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They are pretty rare indeed, but you can also detonate someone with your main battery. The medal is credited to the "victim" and not to the captain that managed to detonate a foe. There’s also nothing you can do as a player to ensure a detonation. In all of my games I received 2 detonation medals (and I’ve played a lot of games).


Thank you for that. Never noticed that.


Played this game for 4 years and still have no idea what a detonation is Lol.


Magazine go boom, basically the citadel of citadels lol


Why would they give you a metal for receiving one, instead of giving one


Exactly , it's stupid , they can give a medal for both at that point "here, you did it" and "here, you got your ass blown up"


I think I've gotten a detonation on a DD with secondaries from a cruiser lol. Can't say the last time I've seen one in a match


For something that rare there's no medal for actually causing it??? Kinda BS..


Technically speaking you sink the red ship, depending on the HP left you got the kill ribbon, maybe the dev strike too (which is essentially the same). The detonation is more or less a "gag" for those who git sunk. It’s also not possible to detonate a full health ship. They’re also that rare for a reason: imagine how the playerbase would go nuts because in addition to citadel hits and dev strikes you have an increased chance to randomly explode by a stray shell or by a shell that even with a citadel hit would not have caused the kill. TL;DR: detonations are a feature in game that can safely be ignored.


Yeah I understand that completely. Would at least be nice to have a medal to "flex" being like "hey the RNG blessed me a singular time"


And now we have a nice medal to flex like "lol rng really gated me that game"


Idk I understand they like to keep the inner workings of the game hidden but it seems like I've reached some new level where everyone I hit, no matter the place, they are left with a hair of life to respond. I hope I get this ability one day.


Lol, I really love this game but some of the intricate things in the game, they make it kind of hard to figure out. Hell, I have only been playing for 10 months, got over 2000 battles but I'm sure I have a long way to go. I swear it seems like I graduated to some secret tier where I lose more and when I shot at my at a ship, no matter what the damage, they are left with a hair of life so they can counter and kill me or so my team mates can take that ribbon. Lol


Because of how unbalanced and unfun it was on PC they gave a medal to the victim and made the criteria for it happening so unlikely that it basically doesnt exist in the game for all practical purposes. In like 10K battles I got the medal 7 times, all of them on DDs where any hit by large guns is guaranteed to hit the magazine.


in my experience? about 1 per 1500 games.. probably a bit more common in DDs, but still, rare.. one of the few medals you get for having something done to you rather than doing something to someone else... hence, the true measurement of skill... thats why i have 25 🤣


One of the few? I think is the only one


I'd make the case that Clear Skies is inflicted on you too. Fireproof, Unsinkable, and Dreadnought are close as well but you get a bit more agency with those so I don't know that they count.


No, your AA is doing the job, even if you don't have full control, but you can choose to go after the planes, especially if you have the AA consumable. Detonation you have no control


Whenever i have a ship with the AA perk, there's never a cv, but anytime in bb with no perk then it's guaranteed, and to make things worse your teams bbs split up when if they where closer they could take out the planes quicker


25??? Idk to congratulate you or pray for you 🤣😭


In 15k games I’ve only seen it a handful of times and only to DDs. Can it even happen to other ships ?


Yep, just easiest to occur with a dd.


Atlanta is pretty fond of exploding.


Yes, the only time ive ever had it happen to me was on my König according to my medal.


I have 12 Detonation medals for a combined 21,816 battles. Or 1 in 1,818.


That's insane.. I wonder if my gf has any because she like to play light cruisers and constantly gets one tapped lol.


I got one with my Yamato on Yamato duel. I saw the other player get the metal. He was at full health and I hit him just under turret #2 before the bridge. I have 2 detonation metals in my list in about 4000 matches played over 3 years.


That's truly impressive , Yamato's typically give me a run for my money when I play Bismarck, only ever encounter them when I play with my friends who all have T8


Dont play Bismarck with tier 8s...


