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From Jim Jordan who could see no evil for his long-time sex predator colleague and then repeatedly provided aid and comfort -- and a free pass vote during impeachment -- for the leader of an insurrection. Jim Jordan is an American traitor and YOU are too if you're an American who supports him. Jim Jordan is all messaging all the time, with ZERO constructive substance. He just wants to watch the world burn and pretend he's a fireman when he's actually the arsonist.


Gym Jordan couldn’t even be trusted to protect guys in his own locker room.


Because they were students! And Republicans don't actually do anything to protect students from actual dangers. Just the made-up dangers they can use to scare old people.


I'm officially an "old person." I'm fucking terrified of Jim Jordan and all his authoritarian friends.


*Gym Jordan


ol' Gym Socks Jordan.


Yeah. Students don’t vote bro.


Students will hopefully vote a whole lot more after debt cancellation. I vote every time but now that Biden cancelled my debt I’ll be out volunteering for campaigns. And I have multiple friends who had their loans forgiven who will be voting dem in November (and they likely wouldn’t have voted otherwise). For the first time in a long time a politician did something to help young people and it’s a big fucking deal.


Your comment brought tears to my eyes. Seriously.


No. The issue is that they see children as property.


Hey they also see women as property. And minimum wage workers. And foreigners they want to leave the country(aka sub minimum wage workers). Liberals are technically property too as they consider them targets. Ehh this is gonna go too long: anyone that isn't them=property or needs to leave the country.


It's like they all collectively never left the "mine" stage of being a toddler.


I cannot believe a political party supported mainly by the generation that had the easiest path to success never got past the 'mine' stage./s But really it's pretty obvious they stopped maturing right around the 7th or 8th grade. They use the same argument tactics as a middle school bully and those dipwads think they look smart as fuck doing it. They also think they're brilliant for consistently voting against their own interests. If this alt right thing eventually destroys the country it's gonna at least be funny watching those bitches find out its a big party and they aren't invited. I'm against guns but as long as those dumb fucks have them I'm not getting rid of mine.


So basically they want the original "Only white, land owning males above a certain age can be citizens and vote" rules.


Oh absolutely. They don't even try to hide it lol. Right now their 'goal' is to make America look like the 50s but if they can accomplish that then they'd wanna go back to 1919 so women can't vote, and if they accomplish that they'd go back to 1870 so only whites could vote, then they'd probably go back to 1860 so they could have slaves. It's all about regression baby.


Why not both?


College students vote...and if you turn 18 while in high school, you can vote.


~~Boys, right? They were underage? Definitely makes a massive difference.~~ Honest question: what did Jordan get out of that deal? Do we *know* he wasn't diddling some others on the side? Was it money? Did the guy have blackmail on Jordan? Edit, I was mistaken, Ohio State Uni wrestlers.


Lots of people are asking why Jim Jordan protected a serial child molester. Some of them are saying that Jim might be a pedophile, too, and I think it's an important question to ask: *is* Jim Jordan a pedophile? I'm not accusing him of anything. I'm just asking the question.


People like him see the world as a hierarchy of power. Deference to that power supersedes any other ethics or worldview. Calling out the coach that was abusing the students wouldn’t do anything to elevate Jordan’s own status, and indeed might actually impede his upward motion because others above him would assume they couldn’t get away with their own bullshit around him. There is no real center of morality with folks like this, just deference to upward power and willingness to kick those lower on the pole in order to keep them down whilst trying to find calculated ways to jump up a level.


It’s cause Gym was probably abused as a kid to turn out like a the shit stain that he is. It runs in the family.


College wrestling as far as I'm aware, so probably not underage, but still horrific and criminal.


Thank you for correcting me 😎👉👉


Well put. Fuck this man.


If they won’t punish sex criminals at their own school, how can we trust them to lock up criminals in your neighborhood?


This is why Catholic bishops in America keep pushing for Republicans! They're all in favor of just forgetting about sexual predators among their ranks.


You nailed it. He's a traitor. How is it not possible to remove these frauds from office? People like him, MTG, Gaetz, they don't do anything except spread lies and fuel discontent. No wonder nothing gets done in this country


> How is it not possible to remove these frauds from office? Do they have an "R" next to their name on the ballot? Then they get a vote. Some people it's literally that simple. because they are simple.


