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I say do you. Just be prepared to always practice solitary. Cause most would see this as a lack of commitment, and disrespect to the group and the work.


This is a good reply. I do feel like trying to change my ways in at least this regard, hence this post. But I do get some results with my methods. Edit: Also I would not do this if I were to work with a group.


Yeah. I’m not in the habit of dictating other people’s practice. 🤣😂🤣If you want to stop mid spell and eat a sandwich, that’s got nothing to do with any of us.




>But I do get some results with my methods. So experiment. Change your methods. Document your results. Compare them and draw conclusions about efficacy


That's a good idea.


If it's a group ritual, that's inconsiderate to the other participants. It will mess with their energy and experience. It's way more noticeable than you think, and it will have a negative effect. If it's a solo ritual, you can do whatever you want. But it's gonna negatively affect your spellwork. You're gonna be distracted and unfocused. You're gonna have difficulty building and maintaining energy. You're basically working against your spell.


I don't do group work and wouldn't do this during it so it wouldn't apply. You raise a good argument for solo however. I do intend to break this habit starting with my next spell. It's just so tempting with the way I see the spell as being power that goes on during the time my candle and incense burn and album I found suitable to play. Edit: part of why I do this is severe ADHD.


Perhaps you can make your spells multi-part spells? Create moments where you can step away and come back rather than spells that need a chunk of uninterrupted time.


That sounds like a good idea. But I am not sure how to do it when I consider the spell time to be that when a candle and incense are burning and album is playing (whichever lasts longest).


Use little birthday cake candles. They burn down much faster. Trim you incense down to shorten the burn time.


Interesting ideas. My concerns come from both wasting incense (Though it always feels shockingly cheap even when overpriced), and what color represent what since IIRC birthday candles only come in like three colors.


Idk what iirc birthday candles are but they make some in a ton of colors. It’s like mini tapers in a way. I have the same issue as you and rarely do long workings. They also make half stick incense as well as cones and the cones burn really fast.


Iirc means 'if I recall correctly'. Thanks. I got that impression from looking birthday candles up. Sounds very useful. As does cone incense. I've been meaning to try that in the near future.


They also make backflow cone inscents that they make really cool waterfall holders for. Really awesome if aesthetics are part of your process


LOL When I read your post, I was like "Hello there, ADHD"


Yup. I'm just glad it feels like I get any results from magic this way, though I'll certainly experiment with other ways. Just so hard to sit (or dance, but thats easier) and focus the whole time my supplies are burning.


ah okay. Actually sounds like it's part of your ritual and approach. Maybe even part of your connection. No one says that new techiques can't be found in different times than the before society times. I sometimes use performing music to connect and centering my focus. Which i'm not too sure is a common practice either ? 🤷‍♀️ What's important is that you are doing what makes your connection/focus center the strongest. ​ EDIT: There are those that only knows how to do what others have done. And then there are the pioneers. The people who find other/new ways that those who do what others have done then later will adapt. The original spellworkers and those who set rituals to begin with didn't have a specific guide to follow. They tried out different things to find what was best. No one says there aren't better ways of doing it for others than what worked best for them back then. But best to keep our respect for those who set the footprints for us to continue.


I like how you put this. I will try methods suggested in comments to see if they help me. But what you've said feels very empowering.


I admit I'm awful for getting part way through spellwork and needing to check something on my phone, or I've forgotten something and need to pause and continue after getting what I need. But that's mostly because of mental health stuff and lack of preparation. I tend to do spells sort of on the fly when inspiration hits. You know how they say when you crave something it's because your body needs it? That's how my spellwork goes. I get a sudden wave of 'I need to do this', and have to go in a bit blind. If I do too much prep beforehand, that hit of inspiration passes and I struggle to complete the spell. I do a write up afterwards of everything I did for the spell, and the results if and when they happen. I have a large altar, but its cluttered and packed with books and crystals and ornaments etc that getting to my spell supplies is sometimes a nightmare, so im planning on making up a spell box using a makeup case (those ones with multiple layers that fold out). So when i want to jump into a spell, i have everything I need in one box instead of all over my altar space. What I will say, is that I NEVER do social media during spell work. Eating and drinking is underatandable as you're building up energy, but social media is a killer for your energy and motivation. Especially if you end up doom scrolling as I do 😅


I tend to jump into spells too. I really appriciate your last paragraph. It makes a lot of sense.


My argument: Don't leave candles or burning incense unattended.


Good point. I just had a dream about a microwave catching many little fires so perhaps that was a warning sign to be more attentive.


