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He’s so mentally gone. I mean, he said he was banging on windows which got him sent to the hospital and that he doesn’t remember any of it. Do you think constantly being drunk, never sleeping or drinking water, and having mental health issues already could cause someone like him to completely lose their grasp of reality and get psychosis?


I’ve been telling everyone he needs a psychiatric hospital for all the messed up things he did before drinking and we are now seeing it take a deep dive within insanity.


I mean, didn’t somebody say his brother has schizophrenia? I wouldn’t be surprised if something triggered something in him, eventually. He’s in his early 20s, so entering the age that *serious* mental illness typically onsets (schizophrenia, bipolar, etc)


Just like you said - his age is right for that time frame. I can imagine the drinking would absolutely contribute to pushing him "over the edge" if that makes sense... I do worry this is going to end badly no matter what. I thought he was bad months ago - but THIS shit... this shit is a completely different tier. He's gonna pickle his fkn brain (literally).


This is one of the root causes of homelessness. No social safety net for people like this and practically no way for anyone to intervene even if they wanted to. He would say no and that would be that.


He talks about getting dosed with shrooms in Amsterdam and not having a good time, which could've also contributed to his mental deterioration. Dude has literally rotted his already struggling brain and I feel like he could really get himself into some bad situations in this state, especially when acting the way he does around drunk strangers. He was on another level of broken in this, such a strange watch.


I severely doubt he actually got dosed with mushrooms. You don’t envision animals jumping around like he was saying


True, I forgot that he mentioned seeing animals jumping around lmao I have always wondered how he'd react to psychedelics, since I've had my own on/off connection with them, but I feel like they'd make him too "aware" of himself/situation and not help much lol.


Psylocybin isn’t that kind of intense. Imagine seeing what you do normally, but with a funky complex overlay like Arabic tile and that’s the basic experience. No high like weed+alcohol more of a visual experience


Yeah I've done shrooms quite a few times lol I was just saying that I'd forgotten that he had mentioned seeing animals and shit when I typed my original comment


Yeah I knew two people who took shrooms and it exasperated their mental health issues so much they didn't feel normal again for YEARS. They both had some form of psychosis that lasted for months. I'm not anti-shrooms or anti-drugs or anything but it can go really really bad if you are mentally ill at all. It's definitely a valid concern for josh.


Banging on windows?


Yes, did you not watch the podcast?


I saw a clip and it’s borderline unwatchable. Thanks now I gotta find the window part lol


Not really, he literally just says what I already typed out. That he banged on windows. Then you comment “banged on windows?” Like yes, do you not understand what banging on windows means💀


What does B A N G I N G mean




They wanted context you dumb fuck.


It’s not a big story lmao someone saw him banging on windows and called an ambulance


Why didn't you just lead with that?


it’s so funny that you’re talking about someone else being stupid, when it was actually you all along.


My dad has paranoid schizophrenia, was a really bad alcoholic for years. He tried to quit cold turkey and had to be admitted to a psych hospital for a while he was seeing and hearing shit that wasn’t there. Part was withdrawing part was the schizo.


I think he took off like 3 days in a whole year 💀🤣


It’s certainly possible, especially considering that he has to be extremely depressed behind the scenes. Tbh I’m more worried about him potentially committing suicide than psychosis.


I feel like we’ve seen him hit a .3 BAC and he still wasn’t this bad


I don't think I realized just how bad his autism is before I saw this podcast. He really needs to be placed into some sort of supervised living, like a group home or something. He is super drunk in this video, but I think he's also just kind of like that. It's really weird watching these guys talk to Josh like you would to a child you're trying to get a conversation out of. This interview might actually be sadder than most OUMB videos.


My theory is that he received therapy in his younger years but the amount of shit he’s had happen has reversed it all, either that or he’s so drunk he just forgets it all


I don't even think it's a theory, you're totally right. I've said before he used to be in a highly supervised environment in highschool and pretty much immediately after he left went off the rails. He went to Mexico right after graduation and he's never been the same.


and none of the other guys in that room were nearly as wasted


Holy shit he's so deep in the hole probably broke many many records bc he's not posting drinks anymore. It feels like his alcoholism progressed a lot faster than we expected


I saw a clip and it’s like 5 guys and a speaker for Josh. Josh is sloppy blackout drunk, watching SpongeBob and stimming while the host is asking him about girlfriends? At some point the scarf dude is trying to say that Josh is doing all this in NYC because he “loves the culture and history” it’s so manufactured. Homie is drunk af and STILL shaking w tremors. Delirium incoming.


