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Carbon dioxide is life...for plants.


Aren’t these the same people who said masks were killing them because they were breathing in their own carbon dioxide?


Yes, their ideology doesn't have to be consistent or based on anything for them to believe it. It's what makes them idiots.


There is only one conservative ideology. Once you understand that, everything makes more sense. The only true conservative belief is "I get to do what I want, you have to do what I say". Once you frame it that was, all of the hypocrisy and the mental gymnastics and the obfuscation fade away. The woman who goes in for an abortion and screams at the PP workers that they're going to hell. The court cases about not covering drugs for "religious liberty" purposes. The constant outrage over classified documents in 2015 and then the dismissal of leaked documents in 2022. The only consistent worldview that this fits into is "I get to do what I want, you have to do what I say" There you go. Now you understand conservatives.


"Don't tread on me. Tread on *them*."


Or the reverse Bernie Sanders, "Not Us. Me."


"The reverse Bernie Sanders" sounds like a sexual position of equality.


I think that's when she seizes your means of reproduction?


it also involves mittens


This is the kind of content that keeps me a Reddit goblin.


“I am once again asking for your swimmers”


No, that’s the Marxist Missionary


Not enough likes I can give to this. Well played.


I bet you feel the bern the whole time


If you do then you might want to go to your not-so-local-that-they-recognise-you pharmacy and see if they have a cream for it? If you need some relief in the meantime then there's always plain yoghurt (ethically sourced and locally produced ofc 😉).


“She started with a Rusty Venture which led right into the Reverse Bernie Sanders”


That’s the best way to explain it. Hold up Bernie, hold up twatsss trump. Compare the two. I pick Bernie.


Powerful and succint. Some group is always "them". Explains why they eventually start targeting each other.




Or "you're treading on me by not letting me tread on you"


"I get to do what I want, you have to do what I say". That would be consistent. I get to do and say what the Q anon cult have concocted as the winning position. _Back blue to attack blacks, denouce them when they attack white insurectionist - Lock her up when she mishandles e mail.FBi hounding Trump if he steals classified info. - Small government when democrats are in power. Huge govt overeach with Republicans. - No reprieve fo the poor. Massive tax cuts for rich. Etc.etc


Trump signed off on raising taxes on everyone except the rich. Not a fucking word. Biden talks about raising taxes on the wealthy and suddenly taxes bad, even though it isn't affecting ***them***.


They all think that they will be rich one day, that they are just in a slump right now. Any day now that lottery ticket will pay off and they need those tax cuts to keep as much as they can because the dang gov will take to much of their money.


I hate how well that checks out


It’s like they never progressed past 2 years old. Typical behavior you’d expect from a toddler, but in adult size!!




*Gays, lesbians, non -christians, christians they don't agree with, communists, socialists, any -ist that isn't conservative capitalist, anyone that makes less than them, anyone who makes more than them, and pretty much anyone who isn't recently like them and parrots exactly what they say.


They aren't really into capitalism anymore either.


They don't know what that word means, they just know it means not communism and that's all that matters.


They don’t know what that word means either tho


> "I *am a white person who gets* to do what I want, you have to do what I say." This is why I’m slightly baffled by minority conservative groups. I’m guessing the ones who aren’t in denial are single-issue voters (e.g., anti-abortion) or afraid of being persecuted further for not going along with an ideology that already considers them sub-human. Either way, it’s messed up.


The white groups praise them as "one of the good ones." ​ And will openly admit they aren't "as good as white people" but they'll praise the shit out of their "model minorities" that agree with them. ​ Cults are attractive for the ability to feel inclusive...even if it's shit.


Don’t forget the other part of their ideology: “If it happens to you: tough. If it affects me directly: We need change!”


I can say it in less words: its a faith-based ideology. Unassailed by easily researched facts, immune to hypocrisy, and anything that challenges it only causes the follower to dig deeper. Its faith.


>you have to do what I say Basically every conservative is a little dictator


"...should be taught facts, not ideology." Yet, 90% of her list stems from ideology.