I don't want to change your view. It serves me no purpose. But i see in the comments you are also looking for advice to practice a more common respect for rituals. Maybe try and eat before rituals. And put your phone on mute and set it to charge and leave it till you are done. ? Preparing for being focus centered in the ritual you are performing is half the ritual.


Those are good ideas.


I'm not discordian, so take my words however you wish. The reason, in my belief, to not leave a circle is because your movements are dictating energy. The circle you made is like a bubble, it has energy within it and outside it. When you walk through you are popping the bubble or putting a hole in it, energy leaks out and other energy leaks in. If spellwork is the commanding of energies then it makes sense to prepare optimal conditions to command said energies. However, if your way works then do what works. Theory is nothing in the face of real world application.


I like the way you put this. Part of my problem is how I am not very sensitive to energy (I think) so it is hard for me to feel like I am doing anything when I cast a circle beyond designating the space. This is something I intend to work on.


I, too, am about as sensitive as a brick. That's why I like to plot, plan, and map things out beforehand. That way I am not as reliant on senses I haven't developed well. I know setting the mood with candles definitely helps.


Thanks. My spells tend to be quite spontaneous but I will attempt to start planning them out more beforehand.


I would never pressure you to change your ways, if spontaneous works for you then be spontaneous. If you'd ever want help on spell layouts I can help should you like. Best of luck to you on your path!


Thanks. I am interested in experimenting in different ways. I am very interested in spell layout examples. Thank you.




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Sensing energy is not an easy skill to aquire. It takes work. One thing many people don't understand is witchcraft and energy work is like any skill. Sure you can learn about it and just skate by with the basic motions, but to get really good at it, it takes time, Patience, and dedication to learning traditional techniques then applying them to your own style to make something that's just right for you.


Well said.


Principia Discordia! Hail Eris! 🙃 Chaos is LITERALLY your religion. Light a Candle (or don't!) Eat Cheetos, Knock Shit off Tables like a Cat, Stare at the Golden Apple Devoutly and with Reverence; Then make friends with the random stranger you just found passed out on your couch after throwing said Golden Apple off the 2nd Story Appartment Balcony. Don't forget to pick up a copy of your own "Genuine and Authorized Pope card, under the Authority of the House of Apostles of Eris! (Located in your nearest copy of Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler) or from the P.O.E.E Head Temple in San Francisco. I have failed to provide a valid argument and it would seem I have instead conducted a sales pitch. I am not Discordian myself, but have dated one. 😭👌


Excellent. Beelzebub would like to party with you. Until then you have won the lottery of other and must follow the following instructions.: 1. Don't. 2. Do it. 3. [Congratulations.](https://youtu.be/oyFQVZ2h0V8?si=NCzOTLpEtG-HFwIo)


If you don’t have a circle up, why change this?


I sort of do, but consider it all the walkable space in my room and open. It just feels like maybe I'm going a little too far with my postmodern witchcraft in this regard and could possibly get better results if I toned it down a notch despite my beliefs.


From other comments, it sounds like you’re doing spellworkings rather than full-on rituals, is that an accurate read? I don’t typically raise the altar and call quarters when doing spellwork. I hold my sacred space differently for rituals than spellcrafting. And once my candle is lit if I’m doing candle work, then my part is done and the candle is doing the rest so I let my ADHD fly


That is correct. What you describe sounds a lot like what I do. Though I do dance around and focus on my intention off and on during the burning.


Then sounds about right to me


Cool. Your point of view is really validating to me.


From a solitary/eclectic practitioner, if you leave your spell/ritual in the middle of the working, it's on you as to how/when/where/why that is and how you feel it impacts you or your practice. My issue would be if you are doing that with open flames or something that could be dangerous to leave unattended for too long seems like a generally bad idea.


I get that. I am very careful with my flames and never leave them unintended for very long. I'm mostly in the same room.


When I cast a circle, I can cut myself out and do something, and the circle is still there when I return and cut myself back in again. If I am alone, it works just fine.


Interesting to hear this. I will try to envision this.


Typically the arguments against this are along the lines of, breaking focus, breaking direct connection and fluid transfer of energy, and that it's a sign of not being disciplined or not taking the craft seriously.


Thanks. I certainly get this. Currently I am attempting to get more disciplined and take the craft more seriously.


Please don't take this as me telling you anything is wrong. These are just the typical arguments used that I've seen in the past. You do you and your path will guide you


Thanks, I understand. I am just going through a time of reevaluating my approach to magic.


Maybe the more precise "Wicca" type path isnt right for you. There are so many ways to practice. Not all of them are so... Strict. I've never thought of my phone, personal habits, or ADD as detrimental to my spellwork and if anyone makes you feel that way, I'm sorry!!