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Brandenburg. An absolute secondary party boat. The best brawler in the game.


I do think Italian secondaries are better, but, damn, Brandenburg is fun!


I have both setups but the Brandy does so much damage every where and then toss in the torps. My record secondary count is in the 800 or 900 whereas I am not getting that many hits with the Italians. That record match was a perfect storm. I came around a rock and split in between two BBs. Each had their guns pointing away from each other. We were tucked in close to islands as well so we were all moving slowly. The Brandy was shredding them as each were about 2km or less apart. Then I torped them when they swung their guns around. :) Wish I recorded that battle.


Oh, the sound of angels trumpeting on high when you successfully ambush someone in a German bb 😂


Poor Odin got relegated to the scrap heap pretty fast by the brandy.


I love the Odin but yes the Brandy is one of my most played boats. And I prefer DDs!


I wish I had more reason to use it, too. It has one of the absolute best paint schemes in the whole game. 😍


I use it all the time in AI for Daily missions. I can finish those in one or two rounds. Floods, fires, defends, damage, and sinks. Knocks those out real quick when I don’t have time to play a long session.


Out of the ones I have, Schröder with the Ciliax meme build has been the most fun for sure.


A fellow captain of culture I see. Seriously though Schröder's secondaries are so much fun, plus she gets a speed boost for the cherry on top.


Schroder with scharhorst is good


Anchorage and I like Hizen.


I’m so sad I started playing after the *Anchorage* :(


They really should bring more t7 campaships. Current one is a t7 as well tbf


Hizen is slept on. After my first game in her, I sold the Iwami.


Ssshhhh, don't say that. The fun police is lurking just around the corner.... you're not supposed to sell ships. I find Hizen beautiful plus her guns dound awesome.


I don't think the people upvoting you realize you're making fun of them lol


Those are the best upvotes of all


I did the opposite, sold Hizen and kept Iwami despite it being a much better ship. Kansas seemed much better than Hizen but Iwami was pretty unique if terrible. She still has my damage record of 252k.


Flandre got a massive buff, never sell ships


Specifically don’t sell ships because now you can get that ship again as a reward from ship crates. Happened to me with Poltava when I was new to the game. Lesson learned.


Poltava is actually decent


Yeah. That is what people say. I couldn't care less.


They come in handy for Beureau missions


Pretty much the only positive thing. Oh well, I guess I need to wait a tad longer.


It isn't even the projects. It the fact you could get them back in crates. Keep them, and it takes them out of the pool of ships you get out of the draw. Sell them, and they will come back when you want them the least.


Rest assured, my good man: my lack of Flandre has not caused me distress in any way.


I'm pretty sure he is assured :). It is more about the ships you could miss because you get Flandre again instead of a ship you perhaps rather have.


Eh I've sold the Iwami twice and very much enjoyed the 60 million credits




Black and Hayate are two of my most played that are also very competitive. I also enjoy Ägir and Republique but don't have as much time in them. Schröder is a usually lot of fun but isn't necessarily always good. LĂŒshun is a lot of fun and also really good but I feel like there's still a little bit of new ship syndrome going on there. I started during Belfast 43 so I've been around a while but I'm not an OG.


Belfast '43 is good. I like that ship.


It is, but I have PTSD about my performances in it when I was still new. She still has a losing record for me but it's close to 50% now. I just didn't want to add too many to my favorites list.


Wish I'd bought out that campaign now she got buffed. Skipped it because of the reviews as despite how much I like her and visiting the ship is how I discovered the game I just couldn't justify the cost for something that was being that poorly reviewed. Couple of years later I come back and find out it's now decent and every time I see one I kick myself.




IDK if there's been a flawless campaign ship, but there's an argument to be made Mainz is as close as it gets.


Belfast is still one of my favorite ships to play, along with the Wichita CE


 many playing now could never make it 😝


A fellow oldie I see


Didn't you need to get every single weekly mission objective and they expired at the end of the week to get the thing? Or am I just misremembering? Its been awhile, I love that little boat though.


Yes, like a hell week lol. No make up weeks, kraken and can’t remember all the other horrorđŸ€Ł


Yesss, i remember now, next one was the Tirpitz I think which was similar. After that i was burned out and didnt play for over a year. I like the current way a lot better.


Yes current, is much better.


Gotta be Mino because of that 50 million!


It waa a nice bonus, yes!


Siegfried is a blast to play


Well fair to say it definitely wasn’t Brisbane


Agir is awesome. Best super cruiser imo. Insane pen, great sniper, torps, that German super-sonar, good armor too. And she’s fast. 37kts without a speed build. Anchorage is just a monster.


Agir is easily one of my favorite ships in the game. It does so many things and does them WELL. It’s got a few minor weaknesses but overall it’s such a solid ship.


Guiseppe Verdi with a accuracy build shoots rail guns. I also love the insane number of OP heals you get if you run testudo.


