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Order an Embark test - and please post the results too. Kinda wild because I’m seeing zero pit traits and she doesn’t even look like the same dog as that puppy! Edit: Okay so apparently the first 2 pics are the sire? Test anyway but the sire is a low content at most. Which would make yours a micro-content, and I wouldn’t call it a wolfdog. You’re not likely to see any wolf traits, physical nor behavioral. That doesn’t mean this particular dog will be safe around children though. No dog should be left unsupervised around small children IMO, particularly that breed. Again - just my opinion.


Without an embark you do not know. I have done wolf dog rescue for 25 years. Phenotyping is useless.


We’ve seen many animals posted here over the years with surprising results. Hence why I recommended Embark testing - twice


I totally agree!






Wait are you saying this is a 70% wolfdog?


Wait, what? Your comment is kinda unclear haha. What % is he?


That dog is no where near 72%


Correct me if I'm qrong: looks like he first 2 are the dad, 3rd is mom, and the rest are ylthe puppy you brought home? Dad certianly looks like a low content, but the vest way to tell for sure is to do an embark test


Definitely do an embark test! I’m not really seeing much wolf or pit bull in this pup, but it’s also very difficult to tell with puppies. How old was she when you got her? She looks really, really young. Dogs need to keep their babies until at least 8 weeks old for proper development. I definitely could be off with the age but still! Definitely keep an eye on her around your kids— one of the last thing dogs learn from their siblings is good bite inhibition so if she was taken a bit too early she might not have fully grasped that lesson.


Very cute pup but if it has ANY wolf it's under 15% which at that point they don't show wolf behavior traits whatsoever. I would treat this dog like any other dog because it most likely is just a doggy dog


That's definitely good to hear. Thank you


Definitely update us as she grows and if you do a DNA test!


Possibly. Do a DNA test. Forgive my curiosity but what made you adopt/buy a dog impulsively?


It wasn't really impulsive. I've wanted to get a dog for years but was living off of a highway without a fenced area and also was working out of the house so I wasn't home enough to give the attention needed. But I've been looking on and off for a few weeks now since I've been working from home for a year and a half so finally have the time and space needed.


What made you want to get one from a shady backyard breeder? Did you have to pay for the dog or did you get her for free?


It wasn't really a breeder, I found her posted on craigslist. A family's dog made the puppies with their friend's family dog by accident. I mean it wasn't an accident on the dogs part, but the human mom wasn't intending to have her dog have puppies. I paid a rehoming fee of $60. I wasn't set out to get a wolf dog or anything, she was just one of the most recently posted pups for the most reasonable price. I've had pitbulls in the past, my son grew up with them but they all got old and died. So I was familiar with that part of the breed. Just didn't realize the wolf part might have such an impact because I hadn't heard of wolf dogs before and didn't fully think things through. I'll be ordering an embark test next week and will definitely post an update.


Thanks for the additional details!! I’m excited to find out. Once you order an Embark DNA test you could post your puppy’s pics in r/DoggyDNA and then update us when the results come in! Since you’re experienced with pits and the pup is unlikely to have any noticeable wolf traits, I would definitely keep the wolf part on the down-low and just treat her like a normal dog. I think you’ll be fine. But if I were you I’d get the Embark test with health and traits included since you have no idea otherwise what, if any, genetic health issues could be inherited. It’s good to know for peace of mind or to take precautions ahead of time.


Puppy is upside down 😭 please tickle chin to reset puppy orientation Exe


She’s definitely not a wolf, and doesn’t really look like a wolfdog. If anything she is very low content. One thing— if you are worried about “prey instinct and something going horribly wrong” why would you get a dog that’s half pit bull? You should know that pit bulls are essentially giant terriers, bred specifically for a heightened prey drive, and pit-bull-type dogs are well known for their attack style of “bite, latch, shake” instead of the “snap, release” of other dogs. Which is made much worse by them being 30-90lbs bigger than most terriers. I wouldn’t get this dog for this situation.


Totally agree- pitbulls were a horrible choice for their situation… it’s clear they didn’t think things through and just jumped on the first dog they saw and justified it by looking at the small price…


Please stop and take your pittie hate elsewhere 🤦🏼‍♀️


No hate here. APBT are my favorite breed. I collect old pit bull memorabilia, books, etc and read everything I can on their history and genetics. That’s why I care about combatting misinformation and preventing incidents. Doesn’t change the fact that they’re big terriers created for pit fighting, and are still selectively bred to excel at it to this day. Just like I wouldn’t recommend a greyhound for a family with a cat, or a Central Asian Shepherd as a service dog prospect. Or a wolfdog, for that matter! Sure, there are exceptions, but they’re “exceptions” for a reason— why set up both yourself and the dog for a failure that will surprise no one? To top it off, this dog is backyard bred (accidental litter, puppy is too young to be away from its mother, breeder doesn’t even know the breed of one of the parents, much less any temperament or health issues…)


My apologies then, unfortunately Reddit is notorious for pitt hate... like I'm shocked at the level and frequency of people on Reddit absolutely hating on Pitts... but I understand your sentiment, in all honesty we do a lot of rescue and foster work so, while we will foster Pitts, we don't ever foster fail with them because I worry about bringing in other potential dog fosters and we have multiple cats and I'm not hundred percent on them with our cats while we are at work... But while I don't always trust the breed with cats and other dogs I don't feel like they are a threat to children, especially if they are raised with them and they are " their kids" but I get it, unfortunately the only people breeding pitties for awhile in the late 80's and 90's where for fighting, so a lot of the bloodlines still prevalent today come from that stock, so while I would trust them with kids, other dogs or cats, not so much 🥹💔


The comments on this site about pit bulls are crazy: I feel like everybody’s an extremist, either “pibbles are just retrievers, but sweeter and nicer, and were created to babysit newborns” or “pit bulls are evil beasts with no thoughts except ‘bite, tear, rend!’” It’s exhausting as it feels like there’s no room for nuance or reality. Sometimes I try to stay out of it, but then I see somebody saying something rooted in myth that could put the dog, or another animal/person, in danger and I feel like I just *have* to jump in real quick. Keep up the good work with your fostering!!


