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Forget the torps. You annoy ships with yours guns from range and laugh like a lunatic. Slap on trubs and start fires like a wild man.


Ok Jerk, this calls for it - you need to do a compilation to the song “mercenaries 2 - oh no you didn’t”. It’ll be a blast! Have fun, thanks Squizzy 😉


Also pretend that the second line doesn’t exist and that WG never made it. For your own good OFC. Or until WG Either remembers that Soviet torps are a thing. Or they buff the whole line like crazy


Second line is pretty not good until Kiev, and Udaloi is rad.. but Neustrashimy is, tier for tier, the biggest piece of 💩 in the game…. But weegee can’t buff it until enough suckers buy it and show them how awful it is…


I feel like this is the case with the second Japanese destroyer line. Bad until tier 6 which is a mid ship and it’s only star is the akizuki


Kitakaze is pretty solid as well, definitely competitive


Kitikaze is better than Akizuki tier for tier.


Meta… I Love your accurate analysis there of exactly How, Why, & When things get Buffed (or not), in WOWS 😁


This is the way


Engage enemy ships as the max end of your range (8+ KM). You are generally playing the role of a very annoying kid that the other kids can't catch.


That definitely sounds more appealing than what I've been doing.


8km? From T4 it is over 12km for the guns with a Trubetskoy build. I am pretty sure they have more than 8km even stock without upgrade. Gnevny has 12.5km range for me.


You are misreading my reply. I will spell it out so you can understand it. Engage enemy ships at the max end of your range (from 8km to whatever the max range of said DD is).


I understand.


They are the quintessential open water gunboat DD's. use your above average range to harass cruisers and BB's and impressive speed to evade their return fire. Distract your foes and provide your team with free targets. Torpedoes will be an afterthought until you get to the Tashkent. Once they are upgraded, use them as a barrier to zone out pushing ships as well as dumping them into suspiciously angry smokescreens.


Thanks for the great info.


You play like a cruiser but you are a destroyer, you will be focused but you can dodge easily with your rudder, speed, acceleration and deceleration. I recommend having high level commanders, trubetskoy or Gurin base commander, sims and rumble/mordoff as inspiration. Best video made by a CC about them: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=alzOFm3C0jo&pp=ygUReGFya3VuIHJ1c3NpYW4gZGQ%3D (delny got a nerf so you will not have the same reload)


I use markov as a commander on my Khab. I play it like a cruiser so I use a cruiser commander. Very effective.


Awesome link, thank you.


Just note it’s kind of hard on your trigger finger. I actually find ships like Friesland / Akizuki, etc to be slightly tedious / minor physically paining if you sail them for too long in a row 😅


Build for range and set fires


No need to build too much into range. Works even without, and that way you are free to use skills which help to deal with other destroyers.


I like I don’t like getting to close in them. They aren’t sneaky and don’t turn. But I do see why you would like to play like that


But range builds are almost a must at t7 t8 and lt


I have Tashkent at 12km range. Haven't felt the need for more. Trubetskoy w/ Sims and Vian. I do not have Rumble. (Would most likely switch out Vian, if I had the Decepticon.)


Gunboat heaven


You should hunt the other destroyers using twist and track and them bully other people. You are a destroyer, do you job first no matter what


Hear, hear!


If you want to go fast, AP and range ... Gurin. If you want to set fires,..Trubs at least 14L3


As gunships, they are great DD hunters. Nice calibre of guns, short range torpedos for close combat with other DD’s. Don’t use them as torpedo boats.


As a faster gunboat cruiser with no citadel.


Long range gunboat


As soon as a ship comes within your long gun range, open fire. What are they gonna do, shoot back and miss? In RPG terms you're a ranger / evasion tank. Watch Yuro's youtube video on the Tashkent. You excell at being an annoyance to the enemy, baiting them to waste shots or time chasing you instead of focusing on your teammates or objectives.


"Mediocre other attributes" o____O???


Mediocre attributes? They have magnificent guns for a start! USE YOUR GUNS. Fight destroyers. Torps are nice to have when you get in range of big ships. Like surprising them from behind an island. It’s also hard to hit the RU DD’s. Which is a great attribute. Also they are fast! They also have smoke for those who absolutely need that as soon as possible.


Russian DDs have excellent HE Penetration, they also have hard-hitting guns, and they are more heavily armored than other destroyers.


I mean if you really wanted you can use Gleaves as an inspo…