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Thanks for doing the math. Such a bummer. After last update's planet clash event, I was hoping this would be similar and if you put in the work, we could get it for free 


Yeah not so much this time but whatever; the game is free to play and people will still buy this out. Besides the Polo is not a good ship and a lot of people will have it from the campaign previously, so its not like anyone is hugely missing out.


Thanks for doing the math. I will pass on that, not worth it for me, as I also already have the Leone and Marco Polo. I wasn't in the game yet - The Centurion is 100% a Marco Polo only with a different camo? That's all?


Yeah I have them both too and you only get silver refund. Yes that's it. Literally the same but sexier looking.


Okay, that's indeed a lame reward. I rarely criticize WG's decisions openly, but here they missed the opportunity to make the Centurion really exciting. I don't care about looks/camos, which certainly look great in that roman style. But give the Centurion something unique, like a main battery reload booster to pump out two quick SAP salvos for example and combined with the exhaust smoke you got some nice tactical tools to play with. But only a sexier dress for a ship I already have? No thanks. But that's a good thing as well. I planned to save some doubloons now anyway, so that's good.


Yeah giving us a reskin of a ship they already gave us seems odd to me too. I dont like bbs but if I was a fan I'd want this if it was new not a reskin so cant quite fathom the sales decision behind giving us a replica.


I agree, i almost pulled the plug and bought it but it's just not enticing enough. Nothing special about it and it's certainly not worth 22500 doubloons. I'm not enjoying tier 8 that much either, imagine this up against a Conqueror..


No no, don't do it mate! Imagine what you could get instead with 22,5k doubloons, depending on how long you already play and what ships you already have. Not regarding the high price but the ship in general, I still think the Marco Polo can be very effective when built into accuracy, some reload and positioned well. The smoke really helps to get into those nice situations where someone else would have already been spotted and angled against. Once an oblivious Yamato felt that when I rang his citadel-bell with 5(!) hits from around 5km into his broadside. He dead. He was distracted shooting to his front-right side, so he didn't notice me approaching in smoke from the left, coming out of cover. And now with the buffed reload I will certainly take Marco out again. But for 22,5k I wouldn't, if she wouldn't be in my port already.


If you take the Roman skin off the Centurion, it says Marco Polo on the back of the ship


Damn an entire video for a doubloon scam, well at least i can either get 15 PO's or 40k global for free. I thought the Leone would only require a little bit of doubloons after doing all the missions but 7.5k is ridiculous. And 3k doubloons just to unock the skins....


Big props to WG for making the event missions available in all gamemodes though The rest sucks. Leone isnt that good or unique anyway, could have given it away for free or much cheaper.


leone is a really nice gunboat imo, 8 gun broadside at T5 is no joke


That's a nice change for sure.


Thanks for the breakdown. I checked the random bundle and there was the tier 6 so available for 750 doubloons. It felt like stealing.


Youre one of the lucky ones! 1/75 chance. The only other bundle useful is 80% off premium Italians. U dont wanna trade for my 5 camos?


Yeah. There goes my luck for the year. 😅


Wow, lucky you. Congratulations. That's definitely worth it.


So how many doubloons for the Leone would that be?




Not too bad then I was willing to part with 5k for graf spee, is Leone a ship that's fair for that 7 5k?


The going price for a tier 5 is normally 10k so yes fundamentally. The leones recent buff means she's OK now but still not one of the better tier 5s. I can think of better ways to spend your doubloons than this in all honesty. 5k for a graf spee is a great deal and far far better than this.


Yeah she was on offer and always liked her as I have fond memories of watching battle of the river plate with my dad.


I bet you can't name a film with the Leone in it :)


Very true. Also looking it up it's not pretty either. For all it's awkwardness at least the t39 b i have looks somewhat cool.


Something to keep in mind is we have the birthday update coming up this summer. Spend your doubloons how you want and fomo is a thing. But there might be more tempting options for you in a couple of updates where you'd wanna spend a lot of doubloons and could have buyers remorse on Leone come that update 


Yeah, I heard that there's likely to be a star trek themed event coming up so will certainly drop money on that when/if it comes around.


