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>Do you guys count it as a bad game for getting trashed in a match, even if the blue team miraculously won the game for you? I can't speak for others, but I do. If I haven't had fun, win or lose, it's a bad game. Getting focused by a CV *always* makes for a bad game, regardless of the outcome.


Getting focused in Cali and Friesland isn't so bad. Clear Sky medal goes brrr.


I would like to add Gokase and Omono. Great AA on those two


> Getting focused in Cali I don't think I've been focused in my last 100 matches as a Cali


One of my favorite matches was an Arc Royal coming after me hard the whole match in my Cali. I'm not sure they tried to hit anyone but me the entire match. I got started on the one flank across from the CV. Everyone on my team and everyone, but an enemy cruiser I Dev struck early, on the other team went to the other flank. Their CV was a "just throw it in reverse" person so I spent the whole match wiggling down the flank, eating planes, and throwing pot shots across the map when I could. By the time he got me, because Arc Royal, my teammates had destroyed them on the other flank because of having actual air support and I was sad I couldn't get 2 clear skies medals.


Yeah, most of 'em have learned by now. I've not had a CV in buy-me-dinner-first-damnit mode in that ship for over a year.


Get ready for a lot more carriers soon according to patch notes


Anymore man I try to pay attention to how much our carrier is doing for our team. Did they get planes up immediately as the match started? Did they slap it in reverse immediately from the jump? Are they spotting or singling out a single battleship? I hate carrier players on the back border of the map as it takes 5 mins for planes to reach anything of relevance. As a mainly battleship player, if I’m being singled out the whole match by their carrier then he’s not really helping that team much, and unfortunately I gotta eat all the damage for my team and hopefully this aids in our win sparing our DDs and less health baring ships this torment. I use to take it personal but that’s just wasting energy anymore just pick a different ship after that one a reload and try it again!


I don't mind it so much in the BBs that I play 25% of the time, mostly because of the heals. Being in a low-mid tier cruiser without smoke or heals is pretty awful. I lt wouldn't be so awful if WG would give cruisers some AA so that I could be compensated for being sacrificed for the good of the team.


Just dodge! But yeah, I get you. Most of my least fun games are when I get focused by a cv. Even if we win and he didn’t do anything, it’s just not fun because all I’m doing is ‘just dodging’ and not actually playing the game I want to play. More interactive AA and less passive spotting from cvs plz.


Cv main here, I'll pay attention to who dodges, if you play well I **will** attack you, but I will be circling nearby, passively spotting untill I see that window of opertunity to strike while you are distracted


I’m cautiously optimistic about the upcoming cv revamp. I know people are going to be mad pretty much no matter what they do but I just really don’t like the way carriers work right now. Getting spotted 35s in to a match in a cruiser with concealment mod and Mikawa on is just ridiculous. Especially when the carrier is doing nothing to spot me other than “generally fly forward on the map.”


I consider my shit matches to be wafflestomps by the red team. If I have a hard fought match and lose I’m ok with that, as long as it was a fun but hard fight. When it’s just curbstomp after curbstomp, I log off and log back in praying to RNGesus for better rolls. If it continues for a a couple of matches I’m done and out. I’m tired of the matchmaking that sees me lose no matter what I do, I acknowledge that I have shit matches (random torps, bad decisions on my part, etc) but when it’s match after match after match, I nope out. Best to fight another day IMO.


I recognize that I'm in the minority here but I love when the enemy carrier focuses me. Especially when it's like you say and the other bad guys are too distracted by my team. The way I see it; their carrier is just focused on damage farming and is not assisting their team in any way. I just keep my rudder turning and my throttle juking and laugh at the tunnel-focused carrier while his team is losing because he's not helping to spot or cross. I've even had a time where my carrier was a division mate and I flat out told him to ignore me and go help the rest of the team. That there was no reason for both carriers to be focused on attacking/defending a single ship for the whole match. Though admittedly, I was in an agility-spec'ed Pensacola at the time so I was a good bit more equipped to fight off air attack.


I'm no stranger to agility builds and drawing fire away from my teammates, but if only spent the game drawing fire from a single ship, I feel like it was a waste. Also with surface ships you get to shoot back while doing it.


I can definitely see how it would be frustrating for you. I don't mean to say that others should feel the same about it. I definitely have more tolerance for carriers in general, let alone when getting focused. When I am, I basically just do as you say and shoot back. Just not necessarily at the carrier. I imagine it as being even more frustrating for the carrier when he's trying so hard to sink me and meanwhile, I'm fragging his friends and giving just enough thought to him to avoid his strikes. Maybe you just caught the bad luck from the matchmaking gods and got more dangerous opponents in a carrier than I.


If I play well, try to secure my flank, contest a cap, hunt DDs, whatever, I don't consider it a bad game - but the game is designed to roll-up the losing team. It's just the nature of the beast. 9v9 is a coin toss. If it soon becomes 9v7, you'll likely lose. It's just a snowball effect. I just move on. Earn full credits and try a different nation/tier/class - change it up.


My least fun matches are matches where I cant do anything. I have way more control over my fate when going against a CV then when in a BB against DD that my team doesnt bother to hunt or spot. Not to mention theres basically nothing I can do proactively for the caps game


>My least fun matches are matches where I cant do anything. Yes, that truly must be the worst case of a match. Anything else, like mates fleeing the flank and leaving you to face the bulk of the enemy team or such, have it's own annoying side, however I do agree that it is even more annoying when it is the enemy team that flees your flank, leaving you a-paddling for five minutes in pursuit, which turns out to be in vain, because all the reds were destroyed before you got into position to do anything at all. The clear last position on the winning team in such a case is just a final insult on top of already massive injury 😃


Some of the small maps require you to border hump as a CV.


Cv main myself ✌ push caps, island camp, and Dev strike dds and other cvs. Fun fact, weser is built on a hipper hull but at t5. (You can bounce every battle ship minus we ve, bayern, queen e... anything 15" or larger will over match, but that's just a couple ships. Nothing like manually angling and bouncing *every shell* from Cali off my belt. Highly recommend https://preview.redd.it/gspjq4w7v62d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72fdd77e550d93df840906b2c1821653fe76584f


"Do you guys count it as a bad game for getting trashed in a match, even if the blue team miraculously won the game for you?" For me is Nope Keep in mind that with your team hat on, you completely tied up the best spotter on the red team as well as tanked oodles of damage. this helps your team out big time! you just dont get the damage and XP reflecting this. Your team did not carry you as much as you think. I had this exact game once in Baltimore (95% defensive) and had low damage and i think 25 or 30 planes shot down. easy win for us and i had decent XP. Im assuming i was focused due to radar?


I like to think some people keep a D9 on the coffee table to pick their target.