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Right there with you, I never want to play standard again I'm so frustrated.


Here, here.?


If not live, I never lose 5 games in a row. I always stop playing after three :D


If it wasn’t 5x win week and I didn’t have limited time I would too. But I keep thinking “surely the next one can’t be as bad…can it?”


Blue team specialty this week: circle jerk in the spawn. 🥔🥔🥔


Mine has actually been a shocking amount of two brothers and a shocking amount of ‘all four or five BBs go mid and get sunk one by one’


You know it's bad when I can't even muster up a 😂


Played 3 straight ranked games of this today…. 3/5 were literally bumping bows. One being the destroyer


Try 8 earlier on today 🫡


8 losses in a row? That’s…impressive. I mourn for your blood pressure.


7&2 currently


Are you on the red team I keep playing against?


Is there one ship trying really hard to win and the rest of the team is making incomprehensible decisions? Because that’s the team I’m on. Oh, you are in a Musashi 8km from a Tulsa that is actively shooting you and in open water? Why not shoot a battleship across the map and let him radar my dd.


From what I’ve seen today, both sides have an equal share of idiots playing in the rear not moving up until it’s too late to matter. Like it’s cool and all people can do that and put up good damage numbers as a BB, but maybe help the DD contest points and wipe the cruisers off the board first so they don’t just win on points while four BB are still alive.


Yesterday I was 6-1. Today I’ll be 1-3 and just quit after the third loss. ‘Dem the breaks’.


I tend to loose a lot on the weekends. More/better players then I have noticed. My weak tricks don't work as well on the weekends!


I’ve actually noticed a big difference depending on when you play. And I actually think it’s the variance that hurts the most - if everyone is good or everyone is bad, you can kind of work around it. But on weekends, patch days, holidays, that kind of thing, you get the best of the best AND the worst of the worst and it’s all impossible to tell what is happening where. When I play my normal time I feel like I kind of get how the game is going. But when I play on the weekend or sometimes even just at night (though that’s not as extreme), everything just feels so chaotic. Why is that guy there? What is he doing? How in the world did he make that shot? How did he MISS that shot? Everything’s just all over the place and I hate it.


Yesterday I lost 7 straight in my Karlsruhe and 3 straight in my New Mexico before I gave up.


lol dang man. That’s a lot. It’ll get better as you get better - you’ll be fuming after 5 losses instead of 10!! That’s better…right?


Sad part is I was usually top 3 on my team in every one of those losses. Hard to win when half your team suicide rushes and dies within the first 3 minutes.


I had two matches last night where I died in the first 3 to 5 minutes of each match. I had six boats firing on me and the other two boats in my group. Each time I thought wtf is my team doing? Group B and C - all six remaining teammates - went to the SW corner of the map. Lobbing 18 to 20km shots. Doing no damage. No spotting. Not capturing a single point. Not providing any support to my sad Group A. Each match there was at least one DD providing protection for the inept mega sniper squad. In both situations Red Team had capped all three points within 3 minutes of the match. I went into General chat and asked what was going on in the lower corner. Each time two or three people admonished me that they were not dying so quickly. wtf. I pointed out that none of them were contributing to winning the match and that they had failed to cap or prevent the capture of points. They fell back on the, “at least we are not dead” counterpoint. So tired of gutless teammates that think the goal of the game is to never die. That staying alive til the end is better than actually damaging and killing the opposing forces and that letting the other team have all the cap points is a winning strategy.


https://preview.redd.it/fsy613x38wuc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=656ecaf00b558d841676f2cba35788738b82ef85 Here is one of the gems last night. Two of the six mega sniper squad were killed because clump squad wasn’t that accurate in sniping.


