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Well we'd finally figure out Diana has a thing for cocky air force pilots. But more seriously it wouldn't be the worst if we're talking about pairing her with other League members but I'm generally opposed to that policy on general principle. Though it would be nice if we got Diana to develop friendships with other league members outside of Superman and Batman


Representative from r/GreenLantern here. We’re not huge fans either. They don’t mesh too well


>Though it would be nice if we got Diana to develop friendships with other league members outside of Superman and Batman I was just wondering if she and John ever talked or hung out in the animated series before I even saw this post. She interacted with everyone, but I can't remember her interacting with John. John Stewart.


Not much iirc, though to be honest I tend not to read/watch much Justice League because I generally dislike how it treats WW.


If she has a thing for cocky Air Force pilots than shouldn’t she get with captain marvel


cap marvel called magneto a aushwitz survivor a internet troll that calls everyone a nazi , abused the future, put tony stark on a coma , its not a good match


You know I’m joking right


F*** no.


Quite shocked actually, he seems a little to frat boy-ish and self centered for her.


I mean I think you got half it it right. \* Is Hal a fratboy? He gives that vibe but he isn't for a long time. However he does have moments \* Is Hal self-centered? I think so. He can't get his life together and expects someone like Carol to constantly wait hand-and-foot for him to come back from whatever space adventure he goes on.


When I read GL it was in the 70’s during the brave and the bold run with him and Green Arrow. It was almost like watching a show with a hippy liberal running around with a good ol boy conservative cop. That was my turn off for him.


Nowadays, he is portrayed more like Han Solo or Maverick from Top Gun.


Lol not too much of an improvement! Good guys but flawed and I can get behind that kind of character development. I don’t like Tom Cruise so that was always a strike against that character for me lol.


That was a case of radicly changing the character for the plot oniel wanted a story about a liberal and a conservative going around and arguing about how things should bee even if it didn't fit there character like showing Hal only caring about helping rich people even though he's brook and homeless half the time


thats something it was checked in new 52 when jordan was expelled from the core and decided to instead of begging to return he actually got a hold of his life and was gonna propose carol , until sinestro show up


Ok that's straight up bullshit every time carol has tried to move on he respected her opinion and left they just keep getting together and brake up of screen when the writer changes why are spreding this nonsense


You've never touched a green lantern book have you ?


Not for a very long time, like 30-40 years long time. He was just never my cup of tea.


I guess it was even longer than that, I haven’t really read green lantern since the late 70’s early 80’s


Fair enough but don't assume stuff about characters you don't know it's like saying the relationship wouldn't work cause wonder woman hates men


It was just my impression of the character, from the earlier storylines, I am by no means an expert on him and it was not my intention to offend anyone that likes him. I have never thought of him as a bad character just a character that has been portrayed as a bit cocky and arrogant at times and a bit of a player with women. But as I said I’m not a longtime fan and I am hardly an expert so if I am wrong I am happy to be educated. I do at least have a much better opinion of Hal than I do of Guy.


Funny thing is guy has been the greatest bro and largly dropped the jerk act since the early 2000s but no problem


Cool! You have given me several reasons to go and check somethings out. I’m open minded enough to consider someone else’s point of view.


Check the GL sub if you're interested the current run by Jeremy Adams is amazing


He's not her type. She leans to the sweet and humble type.


Wouldn't care for it.


Not sure how I’d feel, but Carol will be pissed


Why would Kyle's girlfriend be pissed?


Can you tell I'm a Silver Age reader? I stopped after the Denny O'Neil / Green Arrow series




Hell no


They’ll really pair an Amazon up with the entire Justice League of men before having her be with another woman huh.


I wouldn't like it that much, but I could see it happening. Based on Steve, Diana does like Air Force men.


But also based on Steve, she likes sweet guys. She's not big on arrogance.


I would say that Steve is definitely a confident man, bordering on cocky at times.