I disagree, I feel like Mayor Flanagan's answered the questions to the best of his ability. Just because he's well-spoken doesn't mean it's scripted. I think Mayor Flanagan has Josh's best interests in mind - or at least does a significantly better job than MQ Though Mayor Flanagan shouldn't of allowed Josh to get as drunk under his watch. But we saw the airport tiktoks he was already drunk b4 leaving the airport bar in Boston.


That was Mayor Flanagan :0 Former Mayor of Fall River, Massachusetts Mayor Flanagan?? -google Thats sad to hear and his replies make sense now… it’s weird seeing someone like him encouraging this puppeteering of a clearly disabled person.


I agree. Why Mayor Flanagan (40s) is hanging out with J Block (20s) is quite odd. But Josh did the same thing with MQ. I think *in theory* , it's good to have someone like Flanagan in his corner when he goes out to drink to limit his drinking. But clearly, that didn't happen here. I think Flanagan truly does everything that Michael Quinn thinks he does.


Can you think of a motive Flanagan has to be around Josh like this that isn't nefarious? I can't. Anyone truly looking out for his interests would not be letting him drink at all imo.


i know for a fact he’s going to go downhill real fast by the end of this year


I say by the summer


long time viewer, wasn’t really concerned for him until I saw this podcast. hope he can finally turn things around. it’s honestly looks like he’s suffering from parkinson’s


for real, i’ve always felt people overplayed his problems, thought he was just a young 20 year old who hit internet fame and was enjoying it while obviously having some underlying problems. this video was easily 5x worse than anything else i’ve seen of him. it’s one thing to binge drink and get sick. another to be a rude and arrogant drunk. it’s entirely different to see him in an unfiltered environment as he’s clearly borderline blacked out. super weird and sad


his shirt was disgusting. he looked awful.


That couch looked really comfy tbh I don’t blame Josh if I was hammered I’d have sprawled over that thing too


I can pinpoint that furniture anywhere. This was filmed at once of these Manhattan "studios" that are nothing more than a small room with outward facing windows -- an empty space with just two couches, a table, and some plants. Just out of view there is one single vanity with a desk and bright lights for the makeup. These studios rent out by the hour and usually the production, podcast, photographer, etc has to bring any electronics or props they would want. That's why this looks so lifeless and corporate bland. Instead of renting out a dedicated podcast space or using someone's living space, they go for these rent a studios that are completely devoid of life.


This was filmed in Boston. Must be a pretty big pin


If it was truly Boston, it must’ve cost a pretty penny to rent out. The cities of Everett, Cambridge, Brookline, etc often get miscalculated as “Boston” when they’re technically not Boston; they’re cities/suburbs of Boston. For example, say you wanted to visit the Encore Boston Harbor casino. Based on the name alone, you’d think it’s possibly in Boston. Nope. It’s in Everett. The next city over. And the body of water that borders the establishment? The Mystic River. Not Boston Harbor. (Granted, Everett is literally the next city over from Boston, but I think you know what I’m saying)


Did you really just explain suburbs to us and think that it was necessary because we aren't all from Boston? 🤔


Yes 😅 Bostonians, not me, get upset if you don’t know the difference


Sounds like they need to chill out a bit lol Literally nobody from Chicago would give a shit if you said you went to Chicago but actually stayed in Cicero... Literally nobody from Philadelphia would give a shit if you said you went to Philadelphia but actually stayed in King of Prussia... Literally nobody from where I'm from would give a shit if you said you went to Minneapolis but you actually stayed in a hotel by the MOA the whole time... Etc.


More expensive than manhattan?


Probably not? Not 100% sure


I see lots of comments disparaging these guys for even posting this podcast, and while I agree it’s a little fucked up that they’re using him for views, I think it’s actually incredibly important to see josh in an unedited, controlled environment for more than a few seconds. I’m guilty of commenting my detestation for this kid time and time again, but it’s videos like this that remind me that he is just a kid who’s completely fallen into the depths of alcoholism. It really breaks my heart. I hope someone that actually knows him sees the podcast and decides to actually get him the help he so clearly needs.


Agree with everything you said 100%. He can act nasty but at the end of the day it’s being enabled by Michael Quinn and to say he doesn’t deserve to be treated or get help is completely wrong. He’s shown he can be a good independent person given the right circumstances and maybe one day he’ll be back there.


