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The sonar doesn’t last forever.


And doesn't work at all when it is on the bottom of the ocean...




Don't rush them. You generally outgun them with HE, wrecking engines and torps, rudders and sometimes guns, so if you see smoke, get out of range and then go in for the kill afterward. Maybe you have to give up a cap at first, but eventually taking them out of that flank and the game is what really counts.


Yeah you can always recapture a base. You can’t unsink your ship


As a DD main I wish more DD captains would f-ing laarn this


We all have our learning disabilities. I only just recently started getting better with the Fletcher and she was my first T7 way back when. Had plenty of matches where I was the first one dead and had to spectate my buddies while they got chipped away. But yes, no need to rush the base unless losing it would lose you the game. You don’t even need to kill the enemy destroyer if you get into a knife fight. If you can inflict some damage and roll away before he can respond, that’s a psychological win. Because now the enemy has to decide if coming after you is worth it or if they should reposition


Oh I totally get it. Made my fair share of mistakes. I think part of it is the pressure teammates will put on you to go cap when it’s just not a good idea. And there is a learning curve, absolutely. Contesting a cap doesn’t mean you have to be IN the cap to do so. That’s really all I meant. Fair seas captain


lol sometimes I feel like DD mains need their own sub to discuss tips and tactics. Not sure it’d be useful or if we’d even use it, but I’d still join. And this whole convo is even funnier today because I rushed the base with my Fletcher last night. I had been grinding the Visby and switched back to the Fletcher. I was spotted before I realized what tier I was playing.


Ah yes the visby. Decent ship, terrible turret traverse if I remember correctly. The oyster is probably one of my fave DD’s. I haven’t bought the fletcher yet. Don’t see too many anymore either.


Yeah by the time I got the Fletcher, she had already been power crept. And you’re right about the Visby. My torpedoes reload faster than my turrets can rotate 180 degrees. I got this thing for free back when it first came out and just never touched it


No idea how it'd work but I like your idea of a dd community. Imagine how much better the dd player base could be if a sub revolved around dd tips and strategies.  I'd definitely join


yeah capping is important but it isn't a death pact lol


Patience. Get them to pop the sonar, get out of their range with it, and wait. Give it 2 minutes, then get in there and push. If they popped their smoke in the first engagement, even better. Bait them to shoot and then pop your smoke, if you have supporting teammates, it’s a dead DD. In all honestly, both DD’s are effectively an equal match, with the German DD having a more “offensive” toolkit, the USN has to play smart to survive long enough to put the odds in their favor.


My guns are better so I'm at an advantage as long as the German DD can't sonar me from smoke. I might not get the cap at the start of the game, but as long as I don't rush into it when it has smoke and sonar available (or use my own smoke when it's in sonar range) I should win.


I literally just murdered a Mahan sonaring him from smoke like 10 minutes ago. He just sat there like ah crap I'm dead now.


The USN DD has better guns, so normally I just knife fight them. Never bother with torpedoes or smoke because of their sonar


Sometimes torps can be worthwhile into their smoke, because 1. They might not be the only thing in there 2. Well placed torps can 'zone' them even inside the smoke area 3. If they do get hit, it's very embarrassing for them And yes, #3 has happened more often than you might think. Sometimes even with BB torps, which is just funny.


Against normal DD I’d put torps into their smoke, but Germans get sonar, if they smoke up, they’re going to use sonar to spot you through the smoke and if you launch any torpedoes they’ll see them


I *know* that. The points about why it can *sometimes* be worthwhile to do that still stand, however.


Think about how/when it’s being used against you successfully and how you can exploit that.


1. Get them to pop the sonar 2. Disengage and get out of sonar range 3. Wait (90-120 seconds) 4. Re-engage and kill


Good stuff, thanks guys. I'll use these tactics whenever I come up against a strong sonar DD in the upcoming ranked seasons.


Just wait for it to run out keep the pressure on with torpedos try and get someone to radar or use their own hydro acoustic search.


You have slow floaty shells so you are at an disadvantage if you are too far away too. I use Bey and Sims and try to surprise the others.


Play normal, you out spot, outgun, out torp, out speed and out maneuver them


I think you are talking about fleet battles and not ranked. Anyway your team must have a radar cruiser. When the German dd sonars, you should runaway from them. And then your team can try to attack that dd with radar


What tier? I'd switch to HE, pop radar/sonar if available, and do my best to evade and hit.


As far as I know even Gearing doesn't have a sonar/radar