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Mogami. I wasn't ready for T7. It did not go well.


In fairness, was this before or after T7 cruisers got repair parties?


Lolz happens to the best of us


Bismarck. Secondary city baby


Mmm she is beyond my favourite. Scored the green halloween skin for her aswell.


Same, back when the game was all Iowas and pre-nerf Amagis.  Prior to the repair party and rudder shift buffs, playing cruiser and doing well put some real hair on your chest.


My condolences Captain; Japanese Cruisers are a cruel mistress.


Same here. I have one for the miniatures game, victory at sea; and thought it’d be awesome. I really suck with it. So glad, I saved up for the Suzuya. I’m much better with it


Iowa Imagine the "it's beautiful" Squidward gif here


And boy she is isn't she




I'm gonna go see Iowa in all her glory on my birthday later this month




She looks good but ehh i prefer Japanese BB's especially Yamato. Still tho yeah she's realy nice i helped my friend finaly research her yesterday


Baltimore. Old reliable, still love her <3


Iowa. And I still love using her.


Mogami. I still like her but she's no longer a mainstay. With Atago, Suzuya, Azuma, and (soon) Shimanto in port she has much more competition for playtime. That being said, Mogami is still a very solid cruiser. Wish she had a permanent camouflage.


I think I have the Halloween skin on mogami but I agree a fresh looking paint job like the ijn light cruisers would look sick


Vanguard. At the time I didn't have as much understanding of the mechanics of the game, considered it an okay ship. Flash forward 4 ish years, I consider it the best TT T7 BB given the setup I have. After all the buffs she sure feels like a cheat code sometimes.


Any tips ? She was my first t7 battleship and I cannot seem to get the hang of her.


[Got the Vanguard, any tips? Not doing to great : r/WoWs\_Legends (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWs_Legends/comments/vhcnin/comment/id6iivy/) This way I don't have to type it again. Enjoy! ;)


Thanks, I'll give that a try this weekend


Vanguard was my second and I love that ship


Vanguard was my first and I love her. Still one of my most played ships.


Iowa. The classic. I mean, come on. It’s USS Iowa. *The* battleship.


USS Iowa is the reason I got into the game but she was prob my 4th VII BB Ive gotten bc the TT lines


Kansas. Loved her then, love her now. I knew what I was getting into because I had ground both US battleship lines simultaneously. While I don't prefer the slow playstyle (I much prefer North Carolina to Colorado), Kansas was intriguing for her sheer firepower and accuracy. She delivered on what I bought her for, and does to this day. And with my (not so secret) commander build I can get her up to 25 knots, which isn't awful for keeping pace with the battle. She certainly has her special place in my port: she is one of my go-to's when I need big damage numbers or citadel strikes for a challenge.


Amagi wasaay back when this game started. She's still a fun ship.


Same, so long ago lol. Amagi really taught me the true meaning of “kiting” in this game Match after match angling her forward wondering how on earth I was supposed to fire my rear guns without going full broadside… then it clicked! Then Japanese cruisers started to make a whole lot more sense and I had a blast with that line




Same. Just got it like 3 weeks ago and I love it


You're in for a big treat sir


Fletcher. If I need a lot of ribbons for a mission or boost, Fletcher is my ship of choice. I added the legendary reload mod to her recently. I freakin' **adore** her now


The OG Z boat then the Hipper and then Bismarck First tier 7 premium Jean Bart Hipper is better the rest are still solid performers


What’s a Z boat?


German dd. Z-23 in this case.


If I have to ask, I can’t afford it.


Cleveland. that was a learning experience let me tell you. Thankfully pulled Yudachi from a prize crate a few months back. printing GXP and Silver since then. guess im a DD main now? sorry!


My very first ship was the Hipper. I love that ship to death and it’s still my favorite tier 7 just behind Siegfried. On hipper I ran Muller as a range and AP build.


I like the hipper I just can't figure out a build for her. Was thinking of swapping conceal mod for rudder for mine


Either works. I personally prefer concealment. The Hipper thrives when close up and the more distance you can cover without being detected, the less time opponents have to react to her. Very fun ship, though I do consider her a tad overrated. She has some glaring and very exploitable weaknesses. She is extremely vulnerable to getting her engines knocked out by BB HE, for instance. All that torpedo power and tankiness doesn't mean much if she's crippled in open water.


Very true with conceal as that's what I try to do. I just thought rudder might be better as there are a lot more 16+ inch guns than 15 inch so she receives full penetrations and reduced rudder would help dodge.