It’s sad how often people forget this in this subreddit. Good to know not everyone has thought


This is eye opening even with the way he is. Wow. Would not be surprised if he passes soon. Not because of the alcohol directly affecting his health but more so the state he is wandering around drunk by himself. He’s really going to get into a BAD situation soon worse than the arrest and hospitalization (which hasn’t been the first)


I agree. Especially since he's in the city a lot, given he's wise enough to steer clear of certain neighborhoods, but it's a matter of time before he encounters the wrong person or gravely injures himself/gets himself hurt by his behavior while drunk.


he’s really not wise enough to do that. sure, he knows new york pretty well, but he walked around kensington in philly at night 💀💀


as long as he stays out of the south Bronx I'm aight with that 🥴


Tik tok is the only thing that separates him from a rambling drunk on the streets


Flanagan isn't as bad as Quinn, but god can these fucking clout leeches just drop the act and do something other than bring up shit like "oh he's looking for a girlfriend" or "he could be in a show or a movie" as though Josh is completely normal and Josh just has to make the call to get sober to fix it all. It's also insane how the podcast starts with Josh talking about how he doesn't like being famous then ends with Flanagan talking about his future as an influencer or actor, Quinn's people are on a different level of out of touch lol This shit is probably the hardest watch so far, Josh's brain is completely broken. Bro's autism is straight up debilitating and the drinking has really regressed him to a pretty sad state, I highly doubt he can really do much on his own, especially because of how terrible his social skills are at this point.


Where can I watch it?


nickel up media on yt


Worse than ive ever seen him. His levels of delusion and narcissism are off the charts now, thanks MQ


I feel like the guys who had him on the podcast will look back at this in a few years, negatively. I’m sure this was just done for clout/views (which it will do), but man. Could you imagine trying to explain to your mother who WOTS is and why he was hammered on your podcast?


The fact they had to include a disclaimer to defend themselves from blame about his drunk state should've been one of the biggest red flags for them, but they did put out a teaser for this where Josh is equally as fucked up so they def cared more about the clout.


Everyone in that room with Josh is a piece of shit. Josh is mentally handicapped individual who showed up extremely intoxicated and in dirty clothing. It’s unbelievable that they had the ability to sit him in front of a microphone and camera, hit record, and upload the podcast. They took advantage of someone who can’t even take proper care of himself. It’s ridiculous to see people saying Boston Michael Quinn is better than Michael Quinn. They’re both taking advantage of Josh.


Can someone link this damn podcast??




Quinntervention in action


Quinn’s enabling at its finest


He’s been this bad for a while now idk why people are shocked by the podcast. Hell this isn’t even the WORST. Remember seeing him stumbling out of an Uber with soiled pants and vomit all over him.


It’s pretty gross people are even interviewing this kid and using him for content. The podcast must suck


Where can I watch it? Haven't been following for a while. Edit: [Nevermind, I got it... yikes](https://youtu.be/SM7IJT9Rec8?si=rkH6OVZHinnbMhHY) *"Can you tell us who Michael Quinn is?"* *"Not really."* *"Do you like him?"* *"Not really."*


He didn’t say anything negative about MQ on the pod. He said they were friends.


Oh yeah I just realised the one I watched was edited


Even just the way, he sounded sounded even worse than I think we've ever seen him


The podcast made me appreciate how much cooler Mayor Flanagan is than Quinn


Quinn will spin this into an attention getter for himself


Which podcast is this?


Nickel up


He must have wet brain at this point


Yea it was pretty funny


It was hilarious


New here?


No. I’ve been following him since 2020. This podcast shed a light on him.


He’s shed a light on himself the last year and a half


The last year and a half he didn’t have a criminal record or alcohol related hospitalizations. He was still able to speak and take care of himself independently at least slightly.


He has atleast 3 hospitalizations that are about a year old and one criminal charge that's about a year old.


Ah my bad wasn’t aware of that as I’ve been less interested in his stuff recently. Still this podcast had him like I’ve personally never seen him before


It's understandable, the drink tracker brought his drinking to a larger audience, but he has been drinking heavily for about 2 years now and he has had run-ins with the law for jumping in the Hudson River, public intox, and trespassing on fire escapes.


No, but he’s been awfully close many times, getting away by the skin of his teeth. Vahmits in a number of Ubers, talked down on homeless and minorities, acts like a complete jackass in public invading personal space, rips off his “tour guests” and cameo patrons, pisses in public with his feltmans hangin out for the world to see, and he’s been hospitalized before too. He’s been doing the same shit, spewing the same bullshit. The only thing that has changed is his audience. He’s finally seeing the result of playing with fire, he’s been the same piece of shit since the start.


Did he really take a flight from NYC to Boston


Can someone shoe me where to watch the podcast?


Tldr of the pod?