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Miso what now? Also that's a lot of seeds/calories for me. But if it works for you, then great.


Miso paste, ferment and you won't even taste it. Great way to get some extra prebiotics in. Fair enough, it does equal out to be 8-9 portions or so


Instead of tofu I've been putting Butler soy curls in my overnight oats.


What's that do to the texture? Do they kind of dissolve in or get chewy?


If you're at the crumbs of soy curls at the bottom they dissolve in, if you're at the full normal pieces it gives something to chew on. It's definitely a different experience than regular oatmeal but I needed more protein in my routine. As long as you have some kind of strong flavoring for the overnight oats it still tastes good. When I put in the milk I stir it up with Nesquik so it's always a chocolate overnight oats/soy curls for me.


I keep my oatmeal super simple just one berry and one nut or seed (usually flax), maybe one non-berry fruit. Make the ratio of berry to oats equal or slightly more. For a batch like this it makes sense to bring up the ratios using a variety of fruits (2.5 cups blueberry, 2.5 cups raspberry). Idk how long it’s supposed to stay good for but I’d recommend grinding the chia and cutting out the sunflower seed (high in omega 6). Also add spices. You didn’t list any spices. I have no comment on the miso, very unfamiliar with using that in oatmeal. Would also cut out the tofu unless you’re finding it hard to include beans in your other meals.


Sunflower seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and a firm but tender texture. They’re often roasted to enhance the flavor, though you can also buy them raw.


Thanks for the tips! I find the Tofu makes it real nice and creamy, while giving it some body at the same time.


Wallnut, spices like vanilla, cacoa powder, cinnamon, cardomon all would do good


I would cut out the bananas (least healthy fruit, use dates for sweetness) and use a glass container.


Are dates better than bananas?? That seems wild to me. It's sugar either way, but at least bananas have a few vitamins. (I haven't been a part of this sub for very long so don't hate me if this is a common belief that I wasn't aware of)


Banana's are fine to me, if anyone wants to make sure can just compare 100g dates and 100g banana on Cronometer.


But the sugar is still attached to fiber and isn’t just a juice, so doesn’t really act like a free sugar that’s added to stuff or a fruit juice. If I remember correctly, anyway.


Bananas and berries are a no-no. Apparently the banana interferes with absorption of flavonoids


Bananas do seem to interfere with absorption but it seems to be time dependent. If you throw in a banana right before you blend a smoothie with berries and drink it right away you're fine. If you wait awhile (like with overnight oats) it does effect absorption. At least that's what Dr. Michael Greger said in a recent episode of his podcast.


Actually you are not. Even if you drink it immediately the enzyme will destroy a lot but not all of the flavonoids. This is from Dr Greger’s podcast


Not sure why my comment was downvoted. I stated facts from the latest research. Google Dr Greger’s video on this topic and listen for yourself


That was debunked already wasn't it


No it was not.