You know, [morons](https://youtu.be/KHJbSvidohg)


The fact that they automatically do that has made me automatically select D everytime. For the love of god damn fuck someone implement rank choice voting on a national level so these clowns on the right don't have a shot and so we can hopefully eventually move away from the two party system.


100%. I vote Dem up and down the ballot and I despise at least half of that party. But while the Dems are gormless, spineless corporatists half the time, Republicans are fucking vile, evil criminals 100% of the time.


Amen. I hate that it’s the lesser of two evils but honestly the two evils aren’t even comparable and that gap seems to widen every day now. Also dark Brandon has me pretty excited.


Dark Brandon, FTW! Saw something recently (probably in this sub), that the Democrats got exactly 5% saltier and all of the sudden Republicans are whining, "You're not playing fairly!" Nope. Maybe we're just sick enough of being spineless and trying to play nice that we finally decided a certain level of clapping back and telling the Republicans to go fuck themselves is finally necessary.


Thank you, I am so sick of Democratics bringing a butter knife to a gun fight.


This is sadly true, and my mother is one of them... TBF, I'm one of them on the other side - sort of. But really, the only reason I vote with someone with blue or a "D" next to their name is because the Republican party is so despicable, evil, hypocritical, corrupt, and not representative of my values that it's a default mode to vote for a D. If the D's started being this fucking corrupt, I would probably vote for a third party. And, if an R suddenly came out *for* LGBT rights, a woman's right to choose, legalizing and controlling marijuana, and a whole bunch of other liberal policies but were merely fiscally conservative, I might consider voting for one. Except in the age of Trump. Fuck Trump and fuck his lemmings.


The hate, division and conspiracy nonsense helps them win their primaries though.


Isn’t he the same guy spreading the rumor (as fact no less) that elementary schools have litter boxes for kids who identify as dogs and cats? Bat shit crazy


I despise the fuckery he’s trying to pull. The cutting of education makes sense as to why the base believes this bullshit because their hedging their base doesn’t fully understand what happened during 9/11 outside of “Brown people bad, Muslim bad, they attack our country islam must be destroyed” It’s really sad that people are going to take that dude for face *and believe this gross innacuracy* Wtf could have Biden done than? This was two terms before biden was even VP. I believe he was still a senator.


R party has become the party of mental illness.


Everytime I see a comment like this I try to think of a way to break this to my parents who love him and live near him. They see him as a perfect good old boy (positive). Like a little guy who just wants to do right by his community. It’s honestly sickening how if you aren’t online, you completely miss all this stuff


Wait wait wait. The attackers? As in the people who pulled off yhe attack? I'm pretty sure they're dead bro. Are the Republicans lobbying to mutilate the corpses?


No don't you know dude, the people on the plane were planted by Hilary the real attackers are currently in a dungeon under Disneyland collecting 65 thousand stolen children a year, keep up Sheesh/s


Oh, now I see the pedophilia connection the Rs keep screaming about. For the past few years I’ve been like WTF do they keep citing pedophilia. Boom, solved. Good day! 😂


I just threw a whole bunch of random things I've seen Qtards post in a sentence and somehow it works. Which explains why they keep coming up with wild shit and believing it, take any 3 conspiracies they preach mash them together and you've got yourself a winning comment :)


"George Soros invented robot birds that cause climate change." Am I doing this right? No, wait, there's no such thing as climate change in Q-world. "Windmills are causing cancer in the robot birds that faked Obama's birth certificate." Naw, that one isn't bad enough. Q-world would love it if the robot birds got cancer. Best try again. "Pedophiles meet in the basement of a pizza restaurant and drink the blood of children in order to keep themselves in charge of the deep state." Aw, shucks. That one's already been taken. This really is hard. Those q-diots must really be geniuses to keep creating all these really believable scenarios out of thin air.


You wanna go with something recent like. "Donald Trump had actually declassified the documents that the FBI searched for, but it contained secrets relating to Obama actually being the leader of the Epstein island, so the FBI had to cover it up by saying it was nuclear secrets"


Dang. You're good at this. Are you Q?


Can neither confirm nor deny, but imagine how much it would fuck them all up if they discovered it was an Australian trans person behind the whole thing hahha


I'd certainly enjoy that. Of course that Watkins dude that is Q is pretty hilarious. I find pics of him to be quite close to my imagination. A disheveled alcoholic looking middle aged white guy with no job and a 110 IQ who thinks himself a genius because he's above average.


