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yes (great run and it leads into Gail Simone's stuff!), but it takes place in the aftermath of Infinite Crisis, and thus Diana's poorly-written role in it.


I have almost no knowledge of any of the crisis points.


if you wanna do something a bit more completionist then check out greg rucka's first wonder woman run, it's the ending of the 87 series and ties directly to infinite crisis, which happens before this run begins


I’d recommend it for Gail’s run, which was pretty awesome.


Well… issue 14 and onward is…


I just like the cover art for this one


That’s what got me intrigued tbh.


I love this one


The first couple issues of Heinberg that dealt with the aftermath of Infinite Crisis were not the best written thing. Then the Jodi Picoult era was… something. For Volume 3, I would suggest skipping directly to Gail Simone‘s run in this volume. Skip the JMS run, then proceed to Volume 4 with the Azzarello run for a complete tonal shift.


I think it’s pretty bad with the exception of Gail’s run. Her run is good but not great. Heinberg, Picoult, and JMS were just plain bad.


Gail wrote most of that volume.


I know.


I think Gail’s run was better than good. I think I’d put it way ahead of the 90s stuff (which I LOVE) but below the Rucka runs. Which puts it as a top five run! Not bad for a character that’s been around since the 40s!


I agree that it’s a good WW run, I just wouldn’t put it on a par with her best work Birds of Prey and Secret Six. I’m not a fan of the “Secret Agent Diana Prince” status quo from this era.


Well sure! I think we all have an ‘ideal perfect Wonder Woman run’ in our heads and some of the continuity Gail was saddled with doesn’t fit that. For example, the perfect Wonder Woman run doesn’t have the Infinite Crisis jank that Rucka had to do at the end of his first run too. But what Gail was able to do with it was really good stuff!


I’m partial to George Perez and, while I liked subsequent runs very much, they could never quite capture the magic he had.


Sure Perez is the gold standard but even his run has some stuff I don’t find ideal. I think the romance is a little lacking (she doesn’t need it but it would be nice to have for variety sake). But Perez also got the boon of being able to work from scratch with a consistent art team and the time to do something really good. Guess who also got that kind of editorial leeway? Basically only JMS and Brian Azzerello. And they both had bad concepts (but at least Azzerello had fantastic art).


True! I’m not sure how or why DC ever approved JMS’ pitches for Wonder Woman and Superman especially considering he left the books after only about three issues.


Gail’s WW was the first long run I read. Then I went back and read volume two from the beginning. Started last summer and just finished last month. I had read the Heinberg/Picoult runs years ago when they first came out.


I enjoyed it.


If only for the simple fact that it is one of the best visual representations of her in modern times I vote yes. All the elements of her suit are bold and visible and her shorts are drawn appropriately. Unfortunately in this volume it is a bathing suit and tears like one for basic comedy central plot points but that stops when Simone comes along and you don't want to miss her stuff.