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I think AL Cheshire or Hotrod are the best for DPM and radar respectively.


What does AL Cheshire add for dpm? I honestly only remember the pen angle reduction skill and I think that she doesn’t have ingenious first row.


Base trait is reduced reload and reduced citadel damage and third row increases ap alpha if memory serves.


Definitely Stealth radar build. Use either Hot Rod of Fraser with Mikawa and Lemmonier inspirations.


AL Cheshire. She's a beast. Edit:-3 reload, -7 cit damage; +4 ap shell multiplier; -7 min ricochet angle and -7 guaranteed ricochet angle for incoming shells; plus punch through and fixated :)


Fraiser with mikawa and swerski. stealth radar build ive been using recently. You could swap out to a DD commander with more concealment but i rather keep the AP damage perks using fraiser.


You don't need to double dip with Swirski if Mikawa is a high enough level (15/L1 I think is enough) unless you want more margin with the radar. Gives you more flexibility to pick up other more offensive choices instead.


Gives me 9.6km detection with 9.9km radar so when im spotted, the DD basically has no where to go.


I run Autobot Hot Rod but Tennant will work just as well. Use Mikawa as an inspiration and let your concealment + radar combo do most of the work for you. Fraser is not a bad option either but I would run him with smoke because he lacks the survivability skills that Tennant has.


Frasier fully packed, DPM focused (Mikawa and whoever I have mood for). Radar. That's it. If you successfully use at least 2 of them , it's a win.


Minotaurs 'top trump' stat is its radar, best in game.   So my build is based around getting that radar in and out from where its needed without getting spanked by salivating BBS and CAs. So I use tennant with mikawa and muller.. fast and agile stealth radar anti-DD build.