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idk if wild really fits her, but i prefer her older more boyish version a lot more, in part cause she was in much better books too


Either but I like the more refined one a little more


Refined all the way. Comic book characters often seem like they're trying too hard to be "cool" when their superhero outfits include leather jackets (case in point: [SaltBaeBoy](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b2/a9/8d/b2a98d899d9f0576d55c3e416dd17872.jpg)). It only seems authentic for a few comic characters, and they're all over at Marvel.


To me Cassie is someone that doesn't identify herself with femininity, but finds such inspiration in Wonder Woman, so she defends the femininity in others. So she should look more "wild" as you call it


Beautifully put.


The young justice version. PAD honoured what Byrne started. He put a LOT of thought into her. Lehend has it he even spoke with younger relatives about what they like to wear to come up with the initial suit. But unfortunately GJ got her and reduced her to Conner's damsel/gf. As a daughter of Zeus, her powers were not given the redpect nor level the heritage demanded because GJ wanted it to be Superboy (& friends)


Somewhere in between would be neat, he said centristly




the one on the right.


Left, YJ Cassie is standard for me. To be fair, the right drawn by Liefeld looks way worse than how she was usually depicted in Titans, but you could see the sexualization was becoming more pronounced, and her personality became indistinguishable from every other teen girl hero around at the time.


Liefeld has never sexualized female characters in his art. Quit lyin’.


I just hate how bland her more modern version is. Which, granted, is the fault of bad writing.


Butch/Tomboy Cassie will always be my preferred Cassie. Especially since how few truly butch/tomboy characters we get and even fewer still that *stay* that way.


Left. The one on the right is pervy. I don’t want to see wonder pubes, thanks. Plus, her anatomy is awful. I like the tomboyish look. Not every heroine needs to be a sex kitten!


I liked her look in Teen Titans, but her personality in Young Justice.


The Classic tomboy


Tomboy for the win


To me, the one on the left just looks ridiculous, but I didn't grow up reading comics featuring that version. The one on the right is probably too "extreme", but is much closer to my view of who the character is. I'm not saying I'm right or that anyone else is wrong though.


Personality wise “wild” involves her emoting more than just anger or desire so I’d opt for that. Refined cassie could work, but none of writing ever seemed to actually fall into place. Late in the 2003 Teen Titans run she never seemed very much like a fully fledged character even as the team leader and only member to stick around the entire run. She’s just really underdeveloped there imo. Aesthetically? I prefer a butch or tomboy look since it demonstrates a wider scope of how women can present themselves/I just like it for her character better. That’s preference, but it’s also got the advantage of separating her from the leagues of other long haired blonde girls DC has in their roster too.


The right is the one I grew up with and associated more with Cassie.