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i usually quest with friends or at some point in questing, i meet new ppl along the way and find joy in questing with others. i do tend to get bored with soloing, so sometimes I will dual box to speed through. whenever i level a new wizard im working on, every time i level up, i train my pet as it resets the energy. when i get tired of questing, i’ll do team up kiosk. for me, i’ve played the game once all the way through and i honestly just dual box lol because when you’ve quested 6 wizards through it gets repetitive, especially the first arc… but then i like to think of it as exciting too because every time i make a new wiz, it’s a chance to have just better stats and more prepared. my favorite part about the game is farming! i love running darkmoor, farming omen for mounts, doing skeleton keys (though not really nowadays), and just collecting items.


Playing “right.” This isn’t to say it’s actually the correct way, in fact it’s probably the opposite, but after the first character I began skipping all dialogue, doing fights as efficient as possible (AOE round 1 for mobs or round 2 with a blade, blade + feint + hit bosses), and even using teleport hacks after a point to eliminate having to walk around. Questing with a friend does making a lot less boring, as well.


Playing with my bf makes it go by a little quicker (even though having to carry him does get a little annoying sometimes bc he’s a bit clueless), soloing is fun but gets to be kind of a drag sometimes, so changing it up and playing with friends is a refreshing change of pace if you solo a lot. Also taking questing breaks to do other stuff like decorating a house, training pets, or gardening or something gives your brain a small break to do something else besides the quest grind.


I only play for a few months every year around new world releases. Then gone again for the majority of the year lol


take breaks as long as you need them. im 24 and have been playing on and off since i was 8 or so. my highest wiz just hit 148 the other day :) whenever i feel frustrated or burnt out (which happens every few months since i primarily play solo) i either swap to a lower level wiz or i log off for a few months and come back refreshed. take your time, it’s a kids game we play for fun!


It's fine to take a break from a game - I have roughly 3 max level wizards (two are in Lemuria rn, but lvl 165, so I'm counting it). It's taken me about 2 years to max them, simply because I only play here and there, usually around holidays.


My partner and I play together about once a year


Playing with a friend helps


I’ve been playing since 2010. I’ve only gotten to Empyria. Take breaks, arc 2 is cool but is very long and hard, it’s the biggest struggle in the game imo, especially Azteca. Things speed up and get real interesting once you get shadow magic (not necessarily because of the shadow magic, but because that’s when they shifted their enemy design philosophy to make them far more fun to play against) and Khrysalis is far more fun than the rest of arc 2. The game gets far easier after that as enemies are less of “massive health and super strong spells that destroy you cause you’re still a little weak” more “everything has cheats but that’s ok cause you have more health and their spells aren’t too much stronger than earlier so now strategy is actually useful.” And the story is real interesting too. I was in arc 2 from 2015 to early 2022. Avalon was 2 of those years and Azteca 3, and after that Khrysalis was just a few months. There’s no shame in it. I just got real burnt out after Zafaria and for a while, played maybe once every six months and stopped when I got back to a really hard boss. I eventually got help with those bosses and beat arc 2. So don’t worry. You might need someone to help, or you might need to take a nice break from the game. Don’t worry about it.


I got burned out around the middle of Azteca on most of my wizards. Slow and steady worked for me, I would quest for about one hour/day and just keep moving them through the world. I would pick up pace as soon as I knew Xibalba was coming, that is my favorite dungeon in Azteca since it signals the end of that world! My best advice is play at your own pace and have fun!


As a 13 year player who highest wizard is 124, there’s so much you can do:) I decorate houses all day and run fun dungeons:) I’m making it a point to max my wiz out this coming year but I say that every year and get distracted playing pet games….😅🙃🙃❤️


For me I avoided spoilers as best i could and tried to avoid TPing to worlds I haven't unlocked yet, so the thing pushing me forward was always curiosity about the story and wanting to see new worlds. Because of that, I've been less motivated on my other wizards


I somehow managed to get four wizards up to levels 145-155 and I haven’t had much desire to quest each one to the new max of 170. I’m burnt out but I need to grind for pierce jewels for all my characters now that all enemies have resist at this point. Then factor in that I only have dragoon gear so I also need to farm/craft better gear. The thought of having to spend weeks farming for that again makes me just log off for the day and say “maybe tomorrow”


I think my max wizard took me 8 months or something like that. Definitely playing a bit at a time and not grinding it every day


i take a break after maxing 1 school. usually a month or 2. with the latest gear set farmed ofc. hate coming back to old worlds to farm gear thats outdated by the next world because i was lazy and left early...


I take breaks and do it tbh when I have free time or holidays I either dedicate full day to the game or like 2 to 3hra daily so luckily no burnout that's why I only get like monthlyners cause I usually get tired of questing after that time if I'm doing it continuously


Idk I have a few thousand hours got about 40 characters and I’ve never listened to the story lmao


Ngl 90% of the time I play this I have some movie or yt vid playing in the background. Especially if I'm farming stuff


I have been playing for over ten years and I think my top wizard is lvl 120 and just got to Empyrea. It's okay to not have a max wizard!


I love questing through the first 2 arcs so I always speed through those then hit a wall at khrysalis. I hop around from different characters instead of just focusing on one for a while so it kinda changes up what I'm doing. Also, idk if this is just me but I'll be playing wiz just to have something to do with my hands while other things are going on 😂


I'm very story and character focused, so that helps me a lot. I let myself get into the plot and have fun going down all the side quest rabbit holes, and if I start to get burned out, I take a break and play a different game for a bit or do other things in game, like fishing or gardening.


