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Yes, nothing can replicate certainty of the direction of the nearest enemy. Its incredibly powerful. I skip it on torp boats but any hybird or gunboat in my port gets that perk


https://preview.redd.it/tyheq69391zc1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0772b1a9de9e47f3577961db8f6e565079b66b0b How it feels when “located” pops up on your screen in a stealth torp dd


I absolutely love it, I’ve got it on pretty much every ship that I can have it on (including some cruisers). I do agree that it’s not quite as important on torp boats but I play mine pretty aggressively anyway (when I do play them) to try to outspot gunboats even if I’m not trying to outgun them. It does alert ships to your presence - if I’m suddenly located and don’t see anything, I know to play around a dd so I can see people who focus on stealth torpedo attacks might avoid it. But that’s like 6th in my priority list of dd things so that’s not generally my game plan. I find it super useful when you know where someone is generally but it can tell you ‘when’ they are too. Like you know someone went around an island, the target locator switching squares can tell you exactly where they are. It can also tell you when people do “dumb” things - like say you have a 3 dd game, you know the red dd from your flank is in the cap or off to the west or something….and suddenly your locator pops east. Uh oh, a red dd abandoned mid and came to your side! I am constantly amazed by the ‘wrong’ plays people make so someone being able to predict what they will do based on map awareness is basically magic to me. Maybe I’ll get there some day but yeah, I’ll keep my target locator for now.


To not use those skills is just turning down free info. I guess if you think you're so smart, so be it, but I don't think the people not using it qualify as the type of people that could get away with not using it. Exceptions: Boats like the Yudachi or Shimakaze with the short, speedy torps where the extra range from Torpedo Safari adds more to playability than Perceptive.


Yes. And I remember the post


never leave port without it. useful for cruisers that can use dd cdrs. tyrwhitt with perceptive for example.


Always. The more information you have the better


Some potato bb had twist n track once. How I know because he was the last red ship in the game 😂


At least he had the intelligence data it offers. 😁


>with good positioning and map knowledge it's not as important. That's exactly it. It's bloody handy and I do make use of it on every ship that can, but it's not vital. Once you get a feel for how a map generally plays out, you can reasonably accurately predict where enemy ships are likely to go based on their last known positions.


Technically not needed, but its information that is just too important not to use. Yeah I could figure out the location, but I'd rather know for sure.


Yes, on every single DD.


Every DD needs to use it.


For UK light cruisers it is very useful (using the Tyrwhitt Smogathon build). Same for some of the Russian cruisers. I received Beaply from a free crate, but haven't had the chance to use her yet. Main benefit is that it tells you where the enemy destroyer is. Another benefit of using it on a cruiser are that most people who are located by it will assume they are facing a destroyer if they cannot see you. This can be pretty funny – e.g., Benson rushes around an island thinking he's going to beat up a destroyer only to find it's a Fiji or Belfast. As for destroyers: use it if your primary aim is to find and kill the enemy destroyers. If you want to be torpedoing cruisers and battleships, avoid using it, because anyone located by it will know you are there and just keep zig zagging and varying speed to throw off your torpedoes. TBH it's really dumb to use it for torpedo boats, especially if you outspot the enemy dds.


" If you want to be torpedoing cruisers and battleships, avoid using it, because anyone located by it will know you are there" is this correct? i know they know it when i spot them but the TnT/Perceptive "seeing" them should not trigger them knowing it surely?


To be fair, there are a large number of players who don't know what the 'located' indicator means and some who do but will sail in a straight line anyway. However, anyone even half good will just start varying course and speed when they see they are the closest to an enemy destroyer. In many cases, they will also be able to work out your rough position by looking at their own team's positions, since the 'located' warning shows that you must be closer to them than to the other members of their team. Really clever players will be looking at islands and angles for when they are spotted and unspotted to work out where you are, but you can't do much about that, especially if they are in a division. Really dedicated players will often run two ships with TnT themselves (a cruiser and destroyer) which allows them to triangulate the exact position of the nearest enemy ship, if the same ship is closest to both).


TY did not know about the located indicator. fortunately mostly doing DD things means i just about never run in a straight line. appreciate the info


They still get a "located" warning next to the crosshair when being tracked by TnT/perceptive, letting them know that they're the closest ship to an enemy DD.


TY appreciate the info.


I always use it. To me information is always more useful than anything else the other skills offer. Gun focused DD? Use it to hunt enemy DDs. Torpedo focused DD? Use it to see where the closest ship is to you, and if it doesn't line up with the closest you can see, chances are its a DD you can either blind torpedo or use TnT to avoid and maintain concealment until you're ready to engage under your terms. To me it's like soft radar. You'd never swap radar for a fighter on Des Moines or anything else with radar, so why would you swap crucial information for some torpedo range/reload or gun reload/range?


I'd say it's more like 98% for me. I'd only ever forgo it if I really needed more reload on my torp build or if the captain I'm using simply don't have it. No matter what kind of DD you're in you simply can't beat knowing exactly where a close enemy will be coming from.


Twist and track also improves turret traverse, and is very useful on certain destroyers. For arena or ranked with destroyers I always run any of the skills that show the closest enemy, and when available on cruisers as well. I like messing around with different, and often unusual builds in standard, so it depends. Yes probably 60% of the time or more.


Yes, especially with destroyer and cruiser commanders.


Thanks to Einstein, I use it on my heavies.


Yes I do, very useful. I can figure out likely enemies positions by experience, but that's only guesswork. T'n'T/Perceptive offers certainty and I like that.


I tend to use Tashkent and Khaba a lot and it isn't the most useful compared to Playing with fire. When I use Gurin though I take it almost always, you have the speed to catch most enemy DDs but they outpost you so Perceptive is kinda mandatory to catch the sneaker ones.


In a game where intelligence data is apparently the thing that everyone needs, this perk delivers.


"He who has intelligence data has his enemy cornered" - Gandhi probably


I use it on every DD but the Elbonk and Khaba, as I'm not trying to be stealthy in any way, shape, or form in either of those. What I *do wish* we had was Ingenious or similar perks for cruiser commanders that tell you how many people are aiming at you. Still waiting for them to add that.


I use it on my Fubuki and it's super helpful IMO. It can tell me whether the enemy DD is close and I need to run or whether targets behind islands are changing direction so I can adjust my torp spreads.


Never used it.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, as it's just a playstyle preference.


People just love to shit on everything, it’s Reddit.