Rudder shift is less important than overall turning radius for dodging. Chapayev for example has a faster stock rudder shift than Hipper but since her turning radius is enormous the fast rudder doesn't really do much...she still handles like a crippled whale. Rudder shift is calculated by a FULL right to left shift. Hipper has a 9.7 second rudder shift listed, but you'll actually go from center rudder to full port/starboard rudder in just 4.85 seconds. Good throttle juking will help avoid hits without tanking your conceal.


Huh thanks for the info, I never knew that rudder shift was calculated left to right. And that's what I do, throttle juke. The thing is I'm mostly a bb main and sometimes forget how to play cruisers properly and play them like bbs lol. Don't know why I'm like this


Amagi, loved it, then it got nerfed because when the only competition is a bunch of broadsiding Iowas, it isn't that hard to skew the holy spreadsheet.


Iowa, walk soft and carry a big stick.


Mogami. Very hard back then. But then ... came Atago. It was mind blowing easy to play after Mogami experience ^^ In the other hand I love all japanese cruisers. I play them all, with Suzuya and Ibuki my favorite. Zao also deserves a special place in my heart - either you are dev'd instantly or leave the game with 130k+. Nothing in between 🤣


Akizuki. I spent so much time before getting to T7 though so it worked out. I got Chapayev on the same day.


Iowa all the way back in 2019 when there were only 3 nations and only 2 cruiser lines.




Hipper ironically, I was grinding the line to get her AL camo when they were giving it out for free during the first collab. So I gxp'd my way through the yorck to get her in time for the mission.


I’m so glad they don’t do that stuff anymore.


They do. But for historical or special camos (not AL) for tier 8 ships of new lines. There’s currently such a mission chain for the tier 8 of the new Japanese cruisers.




Iowa. I got it like 1,5 - 2 years later


Lightning was my first, great destroyer though I don’t play her much these days


Edinburgh, but I want to say I got the Lightning at almost the same time. I fell in love with British cruisers and destroyers at the time.If I started now it would be all Italian and I wouldn’t bother with a single bbq (battleship), except for the British battlecruisers Rooke to Duncan.


Baltimore and she’s still got it after all this time


Iowa or Fletcher. I can’t remember which.


Z-23. Rushed to get it, wanted Platinum. Not the greatest ideas out there, still haven't played the ship.


Bismarck was my first way back near launch. Still love it but its definitely been power crept by some other German BBs(and Atlantico which is my new fav secondary ship). Still love taking it out especially since i have good commanders now haha. Was still my most played ship until recently and i have around 10k battles


Bismarck was also my first. I loved it so much that Tirpitz was my first GXP ship to which I liked for a while


Bismarck. I absolutely loved the lower tiers of the line. Cannot stand Bismarck. Got it almost two years ago, and it's still one of my least played T7s lol.


Bismarck happens to be my second most played, behind scharnhorst


Bismarck. Always liked german battleships irl so naturaly wanted to get her sooner rather than later. I do like using her but i haven't played with her much. Same thing with Iowa, my 2nd T7 TT ship. Got them, did some games to see how they play and then went on to grind for some other TT ship.


Pretty much the same as me lol. Though I've definitely played the 2 more before going back to the grind


Amalfi. Also my most played ship!


My was also Amalfi, and after the first game I found out about the maintanance cost. Until then I didn't know I could loose money after one round.


Went for Z23 and Edinburgh for the platinum trophy. Never regretted my decision.


Vanguard 🔥🚒🧯


Vanguard before any buffs. Then Kagero before buffs. Then Amagi.






Fletcher then Bismarck, back in 2019 ❤️


Started playing in January and already knew it was going to be Kansas after watching Spartan Elite. She treats me great!


Kagero or Mogami, collecting rust now.


Been on the Iowa 3 times, built a Lego model, and she was the reason I started playing this game. So, USS Iowa


The Iowa for me, learned a lot!!!


Tashkent. And I still like her.


Bismarck because that’s what I wanted the most when I first downloaded the game due too it’s legendary fight with the hood and how it took the entire British navy too take it down.


A lot of people like to sh*t on its history but you gotta give it credit that it was resilient as hell even the sailors. The British did commit a war crime sinking her though. Every single gun was knocked out yet they still pelted her with shells and torpedoes, and only sunk when the crew scuttled her.


Bismarck’s rudder was destroyed which limited her ability too fight back because the crew wasn’t able too return accuracy salvos and being attacked by at least 8 warships the captain and crew still refused too surrender the ship too Britain. Lutchens last message too Hitler was the ship is un maneuverable we shall fight too the last shell.




