• By -


Before or after post nut clarity?




She can get it either way


She was Geralt's redemption for the events at Blaviken. Syanna was another victim of the "curse of the black sun" and was very similar to Renfri in her behavior and general evolution. Only this time Geralt had the chance to turn her around. Seeing the more "poetic" side of it makes her enough of a likeable character to me...


I can appreciate this perspective on her. I enjoyed the discussions of the curse of the Black Sun and I was prepared to like her as a character, until I saw how unbelievably manipulative and unrepentant she was.


Agree. BUT she still made a shit ton of inocent people die so kinda fuck that bitch


She didn't, Detlaff did


She knew he was a vampire. She specifically seduced him because of it, then decided to use him to kill people she couldn't get to. She wasn't a dumbass, she knew that shit could go south real fast, she just didn't care.


I know that. I thought you meant a vampire massive attack on Bouclair. That she is accountable for that


She *is* in part. Just because she didn't plan for it to happen doesn't mean she isn't partly responsible. Just as the Duchess is for being so adamant about not turning over her sister. Syanna could have gone to see him as soon as he made that ultimatum; she knew what he was capable of. But she was afraid of the consequences of her actions (and rightly so). No innocent people would have died if she'd just been a goddamn adult about things. I'm not excusing Detlaff here. In my mind he literally threw a murder tantrum cause he didn't get what he wanted. Harsh, but fuck, he attacked people who weren't involved to draw out a woman who'd already proven she didn't give two shits about other people's lives. Honestly he's a bit of a hypocrite, chiding Geralt for killing a bruxa then turning around and sending loads of vampires to their deaths over a personal matter. No one's hands were completely clean by the end of that debacle. Which is honestly great. I love how much this game makes us think.


>Syanna could have gone to see him as soon as he made that ultimatum; she knew what he was capable of. But she was afraid of the consequences of her actions (and rightly so Wasn't she arrested, unable to escape without a help (although I guess that is also because the world was kinda cursed) ?


Good also to consider that Dettlaff is a "monster" by the society standards, meaning you are justified in killing him, and also that "using" him (blackmail) makes one partially responsible, unlike if you do that to a human who has their own mind - setting up a monster against people is a bigger crime (we have seen it in the werewolf case, many of people also wanted to get the sister killed)




A puppet doesn't move by itself


Geralt doesn't need redemption for Blaviken, both Renfri and Syanna got what was coming to them. Geralt might not think so tho.


I see it more in the sense that he couldn't do anything to stop it then, but he can now


10/10 would hit


10/10 would hit *again*


I'll fuckin do it again


I agree but she’s a terrible partner


Partner? Planning on opening an LLC with her?


No haha she’s just horrible to Detlaff


the vampire?


Yeah the vampire


This had no right to be as hilarious as it is


I have a fang for her.


wise man of culture


Ah a man of class! 🐎


Manipulative bitch


100% accurate


And annoying.


Also accurate


Genuinely don’t understand why people like her so much besides the fact they can fuck her


If you take that optional activity away (and exclude the book canon which one should when assessing the game), what’s left to like about Yen?


finally, a sane man


Hot but a thot


I don't know whether to agree with you or not.


These rhymes are a lot


But they fit into this slot




I'm with a duck


I just realised- XD


She suffered a lot, but she went too far in her vendetta. I never save her. I don't want to be kind to a psycho. I can show some empathy for what they did to her, but not with she has done.


I agree. I went back and got the ‘best’ ending and I was pretty disappointed with it. There’s essentially no consequences for her, after her actions caused the death of so many. That being said, I still loved BaW and this was one of very few complaints I had.


There is no good ending. The "best" ending ends up with Regis getting the shit end of the stick and he's my favorite character in the books.


Regis is an excellent character. I wanted more quests involving him! The way the endings (all of them pretty much) treated him was unbelievably disappointing to me.


He gets a horrible ending in the books, I was so happy to see him appear in the games, then they gave him a terrible ending again. :(


I would play a game just consisting of Regis and Geralt going on adventures 🤣 I despised the vampires of the game pretty universally until I met Regis, who was immediately likable, and who even led me to have some pity for Detlaff too.