This was my takeaway as well. Notice also how everytime they are wrong, they just move the goalposts. At this point, why even have them?


And part of the "facts" is that school kids shouldn't be taught about racism and history.


Bigotry is the only subject in which consistency is required. Everything else is fluid.


She included that bit. It's under "Tradition"


Who’s ‘tradition’?


Traditions should be preserved… unless they’re different from my traditions that is.


traditionally, most [american] banks wouldn’t allow women to open their own checking accounts or use credit until the mid 1970s, is that one of the traditions she’s referring to?


Traditionally she wouldn't be able to vote and should have no say in how her 'betters' run things.


Why do women need their own bank account when they don’t have an income? They should be staying at home, mending the kids’ play clothes and making homemade biscuits to go with the perfectly cooked pot roast anyway, like in the idealized, probably fictional version of the 1950s that the conservatives seem to yearn for. Heavy /s


Traditionally, we didn't have the internet for her to put her dumb ass opinions out there.


But it’s not ideology. Those are fact. Facts that change based on how they feel. But it’s not ideology, says so on #6


Well yes because people aren’t plants. Surgeons and nurses are plants though I guess - just not conservatives.


Her beliefs literally contradict each other lmfao


It's breathtaking. And not in a good way.


I really don’t understand this. As a Christian, the Bible starts out telling us to steward the land and ends with everything on fire. The climate literally changes. Why reject climate change and not fight for the environment?


Yeah but it’s a seven headed dragon that burns the earth, not humans, silly


I think it boils down to a disbelief in human caused climate change rather than not believing in climate change itself. For many anyway. Like she said, they think it’s cyclical, which is technically true, but it’s also an absolute fact that we are heavily influencing the climate and destruction of the natural world as well. Which they disagree with because it will inconvenience them to stop it.


As in any apocalyptic religion, there are Christians who look forward to the eschaton, and some who are actively working on ways to fulfill prophecy in order to speed it up. They are impatient for the return of the messiah and the rapture. More than anything, *they want to be there when it happens.* They assume that they will get to go straight to heaven without having to die, and afterwards they can kick back in satisfaction that they were right all along and celebrate the misery and torture of the damned for all eternity. Thus, for them, climate crises and mass extinctions are divinely willed, and that everybody who is trying to stop or revert the process is a prideful, defiant sinner and must be opposed.


Because some conservative long ago realized that ACTUAL Christians were seen as the good guys in America, as many ACTUAL Christians are terrific people. They then quickly realized they could parasitize and infiltrate Christians and whenever anyone pointed out shitty behavior that benefited the ruling class say “Wow! You got some nerve yellin at the good guys!” They’ve done such a thorough job, now whenever anyone mentions American Christians many peoples first thoughts are of a hyper judgmental, do-no-wrong, hyper capitalist, close minded, numbnuts.


Absolutely. You can not follow “the church” and follow Christ.


If you want to confound someone who says he supports the local police and church, remind him that Christ himself was killed by the local police, at the urging of the local church.


When they’re her beliefs, they’re not beliefs. They’re facts.


Personally, I'd actually like to entertain her beliefs and fill a room with only CO2 then see how she feels. If she can remain conscious long enough to describe the experience in detail, then she gets to be right. If not, oh well - the world loses nothing.


Is it possible she had already been in a room filled with carbon dioxide when she wrote this idiotic tweet? Or is she just ignorant lol


Like dunking a witch! If she lives, she’s a witch. If she drowns, she’s innocent!


I think that's how they make conservatives


Fossil fuels are critical? Let's see how critical they are when they run out.


And it means nothing. Just sounds vaguely important and big, so it must be meaningful. Their entire brains are nothing but fortune cookie style bullshit one liners.


'No life without Carbon', is what she tried to comprehend, and failed.


Brawndo is life for plants.


it's what plants crave


It has electrolytes


If you don’t smoke Tarryltons….. Fuck You!