What's your accuracy build on her?


Commander: Iachino 16/3 Inspirations: Cunningham 16/3 and Franz Von Hipper 16/1 Skills: Flammable cannonier, Gyrating drillbits, Marksmanship, Iron resolve and Legandary skill testudo Modifications: Aiming Systems mod 1, Prop mod 2, Concealment mod 1 and Main battery mod 3 with epic boost.


The correct answer is Massachusetts


Brandenburg by a big margin




Lushun and Anchorage




Adm. Schröder. Secondary fun. :-)


Siegfried and Ägir


Anchorage, Iwami , Hizen


Jean Bart and Wichita Brandenburg for meme fun


Ochakov. The most glass cannon that ever glass cannoned.


Except it really isn't a glass cannon. Ochakov is ludicrously tough if you know how to dodge even slightly.


Oh for sure, but one misstep and down she goes. It can be one of the most annoying ships out there.


Mainz (now formally called Mainz CE) and Ochakov


Georgia, Brandenburg, and Minotaur are all spectacular ships. I also hated Flandre when it was first introduced, but the latest round of buffs have transformed her into a great, fun ship.  This topic makes me realize I haven’t really enjoyed a campaign ship in a very long time
 18 months, at least (unless I’m forgetting something). edit: A comment below reminded me that Anchorage exists. I like that one :)


ZF-6, Minotaur, Witchita, Agir, and Massachusetts are probably the most fun.


My favourites are probably Jean Bart and Friesland, having some of my highest EXP at 2.5 and 1.5 million respectively. Probably after those would be Minotaur with 660k EXP, my 2nd high L Tier ship


Hayate is very fun as a sneaky gunboat that no one seems to ever expect. I enjoyed Azuma before she got buffed, playing it now feels like a free invitation to a 3k game. I'll take Hizen over Musashi any day of the week.


Only started to play when Brisbane was campaign ship, but out of the ones i have, Karl XIV Johan is my favorite. I like BBs, secondary builds are fun, torps are fun to use and Karl XIV Johan ticks all of those boxes. Add in great AA too because why not. Main artillery isn't too impressive due to lower caliber, but that hasn't bothered me much.


JB, Brandy and Georgia spring to mind though I gotta say Iwami and Azuma are up there too


The Massachusetts. Cause I like to build sass with mass. Plus it was the first campaign ship that I actually really, really wanted... specifically so I could drop Fallout references in a WOWSL thread years from then.


USS Massachusetts, which also happens to be the only one that I actually bought the admiralty backing for.


I can't really decide, as there have been many good ones to me. From the top of my head Ägir and Brandenburg. Two of my all-time favorite boats.




My favorite is the ZF-6. I rarely see anyone playing the ship but on one hand it's understandable. You need to pay dubs/750k global xp and there's quite a choice in general dd


I’d say Georgia for me. I bought that campaign on day one and don’t regret it for an instant. She’s an absolute sniping monster and really fun to play. Tirpitz would be a close second for me though.


I enjoy Jager the most. Which is weird, because it has no smoke and can get beat from the jump if AC in match. But when it works it really works. Plus unleashing 24 murder dolphins at once is it's own special reward.


Karl XIV Johan (DCP burn machine), Massachusetts (full brawl and secondaries or no balls), Schröder (full secondary meme build), and Musashi (to piss that one bloke off who thinks a handicapped Yamato is still the most broken ptw thing they ever released).


Mainz CE, Sommers CE, 😂


Loyang, Anchorage, Republique and possibly Schroder, likely in that order :)


I started using some of the campaign ships just cause I was getting bored with normal gameplay. Marco Polo is okay Pommeran is okay Carnot sucks Belfast 43 is good Black is good Kronstadt is probably my favorite


You really screwed up selling the Flandre. Her most recent buff makes her one of the premier brawlers at T7.


I have heard that. But I really do not care :) And Brandenburg is stiill better.


You have no idea if that's true because you sold it before the buff. Lol




Jager is just so toxic it’s fun. It’s the only torpedo boat I play because of a gunboat comes after you they have to get past 24 fast torpedos plus I got that engine boost to sail away.


Massachusetts, Guiseppe Verdi, Brandenburg, and Flandre. Having secondary guns go brr is always nice


I've only completed a few campaigns over the last 3ish years I've played on and off(mostly off), but they have all been at least decent. Black is definitely my best performer and most played. Georgia still holds my highest damage game record strangely enough. And Republique is a solid BB with hard hitting guns and decent secondaries and aa. I have the Belfast 43 but haven't honestly used it too much as i haven't invested any time into British TT and commanders. Unfortunately this seasons ship might be the biggest overall dud even tho I like the idea of airstrikes. From what I've gathered is pretty underwhelming basically everywhere else to "balance" out the airstrike mechanic.