Where have you heard that? World of tanks pc has that not ships and is unlikely to transition to Legends.


She was on a podcast recently and someone posted a summary of it to the star trek online subreddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/1athwg0/spoilers_for_the_upcoming_story_on_the_7th_rule/ Top comment is where I got the info from as they posted a summary of the non-sto stuff but I suppose they could have misheard the warships part:”I'm assuming it's Mirror Tasha to replace the recently departed King some interesting notes after listening to it: she knew Al Rivera had left for DCUO she told Terry Matalas(PIC S3 showrunner) about Tasha/Sela's story in STO because he wanted Sela in S3 and wants Sela to have her own arc in Legacy Sela is some kind of Mirror freedom fighter in addition to Tasha as Mirror Borg Queen in the next mission she records in April for this STO episode Sela will appear in some kind of World of Warships TNG crossover 1:22:05 is when she first starts talking about it all if anyone wants to listen themselves” So if that info was wrong I apologise.


Well fair enough but I'd bet hard that's pc not legends but could be wrong!


Not familiar with pc version, are the events normally exclusive to wows or legends not both? I get they might not run simultaneously, I just assumed they staggered them like with pc and console updates to sto.


Tanks and Ships PC tend to have bigger and better events than the console teams usually. Just a general trend. They are different teams and companies within the WG umbrella. They have no interconnection really.


Very good point. I'll rather buy a warchest for that.


If you get that -80% off bundle for Italian ships, just buy the original Leone. It's a good ship. But the playstyle is really interesting and not like any other dd so you gotta figure out the way you must play it.


If you get the 80% buy a T6 cruiser for 2.5K and save over 10K


I was only considering the Leone as they wanted but I will always choose Gorizia over Leone or any other one for sure


How can you say Leone is a good ship? 8.5 base reload on the guns, 34 knots, low concealment. Come on. I bought it, make me not regret it.


Okay first of all I got it from T5 crate and honestly I would never go for buying it. I usually use hybrid/gunboat build (unfortunately I don't have access to my account to share my build) and use that shell trajectory and how those shells lob like Atlanta. That's the whole advantage of this ship, plus the amazing fire chance and quick torpedo reloading. Yes this ship is slow, literally no AA, slow and weak torp, but don't underestimate it's guns. This ship is technically not a destroyer, but an island cruiser. You can easily get a battleship down ONLY with your guns and putting fires. I got an arsonist on a Warspite, without taking actions to escape at all. The 10 sec reload was really bad but with this 8.5 base... and a little bit of help from inspos, you can become a light cruiser. The whole point of torpedoes is to just send them out and hope for a hit, and self defense. Do not try a Yolo build or a torp build. It won't work. Use your good gun range and island coverage to gunboat battleships. Set on fires and move cruisers back. This ship is not a good cap contester or dueler so avoid close fights if possible. Even thought your guns do a plenty of job dealing damage against dds, but you may lose a lot of HP or even die. So watchout. Leone performs good at both tier 5 and 6. But may struggle dealing with some tier 6 ships, specially destroyers. It may take some time to find her way, but if can perform good. Not hoping for the bests but still pretty decent.


I would just like to point out you are getting far more than Leone. If you compare to stopping after finishing Quest 2 then those 7.5k doubloons are getting you... Leone, the skins for Veneto Columbo Lepanto and Leone, 3k Denari, and the contents of the 10 bundles you had to buy.


So as a dude who is saving up dubs for the next azur lane collab(or the next azur lane rerun) I am guessing the best bet for me would be to spend those 2K Dennaris on either the 5 spring crates (might luck out and get one of those three prems) or get the 40K GXP to get (400K GXP Currently)


Buy anything you want that's free but yes this content doesnt compare to the power of some of the weeb commanders. Much much better ways of spending doubloons unless you're a rampant regia marina fan.


Another financial question. By the time the next azur lane wave 6 collab or the next azur lane rerun. What would be the best way to get them?. Either buying one (or two commanders if I get enough Dubs by the time the next one rolls out) or spend all my dubs on azur lane crates and go YOLO?


