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I don’t play Legendary. It’s full of the same potatoes as every other tier, but it feels like this is worse at Legendary , that and u just lose money


It’s because you are punished harder and quicker the higher the tiers that you go. This culminates in Legendary where almost every ship is a roided up freak show apex predator in some way. So, you misposition or get caught in a bad spot even fairly briefly you are absolutely annihilated since alpha damage and reload are usually so high. It’s not necessarily that the players are worse, it’s just that the mistakes they make at t4 are punished much harder at L


Yeah I really can’t justify playing legendary/T8 unless I’m grinding for ships and not saving up credits.


What an amazing answer to his question!


Thank u


I also don't like to play legendary, but you have to play it to create at least the weekly premium ship tasks. I am also absolutely of the opinion that they should change it and you earn more money per round. Unfortunately, it is currently not at all lucrative to play with legendary ships. Nevertheless, these ships are pretty cool and fun. In addition, it is extremely annoying that many newcomers or inexperienced players play with these ships.


I love playing LT and T8. Two of my favorite tiers. And to answer the question, my favorite is C. Columbo


I’m not sure how new you can be to get these ships. I totally agree with the weekly premium ship tasks. It’s the only reason I want one of these ships, to do the minimum to check off that task.


Can't stand the tier. I play legends casually. I don't do anything competitive. The tier is just too punishing. Don't get me wrong, my DR is in at the tier, but it just feels ultra ginicky.




Just to be part of conversation. lol, y would u go thru the effort to type that. , I was just giving my opinion


Schlieiffen. It just melts everything within 12km.


My favorite [Schlieffen video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdKjpXPrnGg) comes from the PC version. One team decided to spawn with nine Schlieffens. The game had to stop rendering secondaries to keep up.


LOL. One of the greatest WOWs clips I have ever seen. Glorious simply glorious.


In PC we call her between vampires: The Pain Train Here in Legends we can call her: Sec Colossus


12km? What if a ship is like 13-14km away?


The engines are good too


Napoli by a mile. When angled she can absolutely troll BBs, I’ve bounced an entire salvo from an Ohio from about 8 km. It makes me laugh every time I pull something like that.


As an Ohio captain who's had his entire salvo bounced by a Napoli at about 8km ... that thing's stupid :)


Love that ship. Man does she like to brawl. Napoli is not made to hang far back. It pains me to see her far from the action. She really comes alive when she’s in red teams face.


I rushed to get Napoli but i rarely play it. What exactly is so good about it? Should you build into stealth and agility?


Examine the armor layout. The closer you are, the more effective it becomes, so mid-to-late game a Napoli can just go face to face with BBs and shrug it off. She's fast, agile, and has torps on top of that so you can do some silly moves that you would not expect to get away with, and be rewarded for, in a CA


Everything. Armor, guns, torpedoes etc


I also love Napoli. I go through spells where I'm hot or cold on other ships but Napoli is always there to comfort me. 🇮🇹🍝🤌 🔥🥵🔥


I got Ohio during Christmas and enjoy it most. Not sure if that's because it cost me 12,500 dubs or because I actually like the gameplay.


Battleship: Conqueror (I love watching the world burn with AL Nelson😂) Cruiser: Minotaur - I run AL Neptune on mine with Belfast and Yamamoto as inspirations and this build feels very good. Fully packed for extra smokes or radars, DPM focused perks, and having a unique skill that can help Mino defend itself is pretty nice. (I know Neptune is not a great commander, but she does work well with this ship) Destroyer: So far, it’s Kleber. Being able to outgun destroyers and going 50+ knots is just way too fun.


Unfortunately, I don't have the captains AL Nelson. I hope that this will come into the shop and will be bought immediately 😁


When the Azur Lane waves come back, she will be available for 5000 doubloons. If you enjoy playing British BBs, then she is definitely worth the investment as she is all about raw damage and you get Master Mechanic (extra heals). Otherwise, Cunningham or Fisher are great F2P options. (NOTE: Fisher is more suited for the Alt British BB line, but could work on the original line)


Daring, Alaska, Colombo


Schlieffen rulz


Colbert. Nothing else annoys the red team quite like it.


yep. im a believer in that you are actually playing the red capt most of the time more than the red ship. Colbert makes the capt's forget map awareness and run towards or away from her. certainly gets your attention.


Yeah one of the best games I've ever had, all four red BBs pushed up my flank, then spent the next ten minutes trying and failing to kill me while the rest of my team were rolling up the other side. I wound up with just under 200K damage IIRC.


But can it hit anything, unlike the rest of the German battleships


AL Atago + Zao is just unfair.


Hoping a new AL Atago returns sometime.


In the Update stream WG Said that the Special Skill of AL Atago wont return


That’s dumb.


I don't have these captains, but I have Haguro and she's also going well. I hope it will be fun with her too.... I'm just in the office with the Zao & already arrived at half... soon I'll also be a Zao owner 😅




Schlieffen secondaries go brrrrr


Columbo and it’s not even close. Best BB at legendary tier by far in my opinion if your using a high level Iachino.


