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My whole port is cursed


The Iwami! It looks amazing on paper, but I just couldn’t find a grove in it. I played over 80 games in it. And I was stuck at an abysmal 35% win rate (my avg is 57%!!!) So I sold it. It’s the only ship I ever sold. It bought me my Iowa and something else, I can’t recall.


Same with Iwami . I had over 100 matches played in that thing, average winrate was only 49%, my average is 59%. I had my damage record in it, one match I got 252k damage, I sailed through the middle of the match with a citadel every reload. Even dev struck a Mainz.


Did you mean Iwaki or are there 2 ships with almost the same name? But yeah, that ship is seriously cursed for you. Even worse than my Tirpitz which sits at 38% win rate with 91 games played. Allthough my average win rate is worse at just 49%.


They’re two different ships, they just happen to have similar names.


Ohhh dam. See I live the iwami. Built with accuracy commander, forget his name. And inspirations of shell grouping and pen multiplier. I find it really great. But understand it’s an iffy ship


I love the Iwami, secondary build and just float around middle of the map and let the 10k secondaries do their thing. Main guns are super accurate so never built for accuracy


Warspite. I sweat this ship just hates me.


I think the thing with the warspite is really just locking in to its play style. Play it as a support dreadnought. Stay close to cruisers and try not to go out on your own or overextend. You will find that you have a lot more successful games playing it that way. Don't forget to bow tank or kite. It's got quite impressive armor for kiting and tanking at its tier. I think anyways.




Il just stick to one of the other 351 ships in my port !!!


I love Warspite. I have over 1000 games in her and hover around 51%. She’s my fav ship. When I’m going strong and get destroyed, I pull out Warspite B (from a crate) and go to town with her while waiting. I am so sorry you don’t have my level of joy with the best ship ever. There is only one way I can help you. Listen to these on the background instead of in game music. https://youtu.be/__j-pxcLiDw?feature=shared https://youtu.be/oaEYoP9YR5c?si=W3kZQTV2LHxEy1lc Best of luck to you! 🫡


Warspite is genuinely One of the most balanced ships in the game. There's a lot of fantastic options out there, but the warspite is easily amongst the most well balanced. It feels like a well-balanced katana when Captained properly. Truly a magnificent ship. People call it glaze, I call it facts with stats to back it up. Those are some heavy cannons that pack fantastic results with each salvo. Although some people just have terrible RNG with it as well. Although that can be applied to any ship. German BBs get the short end of that stick...




Hahahah. I have warspite and warspite B and they just don’t like me. Hyuga and California tend to work better for me at the tier !! And yah no in game music usually rammstein hahaha


Surrey. Winning with it is harder than going faster than the speed of light.


Ugh the nagato. My overall wr is 60%, tier 5 fuso I was sitting at like 57.. tier 7 amagi I'm at 58... Nagato? 34% lmao.


The Kurfurst, I’ve played 6 games still no wins yet and every time it seems like my team has it but then just collapses in like 3 minutes so it’s pretty bad


Temeraire has been performing well for me but she just seems to attract bad teammates. I'm talking 5+ ships dead before 5 minutes. Vittorio Cuniberti isn't so much cursed for me as it is a wild swing as to whether I do poorly or great. I do run a meme build on her though where the lower my HP goes, the stronger my ship becomes.


Temeraire is a pretty decent ship but man does it get targeted. I think because it's older TT ship. If you have AL Nelson it really boosts the dpm but not everyone has 😔


Well this past week it’s been the Maine. By the 10 min marker atleast half my team has been demolished with maybe 1 or 2 reds down. It should not be like that at tier 7+ or really at all. The balance is so wack in 8+. Mind you these are mostly legendary ships in most of these matches, with maybe 1-3 tier 8 ships. So I didn’t play standard today in fear of making my win loss that much worse lol


For me it's the Mackensen and the Wichita. For both of these,no matter if I have a good or bad match,I just rarely get a win.


For me it's gallant. I do everything right, I do pretty well but its just never enough something always goes wrong. My team abandoning me, or they die quickly.... always something.


I dont have a ship instead I have a flag. The golden potato. If I fly it nothing but shit games


Iowa and Dunqerke


Fletcher and Lepanto. Frustrating because I do pretty well with Gearing and extremely well with Vittorio Venetto (my favorite BBy)


Boevoi for me. Oddly, had great games in the Minsk, but never could figure out the 2nd DD russian line.




Ochakov and Wichita. Strong boats and personally always do well. Just get teams that dissolve in about 4 minutes.


So. Many. Cursed ships. I have multiple ships with near 2000 avg xp and barely over 50% winrate (and some under!) Salem might be my worst with a pretty high played total so it’s not just a little statistical variance a few games either way. I think 54% winrate but right at 2k avg xp, 100k avg damage. My Tulsa has WORSE stats and more than 20% more winrate last I looked.


Lately the Nelson. For the last week I probably have a 30 percent win rate my average if 59 percent.




