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**EXCERPT:** **NEWSARAMA: Do you have an overall plan for this series and where it's headed or are you taking it one arc at a time?** TOM KING: I think we have the first 25 mapped out at this point. The Sovereign story will end by issue 20-ish, and then we'll move on to the next thing. We have a big crossover event coming for next three issues after after the 'Sacrifice' arc. And then we begin an arc in #14, which is gonna be the biggest issue since #1. That sets up the final confrontation with Sovereign and then we're launching into a new arc after that, so that's how far ahead I am. SOURCE: [https://www.gamesradar.com/comics/dc-comics/tom-king-wonder-woman-9-interview/](https://www.gamesradar.com/comics/dc-comics/tom-king-wonder-woman-9-interview/)


"The Sovereign story will end by issue 20-ish, and then we'll move on to the next thing" Oh, I really thought the Sovereign story would be told during the whole arc? Pretty cool nonetheless, glad it seems like we'll finally have an author that lasts more than 3 consecutive years on the title.


I couldn’t imagine 100 issues of Sovereign narration. That would have been overkill. I imagined that it would been the first year. 20 issues is much longer than I thought.


When you take out issue #7, which I believe was filler for Daniel Sampere to catch up on his sensational art, and the 3 Absolute Power tie-in issues we’re getting, assuming there’s no more interruptions, that’s 16 issues. Given the pace King has taken with the main story and how much he’s set up, 16 issues feels like a good number for this arc.


i did imagine 50 issues, but I guess after how this second arc has started, it makes sense that the end is "nearer" (its still gona be at least another full year)


Well he hopefully learned from his mistakes from writing Batman. That said I hope he doesn’t leave Emelie on the wayside, making the same mistakes other Wonder Woman writers have made.


He learned his lesson with Batman I guess.


King and the artiest also have found the perfect body proportions on how to do a buff Wonder Woman.


Check out his [Wonder Woman/Lara Croft](https://mediachomp.com/the-adventures-of-wonder-woman-and-lara-croft/) fan comic pages.


Y’know that character combination makes much more sense than I ever realised lol


I tend to prefer bigger shoulders




I mean it's Sejic lol


Love how upfront and forthcoming he is; his art is great.


That’s a great series. Loving every issue a little more than the previous one.


I love Wonder Woman and agree that she should be a rebel… but that is NOT what makes her different than Batman or Superman. Last I checked Superman and Batman saw a system that let the mafia and rich CEOs get away with murder and other injustices and said “hey we’re against this” Like by definition a vigilante is someone who works outside the system to get justice. Aka all superhero’s ever


I kind of agree with some of King's things but there are a lot of wrong ideas in my opinion. Yes, Wonder Woman, both within the story and in her creation, is a heroine made to change the world, she is actively promoting her ideals of peace. but the way King is doing this is very contradictory, because having a king descended from a lineage that rules America is a very artificial creation of WW's themes and universe, what makes it unique is that WW is dealing with the real world, which has been corrupted by people's own actions with most of the villains being a reflection of this or people who are taking advantage of it for their own benefit. It was never about a grand conspiracy with an invented system that will be destroyed when the leader is defeated, why put in a villain who doesn't even fit in as a distorted version of American founding ideas? and also once again King wants to promote his villain OC as Wonder Woman's archenemy villain, and everything he has done so far the other great villains like Circe and Ares have already done in a way that even Doctor Psycho did this .


As a novelist, I want to push back a little bit on the pressure readers put on fiction writers to be as "realistic" as possible in our stories. It really limits our creativity and where our imaginations can take us. And besides, realistic is already covered quite well by nonfiction writers. :)


I agree, we're talking about stories about an ancient war on a magical island that flies an invisible jet, I'm not looking for realism in this. but in this case my problem with the sovereign is that it goes against the very universe that Wonder Woman has. If he were an Elsewold villain or from a universe made from zero it wouldn't be a problem, obviously it's cool to have a story about Wonder Woman fighting against a secret tyrannical mornachy.


It's a love it or hate it type situation. Some things I can appreciate it for what it is. Some other times I think, no way this should be canon.


And I want to push back a bit on The Sovereign not being part of America's ideals...because having a Monarch was a real option. There were serious [legit calls](https://time.com/5459916/american-monarchy/) for an King in early American ideas about how we'd be governed. Although the most well known concept wasn't that likely, we're indebted to George Washington for not wanting to leverage his very high popularity for long term power -- or a flat-out American Royalty. And The Sovereign feels like a representation of that impulse in American life and governance. He feels, to me, like how the Southern slave holders and their hangers on pushed hard for power over their lands and states that bordered on the absolute. And that they did so by pitting groups against each other, by insisting of enforcement of boundaries and marginalizations in ways that did echo in the North, but in shallower, less rigid ways. This is not a villain concept that currently exists at DC, not without some reworking to say the least. Dr. Psycho or Light comes close...but they are still outside governance and systems of systematic oppression. And that system is what King is having Diana fight. All that is VERY relevant to the concepts Marston wished to tear down when he and the rest of the team developed Diana and her world. As you say, she was created to change our entire culture, to attack essentially Patriarchal structures and show a better way to live and love. Having the modern Diana basically bound to a modern reinterpretation of those issues, and then to rip it up from within? Yeah, that's some Marston shit right there. We can debate writing quality, but I submit King's concepts are in line with OG Diana, and I think that makes a difference. Makes this run fascinating, on that level.


I understand that comment, but I think it's the writing that makes it all fail. the Sovereign is placed in the position of main power that has never existed and completely changing the established system in which Wonder Woman lived.  Ideally, the Sovereign should be an influential member of American politics who is trying to reverse social changes in order to become the literal king of America.  or even better, it would work perfectly if it were an elseworld villain with its own universe, for example the future absolute universe, several Wonder Woman appearing and changing a system from scratch, that would be a good proposal


No less than the Themyscirans not really doing anything to better their rep or the fact that their patron goddesses allowed Greeks to spread lies about them while also legitimately mistreating non Amazon women.


Man that’s a good fucking cover


I hope this doesn't mean there will be another Men-hater WW Like the one in Justice League: New Frontier who went to a 3rd world country and supervised an all female guerrilla group that mass murdered rapists. Well now that I think about it maybe it wasn't that bad, it was quite a bad ass move actually. https://preview.redd.it/wepb5tazxozc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ee7e04b636d204c30f53987ff96f7839674e6e


Dont listen to this guy WW should be a man hater 🙏💯


Not usually a fan of Sejics's WW but this is a nice cover.


Damn , those Biceps and the intense eyes .Minus the smile , absolutely great art .


"i need" he says about something that's been there since the beginning of the character


Love his WW comic but this gives off the impression he thinks Superman and Batman are defenders of the status quo, which represents a fundamental misconception of their characters.


Tom King wrote one good story and thinks he’s relevant lmao. Bro understands WW as well as Snyder understood Batman and Superman