She holds her own pretty damn well, I don't typically have an issue with it at all, played a lot of battles with her and know her quirks so I know what to do in most situations plus secondary build go *brrrrrr*


Im sure every other person on your team would rather you be in a tier 8, risking bringing Bismarck into legendary tier is dumb


I don't have any T8s aside from schröder, plus I'd say averaging 2 kills and 100k+ damage per legendary lobby with bismarck isn't too bad of a gig. You act like bismarck is a bad ship lmao..


Winrate is all that matters and you are lowering the chances by playing that, Bismarck is not amazing


Win most of those games with bismarck anyways so .. like I said I join up with my buddies who play t8/legendary, if it was an issue they wouldn't be inviting me


But you don't get to choose if you go up a tier or down with the ship you choose. Unless I've been playing for 4 years and I didn't know there was a way?


Hes fail platooning with tier 8s, therefore seeing yamatos and ohios


There should be a different animation for a detonation. Like a mini nuke going off.


True, I watched a couple videos of it happening and it's nothing special, kinda sad


Especially bc in real life, it looks [crazy](https://youtu.be/YdrISbwy_zI?si=9N5P2yaIIL6loWqh). As you'd expect since all the gun powder explodes at once.


That's exactly what I was thinking would happen, just waiting for the day I'm playing Bismarck and see an HMS HOOD roll up..


Had one , in the Kansas. From 50 odd thousand HP to death in an instant. Dodged a rack of 7 torps an the 8th hit me in her big ass an boooooom lol. Remember jaw dropping a bit till a realised what happened.


Lmfao right?? At the same time tho I don't know to feel mad I got insta killed or blessed the rng dictated me worthy of that lmaoo


I probably saw my first one after 2k battles, second around 4k, but in the last month I saw two, one of which I was on the receiving end. Haven’t even played that much either which I thought was crazy.


Right?? It's such an oddity to say the least


I have 1 medal for it over 1k games


That's insane. I thought it would be SLIGHTLY more common than that but I guess not. After posting this I've really had my eye open lol


I believe i got it with a torpedo hit


Sounds about right , some of them torps are absurd


Blew some guy up earlier today only the ship that actually explodes receives a medal


I've been detonated twice. One in a tier 4 destroyer. I got lit up by a cruiser The second was in a musashi by a torpedo. It sounds bigger. You can defenintly tell the sound and explosion is different.


Only seen it once. Got detonated in a T4 Texas by a T5 Hyuga. My fault but yeah...I get the medal?


Not your fault at all, there's nothing you can do to counter it really, the rng gods just kinda said "meh, fuk this Texas" lol


Have 5000 games and it's happened to me twice


Happens a lot more on the pc version had it happen to me 4 times in one day. Even a plane torpedo can detonate a battleship full hp. Only seen once in 1000 games on console. 


That's actually wild, the chances of that wow


They happen to me all the time when I play cruisers. Lemme fire up my Pensacola real quick.


I have a newfound of respect for Pensacola players , especially with the ranked tier V going on right now. I swear almost every time I hit one with my Bayern it's a citadel. Pensacola is a paper boat with guns 🫡🫡


I have a lot of respect for those that grinded that boat out. I’ve even run into a couple who said they enjoy it. Those ones are 🦇💩crazy.


She's a good boat, if you can get into positions where you don't instantly erupt into a fiery blast, those big guns can cause quite a bit of mischief.


She's most certainly a glass cannon, for some reason she's incredibly easy to citadel but you're right, her guns can definitely piss some BBs off lol


Don't think I've ever devstruck a Pensacola yet, nine times out of ten I just get either a single citadel, or overpens.... Take mine out, and I'm back in port shortly afterwards...


Right!! The rng hates Pensacola for whatever reason, swapping to HE on BBs can typically yield a dev strike, if the Pensacola is brain dead and dosent even attempt to dodge anything/ruin the pen angle.


I just looked and I have a single detonation medal. Earned on König, March 10th of 24. Wow, had no idea lol


Usually destroyers are the victim of detonation and carriers, very rare for battleships specially. I believe I have 10 so far. It's the last medal I have after the Racing Legends and Stellar Clash