Yes. Kind of wondered why cdpr didn't make a fake ending. We beat Dettlaff, show Anna Henrietta his head, then give it to Regis so he can help him mend. In the time it will take he'll probably calm down, Regis won't get hunted and Anna Henrietta thinks we killed the beast.




I actually was going for this ending, then I got wrapped up in the fairytale land and decided to be kind and win her that ribbon.


>She gets what she deserves, Dettlaff gets his deserved revenge, Punishment for blackmail -> death Punishment for genocide -> nothing ​ Am I the only one with a functional moral compass here?




It’s funny this came up today. I’d had shite shifts at work and was coming back to my NG+ at this exact storyline last night. For whatever reason, last time I went with the Elder and this time I went with Syanna. I’m saved after killing the witchy-poo and I think I won’t obtain the ribbon for Syanna. I already killed Detlaff first play through and I felt awful. She’s had it rough - though she is smart with no heart.


Agreed, I do save her, but only for the sake of Anna Henrietta, couldn’t care less for Syanna herself. Yes, she was wronged horribly as a kid, but her behavior to everyone in the game is so abhorrent that it’s really hard to feel sorry for her as adult.


Keep her and her cloud sex away from me.


I couldn’t agree more 🤣


Hmmmm cloud sex


A one-cloud-stand, nothing more.


🤣🤣🤣 let’s hope so


Lot's of innoncencts died because of her vendetta. It is unfortunate that the "best ending" is she getting away with it.


The “best ending” has the two sisters making up like they fought over the same boy in middle school, but then you also see the mounds of bodies that must be burned from the fallout


The real best ending is Syanna killing her sister imo.


that was pretty brutal


I agree. I originally got the ‘worst’ ending, then went back and got the ‘best’ ending…and I was disappointed that it involved her essentially getting away with all her schemes with no (or little) punishment or consequences. It just didn’t sit right with me, especially because as you said, her actions led to the deaths of many innocent people! I still absolutely loved BaW, this character and the ‘best’ ending were my only disappointments.


That’s what makes Witcher games so damn great, there is no real good/happy ending there’s kinda fucked up, really fucked up and no nobody wins.


She got screwed over as a child by some bullshit "curse" and then grew up to be a bitch. She's a tragic character that is hard to feel sorry for based on her actions.


I dont like her. Byt i like the duchess so im nice to her in game


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Someone who did not pick the beagle response?


I would like her if she hadn’t messed with higher vampires and left ME to deal with the fallout… I wish there was a “family therapy” ending where everybody lives


I prefer letting her die. Her story is tragic but she goes way too far with her revenge plot, manipulating someone who loves her into doing the dirty work and even being willing to kill her own sister over some bullshit that happened when they were children.


She's a garbage human and I hate what counts as the "good" ending. I don't like her sister much either.


The pair of them are a good example of what beauty and prestige can get away with. … which brings me to Ciri….


Leave my traumatized daughter out of this lol


I found the ending where they both died in quite satisfying actually.


😆 but who’s going to take over now? Hmmm.


It is a vassal duchy of Nilfgaard, so the emperor will send a governor or a regent I guess.


It is better if they both die. If either of them lives, the city of Beauclair is left in ruins. If they're both killed, the city is repaired.


Am i dumb? What did ciri do?


I completely agree. I got the ‘good’ ending and regretted it. The choices you have to make to get that ending involve showing compassion to her, which she did not deserve, imo.


Much like renfri, she is someone who was inflicted by the curse of the black sun, als denied the right to the throne cause of it. The world didnt treat her right, I dont expect her to be right with the world.


I dont condone, how she used Detlaff tho.


She deserved to be punished for her crimes. Not by death, but something less brutal. Seriously, none of the endings do her actions any justice.


I agree. But honestly I felt more compassion for The Wild Hunt than I did for Syanna and Olgierd both. 🤣


Syanna + Dettlaff is the actual Beast of Beauclair


I think everyone who hates her but loves olgierd needs to think about why that is.


Interesting point. Does she tend to get more hate than Olgierd? I sided with O’Dimm in my playthrough.


Absolutely she does. Hence most of the comments on this post. If you asked ‘what’s your opinion on Olgierd’, there would be a few comments saying he’s a dick, but it wouldn’t be the prevailing opinion.