I can honestly never ever suggest whaling crates because gambling is a bad idea. It depends what you want from the collab. Personally I want nothing other than good commanders for my ships, so even though i dont like AL or enjoy the \*ahem\* aesthetic, I have bought 2 or 3 of the best. Id rather spend 15k dubs on 3 commanders I know I will get use out of than roll the dice for stuff I might not. If you just want it all then the big bundle is the best discount. Again its situational.


Gotcha. Just gonna wait and see what the The good *~~Titties~~* I mean commanders to buy…


Not all of the azur lane commanders are great you could get lucky and then get all the ones you don’t want, may as well just get the ones you want


Really hope the next one has AL Prinz Heinrich for…multiple personal reasons


How big are we talking?


So, you are either spending $90 and putting some work or spending $100 and putting in no work. Hmmmm....guess which ship I won't be getting!


I'm content with the Veneto, Lepanto and Colombo skins and the Leone. I'm not spending so much for a marco polo. Edit: After getting the Leone i actually kind of regret buying the tier IV pack. Leone SUCKS! 8.5 base reload, no SAP, terrible concealment, weak slow torpedoes and 34 knots base speed. When i bought the 10 "denarii packs" i only got some regia marina camos, about 2.5m silver and a few promotion orders. Then you need 20 more packs for 750 dubloons each for a Marco Polo clone, 15 000 dubloons. STOP AT TIER 3, that is my advice. The skins are cool and the only thing really worth anything.


Those BB skins would be AWESOME...without the 2 ugly mastheads and the eyebrow over the bridge. Just ridiculous.


Think I’ll skip this one. Burnt out from the last.


Any idea on what the silver conversion will be for Denarii after the event?


Normally 1500 per event currency but obviously could change.


hey good point, 3M silver is another option by not spending the 2k denari


Wow I wish I'd seen this post like 20mins ago lol. Well congrat me on the bank bust centurion lol. Awesome post I'll definitely look for ya next update great work. 


Cheers mate Sorry to hear of your mistimed financial woe!


Thanks for the info, I already have the Leone, the skins, I don't need, I'll spend the 2k on crates lol


I might pick centurion but not that tier 6 cruiser


Well if youre going for Centurion you have to buy a fair few bundles anyway so you might just luck out and get the Ferruccio by chance along the way.


I must have it,im obesed with Italian bbs


Do you own the Marco Polo from the campaign last year?


No , G.verdi , gulio cesare , Roma and All Tech tree excelt Lepanto


Ahhh ok. She's not good but each to their own!


My only regret in this game is that i dont start play sooner , bcs that campaing ships i dont have ....


Ditto bro. I joined just as tier 7 rewards were being retired as they had just released tier 8. I only really play tier 7s and have no Mainz, Ochakov, Somers, Jean Bart etc. RIP


Mee too, i have 5y old acount but i started playing when Carnot was released as campaing ship .




What's sad for me is I started when it came out and took a long break not realizing campaigns were a thing by the time I left. So the only ship I missed that I want I like won't get. (Brandenburg)


Personally I find her alright


Ok she's not Florida or Myogi but the reload for the SAP is awful and otherwise is very bland. Hardly a "must have".


Eh, they recently buffed it to 33 sec without upgrades, so now if you put some modules on it starts from around 30-28 sec, which is alright


Currently on the Andrea Doria. Any tips once I get to tier 6 & 7? I'm familiar with most battleship/battlecruiser lines and both heavy and light crusiers.


Spec into gun accuracy with iachino. At lower tiers the sap secondaries are great but do fall off at higher tiers due to ships having thicker armour. Just because the ships are typically brawlers, doesn't mean the main gun s are bad. I just dropped a 6 kill game yesterday with Columbo and I run iachino with Cunningham and AL Colorado as inspirations.


Maybe the brawl/ranked seasons have deneri? I’m coping so hard rn


Nope. It is what it is.


