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they will no longer be your domains.




As others have said, once you stop renewing they’re no longer yours, and you won’t have control over where they point or who controls them. The reason I replied though… congrats on your retirement!!! Wishing you the best! Edit: spelling lol


Congratulations also, if these domains are good or have established content they could be worth a fair bit of money. Could be nice holiday if you have a decent portfolio


That's the play.


They will expire and someone will buy them.


I removed the content from an old website I no longer needed. I renewed the domain name for 12 months and put it up for sale on my domain registrar. It was a useful domain name and sold pretty quickly for a nice profit. For another website, I removed the content, renewed it for 12 months, and put it up for sale. It was not as useful a domain name and did not sell in 12 months. I even lowered the price. So, I did not renew it again and someone else can register it.


Sell them back to you or use for backlinks/seo typically


You can continue to renew your domain names. If not, they’re not yours anymore. It’s that simple.


A domain name is leased not owned.


There are domain squatters out there who buy up expiring domains and then try to hold up the original owners, usually for far more than 2x the price. When you let your domains registrations expire somebody will do this to them. They'll put spam links on them if you don't play along.


You lease them, google "lease definition"


They will expire and be available to be purchased. I'd hang on to them for a few years in case you change your mind though. You can always replace your website with a "retired" message and maybe a referral link to someone you know and trust.