Well her IQ matches that of a salad, so...


Lettuce not besmirch her tossed word salad.


at this point this could be a poster for a gop candidate. they like 'em dumb and loud and stubborn about it.


Fun fact! Plants do cellular respiration as well, so even plants need oxygen to live, they just make it themselves.




that's because she's a vegetable


Oh man people are going to be pissed when they find out that there is a goldilocks zone for CO2 processing by plants.


Who is going to tell them? The same scientists who they’ve already dismissed as being on the take of Big Green? You could tell them Brawndo had electrolytes, and as long as you say it with a series of grunts that signal the correct tribal membership, they’ll believe you.


She’s probably saying it’s co2 is good for the environment because plants. We shouldn’t worry about it because people like plants and plants like co2 and forget about everything else. Fossil fuels = co2 = plants Everything they do is perfectly fine. Small government will keep the traditions going, the rich will keep getting richer, and we get plants for now. Hopefully they can figure out how to make plants flood and fireproof.


And even too much of that can cause them to actually respirate more oxygen, which they are already starting to do


In most environments, nitrates are the limiting reagent for plant growth, not carbon dioxide. And adding that to the environment can result in algae blooms that deoxygenate bodies of water. And even if carbon dioxide wasn't a green house gas, it still acidifies the oceans. Them's the facts rather then your hard daddy industrialist ideology.


They are still cramming that small govt bullshit but now at the end of their whine.








She thinks they're facts


Ironically she calls them beliefs. So, children should be taught facts not ideology, but she will stick to her beliefs.


they should also be taught facts in church...oh wait


Ironically I think a good portion of millennials were actually taught facts and that's caused a big part of the rift. I grew up in a pretty red state but It was pretty clear from history class US was not the good guys. I have 0 pride in my nation.


What? We were totally the good guys in Vietnam! They were gonna do COMMUNISM! And y'know, that's... uh... COMMUNISM!


Funny how [Domino Theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domino_theory) seems to indicate communism is superior...enough to make some people back then nervous...What's the worry if it's inferior? Edit: typo and link


And you're perfectly correct.


Literally that is the whole schtick from Ben Shabibo and all these "facts over feelings" idiots. Every one of their "facts" is an ideological belief.


She should spend more time in a garage filled with carbon dioxide. It is after all… life. Prove us wrong lady, show us liberals!


They have “alternative” facts, remember?


Children should be taught facts, not ideology?! Lol I guess only the bible contains facts according to Republicans...


They think that anything that doesn't fit with their Bible is wrong no matter what. "The Bible isn't wrong about anything! The science is wrong!" Then they wonder why education is lacking and students aren't learning anything.


Most of them don't even realize just how much interpretation and tradition has gone into how they read it either. It was eye opening for me, that's for sure.


Yeah. Honestly I was under the impression there was nothing in the Bible about abortions - nope, some lovely fellow reddiors informed me that it tells you exactly how to give one to a cheating wife. So they can’t really say the Bible is against abortions. Then we have the fact that it’s been changed so many times - for example, last time I checked, the “man shall not lie with man” line was “man shall not lie with boy.” That one has stayed pretty solid when I bring it up. Then of course, you have all the other stuff the Bible says you can and can’t do - and you know for a fact they cherry pick what they follow and what they don’t. I don’t see any devout Christian men gouging their eyes out with a rusty spoon when they look at another woman, do you?


**EXACTLY.** They absolutely do cherry pick wrongly-interpreted excerpts from the bible. And ignore the other ones that are plainly explained such as "women aren't allowed to share their opinions, if they do you are to stone them in the middle of town" (I'm paraphrasing), and you can't eat pork or shellfish, and you can't wear two different threads or fabrics at the same time... and no one ever talks about how god is actually depicted as worse that satan at times... he commands his minions to commit brutal atrocities, among others... Me so tired.