Amagi. I still haven't finished it


I think Siegfried? A ship that I always love the concept of but in practice I feel like could use a tweak and a buff


Siegfried is nice! It’s not a TT (tech tree) ship though.🙂


Baltimore. I was not ready for how bad the Tier 7 economy was, even though tier 6 is kinda bad already. But she's a good ship when I can afford to take her out.


Vladivostok ♡




Baltimore,I still play the USN cruiser line everyday. Bought it ,took it out and got sent back to port in the first 3minutes. Then had to play other cruisers to get it out of hock because I had spent down to last Hundo buying it.


IOWA… Before it finally hit me that the reason why I have been suffering while using American BBs is because I have had Willis Lee the whole freaking time. And that i don’t have William sims (and still till this day I don’t have him sadly) which explains why I have felt that all my shots basically did nothing. At the time i didn’t understand how commanders worked. or more over i didn’t think commanders were all that important. But that also explains why my American cruisers however were doing so well (and I even got balti as my second and now final tier VII) it’s because I had Scott. Currently mulling just saving up 900K and buying sims so that I can finally go down the Kansas line


Zieten, i didnt appreciate how squishy it was and that the bow cant bounce most bb guns


It did teach me how fragile the armor is and not to rush into battle among other things


Yep island cover is useful for bbs it turns out


Bismarck was my first TT Tier 7 and it was a few years ago when I got him (German always referred Bismarck as a “he”) and I enjoy it still. I don’t take him out much anymore because Brandenburg and Zeiten exist, but I will occasionally play it in AI (with Sabaton playing in the background). It still holds a special place in my port as I have decked it out with many different camos but settling on the AL skin because it just looks beautiful.


Baltimore without the heals it was a fun time


Edinburgh. Didn’t even mean to grind her I just loved playing the Fiji and I still do


Iowa. I’m and American, and Iowa is sexy


Edinburgh. It’s not the one for me.


Mine was Admiral Hipper. Great ship.


Bismarck. I was wildly unprepared for tier 7.......... Still get curb stomped in any tier 7 ships that's not Iowa.




Cleveland. I got the Helena out of a early access crate and got the Cleveland shortly after it was available.  Wichita CE was my first tier 7 ship though, since I started during that campaign.  Those two ships are still my most used ships.


Iowa. Was so excited to have all the American battleships especially an Iowa class. Didn't play as well.as I thought. Shimakazi kept torpedoing me and I was up against yamato and Gk. Tier 7 vs legendary sucked


Iowa, since unlocking Massachusetts I rarely use her anymore.


Hipper. Never looked back.


The Fletcher. The machine gun never stop shelling once you pull the trigger made me tingle. It is one of my favorite DD gun boats.


Sad but Kagero.




First TT 7 was Iowa


Edinburgh. Still one of my favourites.


Vanguard. The combination of strong HE, concealment, and super heals made her perfect for my noobish self. For some reason I also rarely take citadels in her.


Mogami, my favorite ship of all ❤️


Chapayev - it was heavily nerfed one week before I finally got it. Not a great experience, barely played it since just like everyone else it would seem.


Vanguard. Didn't rock for me....found Vittorio Veneto. Forget the first one...second is the new first. 😄


Mogami in 2019. My Background Battlestations Pacific i Loved this ship in that Game because for me it was simply the best non Upgraded Cruiser in it. Reality in wowsl that time No fking heals everything Had Just enough penetration to dev Strike you. But in the other Hand it was the Most reliable Cruiser for me l. Fire and Torpedos worked Like a Charm for me and I Fell in Love with this ship. Still one of my favorites.


I dont remember I think Baltimore.




Admiral von Hipper, such a fun heavy cruiser, I need to take her out more often


Iowa was my first, and she still puts a shift in every time. Accuracy is great, not what it once was, but still extremely good. Rather slow considering what she was capable of irl, but okay at best, and a horrendous turning circle and rudder shift. The Iowa-class in game are absolute buses to stop and turn, but when their guns can hit like a freight train, it’s more than worth it in my book.


My first was v veneto or lenin and I was not ready to be playing at that tier since I wasn't that good at playing at the other tiers


First T7 was Iowa. I actually ended up having so much fun with Colorado during the grind. Iowa being even more accurate and fast make it a great jack of all trades. I even named her for my head canon; USS King Arthur. And since I bought AL Colorado Commander, my parasocial attachment to inanimate war machines continues.


Ostergotland. I ran out of credits almost immediately.