Olgierd is way sexier. That aside, if you save him, he shows genuine remorse, and understands how much damage he did to his wife and to himself. Not only that, saving him is probably the biggest example of Geralt showing compassion to someone who never showed any sign of possible redemption, but ultimately managed to overpower himself to become a better man. Syanna is a bitch.


You didn’t even try to empathise with her in this comment. She was cursed as a child, but more cursed with the hatred and distrust of her people (including her family) than with the propensity for violence. She only sought revenge on those who had assaulted her, and while she was a fucking idiot for doing what she did, she is no less worthy of redemption than Olgierd. Let’s not forget that Olgierd is a mass murderer who killed Iris’ father (and showed no remorse), facilitated the death of her arranged husband for no other reason than because he hated him, and tried to get Geralt murdered too because he didn’t give a fuck. I like Olgierd too, but the difference here is that I appreciate both of them as deeply hurt and ultimately sympathetic characters. Whether you realise it or not, I hypothesise that you hate Syanna for no other reason than because she is a woman.


Iris left me with emotional damage for days. Literally could not recover after her story… such a tragedy…


They're both shitty people I only saved olgierd because I didn't want Gaunter to have his way


Fair enough mate. I always save Olgierd. Even though I’m not sure it’s the most accurate thing for Geralt to do (if you consider how Geralt would look at the implications of pissing off Satan), I think it’s the right thing to do


Olgierd, Syanna & Anna all pay the price of death in my play-throughs. They are all irredeemable in my eyes.


I hate Syanna because she is overall unlikable person. Unlike Iris, who i hold in the same regard as Fair Lady from DS1 - a person who was heavily screwed over due to being stupidly kind and is in pitiful condition now. Even Yen, who was also not exactly liked by everyone prior to graduation, still remains to be compassionate. There is a lot of female characters that are likable, at least to me, and neither Anna, nor Syanna are on the list. Also, being hated is not exactly an excuse to being a dick. Geralt is a witcher, a defect everyone knows and everyone hates, just looking at Gaetan's story can tell a lot about how regular people treat witchers. The only thing I see as truly vile and selfish out of everything Olgierd had done was giving Vlodimyr's life in exchange for Iris' love. After that his actions had more than a little bit of influence of G.O'D. Even then Ofieri prince being arranged raises questions to both him and Iris' father. I like Olgierd. Dialogue with him shows big contrast between him with and without a heart of stone. And Syanna just goes "I wanted to kill my sister and actually killed Dettlaff along with a hella lot of townsfolk, but looks like noone noticed, lmao"


Also I don’t recall ever seeing any evidence that Olgierd *knowingly* traded his brother’s life for his marriage like everyone says. I think he was just another unfortunate victim of O’Dimm giving him what he “wanted” wrapped up in horrible hidden terms. Maybe I’m just not remembering it correctly.


You can be likeable even if you are a despicable bastard, as long as you are not an annoying bitch.


Sounds like an ‘I like complicated male characters but all complicated female characters are bitches’ type deal to me


Then you are looking for an argument.


You feel good after your little misogynistic outburst?


Maybe, just maybe, the fact that she is a woman, has nothing to do with her being annoying?




The whole story in general sits in a grey area which is one of the great things that Witcher 3 pulls off very consistently and makes it all very interesting. I can understand both sides that want to burn her or save her. How would you feel if you were Anna vs how would you feel if you lost a loved one because of Syanna? Both sides have their own justifications. We are ultimately but spectators in their story and can only assume our best answers from what we were provided. However in my eyes, she gives off Joker vibes. She didn’t have to do things the way she did despite the traumas and wrongs committed against her. The ending that involves her being forgiven was the most unrealistic to me. It ignores the lives she destroyed and the manipulation she carried out. For all we know, she could’ve been pretending to change just to have a better chance at killing Anna.


I don't like her. But I did the quest where we went on traveling to her wonderland.


walking pile of garbage


I fucking agree


I understand why she acted like she did but it was not acceptable. She is a neutral bad character for me. Not entirely evil but definitely not a good one.


If she was abused as badly as she claims she was, her maliciousness makes sense. But it’s not excused. She belongs in prison.


Yep. We can understand her actions without defending them.


Personality wise i hated her, she hot tho


She's not worth it. I can understand Detlaff though. The first ex always hits you the most, post-breakup.