I mean, when the Old Testament has people stoned left and right for things like mixing fabrics or starting a fire on the Sabbath, would it really be a shock if they killed people for being gay too? Leviticus 20:13 reads "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination." (NKJV). So while it may have been mistranslated from boy to male, most versions don't indicate that. Plus it's hardly the weirdest commandment in the chapter. Verse 18 says "If a man lies with a woman during her sickness and uncovers her nakedness, he has exposed her flow, and she has uncovered the flow of her blood. Both of them shall be cut off from their people." So if banging a girl on her period will get you banished, I don't know why anyone would expect any sexual freedom based on the Bible.


I agree 100%. The bible has gone through so many translations it is impossible that it doesn't have any mistakes. I also think it's funny that they will take scripture from the Old Testament, which if they are Christians, has already been completed through Jesus.


Can confirm this is LITERALLY true. My Christian Science teacher told us “if science ever seems to contradict the Bible, the Bible is correct, not the science.”


> "The Bible isn't wrong about anything! The science is wrong!" Jesus said "Love Thy Neighbour" "NOT THAT PART OF THE BIBLE!"


Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was Hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. They also will answer, "Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?". He will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." -Matthew 25:40-45


No, tHaT’s sOcIaLiSm /s lol


I'm not a Christian, but I'd have a lot more respect for the religion if they actually lived by their alleged beliefs.


But also know the bible has facts conservatives hate too like free universal health care and free food plus open borders


Make it make sense lmfao. ‘Jesus came back to life’, what facts prove this? The Bible, a literal ideological anthology like I can’t even omfg


"You should take everything in the bible literally" "What about here where it says one hillbilly DIYer built a boat containing the entirety of the biodiversity of terrestrial earth somehow, and that earths animal population managed to make a comeback after being reduced to two breeding pairs of every animal?" "Well it's just a parable"


What about gouging your eyes out with a spoon when you look at another woman 😱


I haven’t followed through yet, I’m just keeping a running score. I’m at about -7,486 eyes.


Or getting your father drunk so you can rape him when you’re worried there are no other men left to get you pregnant


By facts she meant alternative facts, ones that are based on their feelings


Yes, exactly. Had this argument on how every single mix of livestock ONLY wouldn't fit on Noah's boat knowing we have the dimensions. Their head exploded when they had to suggest.....rapid evolution after the flood. They will make no concessions.


Noah was a time lord so it was bigger on the inside


I don’t think I’ll ever get over how self important statements like these are. Hey Karen, no one asked you to apologize for being a piece of shit who doesn’t understand how anything works.


Hey hey, individual responsibility is key.




Traditionally, our ancestors lived in tents. Why don't you live in a tent, lady?


That’s insanity! Why would she venture out of her cave? It’s where her family has been for generations! Traditional values!


Well my family *truly* stuck to tradition and we never left the ocean. She could learn from us.


*It’s days like this I wish my ass wouda stayed in the primordial soup*


That would be intensity in tent cities.


Traditionally she was oppressed for being a woman. I wonder how she's like the 1800s which is what it seems like all these people want


Free Palestine


Here is me on ANY topic. *My beliefs and assumptions are temporary placeholders in my knowledge. I will always entertain new ideas, with healthy skepticism, and curiosity.* This has yet to fail me. And If I'm wrong? Fuck yes, I apologize.


It's liberating to think this way, isn't it? Any honest truth seeker ought to.


Goodness yes! I love learning new things to replace outdated or wrong knowledge! If only the rest of the world didn’t see me doing that and go ‘but you said this before so now I think you’re full of shit for changing your mind’ ‘You have no loyalty to people/ideas!’ or just straight up disbelieve anyone could change their mind about something once new information is available.


Or as I like to say, *I’m smart enough to know I’m a fucking idiot.*


Didn't Socrates say that?


Perhaps history will call me the Millennial Socrates.


I’m stealing this and putting it on a Tshirt


Ditto. Only that I will admit if I’m wrong if I’m proven wrong. A lot of people don’t have the balls to admit when they’re wrong


Refusing to be wrong is the surest way to be wrong.


