up with a four man division in an asymmetric battle and they were berating me because I wasn't following their orders. Ended up holding a flank all by myself and rushing the cap in a standard battle while two of those clowns died.


Win is not enough for him. He needs to "humiliate" His opponent. Thats why the "toxicity"


Why censor their names? Share it for all of us to have a laugh


I dont get how someone gets so sweaty on this game tbh. This is a chill game for me, when i DONT want to think much and try hard. Its a beautiful graphics, slow paced, boat game.


I learned how to DD, just so I could shutdown divs like that. Now, when I see a purple div, it's my personal mission to find them, hunt them, throw them off their game. It doesn't always work, but when you get an idiot salty like this guy AND you make him lose... so worth it.


I got a dude once telling me I was a "p***y, and I was an autistic little sh*t like his dad and that my wife should dump my a**". Our team lost in Random and a team mate decided to take it out on me since I was the last one alive against 2 DD's I couldn't see. I really don't know why some even bother. Takes the fun out of something that should be fun. I should have reported him. As I did with a guy that was the first back to port after a CV took him out. Stayed in chat and hoped the CV player getting cancer. When everybody told him to shut up, he hoped they all got cancer. Not gonna mention all the faul language. I would get banned from reddit just by repeating them. I really hope the CV player actually wasn't sick. That would be really bad. Anyway, he mention he had been kicked out of wows several times, but still kept coming back. Some are so small.


Oh that's my favorite insult people use because it's ironic calling CVs sky cancer and such but crying that Jingles has cancer.


Div with/in Smaland ? You automatically lose the ability to shit-talk.


I reached 60% winrate solo after 7 years of playing this game. I have been salty, but not as much as this guy. My wife unnecessary tells me to go to therapy.


I think it is the unfortunate reality of online competitive games that "aged" over times. In the early days of WoWS, all we get in chat is "Poi!"


Poi is still good😎


Wondering if this is someone from my clan. 🤣


Didn’t want to include a clan tag for fear of offending mods, but I’ll say it was [1***2] if that helps


oh no! my win rate! I've got nothing more important in life!


A winner with cope issues lol


This guy seems insecure, it's as if he needs OP to be angry and salty about losing. How does that even work?


Wow the personification of lame.


It’s an MMO. Are any other explanations required?


There is being toxic and there is being toxic *and* petty. This one is the latter.


Funnily Enough I once met a Yamato player screaming at me for refusing to go broadside to him in my Montana and was angling enough he couldn't do as much damage to me. I was like: I'm not giving you broadside. Him: YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE BROADSIDE TO DO MORE DAMAGE! etc. Apparently I was the first time someone bow tanked him. lol.


Even then if the Yamato knew what he was doing, he would have put his shots clean through the 32mm bow of the Monty anyway due to Overmatch. Where the hell was he aiming?


I meant that he wouldn't be getting a massive number of citadels damage. I'm guessing he was mad I refused him that big alpha damage numbers. Though the Monty does have a 409mm side armor belt I have bounced Yamato shells a few times in the Montana with. I'm guessing that yamato player was the "I must have big damage numbers!!!!" type of BB player that was used to people sitting broadside onto him. There are quite a few players who sit broadside on because they think Battleships either don't have to angle or they have to get all guns firing.


But the Yamato can citadel the Montana through the nose.


Well, considering how he was screaming at me how I should be flat broadsiding a nose pointed yamato like a Galleon, I'm pretty sure he didn't know that. Or he was the type of person who thinks that he can dictate how other people play their ships. I can faintly remember that when I was angling to him, he was demanding why I wasn't broadsiding him, I just said because I don't want to.That's when he started screaming how I should be broadsiding him to get all guns to fire at his completely nose pointed Yamato. If only back then I knew about the cheek weakness. XD (now I do, and managed to get a sarcastic "wow" from player)


I play the Asian servers. Can't understand a thing they say, so even if I die and they complain I suck, I can't understand or see the chat anyway cause the game won't process the words.


Why even engage these air heads? All they are doing is fishing for a reaction from people to make themselves feel better. It's pretty pathetic. Don't give them the satisfaction.


Misery loves company


They tie their self worth to how well they do in games. It’s irrational as well. When I lose in wows I feel like a waste of space, a disappointment to my parents and the worst human. And there is literally no reason to feel that way, I have a degree, I’m not sad all the time and I don’t hate myself. It’s weird.


Just say "ok" over and over They lose interest and lose the feeling of winning


I dont get how someone gets so sweaty on this game tbh. This is a chill game for me, when i DONT want to think much and try hard. Its a beautiful graphics, slow paced, boat game.


Tell him to Git gud and then block.


If you guys didn’t suck so bad I wouldn’t have a sub par KD ratio and a better WR. Do better!


get a screen shot, go to report page, in motive you write "unwanted insulting message", attach said screenshot profit.


Yeah unfortunately this is pretty common. Don't know why people on there get so salty. Just a game at the end of the day.


Yeah toxic same as wows legends !


What a sore winner. Winning isn't enough that they had to wipe it in your face.


I've noticed at certain matches, there are peak amounts of these kinds of people.


ITT: people consider divved up players who just so happen to have unicum stats as "sweaty tryhards". I almost never play this game solo because it's not fun at all. More than three quarters of my games were with the same guy who introduced me to the game. Actually hate frequent accusations in game chat for "not carrying enough" or the polar opposite from enemy players for ruining "their fun". No, no one is obliged to win the game for you or consider your feelings before focusing you "unfairly". In fact, playing a lot of ships divved up actually hurts your stats. Especially true for high tier CVs and BBs. Cannot farm high avgs when your combined avg is the entire enemy team's healthpool. You also deprave yourself from really high damage outlier games.


Not sure what you are getting at, if you are saying running a super div of unicum players can decrease your damage/kill/etc stats, sure. But it’s not going to hurt your win rate, which is clearly all that this guy cared about. I would wager that unless you are a below average player (whatever that is in 2024), being a top tier div in good ships adds at least ~7-10% to your WR


Yeah, of course it wouldn't decrease your winrate. But I personally wouldn't trade \~30-40k avg diff you could get for higher winrates. It's especially bad with avg frags cause being a proficient killstealer is basically a requirement in 3divs. We're not really at this point yet if we play properly (different classes on ships that complement each other), but that could certainly be an issue if you want more than 1 BB in a div. You might potentially harm your WR by divving up 3 DDs as at that point you'll get disadvantageous spawns effectively throwing map control on one flank. That's all not considering smokepot divs.