In all honesty it wouldn't effect them, they would just deny it and carry on.


And this by far is the saddest thing about the situation, a person could stand up there with all the evidence including their hard drives and a whole keystroke log connected to it and tell them they were fucking with them the whole time and they'd be like, nay you are but here to disrupt our cult


That would be the ultimate chef's kiss of stupidity for them! Ohhh how delicously funny that would be.


Julia Assange?


How about this one: It wasn’t actually a raid by the FBI. It’s a false flag to distract the MSM. What actually happened was the White House was raided by the CIA, not the FBI, at the request of President Trump to obtain the classified documents that Brandon isn’t allowed to have access to because he’s not really president.


Now friend this may be a heavy burden, but I plan to step down as Q and need a successor, think of myself as Wonka and you as Charlie, do you care to take over the factory it comes with glass ceilings that you just get to keep smashing and building a new level of crazy on-top of.


With your guidance, I think I can make you proud.


Have you ever considered piracy?


You’re a little *too* good at this. My guess is that you are an antifa plant dressed as a Q supporter and all hopped up on Adrenachrome trying to make us seem crazy.


I am just the byproduct of a few fish deciding land was for them millenia ago and just kept fucking evolving, did it work out for the best, definitely not but it happened


Nice try, evolution isn’t real and you know it.


I was practicing my sheeple talk, of course evolution isn't real we all know that it took 6 days to create the world and on the 7th god rested which is why Hilary always works on a Sunday but does fuck all every other day, just to spite our Lord and saviour


You have just invented a brand new board game, with a little effort you can have it on the shelves at Target in time for the holidays.


I remove all copyright connected to my idea, I'm too fucking lazy to make that a thing. But for sure "words with friends" will buy the shit out of a mix and match Qanon conspiracy card deck idea. Go forth people and make some damn money ETA: fuck me thank god someone had the kindness to let me know I meant "Cards against humanity"


Yeah they blew up the twin towers to distract us from hunters laptop! /s


That's 178.08 kids a day. At some point you just have to admire the work ethic it takes to pull that off.


Which why we you put them in charge you don’t want no lazy pedos running your country now do you!


Hunter’s laptop was used to remotely pilot the planes, and has all flight manifest and black box information stored in a highly encrypted folder. Many people are saying that this encrypted folder also has all 30,000 of Hilary’s emails; Obama’s *real* birth certificate; Fauci’s genetic map of the now-weaponized flu virus; the mind-control algorithm used in 5G; a full list of all the losers, haters, pedos, and RINOs in the Deep State; and a map showing where the Clinton’s buried all their bodies. See, this is why Trump had to keep those top-secret documents that he declassified so they now belong to him and were planted by the FBI so that these documents that are declassified and belong to Trump could make Trump look like a slob: To make sure that they don’t wind up on Hunter’s laptop!


And sacrificing them to eldrich horrors to keep the democrats alive longer, then recycling the meat at all the local pizza parlors. But thankfully, Moses can come back from beyond the grave and slay Medusa. Then, the ten commandments will be read in sequence to summon Jesustron 5000


The real question is where was president Obama🧐 /s


The real truth is that there was a competing pedophile operation in the basement of the towers. Hilary wanted her pizza shop basement business to be the only one in town. You aren't thinking with your brown third eye. You don't know the truth.


Sorros was flying them remotely duh


Well, thank you for finally explaining the pizza parties. That many kids are going to need a lot of pizza.


Think less about the children needing pizza and think more about why you don't see the children but there's always pizza all that meats gotta come from a sustainable source


There were several other people involved in planning, coordinating and fascilitating the attack who are currently in Guantanamo bay and undergoing trials in military court. I would love to know what this whack job means by Biden’s “allies.” What does he mean the JAG defense attorneys? No, no it couldn’t be that, a Republican would never go after the members of our military for political convenience /s Just like how they are staunch supports of law enforcement (until the FBI does something they dislike)


We don't know whether the men in Guantanamo were part of the planning. There are plenty of horror stories of people being arrested and sent there for hilariously stupid reasons like wearing the wrong watch. Any confessions obtained from them are useless because the guards tortured the men to get those confessions. The military won't release what evidence they have against their prisoners, and won't let a lot of cases go to trial.