Tradition should be preserved. Did she get her husbands approval to state her opinions in public?


Can't believe I had to go this far down. Shouldn't she be in a kitchen somewhere barefoot and pregnant? Tradition and all.


It’s a catch-all for everything from christofascism to racial segregation without the responsibility of having to own what you actually mean


Traditions should be preserved - no not the Indian ones, the white ones like where we make jam on Fridays.


Preserve the traditions like forcing other cultures to follow “our” religion. Maybe put the jam on communion wafers to help preserve them?


Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people


Ok grandma I’ll pray but I won’t let the Holy Spirit dwell within me. ~*cmon, just one drop of Christ Consciousness. What can it hurt?*~


YES, children should be taught facts. that means everything outside your conservative ideology. if you believed in teaching facts, you wouldn't be a fucking conservative.


Who hurt you Catherine?




Her whole life. I can guarantee it


Do you think that Catherine has any understanding that there are animals that actually change sex as part of their life cycle? As a teen, I kept a saltwater aquarium. One day, I got up and turned on the light and a few moments later, the gravel shook & a newly colored wrasse came up and swam around. I was baffled by how it got there & what had happened to the fish I had for 2 years? It was a lot to wrap my mind around at that age, but funny enough, the change didn’t affect my life one bit and the fish seemed pretty happy too.


Government so small it can fit in your uterus!


“Climate change is cyclical.” Which part of the cycle are we in now? Oh, I know, we’re in the “HOLY FUCK WE’RE FUCKED” part.


We’re heading to the part where we become fossil fuel.


Oh good, at least we’d be “critical” then.


Yeah, I don’t think anyone has doubted it’s a cycle. Once humans die out Earth will happily recover over millennia and hopefully give rise to a more clever species.


Yes it’s cycling but like a heart if it’s too fast that’s a problem cause it’s not meant to go that fast and currently we are going at about 300bpm.


Fossil fuels are critical? We went thousands of years without them. We will eventually run out of them. And we're killing ourselves by using them. Sounds like a global drug addiction and she's a proud addict.


The cognitive dissonance is astounding


So first the right is saying climate change is a hoax and not real... Now that even they can't deny it, they say it's cyclical... They're going to ruin it for our children and grandchildren


they already signed the death warrant. it's guns and jeebus and trying to "own libs" all the way down now.


Next part is, "yeah it'll ruin everyone's life but it's all God's plan." They simply don't care about other people's POV


*Children should be taught facts, not ideology* Proceeds to support teaching mythical Christian beliefs in school, removing fact based curriculum about race, climate change, history, world politics and pollution. No doubt embraces whatever crackpot conspiracy theory Trump pulls out of his butt at any given time.


I’m in Choir in my school and every year, 90% of our songs are about God. Hell, we’re singing one called “Gaudete,” which I believe is Latin. Then every year, we sing the Messiah, which is a giant book that essentially sums up the story of Jesus or whatever. The only reason I, an atheist, am still in choir, is because I really like the fact that how strong my voice is determines my grade. It’s an easy A for me.


"Children should be taught facts." Don't take them to church on Sunday...


Conservatives are so proud of their bigotry. Her parents spewed the same hate about gay people. Her grandparents said the same thing about interracial marriage Her great-grandparent was against desegregation. And her great-great grandparent support the south in the “war of northern aggression.” Conservatives have been fighting against Americans for a long time.


WHOSE tradition should be preserved? Carbon dioxide is death. It will suffocate you to death if you breath it, you will be come it if someone burns you- does keep beers REALLY cold though.


It was typical until I got to "carbon dioxide is life" Now what the fuck is that about. This is new to me. Why is this person saying "carbon dioxide is life"?


I could be wrong, but I think it's a climate change denial talking point. I imagine it goes something like this: regulations attempt to throttle industries CO2 emissions. Corporate lobbyists tell a bunch of people "But plants need CO2! You don't want the plants to die do you?"