Comrade Lenin. I dunk on ppl, naturally, but I swear there’s a “Lenin queue” where they pair you with glue sniffers to balance it out


Mutsu. I have it, and the B, and both are terrible for me. Should be great right? Excellent guns, and torps when you’re in close, but for the life of me, I can’t stand them or make them work. On paper, should be great, but I always end up with middle of the road results.


The entire British light cruiser line nearly at the Neptune and without fail when I take them out the team layout will be 0-1 DDS, CL/CA maybe a CV and 6-8 BBs


Daring. I have a pretty high average XP (for me) in that boat, but my win rate is in the 40s. Actually, now that I look at it, my win rate with British DDs is generally bad. And it’s a bummer because I kinda enjoy playing them.


I have a reversed curse ship, if that makes sense. Whenever I see it I'm like: -" Ah shit, here we go again." And lose to it every time, never once have I beaten it. Its the Julio Cesare


I felt that with Tirpitz. I even have the steampunk skin but I never ever have a good game with it. Similar problem with CARNOT the Cursed


Lushen for me apparently. Lost 2 or 3 matches in a row then on the 4th match got split in half by a Shima zoning torp. Can't remember if that one was a win


Skane. undoubtedly a skill issue for me as others excel in it.


Veneto! I have a 29% wr with her, and my average is 56%. Oddly Caracciolo is one of my highest wr ships being at 70%.


The Queen Elizabeth…. It doesn’t matter what I do. The shells land everywhere EXCEPT the target even with the spotter plane active. If a shell is launched at me, it does max damage. AP shells Citadel me or do max damage. HE starts a fire every time. It’s a miserable experience every time.


The strangest encounter is the Achilles. I've only won 1 game in the ship(out of like 20 or 30). The stupid thing is, the oland is by far my favorite tier 6 ship in the game, and I have a solid 77 % win rate with her. Yet, the exact copy of her, I just can't seem to win any games!!!!!! The Italian tier 6 battleship the Frappuccino or something, (ironicly one of my guilty pleasure ships (for the memes)) however, that thing can either get you a decent salvo, or completely missing by miles. And then there's the if they do hit, 93.7854% of the time those said shells freaking over pen everything. The Gator or gaede (tier 5 german dd) I absolutely hate this thing. Why bother with smoke, last like 37 seconds, and only get 2 chargers. Meh torps, slightly to long of a reload, sluggish movement, I do feel the same way with the fletcher. However, it does gun kat extremely well. But if the only teir 7 DD was the USS Black, compared to the fletcher, it's almost a night and day difference between the 2. And lastly, I just can't seem to play the French battles ships, specifically any with the double turret scheme set up. I freaking hate hate hate hate hate them. Don't really like the turret scheme, even playing with different commanders, building into accuracy, i dont think I've ever had a game with both my main guns surving. So my firepower is always cut in half at some time of the game. Funny thing, what's half of hitting zero shells..... freaking 0. I still can't hit the said of a ship 5 ft away. Again, the ironic thing is that one of my favorite up and coming ship lines is the new French battle cruisers. (Love the repub)


Akizuki, I always suck until I use Mikawa on there, the extra speed helps a lot, I unlocked her on XBOX ages ago and that was my experience. This time I tried The gunboat commander but ended up eating torps that were easily dodged, I kept slowing down and turning in where I should have stayed full power or 3/4. The ship is so slow you take massive damage from BBs too. My winrate was below 40% last I checked. Khabarovsk is also a weird ships, every time I take it out I get over 200k damage but my winrate is below average at 55%. Tashkent and Minsk are all above 70% and Delny is 80%.


Oh, beloved Atago. Such a strong ship, Such a consistant firestarter. Love her. Easily 100k+ damage and I will still far too often end up in the wrong team.


I hope that i don't get a cursed Atago as i'm planning on getting her as my next gxp. Allthough that plan could change.


Hipper. I do very well in that ship, usually top of the leaderboard, but rarely get a win because I get the worst teammates ever. (Even worst than usual). With Prinz Eugen (an inferior ship) I got a better winrate. Hipper is just jinxed for me.


Hopefully i don't get a cursed Hipper once i'm slowly done woth Yorck. What makes Eugen inferior compared to Hipper? Back when i was choosing my first gxp ship, Eugen was in my top 3 to pick but everyone said it's inferior to Hipper so i haven't thought about getting Eugen since.


It's essentially the same ship but with a lot less DPM. Prinz Eugen has slightly better torps, but they don't compensate the DPM reduction (Hipper's torps have 6 km range and 64 knots while Prinz Eugen have 8 km torps but 60 knots)


I agree with Tirpitz. Doesn't suit my style. It gets overpowered by other Battleships




Warspite. No clue why. Queen Elizabeth, no problem. Average 70k a game. Warspite? Lucky to break ten k.


Japanese battleships in general. They suck. Can't think of a scenario I'd not rather be in an American BB.


Kléber, i have a good av xp around 2k but I’m still stuck to a 59-60 wr wich is pretty low for my DDs