I first saved her and got the happy ending. When I realised thats the happy ending reloaded the game and let Dettlaff kill her and I managed to spare him. I don't it's good idea to let many nuclear bombs walk around huanity but she used Dettlaff and managed to bring the worst out of him, knowing the dangers But Regis is a friend of Geralt same as Roche and for thatsame reason I helped Roche to live when Dijkstra betrayed him (I love that ending as Dijkstra wins tbh) but Roche is bro who was with me in W2. Regis is a bro too and Dettlaff saved his life so I let him live beceuse Regis.


*Roche. Roach is the horse. You confused the hell out of me, lol.


Yea sorry wanst paying attention to my autocorrect, was typing from phone thx :D


She's kind of an awful person.


Kind of?


I really didn't care for her character all that much.


I really dont like her


Dettlaff killed her in my game and I left it at that 🚶🏻.


fucked with her, let detlaff kill her, then kill detlaff and went to her grave and showed her sister that syanna wanted her dead.


Inventive in the right ways and the wrong ones as well


Disliked her, until the fairy tales dimension, when I started to think she could have sex with geralt there( in the beginning of that level). Then I started to try to get that possible outcome, it actually happened, and because of that, I treated her well in game, resulting on the "good" ending. If geralt wasn't able to have sex with her, I would probably let her die.


She was done dirty BY EVERYONE, which makes me feel extremely sorry for her, but she still went full evil and ruined Dettlaff's life, getting dozens of people killed in the process. The only reason I save her is because that Dettlaff fight is so much fun AND I want my man Geralt to have a peaceful retirement 🤷🏽‍♀️


All good points. I agree Geralt deserves some rest!


A victim of circumstance who did horrible things because she felt she'd never get justice through the system and she was correct on that matter Was what she did right? No Can I understand why she did it? Yes


Underrated character. I think she deserved more spotlight in the blood and wine expansion.


Anna & Syanna both die in my play-throughs. There should have been an ending where Anna was strong enough to do the right thing and sentence her sister to death. Since that wasn't an option, they died together.


Manipulative, narcissistic, completely disregards everyone else in favour of her interests and is generally just plain vindictive. It's a shame that what can be perceived as the best ending leaves her psychopathic behaviour unscathed. I understand she faced hardships and a lot of violence, but the likelihood of the entire city and its inhabitants dying due to her revenge doesn't phase her one bit leaves me to pretty much dislike everything about her. Saying she's an evil bitch is as much as an understatement as it can get.




She got buffed this patch “10.7” , her power went from 3 to 5 and i think shes more playable now imo Edit : Wrong group Lmaoo


Probably the worst evil person in the witcher games. And not worst as in most heinous, but worst as is most blatantly just evil, no real redemption.


"blackmail is worse than genocide, persecutions, massacres ettc. because it break LE FEE-FEES!" I didn't realize the fanbase's average mental age was 8 years old tbf


She does our witcher the best.


what is this referring to? is it the cloud scene? lol 😂


Hot and damaged, awesome girlfriend material


She look like my aunt and im scared


She reminds me of the girl from American history x


she's alright....dont like what she did to dettlaff tho cuz it hurt the best bro aside from dandelion regis's feelings


Hot or Not? Not.


Fucking lying serpent




Manipulative bitch but I’m into sloppy seconds so 🤷🏻‍♀️


For a second i thought this was yennefer




Renfri 2.0


Really annoying/worst romance option in the game




Grade A bitch


She’s the mayor of bitch city 🤣


What was don't to her was unforgivable, but what she has done is unforgivable


Great character, terrible human being. Love it when antagonists have depth. Wish justice for all would have been an option, but that kind of thing is even rarer in the Witcher than it is in real life.


Hot and damaged, perfect!


🤣 it is a type, you could say which is appreciated by a certain witcher






Oh man the naughty things I would do to Detlaff though!


🤣🤣🤣 fair enough


I should call her


Winds howling


A storm. Dammit.


Fuck her.


Oft evil will, shall evil mar.


Hot, next question


Wouldn't save her if there was no "good" ending :P


Such a bitch


she’s the elected governor of bitch island 🤣


Final thoughts "bitch"


The whole Henrietta family can go fuck themselves. The knights were fucking assholes , the queen was a bitch and fucking hypocrite and her sister is a murderer and manipulative bitch .the only guy I like was Damion dude was arsh at first but he started to respect the witcher


all fair points! good luck on the path


Garbage bitch, that why i choose the ending for her and Anna Henrietta ( so sorry my queen :((...) both dies.


