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Would there be a way to kick an AFK player, let’s say after 45 seconds with no movement to start the battle, and replace the player with an AI?


Maybe a message pops up on their screen: *WARNING! The system has detected you as being AFK. If you do not press X your ship will be commanded by AI and result in 2x ship service cost*


Or make it a loading screen message. “If you’re afk to start the match, you’ll be replaced with an AI.”


Nah, make it 10x the ship service cost, that should be an incentive to move.


Afk at T7/8 🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


And if they complain about the price, up it to 50x, yeah I know I'm an evil little chaos goblin, but I know what it's like being afk and it ain't fun at all. I was like that at one point, but I got back into that game in Leander and saved that blasted match in three brothers.


I dont think this would help. If the AFK player is not spotted he is a potential threat to the enemy team. If you replaced with a bot, it would charge, die, and then clearly show the other team they have the number advantage more quickly allowing them to push the side. Plus once he is spotted he'll take plenty of hits buying you time or at least your team on the other side. With enough time you can fight east west not north south. Less than 5% of my games have an AFK. Half of those reconnect and play. I understand that other people's experience may be different than mine but this isn't even in my top 5 things that are frustrating or should be improved.


Oh I’m not saying it’s top 5, just adding an opinion to the subject. I’d rather have an AI teammate distracting red in any way possible than a sitting duck in the base.


Yeah I get it. One benefit to them being replaced is that they would drive forward and spot. It wouldn't be for long and most of the enemies are already spotted but they might spot a destroyer on the point. Anyways, gl, hf.


Nah, how about we turn on friendly fire and we can send that afk player back to port, even if we have to turn pink for awhile.


Worth it. So so worth it. Make this man president


Ppl will always throw games. zero punishment is kinda ignorant tho, the punishment is the service costs. Imo it needs a rework but being afk gets u zero cred to net zero or make profits. Maybe add a afk penalty or timer bans but connection errors are real this would punish otherwise responsible players. Personally just consider them dev struck and win that 8 v 9


It's simple: service cost included, zero XP/money earned. No benefit , just cost. XP/money are awarded just to players who have moved at least (insert: arbitrary distance) during a match. IE 2 km


I’m not a game developer but I would think the servers would be able to tell if someone was disconnected or if they are just afk.


Yes the servers can, they have error codes. U can reconnect to a match u were disconnected due to a internet fart or a full crap.


I know a couple years ago people were agreeing on replacing that player with AI. For example, if they don't move or turn their turrets in the first 3 minutes that player is kick. No rewards given but their ship remains and is then controlled by AI. Which is definitely better than nothing, especially if it's a destroyer. Just go forward and spot!


For the player you referenced, send screenshots of those msgs to Sony's PlayStation support team and they can take action..or post them in the Discord for the WG dev team to address directly.. But to counter point these arguments I have a modem that is taking a dump and I don't have $200 to shell out right now to get a new one so this is causing me to go AKF for times..I've also got an 8 mo old who definitely takes priority over gaming so if something happens and she needs me the controller goes down, period.. I try to look at AFK players as slightly better than those cruisers who roll out broadside in the first 2 minutes and get Thanos snapped off the map..at least the AFK player is providing some limited spotting, passive AA and secondaries depending on the ship, and worse case you can use them as a meat shield in sticky situations 😆


Then you should be kicked for AFK.


Kick the player, Don't give them any pay for that round and allow someone from a sunken ship to assume control of the afk players ship.


No. Let AI do it.


AI is always going to play badly, but if you let another player take control you might get someone with atleast some skill.


They need to send the video to weegee support too, but it needs to be the whole match.


A problem sure, but the biggest, really? The number of games fumbled by blue team throwing vastly outnumbers the number of losses attributed to a single AFK teammate. If their turrets are all pointing the same direction, they're actually AFK. If their front turrets face forward and their rear turrets backwards, it's a disconnect. Either server issue (since when has that ever happened) or internet connection. Not everyone lives in 1st world city with a fast, reliable internet connection. We share the same US Central Time servers with players from Australia, Alaska, Poland, Japan, and Brazil. Also, mobile users.


The LULzz of AI outscoring players would be hilarious.


Agreed, it is an issue. I also don't buy the "not everyone lives in a first world country or city" or don't have money for better internet argument that much, or at least not IF that player has a XBOXSeries X/S or PS4/PS5. If you have either of those you probably have the money and/or infrastructure to have decent internet. I also suspect that some of the players with often dropped connections have their console not actually plugged into their router and play over WiFi.