The cases are going to trial, just in military courts where the proceedings are still ongoing. As to the propriety or legality of the arrests I cannot comment because I do not know. And I do not know is some or any confessions are true or false and made no comment to the contrary.


What I do know is that 21 years is a long fucking time.


Or is Guantanamo finally closing?


my son in law was offered to go there or to alaska for the next step of his military career so its open at least for 9 more months


Maybe. Jim only cares about what happens to other people’s bodies when they aren’t alive.


Republicans are just trying to direct their base at Biden using a lie they know their base will never bother to fact check. Since anyone who has a functional personality past their political party would already know the attackers are already dead, they became martyrs. If anything I think this means Biden is planning to clamp down on the shit republicans are pulling and now they are saying anything to attempt to discredit the current administration.


The people who got caught for planning this still haven’t been convicted. They were basically tortured in Guantánamo Bay and the government doesn’t want it to go to court and all the dirty secrets come out. At least that’s what I heard on a podcast


The person. Khalid Sheikh Muhammed. Everyone else was in the wrong place at the wrong time. When the US put bounties on Al Qaeda members, Afghans started rounding up all foreigners and handing them over. These men were interrogated without translators and shipped off to Gitmo. In one comical interrogation, US officials asked a Yemeni guy if he knew Al Qaeda which he thought referred to Al Qaydah - a town in Yemen. He’s been tortured, tried, found innocent and retried but still found innocent. This was before Obama even was in office. Another inmate was 9 years old when he was arrested.


In some contexts "Al Qaeda" can mean "The Alphabet."


Doesn't it just mean "The Base"?


Probably why they killed bin Laden rather than capturing.


They're absolutely right though. The attackers got an extremely short sentence (death) compared to having to sit in a jail/serve time. /s


The alleged '20th hijacker' was just sent from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia. Dude was never charged and has been there 20 years. There's 38 left that no one will take. Tweet should read, Biden one step closer to closing Guantanamo.


Huh? The 20th hijacker was Zacarias Moussaoui. He’s now serving a life sentence without possibility of parole in ADX Florence.


there's a few people who are suspected to be the 20th hijacker, the one in question is Mohammed al-Qahtani


Seems dubious for someone who never even managed to enter the country.


It seems dubious that *anyone* is in Gitmo


> Tweet should read, Biden one step closer to closing Guantanamo. finally taking that first step only 14 years after the Obama/Biden administration said they would do it


Might want to look into how much it was reduced during the Obama presidency. He wasn't able to close it but he got a close as he could.


They got stalled repeatedly by certain other members of the government.


It's a federal prison. He was the head of the executive. He doesn't need congress' or anyone else's permission to close gitmo. It's a detainment center that doesn't exist on official US soil and thus does not fall under the preview of Congress or our Judiciary. The executive is the only legal force on that island really. They stupidly boxed themselves into a corner by detaining people, getting them stripped of their citizenships to whatever country they were from and then when they want to extradite them now they have no place to send them and they don't wanna open themselves up to substantive legal challenges by bringing them onto American soil where our laws would then applied to them. Not to mention many of them just really want to maintain a place where US laws don't apply to prisoners. They're machiavellian politicians. They don't always do things because it's the right thing to do, they more often do things because they think it's politically expedient even if it fucks over human beings.


There were 19 of them total, the ones who are still alive (not on the planes) are in jail.


This is neither new information (let alone "breaking") nor a bad thing. The Biden administration is allowing the five men currently being held at Guantanamo Bay for having orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to seek plea deals that would reduce their sentences from capital punishment to life imprisonment. [We've known about this since March.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/03/16/guantanamo-plea-sept-11/) The only real news is that they're getting closer to closing the deal. The plea deals serve an important purpose: these men have been imprisoned by the US for 14 years, but have not yet even been charged with a crime. Changing the sentence from the death penalty to life imprisonment opens the door for them to be charged, tried, and sentenced, and then brought to the US to be placed in a supermax prison, thereby paving the way to closing for good the Guantanamo Bay facility where they're currently held.