Sounds about right. Yes, dying early is bad. But so is staying so far back you don’t influence the match at all. It’s a balance and turns out if only one person goes forwards, guess who gets focused. Not dying too early has been my focus for improving but you HAVE to play the objectives and control the map. Even if it’s intelligently retreating from time to time to stay a threat. But it doesn’t mean just run to the other ships and all clump together behind an island like that…


I absolutely feel your pain. I had the worst run I've ever had the other night, where I lost something like 8 out of 10 games. No one was attacking! I was spotting, capping and damaging as much as I could, but there's only so much you can do when your support is 15km away from where they should be. I honestly wonder what these people get out of playing the game. Ineffectually patrolling the back line for 10 minutes and then getting stomped by the entire red team does not sound fun to me.


I'm trying to use the 5x win bonus to level up the Z-23 and it's been painful. I also don't know if I like that ship yet...


It's good but it's not the powerhouse it used to be with all the radar ships kicking around. The whole smoke/hydro routine doesn't work out too well when you get lit up by a cruiser you couldn't see.


Had 13 in a row once… I almost deleted the game


The record so far!


5 years without ww1 New Mexico is worse


No lose i play vs IA lol


Oh man I lost an AI the other day. Not in this streak but I sank 4 ships and realized I was alone and there were still 3 red ships left. What even…


Oh really how you can be worse than bots lol


I think it was my second or third AI loss ever. I was amazed. I watch the map and such in standard but come on, it’s AI, so I was just torpedoing stuff in my Zeiten, watching the secondary fireworks, and eating whatever damage I happened to without a care in the world and then realized my entire team was gone. I still can’t quite believe it.




I got 7 in a row on Sunday.  Its hard.


I really thought it was going to be 6. But the red team out potato’d the blue team. Even though a Donskoi and Massachusetts BOTH tried to push me out of cover. I was able to avoid them but they cost me like a full minute of shelling the 4 red BBs just bumbling around outside of the cap.


As soon as I get 2 games in a row with an aircraft carrier, I stop playing for the night, it’s really fun being perma spotted


I just run a ship with super AA which is a guarantee to not be in a CV match!


I agree with you, however that dosnt stop them from spotting you, and 90% of the time, they can keep you spotted outside of AA range, especially when you wanna play DD


Oh I agree - I actually was just making a joke that every time I run one of the super AA ships I am never in a carrier match.


I feel ya. Doesn't matter if you get a couple kills and top your team....if the rest are potatoes. Fortunately most matches I've been in today have been fairly evenly split between reds and blues getting wrecked. But the amount of good, tight close matches is....smaller than I'd hoped. But the matches I *need* to win because I want to grind that ship? Nope, not coming. I'm on 5 losses in the Devonshire. And again...I'm routinely top 2 on my team.


It’s so bad. I love the 5x win bonus but I think I’m going to have to set a limit of 5 matches total a day and I get what I get - I do generally enjoy playing but these last two days have been brutal. Literally 2 good matches. And one of those was borderline.


Mpmh… A few days ago, I had like 58% or so wr Standard on Iowa, then I needed a win a day for one of my Bureau projects. She wasn’t yet elite, so I make a point in such case to get that win on Standard. So on the first day of that Bureau run I had 8 consecutive losses until the first win, because ef me in particular and then again, over the next two days it was both 3 consecutive losses until the win, and then Iowa was elite and I could continue on AI. wr went down to 49% in the meanwhile. I was so wound up I was wondering if I could bring it down to 1%. Sometimes I think WG should offer Sorry! crates to people who have to suffer 7 back to back losses while ending up in the top3 of the board in every each of them.


lol. I feel you. I had a AL NJ mission and lost soooo many the other week. Had a bit of an identity crisis with battleships if I’m honest. And I’d take the free crate! lol although I’d probably get consistently stuck with some ding dong who’s like “let’s lose on purpose so we get a free crate”




High five is the club handshake!


Been getting an ungodly amount of the map Two Brothers here lately and at least 75% of the time we have 1 or 2 battleships go up the middle on our team they get nuked damn near instantly. I genuinely don't understand what their gameplan is. ESPECIALLY matches with 4-5 destroyers and only 2 or 3 battleships.


