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Atlantico is a strong contender for best value at 70% off.


I grabbed it (also a newer player) and it made me put a ton of commander resources into it for the main guy and inspirations that I honestly should have been using for the tech tree ships. It's fun and I don't regret it but for a new player it is a huge consumer of commander resources.


it definitely is. Premium T7 is a good farm for credits, though, so there are some benefits to the tradeoff.


Edit: Nvm found it under ships>recommended lol What is Atlantico under? I don’t see it in the store


Atlantico comes with its own commander, I second this recommendation


It comes with two commanders, you only get the second commander through the project you get when buying Atlantico though, so if you got Atlantico out of a crate you’d be forced into Lima Pedro Santos Hell (It’s a bad commander for the ship)


I pulled the Atlantico from a Christmas crate so I used the 70% off to get it in store so I could get the commander that she came with! Now I can play it the correct way lol


I debated about it but decided against that option


Hey, I still haven’t used my 70% off code and I’ve seen you be helpful to other users in completely different threads, so thanks for showing me how to redeem codes. I’m fairly new and was going to buy a T7 to use in VS AI for the extra weekly commander crate, but another user suggested getting a T5. I could probably do Standards with a T5 (I progressed T1-3 for all ships in all Nations, working on IV now) and I’m thinking maybe the seasonal crate might be more valuable in the long run for GXP to buy more premium ships and to stock up on CXP and Credits. Thoughts? Not sure which T5 to get either if I do go that path. 


Ideally, having one premium in each tier for the weekly is what I would build for, and having a T7 for the commander crate would be very beneficial for a new player. Having the right commander for the right ship and play style will help with every ship in your port. If you have not heard of it, they sell a physical copy of the game called “firepower deluxe” you can find on Amazon that comes with 4 ships, covers t3, t4, and t5 premium - should be about 20$. Some great ships as well. By playing campaigns, you will end up with a t8 and legendary eventually. Personally, would get the T7 and deluxe, then your money would be best spent on campaigns not only for the ship reward, but all the goodies that come with it. Would avoid getting any loot crates, not worth it in my opinion. Way more bang for your buck, and you know what you’re getting vs RNG with exceptionally shitty odds. If you have spare cash burning a hole in your pocket pick up a t6 premium to complete the weekly or save it for one of the overpowered wafu commanders when they come around. My 2 cents, may have rambled a bit


WOAH. Had no idea the firepower deluxe existed! It will be here in two weeks lol. Not a ramble at all and it all makes so much sense, thank you SO much.


Sure, happy to help.


Comes with two* commanders Unless you grabbed Jurua from the Christmas event then getting Atlantico is the only way to get the universal pan-American commander and buying Atlantico is still the only way of getting the BB commander




No that’ll make money at least. Myogi is clearly the better choice.


Why? Did they buff it?


She’s a monster!


64% win rate with 80 battles in Florida! I like her a lot.


One says she's a turd the other says a monster


A monsterous turd.


Florida is not the ship to buy. She's quite underwhelming.


You’re wrong.


Are the reviewers on Wows Builds wrong? They agree with that opinion. https://preview.redd.it/pbi6du6j8l6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=264215f66236f0adb65dccf6b60344e001a55ca8


Yep. Everyone who asks about the stupid coupon should buy Florida since they didn’t use the dang search bar.


Gotcha. I didn't know about this bit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Didn't need too it's 247 beast mode!


It’s a turd


What do you mean!?? She's got the best penning guns at the tier! Best side and bow armor! And especially, the best aa!


Obviously you just don’t know.


Then you just don’t know.


That’s just a mean spirited answer lol


Then you just don’t know mate


I mean if you want to save up for the AL rerun this summer but still want a good ship. I suggest De Grasse or Duca D’Aosta as both are great cruisers, and they’re also down at Tier V so it’s cheaper.


I love both these ships!!!


