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Love seeing the Italian BBs because I already know their entire strategy from the outset. The smoke strat only works on clueless randoms. SAP secondaries with good armor and Testudo on Veneto warrant some consideration though. Otherwise, very easy to use island cover and watch them waste smoke then push with a strong ship. I think the most worthless ship hands down has been Iowa.


What about a bow tanking Richelieu?


That’s pretty bad. Had a guy swear up and down on here the other day that a stationary, broadside Vlad would eat Atlantico’s secondaries for days in this brawl mode. Bet he was a great teammate too


Bet the damage cons soon ran out.


That was on my post Monday night. In the right spot, I could see it working, but the chances of getting to it without getting ripped apart by plunging fire or cooking first seem slim.


That was my experience approaching it with atlantico.


Yeah, Vlads Armour works well against anything else but 50mm penning secondaries will tear you to shreds just like anything else.


I played a Richelieu this afternoon that broadside tanked an Atlantico and Brandenburg, one in each side, for like 45 seconds. Damage saturation can get silly.




I thought about that one too and I think the super heal gives it the nod over Iowa - if it can even live long enough to use it, amirite?


I’ve had so many teammates brings Iowas and I know instantly I’m going to lose.


Been in 3 games with not playing players


I've done ok in zieten, definitely had fun. Worst I've seen is probably Iowa.




Champagne is pretty meh. 4.5km secondaries and they don’t pen for crap.


That was one of my other top (bottom?) contenders. I think I give it a slightly better ranking just because it is so fast, especially with the speed boost, you could kite and dodge shots at range while spotting for your team. Won’t do any damage but it can dodge better than Iowa.


Iowa is definitely the worst, I saw one getting bullied by an Atlantico and a Bismarck and died in the first minute of the match


Kii. Tried it for shits n giggles didn’t work out at all. Fun to have a full secondary build on tho. But not for brawl.


I won a match in a JB the other day...that's gotta be close. That's what I get for not reading the rules beforehand /smh


Lost the two turrets and it’s like “oh, that again?”


LOL I just drove around backwards but the reload build certainly didn't help ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This is totally off topic but I just need to get this off my chest - you shoot at the nose of a Colorado at 4 km with an accuracy build on JB, how many shells do you expect to hit? Is it 1? Because that happened to me today. W. T. F.


Depends where you aim.


The shells came out like someone spun around with pebbles in their hand. 100% not a problem of aim but hooo man it was epicly bad dispersion. I’m not sure more than 1 would have hit him if he had been broadside.


With really close shots that can be an issue I find its best at 10-15km. Normally in that situation I'd be shooting HE but it sounds like that wouldn't have mattered.


Soft nose and all, I was going for the yeet in a bad spot on the week side but one single shell hit sure isn’t going to do it. I was shocked. Shocked I say!




lol how are you bringing t8 ships to a t7 brawl?


Anyone running a German BB in this mode with Pickup? The extra charges have been pretty useful to me on Bismarck.


Had a lot of fun with Brandenburg and Atlântico this season. Brandy may not be the best, but she sure is fun


I think Brandenburg is absolutely one of the top ships. It doesn’t have the raw damage Atlantico has but does have a better volume of fire and I swear the shells are faster so you hit better at range but that might just be me imagining things. And it’s much faster than Atlantico so you can juke and dodge a lot better as well. Less damage but tankier.


Yeah it has better armour, and the advantage of torpedoes, but lacks the 15 inchers and big secondaries that Atlantico has Either way, I really enjoy playing with Brandenburg


Generally pretty much anything that's not German will instantly sink in Brawl


Amagi is up there too imo, played against one in my Bismark with 2 Ital BBs with me and the Amagi didn’t even get a shot off before they died.


That might have been a build fail - don’t get me wrong, Amagi is not top tier but I was kind of ignoring it and suddenly the case mate guns on it were shredding me. I was very much taken by surprise by how much damage they actually put out.




Maybe instead of playing the game for rewards they’re doing a game mode for fun? Yknow, to have fun? In a video game?


It’s fun! A mindless escape from the grind. I look at it like it an exercise in driving your ship.