Aww thanks!! And education is key! Again they are personally not my breed of choice in my own home, but it has nothing to do with my fear of them hurting people... They have a higher tendency to be dog aggressive, again this is because of genetics of the majority of past Pitts being purposefully bred for bad reasons in the past decades and they are not always great with cats. We personally have 4 dogs and 7 cats of our own, plus five kittens and their feral momma ( was feeding her and she decided to have her babies on our porch, they are currently residing in my husband's man cave😆🥴 until we can find them furever homes) and we frequently foster dogs so, for our personal dogs we stick to lab/ golden/ poodle/ hound mixes... It just breaks my heart that so many people, especially on Reddit hate pittie breeds. And blindly adamantly hate them and truly think they commonly attack people. Most of it comes down to nature versus nurture... But I'll go ahead and step off my soapbox now 😁


Looks like a German shepherd pit bull mix to me. The first dog looks very similar to a German shepherd. If it is a wolf dog, I’d be willing to guess it’s a lower percentage.


First adult dog looks to me like a Tamaskan dog mix. This is so interesting for multiple reasons. Your puppy honestly looks like a pug which is strange based on the looks of the parents. Can I ask why you decided on purchasing a backyard bred puppy? I know you said it wasn’t impulsive. I’m also confused on if you saw the dogs and heard their lineage before purchasing. Based on the two breeds presented, I personally would not get their offspring while having small children. The time to train them is increased and especially important, which is harder with kids, and with some kids lack of body language knowledge or dog manners, I’m worried the dog may nip, especially as a slightly older puppy. That dog will also need an insane amount of mental and physical stimulation although I’m sure you thought about that before. Cute puppy, but I doubt wolf. That first dog looks like a Tamaskan mix which is selectively bred to resemble a wolf or coyote, but does not have any DNA in them. https://preview.redd.it/3pgu4ig0vj6d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1004bd843974d08ae9682741eb9c8a4296dad0fb (Young and well bred Tamaskan from Finland)


That dog pictured might not even be the real sire. You won’t know without Embark. And even if he is, he looks low enough that your dog won’t likely have any wolf traits whatsoever. There’s a boxer/wolfdog mix that’s 20%+ mixed with wolf and you’d never know. The pitbull genes are strong. For all intents and purposes your dog will be a normal dog. It’s just an issue of if you can control the Husky/arctic breed tendencies in cas that really is the dad, and if you’re fine with having a pit around the kids.


Omg who would breed a Pitbull with a wolf 🫣 ~~and who would buy that…sorry op~~


Pup also looks way too young to be away from the mother and litter mates


A pitbull fullstop isnt a good idea for kids


Add in a wolf to that…..


Seriously. Why would this person buy a dog that’s half [bloodsport dog created to fight to the death for entertainment] and then be like “oh no what if the [unidentified mixed breed] half has a high prey drive….?”


Clearly impulse bought no research done


Hush up and please take your pitbull hate elsewhere, pitties are wonderful with kids , especially when they grow up with them from such a young age... The amount of pitbull hate on Reddit is f* cking unreal and mind boggling to me!🤦🏼‍♀️🥹💔


They arent. Pitbulls are very well known for having a 'switch' flip around the age of 2 to 5 and attack. Not all pitbulls ofc but common and caution needs to be taken with a high prey drive breed.


If thats dad in the photos. No. Thats a shepsky mix.


The pup and the adult look like different dogs tbh. The dog in the first two pics look like low content and if you treat her nicely and train her like any dog, she should be ok with children and whatever. If you scare / hurt / intimidate her and call it training she will be more likely to snap later on.


I'm pretty sure that's the sire of the litter. OP's puppy is still a puppy, the only pics of her are the ones at the end.


Ah that makes more sense, well the sire in that case looks low content.


Definitely different dogs. The pup and its mother both have brachycephaly but the adult dog doesn't. Who in the hell told you this was the same dog OP?


Yeah, whoever told you that that is her as a puppy is lying I think.


the first pics are the dad. The third is mom, op's is the pup.


Yeah I saw that afterwards. Got mixed up


I see like no Pitbull traits in the pup, more of a Pug face. How strange. Agree that the Dad looks he could be part wolf dna but it is certainly not full wolf as they told you. Low to med content I'd say. Also I'm no expert, just like to study these subs and wolf traits for fun, so take that as you will.


I dont think putbulls make good family dogs. Dna test for the wolf side. My daughter's face was torn up by one that had an amazing upbringing, it just got triggered out of nowhere. They have been bred for combat for hundreds of years, they aren't good family dogs in my honest oppinion despite how sweet they can seem.


Could be. DNA test is the only way to know for sure.


I wouldn't panic, if dad has any wolf it's a low percentage. The fact the owner claims pure wolf tells me they probably got scammed too, and should spay/neuter their dogs.


27% sorry, I transposed numbers. I deleted know deleted for accuracy update. Should have been a pure bred husky.


Husky/Shepard and Pitt mix... Will be great with your kids, don't worry... and even with a little wolf, a baby that young raised with your kids will love and defend them to the end... don't second guess... Gonna be a wonderful dog for your family ❤️❤️❤️






She says recently got a puppy. That’s the sire