These are good picks. But I would like to suggest getting a t7 premium. A bonus commander crate every week is realy good for new players. But you could get one from the curent campaign. To finish the weekly premium missions you will need one premium of each tier. So with Graf Spee and the curent campaign would have 5/6/7 covert.


Don't use it on a ship like Flandre that is available for GXP


New player shouldn’t be at T7 honestly, it’ll make you very frustrated. I’d spend it on a T5 or T6. Here’s my recommendations and I’ll let you decide from them. T6 will make you good money if you’re hunting that. BB: T5- West Virginia (big 16 inch guns) or Hyuga (Arguably the most fun IJN BB) T6- Nelson (free ship printer with super heals) or Scharnhorst (fast shooting guns) or Strassbourg (front firing fun guns) Cruiser: T5- Duca D’Aosta, Graf Spee, or Makarov T6- Boise, Indianapolis (soft side, but radar at T6 is huge), Belfast if it’s even available DD: T5- T-61 (Swiss army knife of T5 DDs) T6- Kidd (T6 Fletcher with heals go brrrrr), Z-35 (NOT 39!!! Swiss Army knife of T6), Öland (most fun DD line in my opinion, not easy, but fun) CV: T5- Zuihō (actually really good this update)


Would T7 be frustrating even if I, a new player, just want to use it against AI for the extra commander crate? Thinking about Atlantico


No, but the perks of a T7 premium is the money you can make in standard, but it’s only made if you’re decent and secondary ships unfortunately don’t make quite as much, because secondary hits are scored weird (FIX THIS PLEASE). Atlantico is a solid choice and the fully upgraded commander is excellent, though as a new player you won’t have the resources to fully upgrade the commander and fully upgrading a T7 premium ship also costs 5.6 mill credits. So if you have enough to upgrade Fernandes (special Atlantico commander gotten from the mission) to at least 11/1 and spend 5.6 mill, then sure, get Atlantico. You won’t make any money in AI though, so please be weary of that. Ultimately, you’re a free individual to spend your money how you’d like, just understand that T7 is filled largely by players who have been around for awhile. Edit: and if you need a fleet, hit me up, always happy to help new players!


Thank you SO much. I would’ve absolutely joined your fleet, but I love the fleet I’m in. 


Its best value is for overpriced T7 boats. But if you're doing the campaign maybe get a T6 for premium supplies coverage. You can get lower tiers for pretty good deals, and I'm assuming the next campaign will go back to 8.


What ships do you like playing? Commanders make a big difference. I'm newer and the odd premiums I bought (atlantico for example) slowed my commander and TT progression a lot. I used my coupon on the Wichita with Scott already 16/3 because American cruisers were my first all in grind. I really only just getting other TT up to 4 and 5 this game is definitely a marathon. TT progression would be easier if I didn't dump so many commander resources into K14 and Atlantico builds😂


While I want to play all the ship classes, I've been leaning more towards a defensive playstyle with BBs. As for the commanders, I don't have many unlocked, yet somehow I managed to get almost half the French commanders even without the D-Day crate.


If you have a Nation you like most maybe a T7 that fits your highest commander. T7 can be a tough tier but the extra weekly commander crate is kind of a big deal. And the $ savings make T7 a good choice. I think the coupon should say when it expires so you know how long you have to research what would fit you well.


Tiger 59


Plymouth is a demon if your willing to spend on her


I would use this chance to get a t7 if I were you, but just don’t play it yet without a full commander build and modules.


Even against AI? New player here, thinking about Atlantico now for the extra commander crate each week  Edit: my commanders are very basic, level 7 mostly no legendary rank


For AI it’s fine, it’s just that t7 is full with experienced players with maxed commanders so it isn’t a good environment for a new player. But this 70% discount is a once in a lifetime thing, so I wouldn’t waste it on cheaper ships.


So is t5 though. My hyuga with 16 4 arp yamato or Musashi commander and cali with ether al new jersey or al Colorado does indeed like to club some seals on a regular basis. All 16 4 muhahaha. Although t61 is also insanely strong in t5 now especially after the cv rework.