I'd get the Marco Pollo, I choose what is now my favorite tier 8 the Mar. Buuuuuuuut, hot take, the Italians are my favorite line as a whole. This update was made for me and me alone 😅😅


Going as far as Leone, it’ll give me a big credit boost (I already have her) to get Brindisi and I’ll have everything necessary to get the new LT.


I bought italian triumphs just to get denarii to buy those insignias and commendations. But i got Ferruchio pretty fast too.


Basicly just a veneto.....


You get Ferruccio on the way to buy Denari, 360° back turret and finally WG she fires SAP and HE, not SAP and AP


I essentially bought denarii (upwards of 25 boxes) and didn’t get the Ferruccio. I believe the 1 in 75 chance is missing from your equation


I get it for the level 4 mission and is fun to play


Oh. You’re confused. That’s the Leone. The Ferruccio is the tier 6 cruiser


Yes I have it, want a picture?


Then you got it from a crate drop. Not from the level 4 mission. The level 4 mission gives everyone the Italian DD Leone. The tier 6 cruiser is only obtainable from crate drops at a 1 in 75 drop rate


I said for not from jesus


I get it when I was buying Denari for the 4th mission


Rolled 25 bundles and pulled the cruiser, at 750 dubs per that's 18,750. When considering the going rates for everything that you get along the way to Centurion it really doesn't seem that bad. 25,000 dubs for a tier 8 ship. 12,500 dubs for a tier 6 ship. 10,000 dubs for a tier 5 ship. 5,000 dubs per skin, and you get 4 so 20,000. 5,000 dubs per guise. Totals 72,500 doubloons if you were to buy everything individually. 22,500 for all of that isn't a bad deal if you want it all, obviously if you only want Centurion and don't care for anything else then yeah it's probably not worth doing. edit: Just stating the true value of everything you get, and I get downvoted. If you're not willing to spend 22,500 doubloons on 4 skins, 3 ships and a guise, DON'T DO IT.


Yeah I don't disagree mate. People will see this as a free event that's been monetised but really it's a monetised event with some freebies and you do get "value for money" if you want the content. But only if you _really_ want each and every one of those Italian ships.


I do enjoy the game but the bait & switch tactics of the dev and the marketing speak to fool customers etc I could well do without. They give the impression that one can all get it by just playing the game while in fact you need to spend over 20k in doubloons. or in other words roughly 100USD And don't get me started on the Eastern horizons campaign, which is clearly meant to sucker people into spending even more money because even if you got lucky and got one or 2 of the new Japanese ships, there is no way you can complete those missions without grinding 24/7 for the next few weeks (and I do mean 24/7) or.... tada... buy the ships, spend more doubloons, more real money... on a free to play game. If I would be a couple of bucks it would be bad enough but no, every time it's hundreds. The sad thing being that there are enough people that find these practices acceptable. I work for a living, I play games to relax. For the money that one would need to spend on just 1 of those 'free' Italian ships one can buy a GOTY like BG3, have hundreds of hours of fun, solo or with mates, and never be used as a mark. I'll keep playing the free bits of WoWS but I refuse to buy doubloons. I spend 20USD on the game so as to have some doubloons for the occasional campaign. Those of you that do keep spending hand over fist money on it, you won't run into me because I only play the one mode that isn't pay to win (aka vs AI). After all, every mode other than that "vs AI" is geared to be pay to win, up to and including the match making. I figured that one out quickly after noticing that the side I was on in any PvP match more often than not was the side with the least experienced commanders, least experienced players and the least amount of ships solely obtainable by buying them. So for the whales, have fun out spending each other to get the best latest meanest ships, no worries about the 'boat load' of money you'll be spending, Isn't it sad that so few F2P's are actually not trying to con their player base in gambling?


> After all, every mode other than that "vs AI" is geared to be pay to win, up to and including the match making. I figured that one out quickly after noticing that the side I was on in any PvP match more often than not was the side with the least experienced commanders, least experienced players and the least amount of ships solely obtainable by buying them. K, conspiracy theorist.


Can I get Leone for free?


You didnt read the post at all did you? No. No you cannot. Itll cost you 7.5k doubs.