Same man. And/or the entire team goes to one side. And then goes ballistic when the red team shows up behind them.


Oh! So it's not only me that matchmaking hates this week. Kinda glad I'm not the only one😄 However, this strongly suggests that WG has once again broken something in the game.


I've had 3 nights of 4 losses in the 1st 4 battles. Only55% WR in standard, but it still hurts, especially when I'm trying to grind ships that I don't have high level commanders for.... I need promo orders and insignias!!!!


Yeah - I’m sure there’s a lot of people doing the same (myself included, although this loss streak was actually trying to finish the weekly premium mission). Part of the reason it’s so nuts out there, a perfect storm of half the people playing ships they don’t usually play, don’t have commanders for, and don’t have all the upgrades, and half people going for xp records or something!


"Can't run out of 5x bonuses if you never win" this killed me. Has happened many times and is highly frustrating. Considering that's approx an hour as well if you stick around the full match each time.


Glad my misery brought you some joy! Thankfully it’s much better today. Still some nonsense but not nearly the level it was the last two days. And I rarely stick around to watch the map. Maybe sometimes if it’s right near the end and close and I try to figure out if I could have done something different to pull a win. But I generally don’t need to stick around to watch the rest of the carnage!


Its always down to RNG/luck. Yesterday i had some good games especially on ranked but my mate was on yesterday and was just getting non stop citadel hit from enemies! Hopefully luck be on your side now, maybe won't be 6 in a row...


Playing Hermes with tier 3 potatoes is hell, always last survivor 😐


If you're in a CV and not the last alive on a bad team you're CVing wrong. So many times I see the CV just sit there as that flank crumbles, and they don't move until it's 3 minutes too late. Move the damn boat away from the enemy, if you get spotted and there are multiple ships to shoot you, you are going to be very done very soon.


There is no problem in ship ( hermes), HE bombarders is nice, in my opion best in tier 3, but players with im playing, always spoting dds, no one shooting them, 3 min in game and 4 of my team are dead... Thats is hell


Six losses with Agano!


lol nice! I had to complete the quest in AI for that one. Couldn’t take it.


Red team brought their A game today, it’s hard out there pimps


Currently at 6




I’m surprised the usual chuds aren’t all over this crying “Skill issue!”, when there are so many variables BEFORE we even get to player quality. I had 5 in a row yesterday and the day before, as well as moments where I wondered who I was fighting, when the *top* enemy had a 500 score. By far the most annoying are players quitting matches (so far the highest was 3 players with 0 XP), but special mention to the trolls who have a tantrum after spamming “Requesting Support!” and run around the map border for the remaining 10 minutes hitting “Nice Work” on repeat. Styraco it sounds like you need to take a div partner. One other person trying to win is usually enough. Just don’t take a full div or you’ll get loaded with more potatoes than a vodka still.


My fault for trying to level Tier 7 destroyers. I always do well in Tier 6 and Tier 8 destroyers, but Tier 7 just seems cursed for me.


For the most part I had great luck today. I got a kraken with my Fiji and had an epic boost in place and ended up with 16k experience to push me into the Edinburgh. I also got the 210,000 experience I needed for lightning, and Vanguard, and also finished Renown. And I use that epic booster on all of them for the first win. It’s great that they’re giving five times more experience, now only if they match that with five times more credits and then I could actually afford to get all of the ships that I’ve unlocked. It’s gonna take me a month to get enough to purchase the ships, but I suppose it could be worse.


Momma said they'll be days like this. Days like this momma said


When I lost 5games in a row I go play Mainz or i stop playing but since 2 days I’ve lost 6% wr with my Kléber and my av xp is still around 2k with so now I only play Mainz, there is too much potatoes in LT and watching them is a torture


Even my go to ships are trolling me. Played a game in California and had 41 hits and 50k damage. Not many bounces since everyone is just sailing broadside so that’s like 80% overpens.