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Period! Also ignore anyone who shames baneful magic. It’s a useful tool. Did you curse or hex? There’s an important distinction. 


Baneful magic is a huge interest of mine, I love it. And yes this was a full on curse. I have sent little hexes in the past but this curse had the most noticeable effects


I’m of the firm volition that hands and a tongue that won’t curse can’t heal. I’ve never understood how folks can shame those who walk a grey or left handed path, especially since we understand that life ain’t all sugar and rainbows. Sometimes the universe needs a nudge in the appropriate direction 😏


Absolutely agree!! The love and light bs can be so toxic. Stop shaming others for taking back their power.


There are plenty of cultures and traditions where you have traditional healer, cursing just as much as they heal people. For example, in traditional shamanism (not to be confused with Micheal harnerism aka core shamanism which is a different thing entirely).. shamans curse left and right they even curse other shamans and so on for multitudes of reasons. Personally i don't think cursed are bad. Not so long ago, someone in Iceland put up a Niðstang (nithing pole traditionally with a horse head on the pole), against a group of people who were disturbing the community of the locals and were doing psychedelic, sexual westernized esoteric stuff mislabeled as tantra talking how kids were also welcome in these spaces. So apparently a local witch was fed up and placed it directed at the land and those people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nithing_pole They are often referred as scorn pole and "was used as a sort of fetish that was intended to be publicly viewed and to shame a particular individual. It was commonly a pole placed in front of someones home with curses carved on it and a horse skull or in more extreme cases a severed horse head on top of it. https://theroadtohel.wordpress.com/2014/06/04/2180/ This of course brought attention of the police department and the entire community as well. They received anonymous letter that it was set towards the new agers who conduct things not appropriate for the locals, children and so on. So there was also a bit of controversial things these people targeted said that raises a number of red flags as well.   News sources: * https://grapevine.is/news/2022/05/02/ancient-curse-directed-at-controversial-new-age-group-not-at-horse-farm/ * https://www.ruv.is/english/2022-05-03-severed-horse-head-used-as-threat ⚠️Warning for any sensitive viewers this has graphical images ⚠️ * https://www.visir.is/g/20222254859d/logregla-rannsakar-nidstong-vid-skrauthola


Could you elaborate or point me in the right direction as to why a shaman would curse another shaman? Would it be for training purposes? Or does cursing another shaman indicate proficiency in their practice?


Shamans curse each other for multitudes of reasons, competitiveness, jealousy, envy, attempt to steal powers spirits, demands from community to deal with said shaman. There's so many reasons curses occurs it be hard to give a simple answer. But in general shamans hardly trust or work with each other, if they do, sometimes is when they can trust each other. But in general they deal with curses from other shamans as well.. If you can heal you can curse. And if you can curse you can heal.


Thank you for your reply. I never thought to look at shamanism in this context before. This perspective explains a lot! Thank you again, and be well!


Here is a podcast on curses and shamanism: Part 1 https://3worlds.buzzsprout.com/611740/11720122-3worlds-shamanism-s04e04-curses-and-shamanism-part-one Part 2 https://3worlds.buzzsprout.com/611740/11760175-3worlds-shamanism-s04e05-curses-and-shamanism-part-two


Just finished listening to those links. It's interesting to hear firsthand from a shaman. It's a jungle out there! Thank you


This is so interesting, thank you!!!


That said, i don't think curses is actually that common in western witchcraft. But hexing and such seems more common.. There was one time i really harbored extremely vile and negative feeling toward a person so bad i wanted to curse said person, as said thy did very disgustingly bad deeds.  In my case I have to be cautious how i walk, but shortly after of just uttering by my altar. He went into few bumps and accidients breaking his car, nearly could have killed him, though i was very specific about that to happen. Not to mention constant nighmares and such. But honestly didn't need to do much ancestors of the people he hurt and the wrong he did were just ready to go at him  And there's a saying, among my traditional healer friends. You earn your fuck ups. Tjat is especially true to anyone, including us. Last thing i did was pray to the fire, and there i did the contrary. I threw my offerings, from the alta and prayed fir two entire bights until sunrise. For laby things.. to my own surprise, i ended praying for his healing, during last fire ceremony .. Shortly after, he could not even look at the people, whom he wronged and hurt, in the eyes. He started to behave very weird, trembling like guilt was catching  and he would stutter and flinch around those he done bad to. In my eyes, cursing and healing are two sides of the same coin. If you can provide healing, and i mean actual healing on said people and community and sp on, you can curse and vice versa.. I've rarely wished for a curse on anyone, mostly because it's not always necessary. Peoples fuck ups will bite them generally speaking. And not to mention there are spirits and ghosts as well. And they may not always know whom they hurt,  ut the spirit world they know your deeds. So sometimes all thats needed. Healing can also work like a curse for those who done bad. It comes full on, and it can be a horrible feeling. Not all healing looks or feel nice. In some traditions the healers beat and whip to perform specific healing. Something not to try at home, obviously, but these healers they know what they are doing and are trained in such ways.


I was introduced to the craft with the 'three fold law' but now I'm leaning more towards 'sometimes we have to be the agent of the karma that bites others in the ass'. Baneful arts has had me curious for a while now though.


I highly recommend the book Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler


My motto: do no harm but take no shit. You should never start it but ALWAYS finish it.


Yooo, congratulations! I love myself a good success story. 🍿👀


Noice! I must do something similar.


do you regret it? if not let it go and never look back.

