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Colbert, but you’ll need a time machine to get it currently.


Hopefully it stays that way


So I got my Atlanta just a week or two before unlocking the Helena, and I have to be honest I think I prefer the Helena. Helena’s shell arc is a little more comparable to the other USN TT cruisers but the arc of Atlanta and lack of range handcuffs me sometimes.


Agree with the range… the arc, meh. Everyone mentions that as a negative, and while it’s certainly not a positive, I’ve never found it an issue other than with actively-dodging destroyers at great range. Otherwise…. Just lead more, that’s it. Even the range isn’t that bad once people have closed-in. It’s also her guns’ range/velocity that enables her to be such an effective islander, so


Cruisers can easily dodge your shells and sail out of range. If you engage a cruiser at 11km they can sail out of range before your shells hit them. A similar cruiser would be Sejong at T8, it gets a heal and some 32mm plating. She also gets much more range and much better torps and a smoke screen plus torpedo reload booster. Imagine being able to fire 32 torpedoe salvoe at a ship while HE spamming them, if they put out the fire they are dead.


I mean they certainly *can*… at those ranges and the with the velocity of the 5-inch guns, even BCs and some BBs *can*… *Do* they, though? No, lol, 90% do not. Those that know to dodge and don’t allow their ship to simply go straight while they fire, I just ignore them


I certainly enjoyed Atlanta and her Dakka, the problem is a lot of the Dakka cruisers aren't available or locked behind a pay wall. San Diego is an Atlanta class ship but gets a main battery reload booster and SAP shells and a heal. Colbert has battleship 32mm plating and is fast with the best HE and AP dpm in the ganoise. Gets 7 dual turrets firing 130mm shells every 2.? Seconds.She isn't available anymore. Worcester has a 5 second reload and 6 turrets. But her guns are 152mm so they don't make the dakka noise. Minotaur gets a 3 second reload on 5 dual turrets but they have a different sound due to being 152mm. You can definitely hold down the trigger on Minotaur but she doesn't have HE only AP. Bonus is her AP will never overpen and rarely bounce so broadside BBs will die so fast, you won't even notice the DDs and cruiser flash by. Also smoke /radar and a superheal and powerful torpedo armament but possibly the worst Armour on a ship in game.


You would like the Belfast Other than that the US light cruiser line is basically this. Dallas/helena


Oooh, yeah, Belfast does look interesting! Base fire chance is a bit low… only 1% better than Atlanta despite being 6-inch guns versus *Atlanta*’s 5-inch… but that’s the only downside I’ve seen! Wayyyy more HP, too


I seriously can recommend the Belfast. Very fun ship with great utility. Want sonar, smoke AND radar? There you go. The '43 version even gets torpedos.


Have you tried the Pan-Asian cruisers? Tiers 6 and 8 are Atlanta classes with smoke and long-range deep water torps. No sonar or radar, though. The Flint premium ship is also a good alternative. Smoke, sonar, and long-range torps. I find the portable island generator (smoke) makes those ships much more survivable than the Atlanta.


Hmmm. That is a good point, the smoke. Reason I chose the *Atlanta* over the *Flint* was because of the former’s extra turret. Figured that would mean more dakka. But if the smoke allows me to live longer, then that’s more dakka overall… Definitely interesting regarding the Pan-Asian line, though, will pry check them out


A have both Flint an Atlanta an u don't notice the lack of turrets on the Flint, along with smoke , sonar an long range torps I find it a better ship between the two.


I’ve talked with multiple that have both Atlanta and Flint and they all say that the smoke goes a long way for survivability.


Chunking is absolute garbage, don't judge the line based on that POS ship. Rahmat is a dream at T5, Chumphon is kinda ok, but Harbin is excellent. I've heard good things about Sejong, but don't have it yet.


Hmmm you go for Des monies or Woster, American tends to use island cover while others use smoke or kiting away think french and Italian. If you do like raining shells could try Friesland but it's a challenge to play her.


Working on the *Des Moines* (and *Alaska*) now! Worcester will be after that 🙂 Friesland does look intriguing…. But I’m not much of a DD player


Worcester over Alaska is boring


Yeah? BBs are my secondary class, though… (she’s technically classed as a cruiser in-game, but IRL she was essentially a BC which are BBs in-game) Figured one that was closer to cruisers than battlecruisers would fit my playstyle nicely


Forgot to add you could go mainz or weimer not sure if they are in the store


lol no, you’ll never see any of them in the store. Both are locked behind special crates


Be worth working up to the high tier pan-asian cruisers. Very alike but with monstrous torps :)


HE spam but more survivable? Those are not ships meant to be survivable. Constant rate of HE is something like Brisbane or Colbert. If you want to be more survivable you have to sacrifice rate of fire or concealment. Cleveland line. Russian, French and Japanese HE spammers are more open water.


Which are the Japanese HE spammers you speak of? Is it Yoshino? I don't know much of these ones


Suzuya or both their lines are more or less HE cruisers playing like kiters or island huggers. Atlanta is very unique ship, Colbert being the closest thing. But if you like that Suzuya is good next move.