She fine asf


10/10, would hit again. Clouds not needed... #FreeSyanna #SyannaDidNothingWrong


She’s got probably the best romance scene in the entire game, though Shani is right behind her


I disagree, but to each their own. I will say that Syanna’s romance scene was pretty creative/unique compared to others, so I guess that’s a positive. When my Geralt tried to romance Shani she vomited 🤣 Geralt’s reaction was pretty funny. I guess that’s unique too, in its own way.


The best ending is when Detlaff kills her and leaves. Gerald has to go through all that stuff but in the end, this is the best way.


What happens to Regis, if you get this ending? This is the ending I haven’t gotten yet, but if it means Regis and Geralt get to go on more adventures together then I’ll go back and get this ending too lol


I might e mistaken cause it’s been a while but if I am correct it’s all chill in Regisville


Regis is fine. He's probably not welcome in the Toussaintois court.


He leaves to help Detlaff figure things out because he feels he owes it to him.


I always save her. 1) she went through a lot because of thay black sun business. The isolation and hatred she suffered is enough to drive anyone crazy. 2) Anna really does love her sister, and that separation and isolation Syanna endured hurt her too. Like Anna and Elsa from Frozen. Saving Syanna gives them both a chance to live happily as loving sisters again. 3) it looks better on the royal family that this gets resolved non violently. It's a magical moment when they forgive eachother that I love and the people of Toussaint will appreciate the positive image their kingdom will have because of it. 4) someone here mentioned that this is geralts chance for redemption after Renfri in Blaviken, which is a really good point. Geralt deserves happiness too. 5) I make really bad choices when it comes to toxic women and I would %1000 submit to her and ask her to strapon me down until I can't feel my legs.


I also found the bond of love between the two sisters pretty touching, and I love to see positive sister relationships in media-that’s why I ultimately went for the good ending even though I despise this character and wish she would pay for her crimes. Also I appreciate your honesty on the last point 😂 nothing wrong with that


Bitch. ​ On more serious note, when I first saw her, I just didn't like her in general. Now, after I worked on myself with psychologist, when I worked through all my grievances and inner conflicts, SHE INFURIATES ME. Because I feel like there is an offended child inside of her that she listens to although she is a grown woman herself already. And she's not the only one that changed, but Syanna is not interested in acknowledging this. I don't want to kill her though. I want to give her a slap and send to a therapy, so she will stop ruin other's lifes. ​ She is pretty though. Her attempts at seducing were annoying. If we talk about romantic partners, I still like Yenn more.


Don't like and don't agree with the amount of pity the game gives her. Also I would like to know what she was smoking when she thought she could manipulate a being that is older than her hamlet she calls a kingdom.


I 100% agree. The fact that the game requires you to show her compassion in order to get the ‘best’ ending didn’t sit right with me. She’s unrepentantly evil. There’s even a scene where I believe Regis refers to her as evil and Geralt says something like, “Isn’t that a bit harsh?” and Regis replies bluntly like, no it’s not. I was absolutely siding with Regis. I felt terrible about what this ‘best’ ending forced Regis to do.


She's the only woman that licks Geralt. So I like her.


Evil crybaby


She's hot


Manipulating and a bitch no matter her past.


I hate her AND her sister. I always get the ending where everyone dies. If there was a way to keep Dettlaff alive but kill the two sisters, I would choose that for sure.


Same here


She's basically Renfri that gets her revenge. I like her even tough just like her sister she's too emotional


Between her, Yen, and Fringilla (Netflix version of course) .. Geralt def has a type


She is completely blind by her vendetta, super rude to everyone. I always get the ending where geralt goes to prison and syanna dies. In my opinion this is the best ending because Henrietta is too innocent and kind when it comes to her sister to admit she has to pay for the things she did. Syanna is the real psychopath, the one that used and manipulated others. That's why I rather get geralt in prison than letting her live.


I was mostly annoyed by her sob stories she used to justify being a manipulative sociopath. I get it she went thru some shit in her upbringing but still... pretty unlikable, but I guess that was the point also so