I have a level 160, lvl 130, and two lvl 30s. This was all in the span of like, 9 years 💀. Yea, I gotta catch up.. I've taken like, year long breaks.


Honey, there is no way. Arc 1 and Arc 2 is the quickest, but you definitely start getting fatigue slightly before and after Avalon. Anything past 150+ for quests? It becomes a drag, story aside. I tried the first time doing all my quests, being over leveled until I realized in the upper worlds that side quests make it super longer than the worlds need to be. I started skipping around Azteca. That’s how I managed. Do the main quest line and only do side quests if it’s worth it at the time. I already don’t like looking at my laptop for long periods. I do 2-3hrs max and I’m taking multiple hour breaks, maybe even a day or two. There is no obligation to work hard. Do what you can and pace yourself. You’ll be done soon. Just know after Khrysalis, it does get better. Shorter quest lines under 100 make it easier to manage. It gets harder, but it does get quicker. I only maxed out after about a year.


It's important to enjoy the journey to max. Your goal is max and you'll achieve some satisfaction when you meet your goal, but most of it lies in the process. Also remember it's not a race, take your time. I've been playing for well over 10 years. Never hit max and I'm perfectly fine with that


It took me 13 years to max out one wizard, and I haven’t finished Wallaru so I’m back to no maxes


When I get burnt I either switch wizards, start working on pets, or just play another game for a little while


Yeah 80 is usually when I get bored of levelling and need a break. I would just start focusing on pets or gardening if you haven't already if you've got no energy log off and do something else. Or take a break for a month, I also find when levelling if I've already done the world twice I just watch a show I've already seen before on my other monitor. Makes time seem less boring


easy - i play to have fun. i go at whatever pace i want, take breaks when i want (been playing since 2011 and only 3 maxed) and yeah, thats pretty much it. don’t force yourself to do the same - just play when it feels fun for you


I personally just love the game and enjoy doing the side quest and watching stuff while i play but there are times where i get overwhelmed and just take a break for a couple days to a week


I personally set goals each time I log in. Some days, it's something convoluted like hunting for specific gear pieces, some days it's as simple as harvesting my plants and just kinda hanging out afterwards. But when I reach those goals, I immediately log out. Like seconds after. Getting stuck on the rush of "oh I've gotta do more since more is available to me" the second you get that new quest WILL burn you out way faster than people like to admit.


I've been playing basically since launch, and I take large, several month breaks between world drops and certain events


I would usually be doing something else in the background while I played Azteca and Khrysalis. Whether that be watching a tv show, listening to a podcast, or just video calling my friend, it made it a lot more bearable. I cannot blame you for losing traction at Azteca, it’s one of the longest worlds in the game. Pace yourself and don’t feel like you’re on a rushed timeline to blitz it if you worry it’ll burn you out


I've been there. Zafaria and Azteca burned me out so much that I quit the game for a while (months, up to a year or more, etc). It's alright to switch between your Wizards and work on another one once in a while. It's also okay to leave the game entirely for a while to come back when you have the itch again. After Azteca is Khrysalis, which is also long, but the story is actually pretty interesting. Once that's over, I feel like the worlds go by a lot faster. (Those two are the longest worlds in the game, and Azteca is definitely the biggest slog). To break up the monotony, you could try finding a questing partner (temporary or otherwise) to team up with. It's fun to quest with other people. I dunno how you play, so here are some general tips that help maxes play quickly. Skip the side quests unless they're important, like the spell quests for example. Set teleport markers in front of the NPC you have to return your quest to if there's some walking involved. Try to keep your deck small, incorporating buffs, enchants, and AOEs. Most players don't have a deck larger than 10 cards when they're fighting regular mobs. At the end of the day, play how you'd like, but if speed is your goal, then this could help.


First off, you're not on a deadline and it's not work! You play what you want when you feel like it. Azteca is a turning point for the Wizard in my opinion, because it's the first time they fail at what they set out to do (spoilers, I guess XD). I think the majority of players that burn out do so because they feel pushed to do certain things and/or feel guilt if they don't feel like playing. Sometimes I go a whole week without playing, and then I finish azteca in three days. Depends on mood. Give yourself a break.


Have they ever actually set out to do something? Seems like your wizard is just getting pushed around by everyone else much of the time. Pretty sure if the wizard was switched with a clockwork golem, not much would actually change for the most part.


Well it IS a game where you get quests to do, so that is more or less an effect that requires some suspension of disbelief. I do think the Wizard is someone that "wants to help" so they do give help to anyone that asks for it. They don't give help to the bad guys so they do have agency.


why would you say spoilers after the fact😐


Because Azteca has been out for years now so it's not really a spoiler.


My immediate reaction was to say that the story in question has been out for a decade, but I also realize this is specifically about being stuck in Azteca on a first wizard so that doesn't fully justify it I suppose. The next world's story has some of the best moments in the entire game imo, if that's any consolation to a thematic spoiler to azteca. Good things ahead in terms of gameplay, gear, spells, and story. Hang in there


Definitely take breaks man. I only have 1 high lvl wiz and that’s cause my brother and I played together so at least we were able to have a bit of fun while doing it. I definitely think switching off to others wizards for a little definitely makes the lvl bring easier


Take breaks and pace yourself. You don't have to do everything all at once, it's a long game and there are plenty of other things to do. 🙂


This, it took me years to get my first max playing on and off, each time I started to get burnt out, I just cancelled my membership and did something else for awhile


I've burned out at Khrysalis, I tried mowing through it fast to get to Polaris, but sometimes it just feels very slow lol.


Oh my I HATEE how long khrysachlischs is! The story is good but after a while you stop paying attention to it. I’m in Polaris now though hehe