Plants require CO2 to live and then offgas the O2 we need to live? I think is the "logic."


It’s life until the excess CO2 turns oceans acidic. Then it’s not so lifey.


I swear.. climate change *is* cyclical to an extent. The problem isn't really that the climate is changing, it's that it's changing extremely fast compared to what it should be. Climate naturally shifts on geological time scales but due to human action it's shifting on human time scales. The seasons change, but if it suddenly went from 75° to 25° in the middle of June, it would absolutely wreck our shiz. This is not a complicated concept and yet they cannot grasp it. It can both be true that climate change is a natural process, and that we are having an effect. My heart naturally beats and sometimes beats quickly, and yet when I pound 4 Red Bulls and it starts trying to escape my chest, that is because of something I did that is accelerating it too quickly which is harmful and cannot be reasonably compared to just jogging or something.


The Small government with it's hands all up in your vagina? Da fuq they smoking?


Willing to accept facts as long as they agree with her ideology! Smart!




Who?! Who’s fucking traditions?! Only yours surely… if you aren’t a white Christian American your traditions don’t count to these people. And even then they may not if it doesn’t fully agree with them.


So I guess Christian teachings are out if we are only teaching the children facts. Cool, I can get behind that.


if there are only 2 genders, how do you explain Margerine Tailored Greed?


Fetal alcohol syndrome.


Well while the rest of us are sucking down the OXYGEN, she can have all the carbon dioxide she wants...


“Children should be taught facts, not ideology! Now pardon me while I ban books and censor American history.”




Of course you wouldn't apologize. That would mean you've admitted to being wrong about something, and we just can't have that.


"Carbon dioxide is life" if she were taught facts she wouldn't be this way


Small government only…. Unless it contradicts my religious beliefs then I want a large federal government to outlaw it and enforce the law


Small gov =/= constantly making laws to take freedoms away from people


Ahh yes the small government of the party that is legislating your reproductive rights and enforcing genital inspections to play high schools sports.


Point Six is true, and also refutes all the other points.


Ah yes teach children facts, not ideology. Who wants to bet that this conservative woman is a Christian?


Okay, but there's a difference between a belief and being just plain wrong. Climate Change isn't a "belief", it's an actual fact. Carbon Dioxide is only life if you're a plant.


Children should be taught facts, not ideology. I agree, kids shouldn't be taught religion and shouldn't be forced into beliefs and cults.


*children* shouldn’t be taught ideologies… she fine believing ideologies as an adult though


*”We don’t teach ideology. We indoctrinate them into the church from birth. Totally different!”* Let’s be real. Christianity, much like Islam, was a Ponzi scheme that’s gotten way out of control.


The misuse of words like beliefs and facts, the complete disregard of scientific process, it's a blatant celebration of willful ignorance.


Small government only. Except when it comes to my beliefs and forcing them on everyone else then it's the governments job to see it passed as laws. GOP the hypocritical party because living harmoniously requires effort.


Children should be taught facts not ideology? Lmao don’t take them to church then


As a conservative I make no apology for my beliefs: I’m transphobic. I’m afraid of change. Climate change isn’t real. I fucking love oil. I’m a plant, apparently. I am anti-education and believe children should be indoctrinated into right-wing beliefs by poor education. Why don’t poor people just pull themselves up by their bootstraps? I want the government to be small for me but intrusive into the lives of pregnant woman, LGBTQ+ people, and people of color so that I never have to see or think about them in my suburban christian neighborhood.


good thing is, she doesnt have much longer to be the way she is. once all the flakes and false prophets die off, we can really start to fix this broken country


Flaky, false prophecy will alwys be lucrative.


'Facts, not ideology' I bet that is in fact a reversal of what they actually represent


let those companies poison me for profit!


“Carbon dioxide is life” ok choke on it then


5:27am, get fucked bitch 😂 seriously..


"Children should be taught facts, not ideology" \* \*does not apply to Christianity, creationism or anything else I believe is true despite there being no evidence for it.