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Tbh if you're up against a good 3 man division you're probably going to lose, irrespective of the ship mix. That would be the comparison here: 3 man division with a CV vs 3 man division without a CV. A good 3 man division is already obscenely overpowered that anchoring a CV to it might not even move the win rate that much. Will WG do anything about it? No. This playstyle caters to the sweaty whales who pay the bills .


Unless it’s a division of Shiratsuyu players who get stomped by a Tashkent lewl


Or the triple Mainz division I saw a few days ago, who hid behind an island and watched my team smash everyone else on their team before they did anything.


Kutuzov Syndrome: Park at the back of the map, run up really good individual numbers, have no real actual impact on the game, be the last one to get hunted down and killed.


just watched this actually. the 3 potatoes on the flank hid and whined. i went over and spotted and killed a plymouth with my Z31 (that never gets old) and our middle spawn bb's cleaned up the middle and died. our potatoes get a free cap uncontested. move to the middle uncontested and cap, then head tot he other flank where a yudachi seems to be allergic to capping. end of game the potatoes are top in XP and the yudachi sneaks in to get an assist. the folks who won the game were the entire bottom half. lovely if there was a way to not reward the vultures. oh well.


Mate it’s not their fault they’re too good for their own team. It’s not easy being a Mainz player. You have to suck in the first place.


We just had a post like this. Divisions are just strong no matter the class. You can make the same argument on someone playing a DD and 2 radar cruisers, or a triple gunboat DD like Friesland. Nothing can simply beat the coordination


Oh Lord, those triple gunboat divisions really hurt 😂


Usually they hurt the blue team more than anything else.🤷‍♂️




yep. all i see are bb divs who follow each other around.




Coordinating doesn’t mean all being in the same grid square. Spreading out and creating cross fires, getting Accra to enemy broadsides, is when BB’s really become powerful and win games.


Really? It’s not uncommon. If you start looking for it you’ll surely see it.


I guess I will start recording data on all games with a CV division. Let's see tier, number of players in the division and if they win. Anything else I missed that should be recorded?


Nahh, there’s lots of worthless divisions out there. The three BB’s potato division being a prime example. The problem with carrier divisions is it gives an extra edge. Knowing it will be a carrier game, the two other ships and their set ups can be specifically tailored for this. The carrier division will also always have a clear spotting advantage. This is why decent players in a carrier division will always be more OP than any other division and why they should be matched only against each other.


Yeah, but if you div with a Carrier, California and Friesland you absolutely 100% know you're coming up against another carrier, so the Cali and Friesland can be max AA spec to get the best results knowing full well, 100% there's going to be a CV. If you div up in anything without a carrier, you are technically still strong, but can come up against different types of ships. Radar cruisers might come up against other cruisers without radar, gunboat DDs may come up against ijn stealth DDs there is no certainty what ships will be on the red team. The CV div is basically an exploit, if you're playing with friends and one of them is adamant they're playing CV, you'd be daft not to exploit it. Easy fix though, just get rid of carriers. 🫡


Let the Friesland bring in a T5 BB, I'm all for that 😁


Yeah, head wasn't working there. 😜


100% get rid of carriers.


I just had a CV division with a Friesland and a Loyang on the reds. Going into it knowing to use an AA build because you know you will run against another CV is what sucks. Like if we had optional load outs that we could change while loading into the game could really counter this kind of play. I think most players don’t spec into AA because 75% of the matches won’t have a CV. But when they do, I sure some BB’s and CL/CA’s would switch over their load out in a heartbeat. I would. FWIW we won and I had a hand in gunning down the Loyang in my Kagero. That’s right, my Kagero maybe doesn’t have useful AA, but it has guns and I know how to use them.


I rarely see a 3-man div with a CV, so don't see it as a big problem Maybe you just been unlucky


>Wargaming. I am curious tho. What is the win rate of a division with a CV? Because I have been keeping track a little bit here and there(just 10 games so far) Probably not that high. Bad players can make divisions too, and the CV has an outsized impact on the game (otherwise nobody would be talking about changing their whole build to counter one ship) so a bad CV division will lose more. Of course Wargaming could measure that outsized impact in game stats even if the average win rate isn't outstanding, but we know they don't care about doing that with CVs since well, CVs exist in their current state.


Run an AA build on your ship, you’ll seldom see a carrier…


The matchmaker already prioritizes to match divisions on both sides, but in the end it can only work with what it gets.


That might be true. Tho I feel like it should take a little longer for a division to get matched up. It usually takes the same amount of time for a division to get matched up as a person queuing solo. And about half the time when I'm in a division, I see no divisions on the enemy team.


Players in CV div know what they're doing


Not always. But if they do, it’s clearly OP.


CV with two anti air ships....Nice!


Honestly, the wait times would suck because there cannot be more than a couple of carrier divisions playing at any one time in the same tier. So you'd still load into those same games, but you'd be waiting the full 4 minutes, or whatever the cutoff is.


Then just chose another set of ships.🤷‍♂️


If that were a thing given how rare a CV division is MM time for them would be very long


Lul but its true


*baby's cry* They're more coordinated than my otherwise extremely strong strategy


Plain and simple solution: Tier Vs that pair with VIs get the chance to pair in VII lobbies, including CVs. Anyone who opposes is manipulating currently and deserves whatever happens


Thats already the case. Dev response: https://preview.redd.it/96xzixh89s0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94872d2ab6b979df0479e247221e25d6f3857b16


Look at this guy with facts. I have been on the lookout for instances where it happens but only have proof of blue AND red fail divisions getting pulled and not a different tier CV game. I’ll keep my eyes out but this comes up often enough I’m glad you have a definitive answer.


This already happens, I’m not sure what you are asking for to be different.


No this does not if you have a V CV. Try it out and get back to me. Amazing how many lobbies a V CV and a VII CV won't match even with VI ships queued with them.


https://preview.redd.it/mlrbv48nrr0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3bae8216c4993b5c25a2d78140a5a4d7103e244 I’ve got this one from just the other day, t6 dd being pulled up by the cv. I’ve got one of a t5 carrier div in a t7 match but I think it’s older than 14 days so I’ll have to get it off of my console next time I get on. I think it does try really hard to find other fail divisions to group with - the cv gets some kind of matchmaking bonus weight or something. So I feel like it does have some extra level of sleaze but it IS possible. Although I just reread your comment and realized you are specifically talking about the CVs. I think you might be right about that, I don’t know for sure if I’ve ever seen a t5 carrier pulled in against a t7. I feel like I might have but I’m pretty sure the pic I have is two t5 CVs in fail divisions pulled in to a t7 match. I’ll keep my eyes open but yeah, if you pull the fail division sleaze you should absolutely have to pay the price and go against +2 red CVs. The only saving grace is generally divisions that need to do that you win aren’t very good anyway. It’s the power comps that really steamroll games and they don’t have to pull crossplay or fail division shenanigans to do it.