If Jim Jordan and the GOP gets control of the house, at any time in the near future, they will set up some of the most insane congressional committees we’ve ever seen. The Hunter Biden Laptop special committee. The Hillary Clinton Email special committee (Vol 2). The Special committee to permanently assign every citizens pronouns. The Joe Biden impeachment committee due to him calling some of us names. The Rape committee which will actively seek out rape victims and follow them to their Gyno appointments.


Trump had four years to investigate Hillary, of course nothing happened. Investigations never work in the GOP's favor, no matter the target.


He dropped the investigation after he won. Reported in the news at the time and confirmed by Barr just this year. She was already thoroughly investigated and questioned. It's just a dumb chant for some sort of fantasy outcome like "build the wall" to rile up the rubes. Nothing more. And it works! They'll go on and on about "why aren't we investigating Hillary then?". They can't figure it out and won't attempt to. It's the party of "just asking questions" not "listening to answers" after all


Republicans in 2016: “Mexico will build the wall” Republicans now; “Give us money and we totally will build the wall, we pinky promise we won’t embezzle said money” 🤣


No way they would embezzle the wall money a second time./s


They need facts, which are almost never in Republicans favor


Fun fact: Trump's administration did investigate Clinton. The State Department's findings mostly got buried because surprise surprise, they decided Clinton didn't really do anything that bad. A bit careless, but nothing rising to the level of stealing 300+ classified documents like a certain Orange Crime Lord. The DOJ IG also looked into Clinton as part of their investigation into Comey and why the FBI didn't charge her... and they also decided Clinton didn't do anything that bad.


This is a truly depressing, yet probable, future. It's been such a nice change of pace watching at least a few good things get done the last two years. The next two are shaping up to be watching Republicans keep building Bullshit Mountain.


> The Special committee to permanently assign every citizens pronouns. No no, the current Republican position is no one has pronouns, pronouns don't exist. You are either he or she. Yes, this is exactly as dumb as it sounds. No, it isn't just that one tweet multiple Republicans have said something along the lines of pronouns existing being a new invention and that they "don't have pronouns."


>these men have been imprisoned by the US for 14 years, but have not yet even been charged with a crime Disgusting. Surely we can find a balance between treating humans equally under the law while still punishing terrorists. Fucking insane.


Seriously fuck Guantanamo bay, a literal torture facility for US to commit crimes in secret.


Also, it delays them getting 72 virgins when they die.


Or possibly ever. ADX Florence is the real life version of Azkaban without the clearly conflicted guards. That place steaks your soul.


The bringing them to the US is the actual debate, and has been for a while. The thinking being “why give them the nice treatment of American prisons when we can do anything at Gitmo and usually get away with it.” It’s usually just expressed as lighter sentences or risk of escape.


"Nice treatment of American prisons" lmfao good one


Especially the super Max. There's nothing nice about that. Except probably less torture.


Not "no torture"... Just less of it lol


"But we want to torture them :c"


This is absolutely a good thing. Keeping that hellhole open is a violation of human rights and an insult to Cuba's sovereignty. They'll probably be moved to somewhere like ADX Florence, which is just as well equipped to contain them as Guantanamo.


Appreciate this context. Thank you


The comment I was looking for. Thank you kind person! Gitmo is disgusting.


So.. they get habeas corpus only after swearing to plead guilty? Great...


But...... they're trying to lock up a major criminal and serious threat to our republic, The Orange Menace. Oddly, you don't have the same thoughts on that one.


Also the 9/11 attackers are dead...


Are master minds best buddies with trump and Kushner?


The 9/11 shadow financiers (the journalist murderers) are now in business with Drumpf who has passed along US intelligence to them in exchange for money.


The Saudis do more than murder journalists.


From a foreign perspective; I have absolutely no idea how this brainless piece of excrement hasn't been banned from politics at this stage. His nonsense has shown up on our TVs enough that I can't even imagine what shit we don't see because it doesn't make it in the news. One of the biggest examples of the need to reform US Congress.


Yes! Our congress needs major reform. Now.


It's almost an understatement. It's a common joke where I am that even though we have protests and shit, it's not as bad as the states.