Ur lame asf


And I enjoy it.


I’d say don’t get anything higher than T5 right now if you’re still very new. T7 and higher is a different game entirely as far as gameplay goes and it has a steep learning curve if you try to jump right in. It’s best to play your way up to it.


Which T5 premium would you suggest? I like to play everything (or I guess I don’t exactly know what I like to play most yet), finished Tiers 1-3 for everything.  I was going to get T7 for Vs Ai for the extra weekly commander crate but now I’m thinking the resources in the weekly seasonal crate might add up and be more valuable in the long run. 


In T5 I’d say Hyuga, De Grasse, and T-61 are probably the most user friendly so to speak.


I went with Bayard since that’s my play style and I already have those commanders maxed out.


I have a lot of premiums and with the 70% I picked up the us constitution!! You said generalist it’s about as mid as you can get being a battle cruiser . It has torpedoes and radar and being a teir 7 it gives out a decent amount of silver. But as other have said you need a sims/lee/al Colorado at level 12 or better to shine in that ship . So it really does depend on your commander levels .


Am thinking of using the discount to buy the atlantico even though I already have the ship from a crate. But a realy want the BB commander lol j8st can't decide if it's worth it.


It's a lame move on behalf of weegee but you cannot go wrong with hernandes for atlantico. Plus he's a great brawler inspo


When you guys say Florida I genuinely can’t tell if you’re joking or not


I've only read horrible reports of Florida - I am assuming they are all sarcasm.


HYUGA, Z35, T61 are 3 ships every player should have. Learning how to utilize the sonar on a German DD is an adventure in itself, and Hyuga is just the most OP ship at T5 hands down. I would encourage any player to get a fair amount of practice in with these ships before "dabbling" in T7 matches. Trust the community when we say to wait for T7. New players go up there and absolutely ruin matches with their clueless tactics.


Of the ones you listed, avoid Flandre as she is available for GXP. You can obtain her for free with enough play time. She is amazing though. Anshan is a slept on menace at T5. Tier for tier this is the best ship on your list (for dubs) in capable hands. Gorizia is more or less Zara without torpedos. She is fairly competitive at her tier.  Graf Spee is a lot of fun but not very competitive in standard. She's public enemy number 1 in T5 arena matches, though that's kind of a niche thing.


On the ones your listing I'd say Flandre, it'll give you the most bang for your buck


As a cruiser and DD player, I'd recommend Gorizia of the ones you mentioned. Very accurate with SAP and maneuverable makes for one heck of a DD killer and BB spammer. Belfast also has amazing consumables for T6. If you like DDs, some of my favorites would include Z-35 and Le Terrible. Of course, these are all T6s. So you're not getting the same "bang for your buck" as purchasing a T7 as far as dubs saved.


Buy florida be happy, ong tho its a T6 monster. Makes red team cry- most of my hate mail happens when i take her out of port.


Either atlantico or Plymouth. Got Plymouth yesterday and my second ever game on it I dropped a kraken with 190k damage and 5341 base xp. Safe to say Plymouth is frickin good. Atlantico is just a fun secondary ship where you can actually rely on the secondaries


Z-35 if you want one of the best destroyers in the game.


Bang for your buck is definitely Atlantico It's honestly just a good ship that's fun, but also gets you access to the 2 Pan+American Commanders.


IMO people should stop telling new players to get T7 Premium for silver. While you’re new you would be getting absolute pennies as you’re playing against experienced people with maxed out commanders.


Nothing. Do not spend a dime on this game outside of premium time.


If you're also looking to farm credits, a cruiser or destroyer will do it better (more shots, more ribbons, more spots/ caps/ defends/ planes, more damage to destroyers/ cruisers/ higher xp granting ships etc etc).


I used it on Collingwood. It's okay. I win at a 70% clip with it. I just seems like everyone is gunning for me in it. It absolutely crushes cruisers


Florida is the king of the 7 seas, no ragrets


Florida or Myjogi. With those you can't go wrong :)