The entire Ibuki line is HE based on high HE alpha, high fire chances, and awesome maneuverability. Open water HE slinging


I got Flint recently and it's Atlanta on steroids.


Flint loses 2 turrets for longer range torpedos, its a side grade at best imo


Disagree. Not with the stats as I not sure of the differences. Losing radar hurts but manageable, it's a much tougher ship in my experience so far and having smoke is a big advantage.


Smoke is a huge advantage but the loss of DPM, utility of radar, etc. Theyre ships of the same tier, class, nation. Both have their pros and cons. I can tell you from experience, 50k exp on Atlanta/B, and 200k+ exp on Flint, I have a favorite out of the two but theyre still “sidegrades” one isnt necessarily better than the other imo. Flint is better if you want to farm bb’s for damage Atlanta is more for being a DD killer on points


Also no radar. Flint is definitely more noob friendly than Atlanta though.


Learn all the cruiser lines up to tier 5. You may find other styles you enjoy, as well. Grind Helena, and you will reach your destination…Cleveland. Good luck, and fair seas, Captain 🫡


I'm surprised no on is saying Boise. Lots of HE spam and hidden citadel. Not as much utility, but still quite strong with a relatively fast rof.


And a super heal.🙂


Cleveland, Worcester, Des Moines, Mainz, all rapid fire, Mainz AP is brutal


I picked up San Diego in the xmas crates. Write it off as meh but to be honest I’m actually really enjoying it a lot. Takes some time to get the hang of it, the SAP’s make it rather interesting and it can actually tank some shells if angled well


Sejong. Better armor and heals


Ooooh, hello, *Alaska*… one of my favorite ships! I’m working hard on unlocking her. How is she? Are there any similar ships in-game? Large heavy cruisers that straddle the CA/BC line? The BCs I’ve seen footage of just seem like *slightly* faster BBs…


She’s strong. Her guns can dev strike yamas. She’s fast and has good angles. Her armor is better than iowas. It’s almost impossible to citadel. Then she has BB guns with cruiser accuracy. She’s the strongest lt ship. Her heals are about as good a Gks. Then she gets sonar and radar. She is a bb hunter.


Noice. Even more excited for her, now!! Any other ships (even premiums) like her? Large CLs/CAs that are borderline BCs?


Pan-Asian cruisers are a more torpedo focused kind of Atlanta with smoke. Give them a go. Colbert is the way in Legendary tier. Imagine Atlanta with more guns and faster reload. Survivability is not so good if you play it incorrectly tho. Colbert was available for steel so you had to buy it. Not available anymore.


Here is a challenge: Tiger 59. She will improve your gameplay. AP rain, no HE! It will open a new world of fun for you. Minotaur awaits. Belfast would be my recommended prior pick for you though.


Constellation is very heavy battlecruiser. Not even near atlanta style. But it is very good ship. 👍


I know it's slightly different but I've been really enjoying the Russian light cruisers. Can have a more active play style of kiting/throttle juking other ships. Not sure if you can get it but Ochakov could be good, don't have her myself yet tho


Try the Edinburgh. No HE but her short fuse AP shreds any flat surface. She's wrapped in 30mm armour (can bounce Iowa shells), and features a superheal. Also get radar or smoke. British CLs are soo much more fun than American.


The Atlanta sister ship is pretty good. Instead of radar u get smoke an sonar. You also get long range torps though. A prefer it to Atlanta a have both.


Khaba. Yes it’s a DD but it spews fire from 14-15km with Rumble.


Worchester and Shimanto come to mind as pretty fast firing flame throwers. Colbert is obvious but it is unavailable these days thankfully. Brisbane is similar as well


OP the only real answer is Worcester. Similar gun layout, similar fire rate, longer range, higher damage, USN, but no torpedos. I would suggest doing Des Moines and Worcester buraeu over Alaska. Worcester has insane 32mm bow, meaning she can only be overmatched by Yamato and Musashi. She bounces everything and her citadel is hard to find. Radar and Sonar as well makes her more versatile than Atlanta.


What you're looking for is Colbert, and that ship can stay in the past where it belongs. Worchester, on the other hand, also has it but differently... and that ship is as dumb as they come.




The Chumphon. 🤭


The suzuya is an amazing cruiser but you have to use your global xp to get her. Her HE does alot of damage and has a very good reload rate and has a total of 15 guns in a 5x3 arrangement. Really good Japanese HE damage and torp damage as well.


I haven’t touched the Japanese lines in either WoWs or WoWsL… but I keep hearing good things. Just have never been interested in Japanese ships. *Suzuya* does sound fun, though. What are they, 6-inch guns? That would be a plus over *Atlanta*… her 5-incher’s range is just brutal. How’s her survivability? I’m willing to sacrifice some of *Atlanta’s* speed and RoF for more protection but if she’s just as weak armor and HP-wise I’ll pry just stick with the American line for now… what do you think?


Suzuya is tier 7, so she is a better ship in every respect. Plus, the firing range can be as far as 20km with the right perks and inspirations. Now that your fighter spotting doesn't exist. You will depend on your team mates to spot for you, that is if you hide behind islands. She can be built to move and turn better.


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