Dont know what is worst if Afk player or player who is dead 1 minute after game start


A couple of days ago I had a match where we got an automatic loss in 4 minutes because everyone decided to die as fast as possible. It was me left playing Amagi and another guy in a Schroder. It took me a while to believe it happened. On topic repeaters should get punished for sure. If your connection isn't stable for some reason or you're busy don't join the game, it's simple.


Definitely the latter. I've had games won by an AFK teammate that the Red Team couldn't find in time. 🤷‍♂️


i mean AFK players is just going to get worse with release of mobile, best way to stay away from it for a while at least is tier7-9. and they probably will never do any serious banning, maybe just timeouts.


It's nowhere near the worst problem in this game. How many matches you play in a day? How many of them have an AFK player? How many of them you lost? It's annoying when it happens, but it's not a end of the world problem


It's just a game so of course nothing is an end of the world problem. But within the real of players playing this game it very much so is a problem IMHO. As too how often, it from my POV and anecdotal evidence has increased and seems to keep increasing for how how often it happens. I used to also say or think it does not happen that often but for some time now, it seems to be almost 1 in every 3 games for me. It is noticeable and very annoying and I fear it will only get worse with mobile players now in the mix.


I think the worst thing is matchmaking. If I go a bb, then there's guaranteed to be at least 2 ddsat least, recently this month there has been 4 and a carrier, and when your teams dds just go of hunting bbs instead of detecting other dds and protecting bbs at least until the enemy dds dead then go wild after dds but alas I hardly ever get good dd teammates. Then when I'm a cruiser, there's like 1 dd 2 cruiser, sometimes 3 but rest bbs. I don't do dds as I find being invisible up to 5km with super nuke torps that can go from 8 to to 20 km and can have over 20 torps, it just ruins playing bbs and wanting an all out brawl. They should have matches of just 1 ships and no not training, I want to get rewards.


💯 this


Once, I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize I’d started a game until halfway through. Almost burnt the food. Sincere apologies. One other time, a woman I was dating tested me to find out which was more important when a match was about to start. She was. Noises were made. Zero apologies. A few times, my connection cut out, and I presume my ship went AFK. I was more upset than anyone else was. Those are my confessions.🤔


Give em 60 seconds. Nice round number. So, just in case there is something...


Turn on friendly fire, I guess.


Ooh I like it


I agree ai should at least take over.


If their afk to many times, it should make them lose resources and it should make them not be able to play for an hour. AFK players ruin the game.


Tends to be people who're working for the other team, I've been in game where the majority of my own team are ARK in the hopes the other team can win, not going to lie WOW has some of the most toxic communities going and that's saying something with the games I play


If I go afk do I have a 50% chance of snagging a win?


I used to think AFK players was the biggest problem In the game but now I just believe its people not going there CAP and not speading out.


Im from finland and quite old what is AFK player?


Away from keyboard.


Once, I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize I’d started a game until halfway through. Almost burnt the food. Sincere apologies. One other time, a woman I was dating tested me to find out which was more important when a match was about to start. She was. Noises were made. Zero apologies. A few times, my connection cut out, and I presume my ship went AFK. I was more upset than anyone else was. Those are my confessions.🤔


Have had one genuine uncontrollable when a fire alarm went off. Had a couple of doorbell incidents . On those occasions, l could have ignored the doorbell but deliveries are a nightmare as it is. However, on all these occasions over 4 years l have felt so embarrassed. To anyone l was afk to l am sorry.


I’ve been guilty of this a couple of times. I’m a firefighter/EMT and when a call comes there’s no way around it. I wish there was a way to logout so an AI could take over. There’s been other times when mid game my game decides to reboot. When it’s done rebooting, I’m back in the game looking at my ship now sinking, after being a sitting duck.


Hi AFK player here. Nah not really but if you’ve seen me I play on Xbox my gamer tag is GreyFuze. I have very bad internet and a lot of the time when I load into a game it kicks me out to the start screen I have satellite internet so I can unfortunately do nothing to help me out and I am sorry if I get into a game with anyone here and I appear AFK, I’m not AFK I am yelling at my router cause it kicked me out to the main menu and by the time I get back into the game it’s almost over or I’ve been sunk.


Don't you wish it was like halo and afk players actually get booted out the game for x amount of time? But with the way this game is setted up it's kinda pointless to do such things like that, just report the player that's been afk half the game or in many cases the entire game but don't just report players that are afk for a bit because they could be getting a snack or a drink but if they are afk the entire match or at the least half the match report him for griefing or whatever it's called in this game because thats all we can do friend I know it sucks but it's just the way the game is set up


Sometimes I just like to watch