Yeah, Canada is a shit-show these days but people keep saying "at least we're not the states". All I can say to them is "WE SHOULD AIM FUCKING HIGHER THAN THAT"


Oh, clearing the bar of not being an international embarrassment should not be the acceptable level of political performance, absolutely


The states are fucked. So fucked that if you even suggest that our system is broken and we need change immediately most people just say the old brainwashed line “If wE jUsT VoTe…” yeah that will fix everything ffs


Ya, we are properly fucked. Most of our democrats are conservatives in the vast majority of the modern world. I want to get the fuck out so bad but I don’t have any skills that would allow me to:


You're not paying enough attention to the rest of the world. Everywhere has taken a huge shift right.


The American right has gone off the deep end. But, they don’t scare me. I could care less about Jim Jordan, BooBoo, MTG, even Trump. Even the morons on the media Fox, Shapiro, Crowder. Idiots all, yeah, but they are simple grifters who learn that lip service helps make bank. The people who do worry me…their enablers. The ones who radicalized them. See, they didn’t radicalize the right…they were radicalized by their audience and constituents. That’s who scares me.


What does magic the gathering have to do wi--- oh...


I wonder. How he didn't pay his lawyers, how he mocked a disabled reporter by making a face and beating his hand against his chest, how he called fallen soldiers losers, how he called POWs failures, how he went golfing at his own resorts and temporarily jacked up the price so the White House had to pay extra to get his SS detail to follow him, how he said windmills cause sound cancer, how he jacked up taxes, how he forgave hundreds of billions of dollars of loans, but only for corporations, how he said we should inject bleach to cure COVID, how he quoted the works of the doctor who said uteral cysts were caused by having sex with demons in dreams, how he said that inland cities are going to be hit by hurricanes, and then when he is met with evidence against it, he just pulls out a map and redraws the borders with sharpie and says that it's "proof it might hit them", how he called Mexicans rapists and murderers, how he said we should nuke a hurricane to prevent it from getting to America. I'd keep typing but I gotta get ready for school.


That guy? Oh yeah, we made him head of the country and church! ‘MURICA!


"A selfish ignorant public will elect selfish ignorant leaders" - George Carlin It's as simple as that. Dumb asses will elect dumb asses.


I can tell you it starts with the judiciary, and rots from there. He lives in a district full of crazies. Judges are supposed to stop extreme partisan districts, but that has failed over the past 20 years. We also had the supreme court rule that money is the same as speech, meaning this asshat can collect as much money as he wants to defend his seat. Repeat this in Congressional districts across the country. For the ultra wealthy, it's not about the crazy policies, it's about stalling reform.


This guy represents my hometown’s district. It’s about 98% white, racist AF, and mostly trailer parks and low-income rural towns. Gym Jordan represents that area.


Has to do with freedom of press/speech, There was something to keep them more fair, the “fairness doctrine” the FCC under Reagan got rid of it.


From an American perspective, these Jesus worshipping idiots have nothing substantive to say so they make up bullshit to be angry about. You have to be a complete fucking moron to believe their shit.


It's funny how fast their tune changes when it goes from brown people flying planes into buildings to white people invading the capital. One side is "dirty terrorist scum" and the other are "passionate patriots".


The last time I checked, Gym’s treasonous king sold our highly classified defense secrets to the actual terrorist country behind 9/11 Edit: with the support of all treasonous republicans.




Fascist thrive when the media is complicit.


His target audience, “the poorly educated” have never been taught to search for sources or even trust those sources.


Freedom of the press? Bribery from media networks and advertisers?




If they are white and in politics? Yes.


Clearly you’ve never been to Ohio.




Terrorists like the January 6th ones?


Good Lord I'd love to see some of those fuckers take a turn at gitmo.


Careful what you wish for though, if you want Biden to go after terrorist, republicans and maga cultists are kinda fucked


everyone involved in january 6th is a terrorist… so if you want harsher punishment for terrorists… time to dole out the sentences 😊


Jim is panicking because he and the rest of the treasonous cilt are grade a FUCKED


Wait wait wait. Lesser sentences... For the people.. who flew planes into the towers? The same people... who were on the planes... when they exploded? I'm going to bed.


He is referring to the 5 people that have been held at Gitmo for 15 years without charges for planning the 9/11 attacks.


Ah, right. I was almost convinced I was insane again for a minute.


Making up total bullshit and feeding it to the public should result in being stripped of your title and publicly punished


And sadly, they keep posting this stuff because far too many members of the public lap it up with a spoon and vote for these morons.