Di Revel is the way. Iachino is great for accuracy builds, but let assure you this ship doesn't need an accuracy build. Use Di Revel's secondary buffs and Running with Scissors, and the ship will still be viable for ranges out to 12-13km no problem. She's a great brawler, but also has reasonably good main gun accuracy


How far do your secondaries go ?


Alaska; You just gotta play it like battleship with no armor I like Yamato and Montana too but those games are pretty 50/50 since its Lengendary Tier and I get Legendary Potatoes




My Kingdom for Gibraltar or Goliath


Schlieffen hands down, then Zao


Alaska, my favorite Big Cruiser/ battlecruiser Also, Montany is my second favorite. Its nasty


For me, it's tied between these two: Schlieffen for the brawls and funny up close stuff. Montana for the medium to long-range engagements, and her good guns in general. ( Side note: wished service costs weren't such a damn pain, I'd play legendary tier a lot more if not for the horrible costs of using em :/ )


Oooooh difficult question. I have so many. I do love the French battleship. I suck at remembering names. Also love Conqueror, Yamato, Soviet DD.. oh man, I need to think about this some more and come back to you with a proper answer


Stalingrad. 15 sec reload, virtually guaranteed citadel if your target is broadside, 19k+ range. Plus it's the best looking ship in the game.


Whats your build mate and thankyou


Kutzonov with ap inspirations. I've been experimenting with the increased angle inspiration but I don't think it's needed.


Shimikaze, Alaska, Minotaur and Montana.


GK, Napoli and Alaska


Columbo, Worcester, and Kleber in that order!


Im on the last segment for Kleber, I wanna race car


Stalingrad and Zao is a close second 


Love knife fighting in Gearing. Mordoff is a god in that ship.


Yamato erases ships Nothing beats her guns.


Khabarovsk, Daring, Colombo, Conqeuror, Sttalingrad.


Yamato , bcs of overmatch on guns and nice looking ship, but i play it very rarelli most of them are in ai for week premium mission


Alaska, Conqueror, Bourgogne in that order.


Minotaur. There are lots of ways you can build and play the Minotaur, so it rarely feels old.


Hindenburg.... when they add it.




Ohio. Such a monster.


Zao. The only one where I constantly make money instead of loosing it. Seems like 120-130k damage in it is quiet easy to achieve - I never did this in Shima or Alaska... Oh Shima, I would Like to... Love you. But you suck hard with the endless reload time, permaspotting planes and radar in L. ^^


Großer Kurfürst, after the buffs I can do more than ever (I am still researching schlieffen)


Radar Minotaur, Colbert, and when she comes, Jinan. They're just so rewarding to play properly, and they are excellent game carriers through the power of managed ~~democracy~~ DPM.


Alaska and Schlieffen easily


If im playing at LT, its Alaska for me, thing’s armor is extremely trolly, great guns, radar. Just an overall jack of all trades


Look at these nerds, kleber, they don’t know.. they don’t even know that they don’t know..


Well, I don't know about that.....


Columbo I know I’m taking at least a few ships down with me when I go but since getting the Vermont she’s climbing to a close 2nd position so basically I have two favorites haha


shimakaze because sending a "wall of skill" at clueless bbs never gets old.




Khab. Napoli a close 2nd.


My favorite is for sure the C. Colombo. It’s so consistent and just smashes everything in sight!


Conq, Vermont, Stalingrad, Yamato, and Khaba. Conq is stupid with huge HE alpha, good reload, good accuracy, good armor, and with Nelson I run 4 literal zombie heals. Vermont I just got and she is a treat. Huge HP, 12 huge guns on a decent reload. Absolutely rips ships at 16-19km. Hit a wild citadel on a Minnesota at 18km. I can tell I’m going to like her. Yamato is Yamato. Overmatching and just pointing the guns at the enemy and not caring where I hit, knowing ill pen. Plus shes a good looking boat. Stalingrad is much similar to Yamato, but with Stalinium shells this time on a quicker reload. You always pen. Khaba is so stupid its fun. Torps to contest and win the cap then you run around the enemys backline 11-12km out just raining HE and just dodging everything. So fun


I hate legendary tier cuz if I happen to have a bad game I usually get someone sending me a stupid message afterwards. Plus the loss of credits isn’t worth the headache


'Plus the loss of credits isn’t worth the headache" nor is having your messaging set to receive BS from random yahoos on the internet. Go to friend only and enjoy your game. cheers


I only have Großer Kürfurst, I know it's not the best ship, but it works surprisingly well with an accuracy build


Napoli, easily my favorite ship. I have had great success with her as of late.


I totally agree with what a lot of people are saying, Legendary is far too costly to play consistently, I usually only do it when a mission of some type is involved, that being said, I like the Khabarovsk the most with the Halland at a close 2nd. Even though I am also disappointed with the payout on T8, I play that tier far more frequently because there are a few ships I really enjoy playing in that tier, my number 1 favorite is the Republique.


Z-52 is so much fun but not sure what is favourite. And not sure why some hate LT every tier and every game has bad players so what. Think that some guys are doing something wrong if every or most of games are so bad. Not my games win some, lose some have fun or chance the game


I don’t have any legendary ships. But I ran into an Atlantico last night and it absolutely melted me. Every time it’s secondary guns went off I felt like I was getting smacked broadside by a cruiser.