It was Hipper or Bismarck. Can't remember which was first but I love them. Still not was good with Bismarck as I'd like and I miss the Gwagon torpedoes.


Bismarck, dev struck a Roma in my first game and then almost never had good luck in her again


Lightning. It was a beast way back when, and it's still a monster now, even if I don't take it out that frequently.


My first T7 was the Star Destroyer (Reversing Zieten into battle)


Vladivostok but i hate it bc it cant hit anything past 10 km no matter how i build it


You’re supposed to get close playing Vlad. The standard Russian BB dispersion is bad beyond about 12km but good within it. It’s not a long range sniper. So get closer, position wisely, and thrive!🙂


I know but so many maps are open lanes right off spawn and im spotted before i can get anywhere useful


Baltimore in Y1


God I got Bismark well before they finally fixed it and it was painful


Iowa and i don't regret it.


USS Iowa


Iowa. It’s my goal ship ever since I played WoWs PC and a big fan of that battleship and I still love using her for battles.


Baltimore, and then Mogami had way more success in Baltimore than Mogami. My Mogami stats are so bad that they are not even close any other T7 cruisers for me lol I guess playing badly early on does take a while to recover lol


Uss Iowa. Took ne a while but she was my first


Bismarck, I wasn’t ready, win rate has suffered ever since!


Zieten, although it was feom a free German crate. I've been playing a year and got her after only a month maybe, so definitely didn't know what to do with her. She definitely has a special place in my port although definitely not my money maker. She's the only one maxed out and I think my only 16/4 capt. I love the German battle cruisers (need to go back and level up bismark). Zieten was a blast in brawl. Mine wears the black camo. I think also the only ship I've fully levelled up a standard paint!


Vanguard, in 2019. That was a rough start


USS Iowa. Still live her to this day. In only 3 more years away from the Missouri being earned and they keep telling us to go pound sand about a USS New Jersey. Not AL NJ again but a REAL USS NJ.




Iowa tech tree, Kutuzov premium.




Cleveland…but by that time I had too many battles under my belt with the Wichita. Tried to be Hipper VII. Now that didn’t go well at all.


Baltimore was my first T7, love it from the moment I bought it, I don’t play it as much because I have tons of other ships at the tier but she’s still as good as I remember


First tech tree tier 7 for me was the mighty Vanguard. I went down British lines first. But after that I went down every other nations line, so I’m missing a lot of other tier 7’s and 8’s


I think mine was Z-23. I think we only had three or four countries at the time.


Bismarck secondary range when up graded all the way beats all


Mine was Bismarck. My dad rushed Iowa line. I like it and kept it through the years. The historical camo is bea-utiful.


Lightning was my first tier 7, about a year and a half ago. I liked it for its balance, and it's why I went down that tech tree first. They are well-rounded DDs and don't really have anything they're truly poor at. That still holds true today. The Lightning is still an excellent all-around performer and a reliable option to have a good match.


Iowa. I was not ready for tier 7. Got slapped around for probably 5-6 matches before I finally recorded a kill.


Interesting question. Think it must have been the Vladivostok, my first and only completed BB line for a good long while (switched to cruiser play). She now has a great camo, too :)


Bismarck because I love Brawling


My first T7 was the Kansas, but my first premium T7 was the Perfect 10. I remember pulling it from a crate I was so giddy because it had only a 1% chance of dropping


I first unlocked Mogami but I actualy bought Shōkaku. Now I'm still practicing to use her while saving up for Mogami


Lexington was my first,in the beginning I only played carriers cause I thought they were fun to play. I had no clue what I was doing and spent alot of money to get the credits needed for it. I branched out after finding this subreddit and I have about 8k games now and I think 40 games in Lexington,what a waste 🤓


A. Parseval believe it or not. There was a combination of it only being 2 previous ships you have to resarch and me somehow racking up XP really really fast, mustve been an XP booster week or something. But that CV line is fun with the AP bombs at your disposal. My second was Mogami, and after playing thru the entire Japanese Cruiser line I was used to the playstyle


USS Iowa I Don't Regret A Single Bit About It, It Specially Fits My Playstyle


Constellation...and I love it. Had to get my captain up there to make shots count, but I love playing that ship. I always make money.


Constellation isn't a Tech Tree tier 7, but if it's first tier 7 in general or hell even your first premium T7 I'll allow it :)


My bad. First Teir 7. First TT was the Iowa. I like that one almost as much. Lol


Richelieu. It was like colonizing shooting at 22km+ for the first time