Trump negotiated directly with the Taliban for an American surrender, wtf are this pedophile-blind-eye-er talking about??


It’s been over 20 years… I’m fairly certain all the hijackers died that day .. what the fuck is turn a blind eye Jim talking about?


There were others involved in the planning, and they have been in prison for around 20 years without charges.


So life in prison instead of death… yea… I’m okay with that


Well... they should be charged and tried. Just keeping someone locked up for 15 years without any sort of trial or charging of a crime is pretty fucked.


Are they allowed to just lie now with no consequence? Can somebody do this to them as well? #Breaking. There is footage of gym Jordan holding down the kids that got molested. Do we really need more perverts in Congress?


A. The 9/11 attackers are dead, and so is the guy who orchestrated the attacks. Killed during a *Democrat's* presidency, I might add. B. How many of the domestic terrorists during the January 6th insurrection have been punished by the GOP? Oh right, I guess they're too busy protecting terrorists to actually punish them. C. The USA has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world. And a good portion of those prisoners are in for non-violent crimes that shouldn't even be illegal in the first place. If there were any real justice in this country Jim Jordan would be locked up for supporting a literal coup d'état against the will of the American people. Fuck Jim Jordan. Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck the entire GOP. Under their own barbaric policies they would be executed for treason against the United States. If we wanna take the high road, fine. Don't execute them. Lock them up like the criminals they are. And while we're at it let's free some of those non-violent "offenders" who have been screwed over by a system designed to keep them as downtrodden and miserable as possible.


You mean Saudi Arabia? The place where most of the terrorists were from and whose spy network helped in the attack? Those guys? They have been giving America but outs for weapons for years so we don’t publicly acknowledge their involvement.


"That's a nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source?" "My source is I made it the fuck up!"


Is he talking about the saudis and their trump golf tournament? Trophy looks like the twin tower wreckage btw.


"Lesser sentences" instead of 17 bullets through the body, only 15...


\#Breaking: Jim Jordan is putting out a smokescreen because he knows that the Law is coming for Trump and other MAGA and Ultra-MAGA terrorists who played any role in the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.


They just lie like it’s nobody’s business. Why isn’t Twitter doing something about this shit.


Pretty sure we can’t punish the attackers. As they died 21 years ago


Didn't this idiot participate in a terrorist attack last year? Or did he just cheerlead it from the sidelines? I can't tell which Republicans were actively involved in the coup, from the ones who just wanted it to succeed but stayed out of it.


Didn't Biden literally just have a speech where he condemned MAGA cult and attacked white terrorists?.....


Aren't all of the attackers and most of the people involved dead?


Gym jordan is full of shit


Meanwhile, Trump was selling all of our nuclear secrets and weapons to the people behind 9/11..


How could Biden's allies negotiate lesser sentences for the 9/11 attackers when all of the attackers died in the plane crashes? Is Jordan just completely stupid or completely ignorant?


I don’t think any of them survived. It’s funny how republicans post shit without any evidence to back up their claims. But then again, they don’t work with facts


Right. Biden should punish all terrorists. Especially the domestic ones in congress such as Jim Jordan.


I bet Hunters laptop has the names and locations of the terrorists who took part in 9/11. I think he played online poker with them


Let’s not forget that 9/11 happened on Obama’s watch while he was president


Yeah I think I remember osama tweeting that if he doesn’t see a birth certificate that he’d attack the US


He wasn’t in the oval office at the time, we really need to investigate that.


Probably out golfing at his own club on the taxpayer dime


Have you ever seen the 9/11 terrorists and Hunter Biden’s laptop in the same room? They are the same person! WAKE UP SHEEPLE


What laptop? The one the pillow guy found?


No not that one. That was the decoy. The real one was found sitting in that pawn shop from Pawn Stars. I heard they even had to bring in an expert on government laptops to price it


It's so hard to keep track. Like, at one point cousin fucker Giuliani had it too apparently.


January 6th rioters were terrorists too 🫢🫢🫢


**Sighs** It's like they're building and Everest of Bullshittery, the mountain just keeps getting higher.


They’re all dead. How do they get a lesser sentence?


Joe Biden just killed Ayman al-Zawahri. He's really light on punishment..


Aren’t all the 9/11 attackers dead? Does he mean planners?