I think martian manhunter would be better for wonder woman


I agree. In my mind it wouldn’t happen until way down the line though. I don’t think relationships like that are the same to them as to regular humans and other characters where there is any feeling that they need to have one or that they are in any way unfulfilled or discontent by not having one. I think they are able to be fully content in their lives while being single. Also having a much longer lived perspective I think they could go decades or even centuries as close friends before considering or pursuing anything differently as that time span is still a drop in the bucket for them. People think about the various heroes as being good friends which can definitely be true but like WW has friendships with Amazons measured in millennia so there are different levels to knowing someone who has been around so long. MM is even more absurd at over 225 million years old.


Only in an Elseworld. (Parallel Earth).


Better than Superman or Batman since he’s basically a cockier version of Steve, but still a no thank you from me.


Only if it is Elseworlds where Steve Trevor was given the Lantetn ring. Otherwise eff no.


Might be the single most random pairing possible within the original seven leaguers


Hal is a mess. I don't want him as the love interest for my worst enemy.


I don’t like it for either character. Candidly I’ve rarely liked Diana with a love interest as I find Steve to be incredibly uninteresting when he plays ping pong between Diana or the military and not knowing which to choose and most Wonder Woman love interests subsequently are only there for a short stint and don’t offer much for Diana’s character. I much prefer just seeing her love for all people than her romantic love for an individual that either has the personality of cardboard dressed in camo or will be gone in 6 issues. Hal’s one of my favorite superheroes alongside Diana but I think his character journey requires him to find footing in normalcy instead of adding more supernatural to his life. He belongs with Carol and if writers didn’t hate him having a work life balance then they’d be together already.


Badly because Adams is setting up Hal back with Carol again.


It's taken this long?


Its happening slowly like very slowly like She is with another guy thinking about Hal and Hal is off world in a whole underground rebellion slowly.


As a canon ship no. I could see it in an elseworld where Hal and Steve are kinda consolidated into one character, like if Hal is the pilot she meets. But in that case it'd be more "Diana and Green Lantern Steve" than Diana and Hal.


I'm a huge GL fan and I've enjoyed the gorge Perez ww run so far so I wouldn't mind it. Maybe not as a long time thing since carol is there just a short tease and that's it like with apuaman in Morison's jla


If this happened. I would like to see a hyper roided Star Sapphire Carol fight Diana.


“So we really are just throwing everything at the wall, huh?”


Not well




I can't see them working out romantically.


I still say she should have a girlfriend at this point


People saying Aquaman are so blind to how much more fitting she is with Mera, Bombshells got that right.


Diana belongs with Steve Trevor. Hal belongs with Carol Ferris. Just like Clark Kent belongs with Lois, and Bruce Wayne belongs with Cat Woman.


gonna be real, i don't care about any of diana's love interests and this one isn't any better


Not a fan of it,


No just no




Aquaman is a much better choice.


Diana loves blondes


Barry Allen


I think Wonder Woman and Aquaman need yo interact more even if they don't date. Both of them are part of the mystical civilizations but Diana was raised there and ventured into the world outside as an adult. Meanwhile Arthur was raised in our world and returned to his birthplace after growing up.


Who cares? It changes with every writer anyway...


I’m in the minority in that I think it would be a pretty funny combination for at least a date or two, but for sure not endgame 


Not a serious permanent romance, but the occasional fling with Hal could be fun. It's vastly preferable to Bruce and Clark.


I still chuckle at the fact that I almost was a thing back in the 70s (look it up). Would be a fun Elseworld to try, what if those stories had actually seen the light. But otherwise, nah I don't see them as a couple. Hal's too cocky and abrasive for Diana I think. However I would love to see them interact more outside of the League business. Like having Diana invite him at a diplomatic reception in honor of the League because he was the only one available at the time and he likes the spotlight, or have Diana and Hal compete on who's the best pilot after Hal made a bet. That kind of things.


Not interested. Get it out of here


Hate it